
Homeland on Ch4 (UK Pace) - No Spoilers!



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    AvillerAviller Posts: 397
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    Denley wrote: »
    and I don't get the big deal about Brody being a Muslim?? The lazy inference Muslim = terrorist doesn't sit well with me on any level.

    No one's saying that a Muslim is automatically a terrorist (although Brody has turned out to be one). Religion apparently plays a relatively major role for Brody's wife so she's quite shocked to find out that he's switched teams, particularly after being held captive by Islamists for such a long time.
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    LostFoolLostFool Posts: 90,707
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    linfran wrote: »
    A couple of questions from Series One: do we know how Brody disposed of the suicide jacket? Isn't it odd that Dana has not been bugging her dad when he's going to give mom the surprise gift?!

    Really enjoying it.

    There are a number of unanswered questions from S1 - where is the vest, who was the mole (if there was one) and what happened to the suicide video to name a few.
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    MrSuperMrSuper Posts: 18,644
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    Well as the reviews stated, Ep1 did not disappoint! Excellent start to the season and i'm back in for the ride! I liked how a few months had passed since the end of Season 1.

    Once again Claire Danes is a phenomenal actress and fully deserving of her Emmy win. Really loved her tonight trying to get back on the straight and narrow but being lured back by Estes. Loved that scene when she smiled! Go on Carrie! :D Also loved Dana who i'm really starting to like more and more now. Last season i thought she was just the spoilt brat but she's really coming into her own now and is very understated.

    However my fave new character is this Roya who is 'friends' with Abu Nazir and now has access to Brody. I can't wait to see how their relationship develops over the course of the season. I can see fireworks already. How tense was that scene when Brody broke into Estes safe? I was sure someone would catch him out but he got lucky. One thing that hasn't changed is that Estes is such a dick! :D Roll on Ep2!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 7,488
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    Aviller wrote: »
    No one's saying that a Muslim is automatically a terrorist (although Brody has turned out to be one). Religion apparently plays a relatively major role for Brody's wife so she's quite shocked to find out that he's switched teams, particularly after being held captive by Islamists for such a long time.
    Also, there's no way he'd be an American hero, congressman and he would'nt have even been considered for VP if he was a Muslim, regardless of the fact it's set in the reasonably Northern Virginia.

    For some reason, Americans don't like people from religions other than Christianity. The Americans are somewhat untrusting of Mitt Romney, because he's a Mormon, imagine how much worse it would be if he was a Muslim (especially in the South), given the unjustifiable misconceptions surrounding Muslims.
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    AvillerAviller Posts: 397
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    Yeah, there definitely is a lot of anti-Muslim racism out there, just look at the claims that Obama is a Muslim (the answer to that should be: so what if he was).

    At the end of last season I thought the whole "let's not kill them but kill their ideas instead" notion was kind of dumb considering that Brody was going to be a lowly Congressman from Virginia. The writers have worked around that by turning him into the VP, one heartbeat/bullet away from the presidency. It is somewhat hard to believe though that this guy would become a VP even in a world where Sarah Palin has been chosen as a running mate. He just seems way too inexperienced.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 618
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    Not so much that he is a muslim but that he has obviously converted while in captivity hence been somehow turned, maybe?

    By the way, first post here so hello everybody :-)
    Bear with me its going to be long

    Some random thoughts/comments

    Brody's Wife
    personally never liked her and she is now showing how much she loves the new status, possibly...actually surely more than she loves Brody

    The safe scene
    Honestly? Really? FOr me that was far too clumsy, simplistic, not really believable that 1) the muslim lady would speak to Brody so freely in the office 2) Brody taking the huge risk with people around 3) That he would "take notes" on a moleskin.. come on... not even a gadget to take a pict? and to have an hard copy in his pocket that can be easily lost? He was already going to forget it on the desk... humm... I expect that is not the last we see of that Moleskin

    Also have we already seen the muslim lady before? She looked like flirting with Estes. Do they have an history? Are we going to found out that indeed they have a past?
    I could not get what she was actually asking Estes help with...

    The Mole
    Well, there are not that many characters really so if there is a mole (and there is always a Mole) for me it can only be Saul... Such a brilliant actor can carry the story through... He knew that Carries was right and he had the credibility to do something when everybody was in the bunker. He did nothing apart of making sure Carrie was cleared off...

    Carries Dad
    what is his past? Why would he wish for his daughter to get back into a life threatening situation? Odd

    On the last ep of S1 I found myself a bit sick at Brody. He has become such an umpleasant character first and formost for driving Carrie insane…
    Also how can he be so (naive) arrogant to believe that he may be able to swing Nazir around or that pay back time for his failure would not come pretty fast?

    Potential outcome…
    So his terrorist friends cannot trust him anymore really...
    He cannot all of the sadden go back to love the Vice he is working for...
    He wants to use terrorism to clean off the Country he loves? Is he delusional………?

    Will Carrie convert to and get back together with Brody live happily ever after hiding on a desert island??

    Anyway, I love the show and a week is suddenly too long a wait
    Have a nice week :-)
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    wrighty694wrighty694 Posts: 53
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    First and foremost it's great to have Homeland back on our screens and, as many have already said it lived up to my expectations...re: Brody's Muslim faith and it's context in the programme, I agree with the previous comments that this demonstrates a form of racism that is now (this is just my opinion I hasten to add) instilled in a segment of the US population by George W Bush and Fox News and 'the war on terror' so I think it's perfectly on plot how much of a shock it would be if someone like Brody was a Muslim given his position of power now.
    Claire's smile as she evaded capture was brilliant, as was the altercation itself...it's like everything that she loved about being an agent was in her eyes in that second! Is it Sunday again yet? :D

    line of the week - 'it's not supposed to touch the floor!!' :S
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    catsittercatsitter Posts: 4,293
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    feeVerte wrote: »

    Also have we already seen the muslim lady before? She looked like flirting with Estes. Do they have an history? Are we going to found out that indeed they have a past?
    I could not get what she was actually asking Estes help with...
    She is a new character. She was asking Estes to confirm the number of nuclear facilities that had been targeted in the attacks - she said that "the government" had given her a number and she just wanted him to confirm it. But it was just to get him out of his office to give Brody a chance to break into the safe.
    The Mole
    Well, there are not that many characters really so if there is a mole (and there is always a Mole) for me it can only be Saul... Such a brilliant actor can carry the story through... He knew that Carries was right and he had the credibility to do something when everybody was in the bunker. He did nothing apart of making sure Carrie was cleared off...
    I still think Estes could be the mole. How many people apart from him would have the code to his safe? Maybe he knew all about what was going on with Brody and the safe and everything? If Saul stays out of the country for a while maybe it will become clear whether he could be the mole or not (I'm thinking if info is leaked that he wouldn't have access to over there, it could rule him out? at least as the only mole)
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    MrSuperMrSuper Posts: 18,644
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    Aviller wrote: »
    Religion apparently plays a relatively major role for Brody's wife so she's quite shocked to find out that he's switched teams, particularly after being held captive by Islamists for such a long time.

    Does it?

    The scene in the garage between Jess and Brody, it was more than just that i felt. It was the fact that he had lied to her and Jess recognizing that Nick cares more about the book (the holy Quran) than he does about her or her concerns that she shared. Brilliant scene.
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    StansfieldStansfield Posts: 6,097
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    linfran wrote: »
    New to this thread but I'd like to join in from time to time. :) Only caught up with Series One on More 4 this past fortnight so for me, a seamless entry into Series Two.

    A couple of questions from Series One: do we know how Brody disposed of the suicide jacket? Isn't it odd that Dana has not been bugging her dad when he's going to give mom the surprise gift?!

    Really enjoying it.

    Stayed with Homeland to the end, last season more in hope then anything, it all got very silly by the end.
    So I thought I'd give it another go this season. Wish I hadn't now.

    I don't get how Carrie, has shock treatment 6 months ago, is then an English Teacher, doing work on the side for the Government.
    Brody, a congressmen, soon to be Vice President...and the set up, when he was in Estes Office, was terrible.

    And how many killed in Iran, 3,000; serious repercussion, if that was for real....which Homeland isn't anywhere near, close to reality.

    I'm OUT.:(
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    marks thespotmarks thespot Posts: 2,961
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    Enjoyed this again, but the plot holes are starting to gape a bit too much now. How did Brody get himself & the vest out of the bunker undectected, what happened to the suicide vodeo etc? And how on earth did he get mobile reception to receive the call from hiis daughter while in a bunker?!

    Security at the CIA is very lax. I don;t believe he would have been able to access Este's safe or even been left alone in his office...

    And for both Brody to agree to steal for Nasir & Carrie to agree to go back to Beirut seemed ill advised decisions for both of them. Brody is becoming really unlikeable.

    His wife was angry with him just as much for concealing something from her (which he had shared with their daughter) as anything else, I think.
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    MosheMoshe Posts: 58
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    I thought it was dumb. Claire is very good, but the plot is poor, often ludicrous.
    That GI guy is a terrorist, this has been clearly established. And his daughter is a nightmare!
    And as for an Israeli strike on Iranian nuclear facilities costing 3,000 lives- that would not happen.
    Also, the idea that the Islamist terrorist mastermind Brody is working for would have been so upset at the death of his son is to totally misunderstand Islamist thinking. He would have been celebrating that his son had become a "martyr"
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    BLADESMAN1889BLADESMAN1889 Posts: 657
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    Spud_work wrote: »
    Now showing as being broadcast in HD on the sky planner :)

    Episode 2 is showing as SD

    I wish I knew which one cos I'm backed up with a Full planner (Autumn TV time - the BEST !)

    Strikeback 9pm
    Rookie Blue 9pm

    So last night I recorded Homeland on C4+1 (as there is no HD repeat on C4.

    Rookie Blue however is repeated the very next morning at 10am in HD on Universal.

    So if I knew for sure that Homeland was going to be shown in HD I would go with the above as it makes a HUGE difference to me as I've had HD now for nearly 4yrs and I can tell the difference straight away & hardly watch SD programs anymore unless I have to.
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    catsittercatsitter Posts: 4,293
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    And how on earth did he get mobile reception to receive the call from hiis daughter while in a bunker?!
    As I remember it, the call came through for him on a different phone, not his - a Secret Service one, was it?
    Security at the CIA is very lax. I don;t believe he would have been able to access Este's safe or even been left alone in his office...
    That's one reason I think Estes could be the mole.
    And for both Brody to agree to steal for Nasir & Carrie to agree to go back to Beirut seemed ill advised decisions for both of them.
    They both made plenty of bad decisions in season 1!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 48
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    How did the reporter know the combination to the safe ? Pah !

    and i still dont get how Brody's wife knew of his fling with Carrie ..
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 7,305
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    Moshe wrote: »
    And as for an Israeli strike on Iranian nuclear facilities costing 3,000 lives- that would not happen.

    It didn't. Brody himself could be clearly heard saying "those numbers are bullshit" when Abu Nazir's messenger mentioned the 3000 casualties while in his office. That number is being exaggerated by the media.
    Episode 2 is showing as SD.

    It'll be HD again, the EPG will no doubt update again nearer to Sunday and show it as airing in HD. I'd be very surprised if it actually wasn't HD come Sunday.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 74
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    Just watched the first series on More 4, really fantastic, some of the best tv I've ever watched. With most tv drama, I'm always thinking "that would never happen" or "that character would never do that", In the Homeland world, I never thought that, and all the characters motivations were clear and believable.

    I think however that the second series could be a victim of the law of diminishing returns. The contrived way that Carrie was lured back into service, Brodie's ultra-fast promotion to VP candidate, what's he done with the bomb-vest, what happened to Walker's body, and the investigation into his disappearance/killing? Everyone thinks he's just tried to kill the VP, yet no-ones interested in him anymore. As others have said, too many plot holes after the first episode.

    And does anyone know, if Brodie is a Muslim, why does he still drink alcohol?
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 48
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    and how did brody get past the metal detectors when leaving the building in the last episode of series 1

    be interesting on the continuity of Dane's pregnancy, it was quite obvious in some of last nights scenes
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    BLADESMAN1889BLADESMAN1889 Posts: 657
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    David Estes to Carrie

    "Look, I didn't come here to open old wounds"

    :eek: The cheeky ba$tard

    The poor woman's just had a severe mental break down, has gotten some way toward normality & he comes around & wants her to do his dirty work.

    She knows that he is desperate & should have asked for a huge fee (freelance) to compensate.
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    solaresolare Posts: 11,651
    Forum Member
    Enjoyed this again, but the plot holes are starting to gape a bit too much now. How did Brody get himself & the vest out of the bunker undectected, what happened to the suicide vodeo etc? And how on earth did he get mobile reception to receive the call from hiis daughter while in a bunker?!
    I assume they didn't have to go through a metal detector on the way out of the building. As for the vest - he could have buried it and the video - he could have erased it. I can't remember what he did with the video after filming it - did he post it to someone or just leave it at his house? If it's still around, it may be important later in the series.

    Dana used Carrie's CIA phone to call Brody in the bunker.

    Personally, I wouldn't call these plot holes. I think some things are just left for the viewer to work out while other things will be explained later - if they're significant.

    I do agree that security at the CIA is lax, but without that we probably wouldn't have much of a story :D.
    lost64 wrote: »
    How did the reporter know the combination to the safe ? Pah !
    and i still dont get how Brody's wife knew of his fling with Carrie ..
    Don't know how the reporter knew the combination - maybe we'll find that out later. So far, we don't know anything about the reporter or her involvement.

    As for Brody's wife - she doesn't know for sure about his fling with Carrie, she just assumed it (he disappeared for a weekend, he had a lot of meetings/calls with Carrie, she turned up at their house at 6am, their own relationship was in difficulty at that time, etc.)
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    Danger CloseDanger Close Posts: 3,281
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    The suicide video was left at the dead drop in the park. presumably for Walker. Brody went looking for it after his change of heart but it was already taken. Can't remember if it turned up in the scene when Brody kills Walker, don't think it did, so it's still out there, somewhere.

    The mole obviously gave the code to Roya. Personally I think it is Estes. He opposed the drone strikes, iirc and he was in the interrogation room when the suspect got his hands on the razor blade. And who else would know the code to his personal safe?

    Carries smile at the end, to me, was about her regressing into her training, that it hadn't left her after the difficulties she had with adopting her new legend.
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    SquiggleSquiggle Posts: 2,547
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    highnal wrote: »
    Think it's due to his military background. His superiors and friends all called him by his surname so I guess it just stuck.

    Exactly. It is treated like a nickname.
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    SquiggleSquiggle Posts: 2,547
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    solare wrote: »
    Yes - it's a long time since she's smiled! I never realised before what dark eyes Claire Danes has. Brilliant for looking manic when Carrie's worked up about something.
    Excellent first episode! I like the introduction of a new location and already Brody's in danger of being 'discovered'.

    She was wearing a wig and contacts for the mission.
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    SquiggleSquiggle Posts: 2,547
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    Denley wrote: »
    I have to agree. If that is going to be the main deal in this series, it needs to be done with much more subtlety than it was tonight.

    I'm wondering how they'll restore the magic of the first series with the Brody is he isn't he a wrong 'un etc. I'm a tad disappointed with what I saw, sadly. :(

    and I don't get the big deal about Brody being a Muslim?? The lazy inference Muslim = terrorist doesn't sit well with me on any level.

    It was watchable but I felt very spoon fed tonight.

    You and I apparently watched two very different episodes.
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    CasmanaCasmana Posts: 1,861
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    The suicide video was left at the dead drop in the park. presumably for Walker. Brody went looking for it after his change of heart but it was already taken. Can't remember if it turned up in the scene when Brody kills Walker, don't think it did, so it's still out there, somewhere.

    The mole obviously gave the code to Roya. Personally I think it is Estes. He opposed the drone strikes, iirc and he was in the interrogation room when the suspect got his hands on the razor blade. And who else would know the code to his personal safe?

    Carries smile at the end, to me, was about her regressing into her training, that it hadn't left her after the difficulties she had with adopting her new legend.

    Agree with every point made here !:)
    I like the connection Brody has with his daughter despite she's a nosey parker !Ingenius to actually bury the book.
    Is there a dog in the house?;) I forgot .Somehow think it 's going to resurface .
    Still detest the wife btw !
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