
Permanent exhaustion

[Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 516
Forum Member
Hey guys,

Right, I'm a full-time TA and since New Year I've been covering 2 classrooms because my counterpart in the 2nd classroom has been off sick with pneumonia.

Basically, I've been running myself ragged for the past month. I have cerebral palsy and the extra workload really hasn't helped my muscles etc but all this has been discussed at work now and my workload is easing.

Wjhat's really concerning me atm is that I can fall asleep at the drop of a hat, I mean, literally. I get through my day, get home and I just don't want to move. I'm falling asleep without realising,l ie. can be watching TV and the next thing I know it's the next morning. In all honesty, this is the only way I know I'm actually sleeping, because I don't feel any better for it.... I just feel permanently knackered, thinking about when I can next get some sleep.

I've taken to drinking coffee (I detest coffee unless it contains syrups!) just so I can have a conversation with my OH when I get home. I have been so grouchy and I've lost all interest in sex (I love sex!)

We've gone from 3 or 4 times a week to once maybe at weekends and it makes me so sad, because my OH is suffering, thinking that I'm no longer attracted to him.... I've actually fallen asleep so many times while he's been trying to ahem, get my attention and it hurts me too because I do want sex, I just need to sleep!

I seem to be edgy about everything. I get anxious and suspicious and I just don't care about anything. I also feel incredibly unattractive right now too, which just sets the cycle off despite my OH's reassurances to the contrary.

So, please someone, tell me your remedies for making me feel human again because whilst I understand tiredness, this for me is a new extreme... I just want to be normal again!!


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    JJ75JJ75 Posts: 1,954
    Forum Member
    I would go to the doctors and see what they suggest. Maybe low iron levels? That can make you exhausted.

    I feel pretty much the same at the mo, shattered. Existing but not living.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 12,881
    Forum Member
    Agree that you should visit your GP. I take extra supplements like iron and Ginseng but I still get exhausted sometimes.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 893
    Forum Member
    What's your diet like?
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    WinterFireWinterFire Posts: 9,509
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    I presume that you've told your OH that you are still very much interested in him, just that you're too tired.
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    1fab1fab Posts: 20,064
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    It's not surprising that you're knackered, doing the work of 2 people (and in a job where it's tiring enough to do one person's share) and you also have cerebral palsy. No surprise that you are nodding off all the time. I can only see one solution — cut back on the work!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 145
    Forum Member
    Are you under a neurologist? May be worth having a chat with them (or asking for a referal), they may be able to suggest something that may help. A change in medication or similar may help.
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