
Worst Facebook status updates



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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 541
    Forum Member
    My cousin, who I have recently removed would just constantly post what she was doing.

    Jen is cooking tea
    Jen is doing the washing
    Jen is doing the ironing
    Jen is having a cuppa
    Jen is putting the kids to bed

    Her mum and step dad, despite being in their 50's are like a couple of teenagers. Always breaking up, declaring women/men are sh!t. I'm a strong independent woman from her, women are lying manipulators from him. Couple of days later they are "back together" for about a week and then it repeats itself.
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    bbclassicsbbclassics Posts: 7,806
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    Gawge wrote: »
    Watching film. With Boyfriend. Tucked up in Bed. = Perfection :)

    Not quite perfection though eh? If I was truly experiencing perfection, then I would feel very little need to go on Facebook. Either that, or the equation is missing an element - "Showing off to others about how awesome my life is".

    You're spot on. Also when people post about themselves doing something great right at the current moment. If they were having so much fun they shouldn't need to bother to log on to Facebook and tell everyone cus they should be too busy having fun!
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    DaisyBumblerootDaisyBumbleroot Posts: 24,763
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    Is it true that the Luke Lawton and wifey phenomenon is over?? Tell me it ain't so! Love dem more den life itself. Really not glad to hear them not being glad to the extent where they were so not glad that they had to shut down their unglad facebook accounts! So to sum up, not glad to hear that it's over. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :cry::cry::cry:
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    BinCatBinCat Posts: 2,125
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    "Just had a Muller Rice. nom nom nom" written by a 40 year old woman.

    Why would anyone care, ever?
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,556
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    When people say this- As is ive just won 10 pound on lotto.

    Lotto was an example i use but what is this nonsense sh** as if!
    Dont they mean i cant believe or im very happy!
    Drives me mad!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 300
    Forum Member
    When people say this- As is ive just won 10 pound on lotto.

    Lotto was an example i use but what is this nonsense sh** as if!
    Dont they mean i cant believe or im very happy!
    Drives me mad!

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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 208
    Forum Member
    "Thinks people should f***king grow up, true friends are few and far between!"

    - Who's upset you?
    - No one mate

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    nuttytiggernuttytigger Posts: 14,053
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    "Is a liccle bit pist - on a school night awwwwwwww"

    Just seen this!
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    My Sweet LifeMy Sweet Life Posts: 1,434
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    "like this if u feel im a good friend, then repost as ur status see how many real friends we got"

    I don't need people liking a Facebook status to know how many "real friends" I have...
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    Tt88Tt88 Posts: 6,827
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    I recently got a fb message from a friend which she had sent to everyone basically saying she was leaving fb in ten days and she wanted everyone to send her their mobile numbers and email addresses so she could stay in contact.

    This annoyed me because it was attention seeking as loads of people asked why she was leaving etc. Plus everytine someone replies to it i get a message.

    Surely it would have been better for her to just keep fb but not log on if its so much of a problem, unless she needs to contact her friends. Seriously do people still communicate through email anymore?
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 10,561
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    The sarcastic teenage girls who add "luv lyf xox" at the end of every sentence drives me insane.

    "Starts raining the minute I leave the house. Luv lyf xox"
    "Got told by my teacher i'm wasting my time on the course. Luf lyf xox"
    "Gran gave me a row cos my skirt is too short. Luv lyf xox"
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    SoyokazeSoyokaze Posts: 551
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    This one has been going around my friends list like bubonic plague.
    There comes a point in your life when "FUN" no longer means bar hopping, clubbing, being out til 4am or drinking too much. It means board games, movies, going out for family dinners, bedtime stories, and sleeping in means 8 am. Becoming a parent doesn't change you, it's realizing that the little people you made deserve the best of your free time! Re-post if you are PROUD to be a "boring" parent

    If this keeps up it'll be time for a friend-cull.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 301
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    My step-son had his FB hacked by a friend at University,who put a status saying 'Mark is going to be a daddy!' It had a scan picture and everything. It was probably hillarious - until his Mum saw it, went ballistic (he was halfway through his degree at the time) and called his mobile. Bless him, he was in the pub and hadn't got a clue was she was so mad about!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,616
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    The ones where they say they are leaving FB followed by lots of begging 'oh no don't go' etc. Just sod off already if you're going!

    And the ones where they warn you they are having a friend cull on fb, followed by lots of begging, don't delete me etc. Hang on I'll save you the trouble
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    Sarah SoreenSarah Soreen Posts: 5,568
    Forum Member
    This has been the best thread I have read on here in a long time!

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    annette kurtenannette kurten Posts: 39,543
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    miss my lil man sooo much.

    followed the next day by
    OMG first day of da holidays and ***** is driving me mental
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    decobelledecobelle Posts: 4,717
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    redjay wrote: »
    The ones where they say they are leaving FB followed by lots of begging 'oh no don't go' etc. Just sod off already if you're going!

    And the ones where they warn you they are having a friend cull on fb, followed by lots of begging, don't delete me etc. Hang on I'll save you the trouble

    Someone posted a big ranty status the other day, saying that she would delete anyone who moaned on Facebook, fell out with people on Facebook etc. Now I don't do that, but I deleted her anyway...I don't like being dictated to!
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    Smiley433Smiley433 Posts: 7,932
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    A female friend has just had a pedicure so as a promotion for the business that did it, we've now got a photo of her glittery toenails complete with squashed and mis-shapen toes. Bleagh.
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    Central cakeCentral cake Posts: 5,628
    Forum Member
    When people say this- As is ive just won 10 pound on lotto.

    Lotto was an example i use but what is this nonsense sh** as if!
    Dont they mean i cant believe or im very happy!
    Drives me mad!

    I have someone on my list who says this as if crap


    Asif I run across the road to the shop and twist my ankle omg painful meeting the love of my life from work I love u 4 ever babe

    As if I am In bed wiv the best bf n man I've ever been wiv ♥ love u bby n the cuddles even more lol ♥

    as if my bf moves in, in 5days aaaah :-/ lol! Gud times ahead me thinks ♥ Love u Juicy Bum loool xx

    And more of mentioned above (Having a good time but still on Facebook)

    Lying on the sofa watching a movie then my gawjus babe will do dinner I wash up then back on the sofa to watch more tv can't wait for our new home and our bby to be here I love u babe wat can be any better ♥ x x x

    In bed with my gawjus bf and he decided to annoy me oh the joys good job I love him ♥ x x

    And more crap about love. Only been with him 5 minutes. Pregnant and living together.
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    Jimmy_McNultyJimmy_McNulty Posts: 11,378
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    Oh dear. Someone has just complained about a girl uploading pix with her just in underwear, and a guy (i emphasise guy here, alot), has replied 'are you talking about me?'.

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    toastietoastie Posts: 2,508
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    redjay wrote: »

    And the ones where they warn you they are having a friend cull on fb, followed by lots of begging, don't delete me etc. Hang on I'll save you the trouble

    I saw a status the other day that said ***** ****** is attending the event 'you haven't contacted me in a while do you still want to be friends' on a specific date.
    My answer? no :D but at least I saved her the bother of unfriending me.

    I don't know why people don't look at thier list and just delete those who never contact them, but then I guess some folk like to attention seek. *shrug*
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    DianaFireDianaFire Posts: 12,711
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    I'm with you on this. Gone straight over my head.
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    scoobyju1scoobyju1 Posts: 1,785
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    Having a WEE!

    Seriously, I'm not kidding :rolleyes:
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    bookaddictbookaddict Posts: 2,806
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    bbclassics wrote: »
    You're spot on. Also when people post about themselves doing something great right at the current moment. If they were having so much fun they shouldn't need to bother to log on to Facebook and tell everyone cus they should be too busy having fun!

    Yes! I always wonder this. When you're having a really great time, surely the last thing you'd think would be, "I'll just have to log on to Facebook and tell everyone what a really great time I'm having."
    BinCat wrote: »
    "Just had a Muller Rice. nom nom nom" written by a 40 year old woman.

    Why would anyone care, ever?

    Yes I see these quite a lot. A friend of mine posted the following update recently: "I am just about to have my tea. Sweed (sic), carrots, potatoes and gravy." I mean, who CARES???
    scoobyju1 wrote: »
    Having a WEE!

    Seriously, I'm not kidding :rolleyes:

    :eek: Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner!!

    I also hate those statuses which demand that you copy and paste it, so that the person who posted it knows that you're paying attention/that you're a true friend etc., etc. Or the ones that say things like, "Most people won't have the guts to post this, but I know who will." That kind of thing.
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    JoTaylorJoTaylor Posts: 9,870
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    bookaddict wrote: »
    Yes! I always wonder this. When you're having a really great time, surely the last thing you'd think would be, "I'll just have to log on to Facebook and tell everyone what a really great time I'm having."

    Yes I see these quite a lot. A friend of mine posted the following update recently: "I am just about to have my tea. Sweed (sic), carrots, potatoes and gravy." I mean, who CARES???

    :eek: Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner!!

    I also hate those statuses which demand that you copy and paste it, so that the person who posted it knows that you're paying attention/that you're a true friend etc., etc. Or the ones that say things like, "Most people won't have the guts to post this, but I know who will." That kind of thing.

    I can top that with a friend who posts a photo of her tea every day :cry:
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