
32 year old woman spared jail afte having affair with 2 teenage brothers (15 and 17)

vintage_girlvintage_girl Posts: 3,573
Forum Member
If this was the other way round, and it was a 32 year old man having an affair with a 15 year old, it would be a very different story. In fact this happened- look at the furore around Megan and the teacher. This story on the other hand will be forgotten by tomorrow.




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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 766
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    If this was the other way round, and it was a 32 year old man having an affair with a 15 year old, it would be a very different story. In fact this happened- look at the furore around Megan and the teacher. This story on the other hand will be forgotten by tomorrow.



    That is just plain wrong! :eek:

    Although she was not his teacher which does make a difference she supplied him with cannabis too.

    What was the Judge thinking?

    She should have spent time in prison for her crimes.
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    ÆnimaÆnima Posts: 38,548
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    The worst bit about this for me is that the dirty cow was doing his brother too. That's just wrong and nasty.

    I'm not so outraged by thr fact she slept with a 15 year old lad though, if he wanted to do it, fair enough.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 9,803
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    Each case is handled on it's own merits I'm sure.

    There have been cases of female teachers being sent to jail for having relationships with a pupil, and yes some get spared jail.

    It's not looking good for Jeremy when you read stories like this, could almost be a carbon copy (plus the abduction on top):

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    vintage_girlvintage_girl Posts: 3,573
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    Ænima wrote: »
    The worst bit about this for me is that the dirty cow was doing his brother too. That's just wrong and nasty.

    I'm not so outraged by thr fact she slept with a 15 year old lad though, if he wanted to do it, fair enough.[/QUOTE]

    Would you feel the same way about a 32 year old man sleeping with a 15 year old girl though?
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    ÆnimaÆnima Posts: 38,548
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    Yeah. Wouldn't do it myself, but providing the person has no psychiatric disorders, I don't see the big deal personally. I knew my own mind at 15- most of my friends lost their virginity between the ages of 15 - 19 and it's never affected them.

    It might not be legal, but I do see it as pretty common. I think the teacher case was more serious because it involved abduction too.
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    Smokeychan1Smokeychan1 Posts: 12,541
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    If this was the other way round, and it was a 32 year old man having an affair with a 15 year old, it would be a very different story. In fact this happened- look at the furore around Megan and the teacher. This story on the other hand will be forgotten by tomorrow.



    Not necessarily v_girl. A quick google produced these two reports on the first page -

    http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-199991/Man-spared-jail-sex-girl.html (22 year old man, 14 year old girl)
    http://www.hucknalldispatch.co.uk/news/local-news/spared-jail-for-rape-of-infatuated-12-year-old-girl-1-4695498 (20 year old, 12 year old girl. Because she is under 13 and legally deemed unable to consent, he is charged with rape)

    There was also a report of a 61 year old man who was spared jail for french kissing a 7 year old. Apparently she instigated it :rolleyes:
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    HarrisonMarksHarrisonMarks Posts: 4,360
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    The big question is - did she buy them TRAINERS?
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    MoonyMoony Posts: 15,093
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    Punishment aside - will this woman face villification as a "paedo" in the same way a man would in a similar situation?

    Somehow I doubt we will see as many FMs using "colourful" language to describe her, or dreaming up parts of her anatomy suitable for removal using rusty implements.
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    InspirationInspiration Posts: 62,773
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    The DM seem to like this type of story.. there have been four or five 'older woman with teenage boy' stories featured. Sometimes it's teachers too.
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    MoonyMoony Posts: 15,093
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    The DM seem to like this type of story.. there have been four or five 'older woman with teenage boy' stories featured. Sometimes it's teachers too.

    They never seem to illicit the same level of outrage though - especially on here ;)
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    acoolwelshblokeacoolwelshbloke Posts: 3,185
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    I wish a 32 year old married woman wanted to have sex with me when i was 15! all i had was my right hand ;(

    Life can be so unfair sometimes!!!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 4,125
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    lol anyone else thinking of a certain south park episode http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZCektn32w8
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 9,177
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    Moony wrote: »
    They never seem to illicit the same level of outrage though - especially on here ;)

    Probably because a lot of male posters comment with things like "Lucky sod, wish I had the chance when I was his age!" or words to that effect. You don't tend to see women making those comments when it's an adult male with an underage female.
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    PrestonAlPrestonAl Posts: 10,342
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    laura:) wrote: »
    Probably because a lot of male posters comment with things like "Lucky sod, wish I had the chance when I was his age!" or words to that effect. You don't tend to see women making those comments when it's an adult male with an underage female.

    Completely agree.

    From a males perspective, I'd have been happy to give it a go.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,554
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    Should have got sent to prison just for the supply of drugs. Cannabis or not. What a lenient judge.
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    MoonyMoony Posts: 15,093
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    PrestonAl wrote: »
    Completely agree.

    From a males perspective, I'd have been happy to give it a go.

    Arguably - the 15 year old girl in the other thread was happy to "give it a go" - and yet posters who suggested as much were quickly set upon.
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    ÆnimaÆnima Posts: 38,548
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    Moony wrote: »
    Arguably - the 15 year old girl in the other thread was happy to "give it a go" - and yet posters who suggested as much were quickly set upon.

    Not by me though, or necessarily anyone in this thread.
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    MoonyMoony Posts: 15,093
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    Should have got sent to prison just for the supply of drugs. Cannabis or not. What a lenient judge.

    I do wonder about the drugs aspect. If this lad was under the influence of drugs supplied by her - would he have been in a fit state of mind to consent to intercourse?

    In some ways - I find this case more disturbing than the teacher/pupil one. At least in that case - she had all her faculties about her (such that they are at 15).
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 9,177
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    Moony wrote: »
    Arguably - the 15 year old girl in the other thread was happy to "give it a go" - and yet posters who suggested as much were quickly set upon.

    Well like I said, there doesn't seem to be many if any female posters on those threads making comments about how she is "lucky" or how they wished they could have had relations with a 30 something year old man. So a lot of people will assume rightly or wrongly that she may have been manipulated somehow.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,954
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    Urg, naked photos of her I'd send them back :p
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    MoonyMoony Posts: 15,093
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    Ænima wrote: »
    Not by me though, or necessarily anyone in this thread.

    Never suggested you did. I just find the difference in the response threads like this illicit depending on the sexes involved.

    The comments are interesting by their absence.
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    MoonyMoony Posts: 15,093
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    laura:) wrote: »
    Well like I said, there doesn't seem to be many if any female posters on those threads making comments about how she is "lucky" or how they wished they could have had relations with a 30 something year old man. So a lot of people will assume rightly or wrongly that she may have been manipulated somehow.

    Are we really taking male bravado into account when evaluating the potential damage such cases may have on the minor?
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    ÆnimaÆnima Posts: 38,548
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    laura:) wrote: »
    Well like I said, there doesn't seem to be many if any female posters on those threads making comments about how she is "lucky" or how they wished they could have had relations with a 30 something year old man. So a lot of people will assume rightly or wrongly that she may have been manipulated somehow.

    There weren't many, but I do remember at least a couple of posts from a female fm saying how she fancied some of her teachers at school and how she would have tried it on if she had the bottle or something like that, and how she knew her own mind, and something about all the girls fancying certain teachers.

    Maybe women in general are just more subtle and less forthright? I'm pretty sure they still like doing it :p, so yeah, there probably isn't a huge gulf of opinion differance there between the two.
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    Dai13371Dai13371 Posts: 8,071
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    Ænima wrote: »
    The worst bit about this for me is that the dirty cow was doing his brother too. That's just wrong and nasty.

    I'm not so outraged by thr fact she slept with a 15 year old lad though, if he wanted to do it, fair enough.[/QUOTE]

    Would you feel the same way about a 32 year old man sleeping with a 15 year old girl though?

    Good question but I dont think there is a simple yes or no answer here. As a man myself of 41, the thought of sleeping with a 15 year old girl is personally unappealing to me. However, I remember being a 15 year old boy and had more than a few naughty thoughts about older women teachers I had, just like every other horny lad in school I bet.
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    MoonyMoony Posts: 15,093
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    Dai13371 wrote: »
    However, I remember being a 15 year old boy and had more than a few naughty thoughts about older women teachers I had, just like every other horny lad in school I bet.

    I doubt its much different for girls either.
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