
Producer Interviews



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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 5
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    The pacing of stories seems a bit stop-start at the moment and seem to run for 5 day blocks only to stop - meaning characters disappear for large chunks of time. I find this means I'm abandoning the show until characters I like re-appear. Is this approach going to continue?
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    jamesc_715jamesc_715 Posts: 8,512
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    Due to the cast increase, does it mean that characters will be getting less screentime?

    Will Karl and Susan be in the forefront of the show?

    Will you ever introduce more Cannings or more Kapoors family members?
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    lionkingonstagelionkingonstage Posts: 3,046
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    Do you plan to rebuild the Sugden family? Is the show going back to its roots?

    Are there any returns of past characters announced?

    Are you planning to focus less on the teenagers and more on the older people and family life? Are you introducing anymore older characters into the show?

    Are you planning to introduce any long running past characters again? Will there be an updated theme tune?
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    Joy DeanJoy Dean Posts: 21,358
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    Do the producers like affairs in soaps, or do they prefer fidelity?
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    NathanTNathanT Posts: 1,010
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    Betty and Pearl have both been absent for long periods of time this year - and much missed by fans. Are there any plans to widen the circle of older characters by introducing new characters for Alan, Edna and Sandy to socialise with?

    A lot of long-term fans have expressed concern about the dark direction the show has taken over the past 18 months. Has this been a conscious decision? Are we likely to see any lighter plots any time soon?

    What was the reasoning behind the deconstruction of village stalwarts Ashley and Zak? Is there a future for Ashley in the show now? Can we expect to see Ashley on our screens throughout 2013?

    The introduction of the Sharma parents last year was quite well received, but we haven't seen much of them so far this year. Can viewers expect to see Georgia back on screen any time soon?
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    Scorpio87Scorpio87 Posts: 1,576
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    What does the future hold for Callum and Maddie both as a couple and as individual characters? Maddies bitchy side has earned her a bit of a backlash, are there any plans to rectify this and show the audience her softer, gentler side?

    A few years ago the idea of bringing Hayley Ramsey back was being floated around so we could finally discover if Rhys was her sons father, could this happen in the future?

    Even though i think i know the answer to this one already, do Riley and Lynsey have any hope at a future together or is it Riley/Mitzeee all the way from now on?


    What plans are there for Katie and Declan? Both are really strong actors but seem to have taken a back seat recently, is there anything big (i.e a wedding) on the horizon?

    Coronation Street

    Are the Armstrong family going to be explored more? Owen, Katy and Izzy feel a bit underused at the minute.

    Will Dr Matt be intergrated more into the show as a regular rather than re-curring?

    Home and Away

    Both Romeo and Indi's and Liam and Bianca's marriages were broken up after relatively small amounts of time, was there a reason for this and is there any hope for a reconcilliation with either couple?


    Loving the Kapoor family so far, what plans are there for them when they finally arrive on the Street?

    So theres so many. :D
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    OldnjadedOldnjaded Posts: 89,126
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    Emmerdale : does Stuart Blackburn have any plans to revert to character-driven storylines, instead of the continual plot-led storylines, which always seem to involve total personality changes for those characters chosen to play them out?

    Is Mr Blackburn aware that once he 'destroys' a character, viewers never really accept them again? (Andy Sugden is a case in point).
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    ReoReo Posts: 8,690
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    Hollyoaks -

    There were a few storylines this year that had the potential to be classed as big storylines of the year, but they ended up being victims of week long stories or sped up to a unbelievable rate, like George and Phoebe's homelessness and Ash's meningitis, what was the thought behind that? Will we continue to see quick storylines or will they soon be slowed down so characters can react and deal with issues at a normal pace and viewers can invest in a story that they know will be developed over time?

    Do you think the show is sending out bad messages when it comes to the teens, Jono's treatment of Ruby, Ruby's acceptance of this treatment, Maddie's bullying attitude towards Sinead (last year), Ruby and Esther (this year), Neil and Bart laughing at a embarrassed Ruby, and the fact that they are getting away with their terrible behaviour?

    We are now in June and there has been nothing that could be classed as the big storyline of the year (like Silas' murders and Jacqui's rape of last year), is there anything planned to give this year a big bang?

    Mercedes is a character that has gone around in circles and she finally has a believable way of moving on with her experiences last year with Silas and making friends with Lynsey, of course she still has Mitzeee to go against, but will she finally move forward from the Mercedes we have always known or will she continue to go around in circles? Will the Mercedes and Lynsey friendship continue? Their scenes together have been great and what happened to Lynsey's friendship with Jacqui and Cheryl?

    Why have the fresher had so little focus this year? It took three months before we got back to Annalise and Scott and Barney and his money troubles, which really should have been focused on as soon as they got back after New Years. A lot of viewers agree that this is the best bunch of college students that HOs have had in a long time, will there be more focus on this group?

    Any chance for a Silas return? Silas only revealing his past victims to Lynsey, giving us a week of Silas talking about his past? :D

    A lot of characters have been established in the show and in the viewers eyes are being changed, do you think that you are changing characters to fit the storyline rather than fitting the storyline to the characters?

    Do you think that there are too many characters in the show, which means that characters are pushed out for weeks so that others can come in?

    Darren and Nancy are probably the most popular couple in the soap, why are they so sidelined? Their wedding interrupted, a miscarriage that was played offscreen and their second pregnancy was shown in just two days before they were offscreen again. Why aren't these characters and the rest of the Osbourne's shown more?

    What was the reason for turning Doug "100%" gay and rewriting his history with Bex, which was only shown last year? His suicide to be with Bex was turned into him apparently realising that he didn't love Bex after all. Don't you think making Doug bisexual and keeping his history with Bex and his other female love interests intact as well as slowing the storyline down would mean that viewers would then believe this change?

    Why was Doug paired up with Ste which came out of no-where instead of paired with Lynsey which is what most viewers expected since they showed that they had chemistry at the end of the Silas storyline last year?

    Why was Myra written out to save Bart? Is there more to this?

    Neighbours -

    Will Libby be returning at some point? And is so, will she bring Ben back with her?

    Will Karl be having more storylines? He is very popular but hasn't really had his own storylines. With Susan out of the picture, will the focus be on him?

    Will Tash be getting a love interest soon?

    Is there any chance of the Pappa's family becoming main characters?

    Lou has become quite a bully towards Lucas and Kyle, now he has stolen from Kyle and to solve that problem he is trying to scam lonely women out of their money. Do you think this is a good idea for a supposedly good character to be doing?

    Now that Susan is living out of the street, how will you make sure that she is still at the heart of the show?
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    Louise32Louise32 Posts: 6,784
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    Why has Doug's suicide bid been forgotten about and swept under the carpet like it was nothing?

    Do you think you could have handled the storyline more sensitively and less flippantly and do you think it has offended members of the depressive/ manic depressive community?

    Also what are your plans for improving the show?
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    Dare DevilDare Devil Posts: 118,737
    Forum Member
    - Are there going to be any long term gritty storylines this year or in the forseeable future? There is only so long you can watch boring and dreary stuff
    - Is this week long plot theme here to stay? It doesn't work, it means you see characters for either 10 seconds then disappear for weeks or months on end or it means you get an overload of the same character or group of characters for a month or two and you end up fed up of them!
    - With such a big cast, are there are plans for people to leave? Are the titles going to continue to alternate? Any plans for more people to be brought in?
    - What's the fascination with turning Hollyoaks into a music show? and continuously giving out free publicity to upcoming singers and/or rappers?
    - Any plans for plots that don't include couples all loved up one minute and then over the next, repeat x100? Any more love triangles? because if there are I don't wish to know!
    - Who is your target audience?

    - Why the need to completely re-write Doug's character and erase everything that's happened to him in the near 2 years that he's been there? Why change the suicide episode to be, apparently, about Doug realising he's gay. The message from that episode was loud and clear. He felt he couldn't move on and live without Bex - why? because he was in love with her. She was love of his life. Why go and rewrite that as if she never existed? Why rush the Doug turning agy storyline? Why portray that you "catch" being gay from a hug? that's a very bad message to give out!

    - I really enjoyed the Deena and Graham plot - it was exciting and gripping. However, it was ruined because it was so short and rushed. Why are you using one weeks plots, or in some cases 2 days? Even in serious issues such as meningitis. The one week plot doesn't work and is effectively one of the main things that are ruining Hollyoaks. Why do you continue to use it? Do you feel it works well? How long well this be used for?

    - Are you worried about the declining viewing figures and the negativity around the show at the moment? How do you plan to rectify this?
    - Do you read the forum? How do you feel when you read the negativity? Do you take i on board? Do you try to rectify what's wrong?

    - I've watched Hollyoaks for years, even through the very bad times of a Jesus potato. You have sucessfully made the show go from unmissable (i.e. Silas) to I can't be bothered. I don't watch anymore, if I'm in, I might half heartedly watch, but it never has my full attention. When I'm not in (most evenings), I can't even be bothered to watch on catchup or through numerous repeats. Does it worry you that people are turning off, especially long term viewers?

    Sorry, for all the negative questions, it's just Hollyoaks is in a very bad place at the moment with no end in sight. It seem ES and the team at Hollyoaks are purposely setting the show up for a fall.
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    hulakulahulakula Posts: 6,120
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    Coronation Street

    Are there any plans to develop the Kirsty / Tyrone domestic abuse storyline?
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 4
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    Can you give us any details or gossip about Hollyoaks Later 2012? It got me back into the show and the storylines were great, I especially liked the Mitzeee/Riley pairing and have been rooting for them since HL. Who is going to be in the cast for it this year? and also are you developing Riley/Mitzeee throughout this year or is the pairing going to be a short storyline?
    Have you got any major (big) storylines lined up ahead for 2012? The Silas/WAG wedding storyline was amazing, have you got material/ideas to top it off or live up to it?
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    pembo2004pembo2004 Posts: 4,099
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    will you be bringing any more tanners into the show?
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    rick182rick182 Posts: 11,092
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    For Neighbours

    Due to the small cast size in recent years can we expect new additions to the street?
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    towerstowers Posts: 12,183
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    We know that questions aren't being submitted for EE yet but one of the more serious issues that needs addressing is - why is the show's only gay couple starting to feel like they aren't characters in Albert Square? Syed especially is in desperate need of friends and a life away from his partner and mother... (he isn't even allowed to react to his parent's engagment this week)

    They're becoming a non-entity to many EE viewers...
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 350
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    towers wrote: »
    We know that questions aren't being submitted for EE yet

    He has quite clearly said not to include questions for EastEnders as he doesn't know when he'll get to speak to Lorraine Newman and it makes keeping track of the questions for the producers he definitely is interviewing soon difficult.

    I would like to know why Hollyoaks' Tony is so underused nowadays. Has Nick Pickard asked for a reduced role?
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,997
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    There are quite a few Hollyoaks continuity things I'd like to get clarified, but I'm too scared to ask in case the continuity gets rewritten in order to forget about certain things..
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    sarahcadhillsarahcadhill Posts: 2,446
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    rick182 wrote: »
    For Neighbours

    Due to the small cast size in recent years can we expect new additions to the street?

    Neighbours actually have a bigger cast with 22 regular cast members and a couple of recurring members :). Last year, Neighbour has 18 regulars. But a good question though as I would like to see more people though,
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    NeomysterioNeomysterio Posts: 13,466
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    Hi Daniel,

    This one for Emma of Oaks.

    I love the community feel that the village has at the moment but are we going to be getting any longer storylines at some point? George's Homeless Story was a gooden but it still felt like there could of been more to it and I really miss having something to really sink my teeth into at the moment.

    Will Maddie ever have her fall from Grace?
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    NeomysterioNeomysterio Posts: 13,466
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    Oh and one for Corrie...

    In regards to Sophie Webster, will she have another storyline again soon?
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    rayofsunshinerayofsunshine Posts: 5,310
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    I'd like to second the question regarding overexposure of Stella and comment that whilst she's been accepted by most, the constant ramming-down-our-throats of her is tiring viewers and negatively impacting on enjoyment of other storylines that she really doesn't need to be involved in.

    Now that the Connor/Donavon family is being expanded, will Tom Kerrigan ever return?

    Is Rob the Darren we hve always heard Carla talk about or will he be referenced and even brought in at a later date?

    Could Brian and Julie adopt? Would love to see a natural lon-quest to have a baby be embarked on and end happily.

    Thanks for this DS :)
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    madaboutcarlamadaboutcarla Posts: 10,832
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    A tad long winded :o

    Corrie - I've seen it suggested in articles that Leanne is the one who can provide Peter with the stability he needs, rather than Carla, but I feel that this isn't necissarily true. Whilst Leanne can provide stability for Simon, I don't feel she can provide Peter the stability he needs to have a happy relationship, what I, and from what I can gather many others, have seen on screen, Peter is not only no longer in love with Leanne, but very much in love with Carla. Whilst Carla I don't think will ever be a mother figure to Simon, I believe if Peter can get his act together and let Leanne be a part of Simon's life, that in time Carla and Simon would adjust to each other and get along just fine; we've seen hints of their relationship improving, namely after Carla agreed to put Simon's 'hitting lies' behind them.

    I think the fact that Carla and Peter's romance was treated with such patience and given so much time to develop, allowing them to devlop a strong friendship and platonic love alongside a their wonderful romance, should be taken into consideration. I think it would be wonderful for Carla to finally find love, she's been through so much trauma surely it's time she had some happiness. I think we all agree that she is brilliant in dramatic, gritty storylines but couldn't they come from other sources, rather than her love life? Both Alison King as an actress and Carla as a character are both so versatile I'm certain they could manage a whole array of storylines. Whilst she and Peter do both have drinking issues, I feel that if their issues with Simon were allowed to fade out (which I think is completely realistic) then there would be less of a pressure and tension on them, and although their alcohol issues would not disappear, they certainly wouldn't be such of an issue.

    So considering all this, isn't it time that Peter settled down, as did Carla and they were both allowed to have a proper romance without being blighted by Leanne and other woes?
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    StarryNightStarryNight Posts: 7,289
    Forum Member
    For Emma Smithwick

    Maddie's character seems to have regressed instead of progressing and its fair to say the audience really haven't enjoyed watching it. Will she ever be redeemed? And what about her relationship with Callum? There was absolutely no aftermath shown from their break-up.

    Rhys and Jacqui have been fairly quiet since last year, have they got anything big coming up? And are there any plans to deal with the fact that they can't have children?

    Will Josh Ashworth make another appearance? And are there any plans to bring any one else back? Perhaps Holly Cunningham.

    Mercedes' and Lynsey's friendship has been an unexpected success and a joy to watch, will this continue to be a the forefront of storylines?

    Is Joel and Callum's rivarly going to be revisited?

    Whats in store for George?

    The freshers seem to work really well together, are you planning on introducing a new group in september or are you sticking to the established group? Also, will we see Rob have a delayed reaction to the Scott and Annalise romance and will Barney ever have any luck?

    Do you ever plan to bring back Leah's real dad Billy?

    Diane, Myra, Martha and Frankie are all brilliant 'older' characters. Would you consider giving them all a storyline together akin to the book group?

    Where is Tom and why is he being underused? There seems to be so much to draw on with Tom, he's got a very traumatic history. Why not play on that?

    Whats next for the Kane family?

    So far Theresa has had a quiet year, are you planning on involving her in more dramatic storylines now that she's becoming involved with Joel?

    Tony deserves a good storyline, have you got anything in the bag for him?
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    MUFCFan2012MUFCFan2012 Posts: 143
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    For Casualty:

    Will there be anymore crossovers in the near future with Holby City?
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 955
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    For Hollyoaks:

    The characters of Maddie (Scarlett Bowman) and Will (James Atherton) are very negatively viewed by many of the audience, with some going as far to say they are among the most hated in HO history. What is your reaction to this, and what are your plans for these characters?
This discussion has been closed.