
Coronation Street - Suspension of Reality (Part 5)



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    catsittercatsitter Posts: 4,286
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    Or Kevin and Sally? They're his old pals and they've got some money available for buying into businesses, haven't they?

    I'm just wondering about Karl's £30 tip that he was putting into Stella's purse - yes, okay, it was a big tip, but how much does he normally make in tips per day? Doesn't Stella realise he gets tips? And if so, doesn't she normally collect them in from him every day anyway? They do realise his tips are taxable, I hope?!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,747
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    No doubt as soon as the lap dancing storyline is finished, Nick will suddenly buy it and expand the bistro or it will never be mentioned again, like it never existed.
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    MartinRosenMartinRosen Posts: 33,063
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    Tiggi wrote: »
    No doubt as soon as the lap dancing storyline is finished, Nick will suddenly buy it and expand the bistro or it will never be mentioned again, like it never existed.

    Whatever happened to Fred Elliot's butcher's shop? I say whatever happened .... !! I did hear of a storyline some time ago that
    Julie and Brian were going to buy it to open up a health food shop.
    That doesn't seem to have materialised.
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    tuppencehapennytuppencehapenny Posts: 4,239
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    GOGO2 wrote: »
    Tommy - "Dad, you know when I told you he faked his own death, it didn't exactly go well, he died".

    Terry - "Well thats talking it a bit too far".

    :D Please tell me someone else appreaciated this as much as me!!

    Well, we laughed in our house!
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    tuppencehapennytuppencehapenny Posts: 4,239
    Forum Member
    I have to agree that the "T Trio" s/l has been poorly written. I can't believe Tommy got his inheritance so quickly in the first place.

    Are we supposed to believe that a 50 something year old man decides to open a lap dancing club in a tiny back street and in order to do this, he has to borrow money from dodgy loan companies? Surely setting up a business would cost way more then £20,000, so where did the other cash come from? He would have to purchase the premises outright so he would need a mortgage to do that, presuming he didn't have cash, or buy the leasehold, which more then likely, he would also need some sort of bank loan. If you are any kind of businessman you would borrow enough to cover your full costs of setting up, otherwise put the whole idea on hold till you had the full funds. But of course this being a soap, realism doesn't even get a look in!!:(

    But regarding the premises, whether Terry has purchased outright or has a leasehold, why not approach Nick to see if he was interested in buying it? The way property changes hands in soaps, he could have the cash the very next day!!:D:D

    It's a storyline that's full of contradictions and wild improbabilities. I can accept the soap conventions where they all seem to live, work and go out within a tiny area, and I don't think it should be exactly like real life. But when they get on to financial and business transactions, for some reason it really riles me when they get it so pointlessly wrong!
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    ThumbolinaThumbolina Posts: 3,982
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    Tiggi wrote: »
    No doubt as soon as the lap dancing storyline is finished, Nick will suddenly buy it and expand the bistro or it will never be mentioned again, like it never existed.

    Just before they found out that Terry was the new owner/renter/whatever of next door Nick mentioned that he would like to buy it to expand. Next episode there was Terry!
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    S-JoS-Jo Posts: 325
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    Sean's hideous bowtie at Maria's "party"-its a SOR to think we would find it remotely amusing.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,692
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    Total SOR that the care home woman actually apologized to Eileen and Paul for ruining their holiday, as if they were a couple and Lesley was just a relative or somebody, while all the time he was ripping into her about not taking proper care of "his wife". Unbelievable that all the neighbours are so accepting of their affair, but someone from the care home as well:confused:

    I dont watch a lot of Corrie anymore at my house because its got ridiculous but catch it at my mums who I look after (no I havnt stuck her in a home yet!) who loves it and thinks everyone is real! But I yelled at the TV when Paul had a go at the care home woman. Just because they couldn't go on holiday really and surely the care home woman is within her rights to demand poor Lesley is taken back to the home and out of the toxic menage a tois and those two other idiots living there. And didnt Paul try and stuff her in a taxi and practically yanked at her arm. Also, he mentioned paying for the home. How much is he paying? Can he afford it on his fireman's wages, he's not even an officer.
    Another one I've questioned is Tina quitting her job at the Rovers and the club is not actually opened yet. Surely you would do up the club first, keep your job so you do have some sort of income coming in for necessities, say like bills, food and rent and then quit.
    Also I see Sunita and Carl took their shoes and socks off - does this indicate they had sex on that very stained sofa again!
    Finally thank you for the hilarious posts hich have really made me chuckle after a rather horrible day. I'm glad I'm not the only one who finds Eileen and Paul's behaviour rather distasteful.
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    EspressoEspresso Posts: 18,047
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    Was there an explanation of how Terry Duckworth managed to become a licensee? I thought you couldn't have one if you had a criminal record. Was he going to open this lap dancing emporium and have to pay someone with a license to run it or was he going ot have a bar stocked with dandelion & burdock, Red Bull and Vimto?
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    HotgossipHotgossip Posts: 22,385
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    Well, we laughed in our house!

    I've just watched it 5 mins ago and I loved what Terry said.:D
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    MartinRosenMartinRosen Posts: 33,063
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    Espresso wrote: »
    Was there an explanation of how Terry Duckworth managed to become a licensee? I thought you couldn't have one if you had a criminal record. Was he going to open this lap dancing emporium and have to pay someone with a license to run it or was he going ot have a bar stocked with dandelion & burdock, Red Bull and Vimto?

    Maybe that was another reason for getting his son involved in the business.
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    GlomperGlomper Posts: 3,250
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    S-Jo wrote: »
    Sean's hideous bowtie at Maria's "party"-its a SOR to think we would find it remotely amusing.

    The man's a Clown.
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    LaineyTLaineyT Posts: 6,399
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    GOGO2 wrote: »
    Tommy - "Dad, you know when I told you he faked his own death, it didn't exactly go well, he died".

    Terry - "Well thats talking it a bit too far".

    :D Please tell me someone else appreaciated this as much as me!!

    I thought it was funny as well. I think Tommy and Terry are working really well together,
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    NormandyMaryNormandyMary Posts: 865
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    Knowing what that bloke forced Tina's dad into doing, you'd have thought that she would have called the police as demanding money with menaces is against the law.
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    ewoodieewoodie Posts: 27,146
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    cj1234 wrote: »
    I dont watch a lot of Corrie anymore at my house because its got ridiculous but catch it at my mums who I look after (no I havnt stuck her in a home yet!) who loves it and thinks everyone is real! But I yelled at the TV when Paul had a go at the care home woman. Just because they couldn't go on holiday really and surely the care home woman is within her rights to demand poor Lesley is taken back to the home and out of the toxic menage a tois and those two other idiots living there. And didnt Paul try and stuff her in a taxi and practically yanked at her arm. Also, he mentioned paying for the home. How much is he paying? Can he afford it on his fireman's wages, he's not even an officer.
    Another one I've questioned is Tina quitting her job at the Rovers and the club is not actually opened yet. Surely you would do up the club first, keep your job so you do have some sort of income coming in for necessities, say like bills, food and rent and then quit.
    Also I see Sunita and Carl took their shoes and socks off - does this indicate they had sex on that very stained sofa again!
    Finally thank you for the hilarious posts hich have really made me chuckle after a rather horrible day. I'm glad I'm not the only one who finds Eileen and Paul's behaviour rather distasteful.

    What about Kirsty? She is suspended from her job in the police force and she's about to start working at the factory. The woman has not had her hearing at work (Police Force) yet. Has she left? Why would she leave? She might not be sacked. Anyway, isn't she due for maternity leave soon. Ludicrous. :rolleyes:
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 149
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    Talking of Kirsty, a few weeks ago I noticed in one episode she was stood at the Rovers Bar eating peanuts!!

    I understood that is one of the forbidden foods when pregnant! It was for me on my 3 pregnancies. Did anyone else notice this?:confused:
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    MartinRosenMartinRosen Posts: 33,063
    Forum Member
    OT But was it my imagination that Fiz has lost weight ?
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    ewoodieewoodie Posts: 27,146
    Forum Member
    I have to agree that the "T Trio" s/l has been poorly written. I can't believe Tommy got his inheritance so quickly in the first place.

    Are we supposed to believe that a 50 something year old man decides to open a lap dancing club in a tiny back street and in order to do this, he has to borrow money from dodgy loan companies? Surely setting up a business would cost way more then £20,000, so where did the other cash come from? He would have to purchase the premises outright so he would need a mortgage to do that, presuming he didn't have cash, or buy the leasehold, which more then likely, he would also need some sort of bank loan. If you are any kind of businessman you would borrow enough to cover your full costs of setting up, otherwise put the whole idea on hold till you had the full funds. But of course this being a soap, realism doesn't even get a look in!!:(

    But regarding the premises, whether Terry has purchased outright or has a leasehold, why not approach Nick to see if he was interested in buying it? The way property changes hands in soaps, he could have the cash the very next day!!:D:D

    We are also meant to believe that the club sign was the first thing the builders did! As if. But then it gave the residents the chance to see what the premises were going to be used for.

    Good point about offering Nick the premises.
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    Jimmy ConnorsJimmy Connors Posts: 118,353
    Forum Member
    OT But was it my imagination that Fiz has lost weight ?

    You're not imagining Martin. Fiz has lost a lot of weight lately.
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    valtimmyvaltimmy Posts: 7,158
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    OT But was it my imagination that Fiz has lost weight ?

    Yes she has, I noticed it too.
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    Joy DeanJoy Dean Posts: 21,355
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    daisydee wrote: »
    For me, the biggest SOR is Tommy calling Terry 'dad' after knowing him for a few days and after having heard that Terry sold him as a baby + all the other revolting stories he's heard from the other street residents about Terry's double dealings. And he STILL pitches in most of his inheritance - in a club the locals don't want. :rolleyes:
    Ah, but remember Vera saying but he's still our son, Jack, after Terry had done something awful; so perhaps Tommy is thinking the same, he's still my dad.
    GOGO2 wrote: »
    Tommy - "Dad, you know when I told you he faked his own death, it didn't exactly go well, he died".

    Terry - "Well thats talking it a bit too far".

    :D Please tell me someone else appreaciated this as much as me!!

    Ab-so-lutely fantastic!!!:):):)
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    justamummyjustamummy Posts: 95
    Forum Member
    Talking of Kirsty, a few weeks ago I noticed in one episode she was stood at the Rovers Bar eating peanuts!!

    I understood that is one of the forbidden foods when pregnant! It was for me on my 3 pregnancies. Did anyone else notice this?:confused:

    off topic but normally only forbidden if there is a family history of reactions
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    GlomperGlomper Posts: 3,250
    Forum Member
    You're not imagining Martin. Fiz has lost a lot of weight lately.

    To quote a Tube announcement, Mind the Gap !
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    robertaloud30robertaloud30 Posts: 3,394
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    Espresso wrote: »
    Was there an explanation of how Terry Duckworth managed to become a licensee? I thought you couldn't have one if you had a criminal record.

    ask Kat & Alfie in EE the same question
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 9,517
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    Dev said that his son , Aldi , had got an albatross at golf. That would be scoring two at a par five. Not even Tiger Woods would have done that at the age of ten, and quite impossible even for any golfer to do unless they are very lucky.

    Yes , Fizz has lost weight , but I still can't work out why Kirsty is working at the factory when the police would still be paying her a full salary pending a disciplinary hearing.
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