
Jimmy Saville to be revealed as a paedophile? (Part 2)



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    sozzled2daysozzled2day Posts: 1,217
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    bubble2 wrote: »

    "The approved school was one of 121 across the country managed and owned by voluntary groups overseen by central government."

    I wonder who they were.
    The institution for emotionally disturbed girls was under the direct supervision of the Home Office until April 1973.
    It was visited regularly by government inspectors.
    Regularly? Who were these 'inspectors'? Did they ever speak to any of the girls or did they just speak to the headmistress? Do we even know if she's still alive? This is beginning to sound more and more sinister with each passing day. Did the 'inspectors' know that JS had his own room? What was the point in having regular inspections if all this was going on and was never found out? So many questions.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,095
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    bluescreen wrote: »
    Stroll back. She was a loyal employee, badly treated, yet she remained loyal until she saw the weight of evidence. Kudos to her for her open mind, and sympathy to her for the shit she's had to shovel and will continue to do so.

    If she was with him for 30 years she probably knows useful stuff even if she doesn't realise it yet.
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    Cyril_SneerCyril_Sneer Posts: 2,314
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    So why weren't you going to the police? Are you saying you knew about the abuse and stayed quiet? What's YOUR excuse for taking no responsibility for what you knew was going on? Where was your whistle?

    Because they'd already had the story a few years, and tried to blow the whistle on him themselves (including speaking to police). It was well known he was protected as it was that he wasn't to be trusted around girls and women. People in media protect each other, most of the time so i could kind of understand why he wasnt being exposed, but i think if they would have known the full extent of all thats recently come forward they would have definitely done something about it. They were (and are) well used to celebs being screwed up (tho not specifically pedos) - as i have said before, most of them usually have huge problems, and when you see all these threads on showbiz a lot of the time its the less juicier stuff that gets reported on, usually even with the celebs consent - they are able to hide a lot more than people would think.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 374
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    Yanno, I'm beginning to feel tainted posting here, when it's starting to feel like Icke lite. Please let's keep away from speculation. Let's have links for assertions. It's OK to leave the reader to join up dots but it's not OK to make unsubstantiated assertions. This is such a serious and painful matter - it's not Cluedo. People have been badly hurt. Perps have been able to escape. Let's try and find out how to stop it happening again. Please let's have evidence, links.
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    StockingfillerStockingfiller Posts: 3,302
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    Regularly? Who were these 'inspectors'? Did they ever speak to any of the girls or did they just speak to the headmistress? Do we even know if she's still alive? This is beginning to sound more and more sinister with each passing day. Did the 'inspectors' know that JS had his own room? What was the point in having regular inspections if all this was going on and was never found out? So many questions.

    Edward Heath was Prime Minister and of course Leader of the Conservative Party around that time. Duncroft was about an hour away from his constituency at Bexley. However, there is nothing to suggest that he ever went to Duncroft.Just adding some context.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 374
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    Sorry, Cyril - my comment looks like a comment on yours. Of course it's not. First hand experience is the most valuable of all
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    SambdaSambda Posts: 6,275
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    Is there any reason why we've suddenly been inundated by 'purple crayon brigade' conspiracy theorist nutters?

    Several recently made posts are very difficult to read.

    Some sort of asylum must have closed due to cutbacks.

    DS tend to shut topics/threads when they get too nutty, and the clock is certainly ticking on threads relating to Savile. Thankfully.
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    sozzled2daysozzled2day Posts: 1,217
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    bubble2 wrote: »
    So that's now 2 scandals involving child molesters that the BBC have covered up? :confused:
    News that the star was protected cast doubt last night on claims that no one at the top of the corporation knew Jimmy Savile was a paedophile.

    Simpson referred to the pervert as “Uncle Dick”. He learned the much-loved star preyed on youngsters on BBC premises.

    But he was warned off when he suggested exposing him. And the BBC’s veil of silence extended as high up as the then Director General, claimed veteran war correspondent Simpson, 68.

    The radio presenter he accuses was one of the BBC’s biggest names from the 1920s until his death in 1967.
    He is said to have taken children into BBC toilets and abused them.

    At the time he was so famous he gave tours of studios to royalty, including the Queen.

    So the Director General would just 'appease outraged parents if any complaints were made' - how utterly repellent. The BBC have behaved like scum, then - and then again with JS. How many more stories like this are going to surface? How does the BBC expect us to trust all the BS about 'no one knowing anything'? Two high-profile employees with easy access to children, both of whom abused their position in the worst possible way - and no one knew. Yeah. Right.
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    StockingfillerStockingfiller Posts: 3,302
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    Sambda wrote: »
    Some sort of asylum must have closed due to cutbacks.

    DS tend to shut topics/threads when they get too nutty, and the clock is certainly ticking on threads relating to Savile. Thankfully.

    You'd be glad when the subject is closed ?
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    sozzled2daysozzled2day Posts: 1,217
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    Edward Heath was Prime Minister and of course Leader of the Conservative Party around that time. Duncroft was about an hour away from his constituency at Bexley. However, there is nothing to suggest that he ever went to Duncroft.Just adding some context.
    Oh yeah. Ted Heath. I've heard the rumours but won't speculate on them. Thanks for adding the context though. Didn't realise Duncroft was that close to his constituency.
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    StockingfillerStockingfiller Posts: 3,302
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    So that's now 2 scandals involving child molesters that the BBC have covered up? :confused:

    So the Director General would just 'appease outraged parents if any complaints were made' - how utterly repellent. The BBC have behaved like scum, then - and then again with JS. How many more stories like this are going to surface? How does the BBC expect us to trust all the BS about 'no one knowing anything'? Two high-profile employees with easy access to children, both of whom abused their position in the worst possible way - and no one knew. Yeah. Right.

    This radio presenter was very famous in his day. I can remember hearing him on the radio. Am pretty stunned !
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 374
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    Edward Heath was Prime Minister and of course Leader of the Conservative Party around that time. Duncroft was about an hour away from his constituency at Bexley. However, there is nothing to suggest that he ever went to Duncroft.Just adding some context.
    LOL.The Home Secretary, Foreign Secretary, Leader of the Opposition, Shadow Cancellor and Archbishop of Canterbury were all no more than an hour away, and there is nothing to suggest any of them went to Duncroft either.

    (Thanks, Stockingfiller!)
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    SambdaSambda Posts: 6,275
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    Edward Heath was Prime Minister and of course Leader of the Conservative Party around that time. Duncroft was about an hour away from his constituency at Bexley. However, there is nothing to suggest that he ever went to Duncroft.Just adding some context.

    No you're not. You're drawing three sides of the box and leaving people to draw the fourth. You are implying Edward Heath was a pedophile.
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    StockingfillerStockingfiller Posts: 3,302
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    bluescreen wrote: »
    LOL.The Home Secretary, Foreign Secretary, Leader of the Opposition, Shadow Cancellor and Archbishop of Canterbury were all no more than an hour away, and there is nothing to suggest any of them went to Duncroft either.

    (Thanks, Stockingfiller!)

    Thank you for the additional context. :)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 374
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    It's old news about Uncle Mac. Some of us had hoped that the BBC would have evolved morally since then.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 374
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    bubble2 wrote: »
    If she was with him for 30 years she probably knows useful stuff even if she doesn't realise it yet.

    Yes. It doesn't help if people keep slagging her off.
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    StockingfillerStockingfiller Posts: 3,302
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    Sambda wrote: »
    No you're not. You're drawing three sides of the box and leaving people to draw the fourth. You are implying Edward Heath was a pedophile.

    No implication whatsoever, that Edward Heath was a paedophile. I was simply saying who was Prime Minister at the time and highlighting where Duncroft is. It is about an hour from Bexley. That's a fact, not an insinuation. I also said that there is nothing to suggest that he ever went there.
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    SambdaSambda Posts: 6,275
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    You'd be glad when the subject is closed ?

    I'll be glad when nutty speculation on DS is closed is what I said. Wait and see if I am right.... :)
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    SambdaSambda Posts: 6,275
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    No implication whatsoever, that Edward Heath was a paedophile. I was simply saying who was Prime Minister at the time and highlighting where Duncroft is. It is about an hour from Bexley. That's a fact, not an insinuation. I also said that there is nothing to suggest that he ever went there.

    So why even mention it if that isn't what you are implying? It is also a fact that Mr A G Throggins of 27 Acacia Avenue also lived about an hour from Bexley etc. etc.
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    dorydaryldorydaryl Posts: 15,927
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    lexi22 wrote: »
    Sorry, Dorydaryl, I disagree. I don't believe she could have. I think it was a damage limitation decision on her part. She knew she would, as Childline's founder and public face, be asked. Personally, I think that's why she agreed to feature in the doc - it would have looked very bad if it came out that she'd been asked to comment and had declined.

    It is precisely because of her role as Childline's founder that she's currently in this mess. She originally said - and was adamant about it - that all she ever heard was rumour. That then turned out not to be quite the whole truth. With that in mind, that she - with the media clout and respect and influence she had - never felt that it was something she should, at the very least, investigate/pursue quietly behind the scenes over what? 3 decades? is nothing short of dereliction of duty and makes a complete mockery of her Childline remit.

    Even if she'd come up against a brick wall, which is entirely possible, she'd still have done something. That's all she had to do. Something. She did nothing. Zero. Zilch.

    I don't see this as scapegoating, just a direct consequence of her own failure, as founder of a child abuse help service, to act.

    Some fair points there, Lexi. :)
    Having read a bit more, tbh, I'm just not sure. Can see it both ways but, on balance, I guess it's costing her now and she is having to explain herself- although this probably won't do a thing for any of the victims. She did seem to ignore something that was right on her doorstep and I'm just trying to make sense of why, wrong as her inactivity turned out to be. Hindsight can be a terrible thing.

    Just hope that the backlash against her doesn't put others off admitting what they knew, though- especially people who were more direct witnesses.
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    AsmoAsmo Posts: 15,327
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    "JIMMY Savile abused his PAPERBOY after inviting him into his flat to give him a Christmas bonus, the grown-up victim has revealed. "


    (scroll down, article begins with piece about John Simpson's story about 'Uncle Dick' case)
    “He was shouting and bawling, Mr Nice Guy had gone out the window. It was very frightening. I remember it as if it were yesterday.”
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    multisyncmultisync Posts: 405
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    Thomas Hamilton,the Dunblane murderer, was reported by the police on ten charges, to the Procurator Fiscal.It got no further.

    Hamilton complained to the Queen and to his local MP, complaining about the situation.

    I'm not suggesting that there's a direct link between the reason both Thomas Hamilton and Jimmy Saville investigations didn't get followed up. In Hamilton's case, he wasn't a famous person who'd raised a lot of money for charity so it's unclear as to why he, wasn't prosecuted. I doubt if he'd have been protected by the Glasgow masonic lodge he belonged to.

    What I find strange is that the police could get no further with the action they thought was necessary and the police concerns about Jimmy Saville got no further either.

    for your information...
    Lord Burton said: "I was Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Scotland at the time and I'm aware that most of the conspiracy theories around Dunblane revolve around allegations of a Masonic conspiracy. "I do have some difficulty with that, but I have learned of an apparent connection between prominent members of the legal establishment involved in the inquiry, and the secretive Speculative Society. "The society was formed at Edinburgh University through Masonic connections so I accept that there might be a link by that route. But Hamilton was never a Mason. His grandfather was."
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    SpotSpot Posts: 25,148
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    Sambda wrote: »
    So why even mention it if that isn't what you are implying? It is also a fact that Mr A G Throggins of 27 Acacia Avenue also lived about an hour from Bexley etc. etc.

    I remember him - he groped me when I was ten years old and he sat next to me in the cinema! .;)
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    i4ui4u Posts: 55,345
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    djvizsla wrote: »
    She also amended her admission that she had heard rumours about Savile's behaviour by claiming she had only heard one rumour about him when she was a twenty-one year old BBC researcher.

    Read more: http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/334919#ixzz29UdVBJFT

    In an interview with the Daily Express Esther appears to have reigned back on what she claimed to have been told or knew?
    Ms Rantzen, 72, said she had only heard one rumour about Savile and young children – when she was a 21-year-old BBC researcher.

    That would have been 1961 before he worked for the BBC?
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    i4ui4u Posts: 55,345
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    Just to clarify, in article for The Daily Telegraph (7 Oct 2012), Esther wrote...
    The rumours swirled around him, that he sexually abused young girls.

    A journalist friend told me in the 1970s about a little girl with a heart defect. Jimmy had helped her to have the defect surgically corrected. A newspaper heard about his generosity and contacted the girl’s family to run the story, but the family refused to talk to them because they were sickened by what they knew he had done to her to make her “earn” the operation.

    But that story, like all the others I heard, was hearsay, rumour, gossip.
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