
The DS Apprentice - Team Viveza Thread



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    SatanelSatanel Posts: 11,215
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    Mr_XcX wrote: »
    Ok thats all from me, you all seem to have worked hard on this. :)

    Thank you very much for your interest once again.
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    unclekevounclekevo Posts: 20,749
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    Hi guys, sorry to ask but the last I heard Charles Spencer only speaks to William and Harry of the Royal Family, why would he and Diana's sisters wish to be at a meal with the Royal Family?

    Also, it seems like some of the events, the Harry Potter theme from the 00's Day in particular seem to overshadow what is being celebrated, the Queen's Jubilee, is this not a concern?
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    I've Got ClassI've Got Class Posts: 12,986
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    unclekevo wrote: »
    Hi guys, sorry to ask but the last I heard Charles Spencer only speaks to William and Harry of the Royal Family, why would he and Diana's sisters wish to be at a meal with the Royal Family?

    Also, it seems like some of the events, the Harry Potter theme from the 00's Day in particular seem to overshadow what is being celebrated, the Queen's Jubilee, is this not a concern?

    No matter the personal issue between the Spencers and the Royals, I feel that they would definitely to put any issues aside for just one evening to celebrate the life of Diana. If not for Diana's memory, I'm sure that the family would attend the meal to show respect to William and Harry- as Charles is said to be very close to the boys!

    The whole 'Decades' theme was one we knew would have a slight 'edge' to it, and in some ways JK Rowling's rag to riches story echoes that of Kate Middleton, and it's a nice reflection I feel. The idea that someone can have practically no fame, and then overnight become a global star is something which really appealed to us- and Harry Potter is one of the most unforgettable events to happen under the Queens reign!

    I hope I have answered your question! :D
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    unclekevounclekevo Posts: 20,749
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    Thank you :)
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    I've Got ClassI've Got Class Posts: 12,986
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    unclekevo wrote: »
    Thank you :)

    I hope our plan appeals to you!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 6,667
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    Bump for the latest task!
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    Strictly_IrishStrictly_Irish Posts: 18,757
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    Our team chose to create a blog called Uprising on upcoming musicians or artists that are tipped to be big in 2012. Everything we've posted about, we recommend our readers take a look at.

    This is our blog: http://uprisingdiscovery.blogspot.com

    Here are the profiles we created:

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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 6,667
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    Bump for the latest task!
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    SatanelSatanel Posts: 11,215
    Forum Member
    Hello & welcome to Team Viveza's fashion-line, we hope you enjoy reading.

    The brand name we have chosen is Nocturnal as our theme is representative of Friday night clothing; we feel that the word ‘Nocturnal’ as a whole is a reflection of our brand. Friday nights are the start of the weekend- the end of the working week- and across the nation, people celebrate this time by going out with their friends, meaning there will always be a constant demand for our ‘Friday Night’ range.

    An advantage of our name is that it’s our brand blended down into one word, but it doesn’t seem too contrived- it’s basically our brand put into its simplest form! The title for our brand is one which is bound to get people talking; ‘Nocturnal’ is definitely a snappy title which rolls off the tongue and will therefore be a rather memorable title, creating many opportunities in the advertising world, with billboards and television hopefully showcasing our idea!

    With ‘ModCloth’ being an ‘indie website’, we feel that our tagline needs to have some edge to it, something which is true to our target market! We considered many possibilities, and then we found a ‘famous’ quote which gives our brand a definite edge. This quote was by Joseph Joubert, a French moralist and essayist who was remembered for this 'thoughts' and one of those thoughts, or quotes and therefore our tagline, is ‘The passions of the young are vices in the old’.

    The edgy brand name and tagline make our created brand appeal to our designed market, as we feel that designing products based entirely on the thoughts and actions of our market is crucial- once again referring to the 'indie' scene and the edge we believe our brand has! The brand name and tagline combine to make a great promotion scheme, something which we can see being not only an online success, but a successful retail business across the nation.
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    I've Got ClassI've Got Class Posts: 12,986
    Forum Member
    The passions of the young are vices in the old

    Our brand is the perfect investment opportunity; an investment would be current, Friday nights are a key part of the economy, each week people nationwide hit the town armed with cash to prepare themselves for the weekend- a celebration of the hard work they have done throughout the week. It is our duty to provide a fresh range of clothes to our target audience, and with the endless custom- investment would be a sure step to our success.

    Our brand will be in constant demand, especially with summer coming up, many people will be desperate to buy that brand new party dress for a sunny evening! Another advantage is that Friday nights aren’t just about going out into town and letting your hair down- you may be attending a friends barbeque- a romantic meal for two, going down to the pub for happy hour; the possibilities of activities on a Friday night are endless.

    Your investment would help us expand upon our business, delving further than online- we are primarily an online retailer, but if demand is high enough, and investment is of a good standard, there is no reason why we can’t venture into stores across the nation- of course maintaining the idea that the basis of the brand has an ‘indie’ feature. An advantage of your investment would be that you would have a potential say into the stock we would produce, as well as having creative control over some of the areas of promotion! Things such as online promotion are key to us as we hope to base our brand on the views of the public.

    The fashion industry has become a huge hit online in recent years, with sites (such as ModCloth) receiving great interest in this economic climate. A key belief in our eyes is not only preparing a high end clothing range, but also considering the current economy, making clothes affordable- in a bid to make fashion more closely linked to the customer.

    Every person has their own style, which is a huge influence on the theme we chose- had we chose ‘lingerie’ or ‘evening dresses’ there would’ve been a limited amount of possibilities as to what you could design, but with our brand being a theme, rather than a specification, we have ideas for all areas of clothing! Our target market have certainly been known to ‘follow the latest style trends’ but once again referring to ‘indie’ we are keen to highlight people as individuals.
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    I've Got ClassI've Got Class Posts: 12,986
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    With such a wide theme, many labels have done a similar sort of thing (but not exactly the same as we have in mind of course)! Many examples of this could be found, but the one I’d like to elaborate upon further is ‘Missguided’ (the link is shown below). Missguided has a great range of party dresses, many of which are similar to our Friday night theme, except we at Nocturnal have gone that step further of course! Also, as stated before, colour is a huge factor in the fashion industry, and the dresses in the Missguided range are a huge compliment to colour blending!

    Missguided Party Range: http://www.missguided.co.uk/dresses/party-dresses?gclid=CMqcy6jdjLACFcohfAodg08oog

    In addition to the description of the two clothing items we have developed (which will be revealed soon!) and the identification of a representative label, we have used an online programme to create both a male and female outfit which we believe would be representative of our label and brand:

    Female: http://i1108.photobucket.com/albums/h419/Jess_Clayton/Clothes.png
    Male: http://i1108.photobucket.com/albums/h419/Jess_Clayton/Clothes2.png

    The central focus, based on these two outfits as well as our descriptions, is making Friday nights sexy- making hitting the town the latest way to showcase fashion! There was a time when ‘clubbing’ was not about the drinks or the dancing- it was about making the best impact on the fashion scene! A key example of this is the 1980s, when the clubbing scene was very much based on ‘gender’- males would be heavily draped in make-up and females were wearing male suits!

    One of our major influences is colour- we want to create a range where everything is complimented by other items of clothing! The blending in the above examples shows how colours can really help create the best outfit possible. Colour is a huge talking point in the fashion world, with colours regularly going in and out of fashion, with all of the latest adaptations- we would update our fashion range, aiming to make it as current as possible!
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    SatanelSatanel Posts: 11,215
    Forum Member
    The target audience regarding our fashion line – Nocturnal – is something we have thought about very carefully. In terms of sex, or gender, we have decided to aim at both males and females, which is because with our main theme being centered around ‘going out on a Friday night’; it applies to both sexes of course. However, not only that, but by directing our stock to both males and females enables us to do two things. The first thing it allows us to do is have a broader stock, rather than just the dresses and skirts for females, we could also include the general ‘going-out-wear’ of jeans and shirts – though this is very self explanatory. The second thing relates to the first in which we mean that the addition of stock for the other gender enables us to have a broader appeal and therefore more customers, which is what every successful retail should aim to be doing – increasing the amount of customers!

    The next aspect of contemplating our target audience revolved around the ages of our customers. This meant finding the most suitable ages for those who go out on a Friday night, like our theme suggests and from this we have decided that our age range will be from eighteen to approximately thirty-five. The minimum age bracket of eighteen is fairly self-explanatory in that eighteen is the legal age to drink and there are many teenagers that hit the town on a Friday night. The maximum age bracket was more difficult; it was more a case of finding the age where we feel that the concept of going out on a Friday night becomes far less important due to families and children and all the rest of it. Therefore, we figured thirty-five was appropriate as this is the time most people would be settled down and not specifically interested in going out much anymore. However, even if they did, it’s not like our fashion-line wouldn’t be appropriate, I’m positive that our selection of clothes that would be aimed at a thirty year old, would be fine for a forty year old for example – in our opinion.

    So there you have it, our target audience to sell towards will be for both males and females and predominantly ages revolving around the age of eighteen to thirty-five.
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    I've Got ClassI've Got Class Posts: 12,986
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    The first piece of clothing we have chosen to describe is a short, crimson off the shoulder dress! It’s revealing but not too revealing! We have chosen the colour crimson, because it’s often seen as quite an edgy colour, with many meanings behind it! One of the connotations of red is displaying power and energy, two words which could also be used to describe youth!

    Here is a visualisation of what we believe the dress could look like, as modelled by style icon Gene Tierney!

    The dress would be available at a price of around £23.99- as we aim to have a high end store, but make it affordable for our customers, as we have vastly considered the economic climate, as well as the prices of similar clothing stores!

    The second piece of clothing we have chosen to describe is a ‘grey cardigan for males’! Although it sounds simplistic- from market research- as well as common knowledge, we realise that a night out for a male does not commonly mean the best outfit possible- although grooming of the hair is a huge factor- fashion is not!

    Here is a visualisation of what we believe the male cardigan could look like, as taken from ‘Reem Clothing’!

    The cardigan would retail for a price of round £15.99- cheaper than the dress as once again, male fashion is a more underrated industry!
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    SatanelSatanel Posts: 11,215
    Forum Member
    The final point to make revolves around the concept of where the money invested in our brand would go. We, Team Viveza, have decided on several important places the invested money would go (in which I am going to explain below), but these points are not restricted.

    In following the steps of ModCloth, the first area would be the creation of the website, which is recently proving to be very expensive. The price range for a website can differ from as little as $1000 (and by little, I don’t mean that $1000 isn’t a lot of money, I mean that it is little compared to the maximum price) to more than $100,000 (I told you). From this however, we feel the price for the website would probably be in the smaller range of the $2500 to $7500 mark. This range is specifically to make a ‘custom’ website which is what a fashion-line website would need, but also: these websites will be optimized for Google, Yahoo, and Bing so that they will rank better in organic keyword searches – which is always a bonus.

    The next, and most obvious and mandatory, aspect of ‘investment-pricing’ would be regarding the actual fashion-line itself. By this, I mean the stock and the clothes. This is because a lot of the money would go to designing the clothes and getting the clothes perfect for our range and what we want to achieve and then it would go into building this stock up in terms of quantity depending on the traffic of customers we receive, which we aspire to be many.

    The final point I am going to make regarding the investment money is the concept of advertising. This would mean that a lot of the money invested would go towards placements such as:
    • Television advertising;
    • Internet advertising (on various websites including Google and Yahoo);
    • Billboards.
    - and various other ways of advertising that would benefit our fashion-line and hopefully gain more traffic to our website and customers for our clothes. However, of course there are other (less-expensive) costs to consider such as ongoing costs for the website for example.

    That's it from us, if you have any questions we would be willing to answer them as quick as we can.

    Thanks for reading!
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    Carlisle156Carlisle156 Posts: 23,208
    Forum Member
    We really hope you enjoyed our presentation and are willing to back 'Nocturnal'. Would just like to echo what Zak said previously and say that we're all more than willing to answer any questions anybody may have!
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    jag02010jag02010 Posts: 7,347
    Forum Member
    Hi everyone, and great presentation! I have a few questions regarding the production of the clothing - you aim to make the prices affordable, yet create a high-end final product. I was wondering if any thought has been given to the materials/fabrics for the clothing to make it both edgy/durable, and if so, what the estimated costs might be on production? I'm not sure if you all were asked to take this into account, so if you weren't than ignore this - I was just curious.

    Also, I noticed that there's a bit of a disparity between the "formality" of the clothing - the red dress you showed seems to be a lot more formal than the men's sweater. I was wondering if Nocturnal would span a wide range of styles from casual to formal, or if it would hone in on one or the other. I just ask this as that red dress seems more like an evening gown or cocktail dress than a "party" dress, and while I'm not a lady, I don't know if I'd want to go clubbing in something that looked that elegant and formal!
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    I've Got ClassI've Got Class Posts: 12,986
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    jag02010 wrote: »
    Hi everyone, and great presentation! I have a few questions regarding the production of the clothing - you aim to make the prices affordable, yet create a high-end final product. I was wondering if any thought has been given to the materials/fabrics for the clothing to make it both edgy/durable, and if so, what the estimated costs might be on production? I'm not sure if you all were asked to take this into account, so if you weren't than ignore this - I was just curious.

    In all honesty, we did not consider this at all, but as you say, it was not a required part of the task, and we had a few in team issues which meant that we had to focus entirely on the task and manage our time effectively! :)
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    SatanelSatanel Posts: 11,215
    Forum Member
    jag02010 wrote: »
    Also, I noticed that there's a bit of a disparity between the "formality" of the clothing - the red dress you showed seems to be a lot more formal than the men's sweater. I was wondering if Nocturnal would span a wide range of styles from casual to formal, or if it would hone in on one or the other. I just ask this as that red dress seems more like an evening gown or cocktail dress than a "party" dress, and while I'm not a lady, I don't know if I'd want to go clubbing in something that looked that elegant and formal!

    Hey Justin, thanks for reading and for your question.

    When I think of ‘going out on a Friday night’, the standard of formality I think of is the classic smart/casual – which is a loosely defined term, but it’s fairly self-explanatory. However, smart/casual for men includes dress trousers - this includes chinos, a long-sleeve dress shirt (possibly with the addition of a tie), leather loafers or dressy slip-ons, dress socks, a belt, and, if appropriate, a sport coat or blazer. Some interpretations allow for sweaters and knit pullovers paired with button-down shirts; especially v-neck sweaters. For women, it consists of slacks or a skirt (long or short), a blouse or turtleneck, a fashionable belt, a jacket, a vest, or a sweater coordinated to the outfit, hosiery or socks with boots, flats (leather, suede, or fabric) or mid-heel shoes. Women may also wear jewellery, such as earrings, that complement their overall outfit. This is what we were trying to aim for!

    Thanks Justin!
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    cheekypetercheekypeter Posts: 6,552
    Forum Member
    In all honesty, we did not consider this at all, but as you say, it was not a required part of the task, and we had a few in team issues which meant that we had to focus entirely on the task and manage our time effectively! :)

    My first comment is in my adviser capacity: I really strong recommend that talk of 'in team issues' is saved for the BR and not on a professional business thread in which you seek investors!

    And now I'll be a member of the public to ask my questions. :D I thought you gave an excellent presentation, and seeing as I just sneak into your age range by about 18 months :D, I'd possibly wear some of your range myself. I thought your age range is a strength of your idea, and I especially loved the tagline linking young to old (not that 35 is old :p:D:mad:).

    However, I just wondered why you focused on the cost of the website? It sounds like you're trying to set up a new Modcloth, where as the brief asked you to come up with a clothing range that would appear on a site like Modcloth run by someone else that's not you, so you may have got slightly confused?
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    I've Got ClassI've Got Class Posts: 12,986
    Forum Member
    My first comment is in my adviser capacity: I really strong recommend that talk of 'in team issues' is saved for the BR and not on a professional business thread in which you seek investors!

    And now I'll be a member of the public to ask my questions. :D I thought you gave an excellent presentation, and seeing as I just sneak into your age range by about 18 months :D, I'd possibly wear some of your range myself. I thought your age range is a strength of your idea, and I especially loved the tagline linking young to old (not that 35 is old :p:D:mad:).

    However, I just wondered why you focused on the cost of the website? It sounds like you're trying to set up a new Modcloth, where as the brief asked you to come up with a clothing range that would appear on a site like Modcloth run by someone else that's not you, so you may have got slightly confused?

    Hello Peter!

    The tagline is something I feel is a really strong selling point of our range and I definitely will keep that quote in mind in the future, something us oldies can definitely live by! :D

    As a team, we were very keen to focus on the big picture, and this of course means future expansions! As a fashion line/range as our stock expands, to preview our styles on our own persona; website seems like the most successful idea- and as you are probably aware on fashion sites, there is always a 'buy now' button, and the online shop would be a redirect to the host site, which in this occasion would be someplace like ModCloth.

    You strike me as fashionista Pete and I can definitely see you being a prime model for our future range! ;)
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    Mr_XcXMr_XcX Posts: 23,899
    Forum Member
    Looking at your idea you went for the Friday night feel. I like the idea I think it can really take off.

    Your clothing design is really cool too.

    My question is. How will you intend to sell your range of clothing. Will you intend to open independent stores called Nocturnal or maybe sell to big retail chains like Tesco's fasion range etc.

    Thanks :)
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    Carlisle156Carlisle156 Posts: 23,208
    Forum Member
    Mr_XcX wrote: »
    Looking at your idea you went for the Friday night feel. I like the idea I think it can really take off.

    Your clothing design is really cool too.

    My question is. How will you intend to sell your range of clothing. Will you intend to open independent stores called Nocturnal or maybe sell to big retail chains like Tesco's fasion range etc.

    Thanks :)

    Hello, Mr Xcx, and thank you for your question!

    The first method of sales for our range of clothing is definitely going to be the website. We mentioned the website in our pitch and we feel it's something that seems to be very important for any company or organisation that is selling a product. Nearly everybody has access to the internet and online shopping has become an easier way of getting clothing (as well as other products) and is a method that has risen considerably in popularity. A website similar to the one we will be setting up, other than ModCloth, is Need Supply.

    On top of this, we will not be setting up our own, independant stores unfortunately - however we will be selling on our clothing line to bigger chain stores - such as the one you specified in your question; but also places such as Next & New Look. Highstreet names where our branding of clothing would be very suitable.

    We're also glad you liked the idea of trendy & stylish Friday Night clothing! Thanks again.
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    Mr_XcXMr_XcX Posts: 23,899
    Forum Member
    Hello, Mr Xcx, and thank you for your question!

    The first method of sales for our range of clothing is definitely going to be the website. We mentioned the website in our pitch and we feel it's something that seems to be very important for any company or organisation that is selling a product. Nearly everybody has access to the internet and online shopping has become an easier way of getting clothing (as well as other products) and is a method taht has risen considerably in popularity. A website similar to the one we will be setting up, other than ModCloth, is Need Supply.

    On top of this, we will not be setting up our own, independant stores unfortunately - however we will be selling on our clothing line to bigger chain stores - such as the one you specified in your question; but also places such as Next & New Look. Highstreet names where our branding of clothing would be very suitable.

    We're also glad you liked the idea of trendy & stylish Friday Night clothing! Thanks again.

    Thanks for answering the question, Congratz Team Viveza
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