
Cats Eating Habits

Shadow70Shadow70 Posts: 1,729
Forum Member
Just a random question about how your cats eat.

Every cat I have owned is a dainty little eater, who nibbles at their food and takes their time. Archie however eats like a dog (or how I imagine a dog would eat) he virtually inhales his food. It is gone in under a minute!

Do you have nibblers or scoffers. Is scoffing more common that I think.

And don't get me started on the need to remove food from the bowl, and place it on the floor, why!!!


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    elliecatelliecat Posts: 9,890
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    My cat will eat so quickly that at times we have had to physically stop her, she hardly takes a breath. You put some food down before you leave the house so she has something during the day and she's in there straight away wolfing it down. My parents have a cat that does exactly the same but he keeps going back to the bowls for more during the day, he also takes the food out of the bowl and licks water off his paws (he's a maine coone apparently they do that sort of thing).
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    MissjefMissjef Posts: 2,375
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    Shadow70 wrote: »
    Just a random question about how your cats eat.

    Every cat I have owned is a dainty little eater, who nibbles at their food and takes their time. Archie however eats like a dog (or how I imagine a dog would eat) he virtually inhales his food. It is gone in under a minute!

    Do you have nibblers or scoffers. Is scoffing more common that I think.

    And don't get me started on the need to remove food from the bowl, and place it on the floor, why!!!

    My mums cats do that!!
    They're scoffers - but i think thats more to do with the fact they think the dog will come & eat it if they don't inhale it asap!!
    My cats however are fussy little eaters & will nibble at wet food, so they mainly just eat dry stuff.
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    Forum Member
    With her dry food (which she has everyday) Amber is a nibbler. If we feed her wet food she gobbles it up like a maniac and often voms's - so we feed her a little bit at a time :o
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 529
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    One of my cats likes to drag her food out of the bowl, often while growling and looking at my other cat who couldn't care less about trying to steal her food!
    She also completely inhales biscuits, she bites maybe 1 out of 5 she eats, the rest she swallows whole!
    They're also really fussy, they'll wolf something down one day and ignore it and scream for something else if i try to give them it the next.

    Oh and one of my cats will only drink water directly from the tap, won't touch it in a bowl!
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    mimicolemimicole Posts: 51,080
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    Winnie used to nibble, leave her food and come back for more throughout the day. Bungle just scoffs the lot. If that cat could feed herself I dread to think how big she would be!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 12,190
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    I have 3 cats; whichever cat doesn't dive into its bowl as I put it down doesn't eat....
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    Shadow70Shadow70 Posts: 1,729
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    So there are lots of scoffers out there, I thought I had myself a strange cat, but it seems he is normal. And he is greedy too, like a lot of yours are.
    elliecat wrote: »
    You put some food down before you leave the house so she has something during the day and she's in there straight away wolfing it down.
    He does that too, so I had to get him a timed feeder, which he tries to open, but it has him foiled.

    And every visit to the kitchen must mean I am going to feed him, not to make a drink or cook my dinner, no the sole purpose of the kitchen is for Archie's meals. Bless him. I imagine this is what it is like to have a teenage boy!!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 12,190
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    Shadow70 wrote: »
    So there are lots of scoffers out there, I thought I had myself a strange cat, but it seems he is normal. And he is greedy too, like a lot of yours are.

    He does that too, so I had to get him a timed feeder, which he tries to open, but it has him foiled.

    And every visit to the kitchen must mean I am going to feed him, not to make a drink or cook my dinner, no the sole purpose of the kitchen is for Archie's meals. Bless him. I imagine this is what it is like to have a teenage boy!!
    I have no kids of my own but I know plenty of people who do and they get proper huffy when I compare the antics of my 3 cats to their kids :D mainly because they can't actually refute the evidence I present to the them :D
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    queenshaksqueenshaks Posts: 10,281
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    Considering Simba only has dry food, he just grazes. He eats more in the morning, you just hear mega crunching.

    You know when his bowl is empty, he sits by your leg and stares up with his big, cute eyes.
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    Dave1979Dave1979 Posts: 1,804
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    They get dry food at 6:45am, 4:30pm and 10pm - they wolf it!!!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 85
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    I have two ccats, one of the eats it quickly, and the other slowly.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,163
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    We leave dry cat food out for her 24/7 and water. We top it up when need be. She likes to nibble a little at a time. She rarely wolfs it all in one go.
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