
just had a complaint about my cat



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    fefsterfefster Posts: 7,388
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    She sounds awful and it's quite cruel to make you so anxious by saying she is going to throw boiling water over the cat.
    I'd tell her if she ever hurt my cat, she would regret it for the rest of her life in ways she can't even imagine. Then smile sweetly and say you will never respond to bullying tactics.
    I caught a man throwing cat poo into my garden once. He said it was my cats. I told him that he was mental to be flinging poo around. He said that the cats always took a dump under his favourite tree.
    I said "you should have supplied them with a newspaper and some loo paper then"
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,147
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    ruffles wrote: »
    know of someone, through family, who lives in a gated community in america, with the cat control rules, and guess what, the cats go out, just normally basically.

    I have already posted this before, although I believe the rules are different in different places, but I know their cats go out, just normally and catch geckos instead of mice, so it isn t quite as strict as people here think.
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    cobwebsoupcobwebsoup Posts: 4,862
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    SCDchick wrote: »
    What a load of tripe, you are making yourself look a fool, proving over and over just how self centred some of you cat owners are

    Plenty of people control their cats and keep them inside, look at the people who have posted in the thread saying they keep theirs inside! The arguments of those who claim cats cant be controlled fall apart!

    You just dont give a toss, thats all it is

    Actually the majority of people agree with the poster that you are calling a fool. You're making yourself look like the fool, not him/her. You're insinuating that all us cat owners in here are the same and that we don't care what our cats do in other peoples gardens. You're not reading posts properly. I am a responsible cat owner, I don't like my cats to poo in other peoples gardens, but what can I do? I offer to clean it up and my neighbours are fine with that and friendly. I don't want my cat going out, I've had several get run over in the past, but the cat will meow and scratch endlessly at the door until I let it. The bottom line is, that miserable cow down the road from the OP SHOULDN'T threaten to throw boiling water over a cat. There is NEVER a need for cruelty towards an animal for that. And your attitude is extremely rude also by the way.
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    cobwebsoupcobwebsoup Posts: 4,862
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    ste1969 wrote: »
    what about the damage cats do to cars when you run them over,it really annoys me and the cats owners should pay for repairs

    Or people shouldn't drive like arseholes and stick to the speed limit :p
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,596
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    cobwebsoup wrote: »
    Actually the majority of people agree with the poster that you are calling a fool. You're making yourself look like the fool, not him/her. You're insinuating that all us cat owners in here are the same and that we don't care what our cats do in other peoples gardens. You're not reading posts properly. I am a responsible cat owner, I don't like my cats to poo in other peoples gardens, but what can I do? I offer to clean it up and my neighbours are fine with that and friendly. I don't want my cat going out, I've had several get run over in the past, but the cat will meow and scratch endlessly at the door until I let it. The bottom line is, that miserable cow down the road from the OP SHOULDN'T threaten to throw boiling water over a cat. There is NEVER a need for cruelty towards an animal for that. And your attitude is extremely rude also by the way.

    Please can you tell me where i have insinuated that you are ALL the same? I have said (so many times) that i support considerate cat owners. I dont like the handful who just dont give a damn if their cat inteferes with others lives and fling back the old `I can do what i want, so i will, i dont care about how you cant enjoy your property`

    If you had read my posts properly you would clearly see i am all for responsible cat ownership. At least you offer to clean it up, thats more considerate than some. Why dont you provide litter trays? Then they most likely wont use the neighbours garden at all (you asked `what can i do?`.....providing litter trays could well be the solution) I dont advocate cruelty to cats but i can see why so many get harmed because of the handful who dont give a toss.

    As for the OP she provides a litter tray for her cat and has offered to be of help, and thats great. I cant speak for the other person (the one who complained)
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    mictheminimicthemini Posts: 578
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    ste1969 wrote: »
    what about the damage cats do to cars when you run them over,it really annoys me and the cats owners should pay for repairs
    You are trolling aren't you?
    As for damage to cars - try deer - broken wingmirror, deer fine, starlings - broken aerial, starlings fine. Red setter, damaged wing, setter shocked but fine.
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    mictheminimicthemini Posts: 578
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    For all of you moaning about cats pooing everywhere and the owners not caring, I could add to the arguments you are presenting about dog owners letting their dogs do just the same but in parks and nature reserves.
    Parks - where children play, how dreadful is that. And more often than not, the said owners stand and watch the dogs do it and walk away.
    Nature reserves - all over the place.
    And the use of the little bags to pick it up - well, that's pretty useless as all people seem to do is put the poo in the bag and then dump the bag.
    So for one set of animal owners to start slagging off another - how rich! Grow up guys, look at the problem that has been presented, try to help the OP instead of slagging each other off.
    We should be human and our ability is to reason, rationalise and be kind. I'd like to see you manage that here.
    Missrae, I do hope that you manage to get something sorted. I hate to see any animal (dog, cat, rabbit, ferret etc) cooped up if it's been used to roaming. But I hope your cat is okay.
    And to all you animal lovers, please be kind to other humans too.
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    abarthmanabarthman Posts: 8,501
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    ruffles wrote: »
    people should stick to the 30 miles per hour speed limit, incase a cat, dog or kid rushed suddenly into the road, then the driver could break in time, that is why its 30 in residential roads, for a reason.
    I was only doing about 25mph when my neighbour's white cat ran out in front of my car at the end of our street.

    I braked immediately, but I had no chance of stopping in time, even at such a slow speed and I felt the little bump under my front wheel.

    I felt really guilty when my neighbour's kids started putting the "missing cat" posters up on all the local lamp-posts, but I didn't have the heart to tell them that "Snowy" was at the bottom of my bin.
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    ste1969ste1969 Posts: 1,203
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    cobwebsoup wrote: »
    Or people shouldn't drive like arseholes and stick to the speed limit :p

    so you can't do 60 on a country road then where the national speed limit applies
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,147
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    how would you stop then if a deer or pheasant rushed out, if there is something coming and the wild animal is startled, they rush forward instead of back into the side of the road, they always bolt forward.
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    molliepopsmolliepops Posts: 26,829
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    BTW the reason so many agree with roaming cats in the pets forum is because it's the pets forum not because the general view is cats should roam - try speaking out in a public place or the general forum and see a completely different answer to the question,

    And labeling people cat haters is rather silly when most of the people advocating cat runs and responsible cat ownership have in the past or do now own cats who they love dearly, dearly enough to keep them as safe as possible.

    Trying to change the subject to dogs helps no one as there are laws in place and you can complain to the dog warden who will take your complaints seriously I haven't seen any dog mess in a public park in years dog owners do seem to have got the idea now and are picking up.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,147
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    No I have never come across these views in real life, most people dont go nuts if they see a pussy in their garden.
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    carascaras Posts: 1,311
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    I live in an area surrounded by neighbours cats and it does annoy me when they use my front garden as their local toilet :mad:
    However I just pop on a pair of gloves and clear it up. Not the most pleasant job in the world, but better that than having to leave my windows shut or face a disagreement with my neighbours.

    However I must admit to lettin my dog out if I see one of the local pussy's in my garden. Is that wrong? No I don't think so! :D
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    NoodleGuruNoodleGuru Posts: 306
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    Seriously, you are nuts if you think providing litter trays to cats will change anything. You think most people with free roaming cats don't also have a litter tray inside, too?

    Stop talking about a subject you know nothing about. I can't believe you've ever owned a cat. If you have, I feel sorry for it.

    You're in a serious minority when it comes to complaints made against cats. You're like the old lady every neighbourhood has, who stands at the window, twitching her curtain, and yelling at the kids coming home from school for shouting too loudly, or playing ball outside her house. Everyone else is fine with it. It's not irresponsible, it's how the world works. It's a shame the natural order of the world causing you stress, but that doesn't mean the world has to change just for you. You are fighting one hell of a losing battle.
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    molliepopsmolliepops Posts: 26,829
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    Who is that post aimed at ?
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    Yvo-50Yvo-50 Posts: 706
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    I have 6 yes 6 cats, they are loved, fed, sheltered when needed and left to roam about and do cat-like things when they want to behave like a CAT ! I would rather not own a cat then put it in a run in the garden, it's not natural for a cat to be penned up and I will defend that argument until I am blue in the face.

    I have never received a complaint about my cats pooing in other peoples garden, if I did I would most certainly go round armed with cleaning up material as the OP is doing. Some people should really get a life :(
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    molliepopsmolliepops Posts: 26,829
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    Dogs would naturally roam too and hunt and kill we don't seem to have problem with thinking we should stop them doing what comes naturally.
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    NoodleGuruNoodleGuru Posts: 306
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    molliepops wrote: »
    Who is that post aimed at ?

    That SCDChick who seems to be the ultimate cat expert and hater all combined in one. Marvellous achievement to be both at the same time.
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    molliepopsmolliepops Posts: 26,829
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    So just because someone has the opposite opinion they are automatically a cat hater. I can't see anywhere that they have said or implied they hate cats if anything they seem to care more for the cats welfare than some of the owners !
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    dekafdekaf Posts: 8,398
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    Yvo-50 wrote: »
    I have 6 yes 6 cats, they are loved, fed, sheltered when needed and left to roam about and do cat-like things when they want to behave like a CAT ! I would rather not own a cat then put it in a run in the garden, it's not natural for a cat to be penned up and I will defend that argument until I am blue in the face.

    I have never received a complaint about my cats pooing in other peoples garden, if I did I would most certainly go round armed with cleaning up material as the OP is doing. Some people should really get a life :(

    Spot on. Well said. :)
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    dekafdekaf Posts: 8,398
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    molliepops wrote: »
    Dogs would naturally roam too and hunt and kill we don't seem to have problem with thinking we should stop them doing what comes naturally.

    I would think it's because dogs left to roam would instinctively form packs which would rather dangerous.

    Maybe dogs are just as happy to just be with their master and family. I don't think you can compare them to cats.
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    edduk1981edduk1981 Posts: 2,215
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    molliepops wrote: »
    Dogs would naturally roam too and hunt and kill we don't seem to have problem with thinking we should stop them doing what comes naturally.

    But how many dogs attack people and then have to be put down because of this?

    I have never heard of a cat being put down becuase it attacked someone
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    molliepopsmolliepops Posts: 26,829
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    dekaf wrote: »
    I would think it's because dogs left to roam would instinctively form packs which would rather dangerous.

    Maybe dogs are just as happy to just be with their master and family. I don't think you can compare them to cats.

    I've had multiples of both and cat will hunt together if they have a chance, 4 of our 5 would bring home far larger prey if they went out and hunted together.
    Wild cats hunt in packs or singularly and domesticated cats are just as capable and able to do so.
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    2shy20072shy2007 Posts: 52,579
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    caras wrote: »
    I live in an area surrounded by neighbours cats and it does annoy me when they use my front garden as their local toilet :mad:
    However I just pop on a pair of gloves and clear it up. Not the most pleasant job in the world, but better that than having to leave my windows shut or face a disagreement with my neighbours.

    However I must admit to lettin my dog out if I see one of the local pussy's in my garden. Is that wrong? No I don't think so! :D

    No its not wrong, it is totally natural and apparently we have to all let our pets be as they are in the wild, so its ok if your dog chases a cat, ours does, its her fave passtime, not caught one yet though, but if she did isnt that natural too? just as the next doors cat killed 7 of my fish? alls fair in pet ownership.
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    dekafdekaf Posts: 8,398
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    molliepops wrote: »
    I've had multiples of both and cat will hunt together if they have a chance, 4 of our 5 would bring home far larger prey if they went out and hunted together.
    Wild cats hunt in packs or singularly and domesticated cats are just as capable and able to do so.

    They wouldn't attack humans though, would they?
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