
The Christmas Episode & New Companion *Spoilers*

[Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,592
Forum Member
Not sure if this has been mentioned anywhere on here yet.

But going from what's available to buy, it gives possible spoilers for the storyline of the Christmas episode, and how it might relate to the new companion.
Doctor Who Trans-Temporal Sonic Screwdriver.

With the TARDIS trapped on Earth in a Trans-temporal schism, the Doctor find himself at the centre of four time zones. As with each previous time the TARDIS generates a new sonic screwdriver for the Doctor but this time it is created in the style of each time zone, Elizabethan, Victorian, Present Day and Future London. With additional features including a ‘wood’ setting, the Doctor must try and free the TARDIS before time runs out.



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    LurgidBeeLurgidBee Posts: 99
    Forum Member
    is this "official" merchandise? if it were, it would seem to play in to the various theories percolating around set reports:
    which sees the Doctor hanging around in Victorian England with the same characters for at least 2 stories. The Tardis being "stuck" sounds like a decent premise for a half a series. Worked for Pertwee in the UNIT days and for Eccleston as well (when the Tardis was stuck at the Powell estate) :)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 104
    Forum Member
    Not sure if this has been mentioned anywhere on here yet.

    But going from what's available to buy, it gives possible spoilers for the storyline of the Christmas episode, and how it might relate to the new companion.
    Doctor Who Trans-Temporal Sonic Screwdriver.

    With the TARDIS trapped on Earth in a Trans-temporal schism, the Doctor find himself at the centre of four time zones. As with each previous time the TARDIS generates a new sonic screwdriver for the Doctor but this time it is created in the style of each time zone, Elizabethan, Victorian, Present Day and Future London. With additional features including a ‘wood’ setting, the Doctor must try and free the TARDIS before time runs out.

    Wow, so maybe there might be a City of Death type scenario with Oswin being splintered across 4 zones too??
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    hajuahajua Posts: 140
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    I hope there's no more opera music.
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    roland ratroland rat Posts: 13,829
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    Not sure if this has been mentioned anywhere on here yet.

    But going from what's available to buy, it gives possible spoilers for the storyline of the Christmas episode, and how it might relate to the new companion.
    free the TARDIS before time runs out.

    Isnt the tardis inside suppose to be getting redesigned
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    Ed SizzersEd Sizzers Posts: 2,671
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    I saw this in FP a couple of weeks ago. To be honest, I just figured it was a stand-alone product, not directly related with any specific events in the show. The packaging mentions that it's compatible with that 'Personalise your own Sonic Screwdriver' set that came out a year or so ago... which features multiple versions of the Sonic not seen on TV.

    I think it's just a way to milk more money out of the Sonic Screwdriver concept, basically.
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    CorwinCorwin Posts: 16,727
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    Yeah, this screwdriver along with a personal TARDIS (worn on your wrist) were first displayed back in January which IMO makes them too early for Series 7 Part 2 props even if there are some similarities between the toy descriptions and spoilers for the series.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,592
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    Worth keeping an eye on anyway. That's why I put it in spoiler tags.
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