
tooth veneers

statenislandstatenisland Posts: 635
Forum Member
My husband has veneers on his teeth. He has had them since I first met him but seeing pictures of him from before I'm not quite sure why he bothered as his teeth were perfectly fine.

I have chipped one of my bottom teeth (it is hardly noticeable but I want something done with it to prevent further damage and because it's rough on my tongue).

My husband has suggested that I could look into veneers at the same time (for top front teeth and some bottom) and he would treat me.

I am a Brit and he's American so of course we have different ideas about healthy teeth and also we both think the stereotypes about teeth in each country are often true (US: big, fake, white, UK: snaggleteeth).

Not sure about this so I'd like to hear more about people's experiences with veneers. Many of my friends also have them but they are American and so have a different mentality so us Brits.

Experiences? Opinions?



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    rammsteinqueenrammsteinqueen Posts: 514
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    If I had horrible gnashers I would get them done, but it doesn't sound like you have? as for you chipped tooth - can't you just get a piece to make it straight that is glued on? That's what my boyfriend has got - it's the smallest thing but makes a lot of difference.

    A lot of people with vaneers just look like they're wearing a set of dentures imo.. :o
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    Ella NutElla Nut Posts: 9,145
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    I can really only tell you what my dentist said about veneers. She has been utterly horrified at the numbers of people with healthy teeth (and ruining them with veneers) who don't need them, getting them done.

    Sounds like you need nothing more than a cap or something? I have a cap on one of mine, which I have had since about 1982.
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    AddisonianAddisonian Posts: 16,377
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    It's worth remembering that, normally, when doing veneers, the dentist will have to remove a shaving of the enamel on the front of your teeth and also at the biting edge thus making the tooth slightly shorter, prior to the veneers being placed. This is irreversible. It's usually not enough to cause any nerve damage but the risk is still there.
    If you (not your husband) are happy with your teeth then I wouldn't bother but if you aren't then it's worth seeing a dentist for a consultation who should explain everything involved to you and will let you know whether your teeth are suitable for veneers (not everyone's are).
    Afterwards, you should be in a better position to decide whether you want them or not.

    As for the chip on your bottom tooth - it depends how big it is. If its really small, you could just have it smoothed off, if it's a bit bigger then you could have a white filling placed which is bonded onto the tooth. These types of fillings, however, are notorious for falling out since they are on the biting edge of the front teeth which we tend to use all the time. Again, if you see your dentist, he/she will be able to advise you of the best option.

    Good luck :)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 11,471
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    Ella Nut wrote: »
    I can really only tell you what my dentist said about veneers. She has been utterly horrified at the numbers of people with healthy teeth (and ruining them with veneers) who don't need them, getting them done.

    Sounds like you need nothing more than a cap or something? I have a cap on one of mine, which I have had since about 1982.

    I'm amazed at the vanity of it. I don't understand why anyone would want to do that to perfectly healthy teeth. Fair enough if you have the mouth a meth addict would be proud of, but why do it to teeth that are just fine. I don't like veneers myself, I have never seen them look normal or especially nice, I've never like the false look whether its hair teeth or nails, most people look fair nicer without all that crap.

    I've also chipped my tooth, its not noticeable at all since its only the very tip and its very minor, but occasionally i snag it with my tongue. I'm not especially bothered by it but I am worried if I leave it it will get worse.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 68,508
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    I must admit that I hate the Simon Cowell/ Jodie Marsh look of identical dazzling tombstones.

    I had a damaged tooth evened up with a white filling; it was much cheaper and less invasive than a veneer and looks absolutely fine.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1
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    I got my veneers done on the nhs as part of my orthodontic treatment before I was eighteen. I'd had to have an operation to remove my eye teeth as they were growing in at a dangerous angle.
    They weren't strictly necessary because my braces mostly closed the gaps but as I no longer had eye teeth my mouth looked sort of out of balance, so I had veneers to make the teeth that were there into a canine shape.
    They do look a lot better now I've had them done, slight risk that if I ever chip/break them it could cost a lot to get them replaced but I'm glad that I had them done.
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    Ella NutElla Nut Posts: 9,145
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    Never Nude wrote: »
    I'm amazed at the vanity of it. I don't understand why anyone would want to do that to perfectly healthy teeth. Fair enough if you have the mouth a meth addict would be proud of, but why do it to teeth that are just fine. I don't like veneers myself, I have never seen them look normal or especially nice, I've never like the false look whether its hair teeth or nails, most people look fair nicer without all that crap.

    I've also chipped my tooth, its not noticeable at all since its only the very tip and its very minor, but occasionally i snag it with my tongue. I'm not especially bothered by it but I am worried if I leave it it will get worse.

    Well that's it, isn't it. It's not enough that teeth look "fine", heavin forbid they not be Tippex white or each completely straight and in line....

    I happily admit it was me who asked the dentist about veneers because my teeth were getting wonkier as I got older and my bite was very off on one side. But I didn't know WHAT was involved and when I found out, that was the end of that. I got braces for two and half years and now I have nice (but not perfect) teeth and better still, they are healthy and intact.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 11,471
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    Ella Nut wrote: »
    Well that's it, isn't it. It's not enough that teeth look "fine", heavin forbid they not be Tippex white or each completely straight and in line....

    I happily admit it was me who asked the dentist about veneers because my teeth were getting wonkier as I got older. But I didn't know WHAT was involved and when I found out, that was the end of that. I got braces for two and half years and now I have nice (but not perfect) teeth and better still, they are healthy and intact.

    I immediately went of veneers as soon as I found out what you had to go through to get them *shudders*. There are so many non invasive procedures you can go through which will fix actual problems. I can't see why a person with perfectly healthy teeth, would spend all that money and go through all that to look like someone wearing a pair of fake teeth you can buy from the joke shop.

    I think it is a wider issue then teeth right now, its not enough to have nails, you have to have talons glued to them, its not enough to have hair you have to shove your scalp full of extensions, its not enough to have breast they have to be the size and shape of melons, its not enough to have skin it has to be the colour of an orange. It seems we have been so sold on this airbrushed, fake, Hollywood plastic image we have actually forgotten what people actually look like.
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    statenislandstatenisland Posts: 635
    Forum Member
    any more actual experiences?

    Good and bad, all people who have had veneers I would love to hear about it.
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    statenislandstatenisland Posts: 635
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    Ella Nut wrote: »
    Well that's it, isn't it. It's not enough that teeth look "fine", heavin forbid they not be Tippex white or each completely straight and in line....

    I happily admit it was me who asked the dentist about veneers because my teeth were getting wonkier as I got older and my bite was very off on one side. But I didn't know WHAT was involved and when I found out, that was the end of that. I got braces for two and half years and now I have nice (but not perfect) teeth and better still, they are healthy and intact.

    that's the mentality here. My teeth ARE straight and healthily white (although they still look 'yellow' next to some as Ive never had them bleached and so on) but people seem to think veneers are better :rolleyes:
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    Andy2Andy2 Posts: 11,952
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    Veneers will make you look like either a horse or an American chat-show host. Only get them done if your teeth are in terrible nick.
    (I agree with everything in post 5).
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,554
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    I don't understand this obsession with 100% perfect teeth. If your set are a real mess, then yes do something to sort it out, but personally a small tiny imperfection adds character to people. I find looking at an obvious 'fake' set more noticble than a small chip.
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    Bobbity-booBobbity-boo Posts: 974
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    9 out of 10 lovers who expressed a preference said they liked my slightly uneven teeth.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 639
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    My mum has veneers on her front teeth. They were done because medication had caused some damage.
    One of them often comes off and she has to return to the dentist to have it put back on, usually she has to wait for an appointment.
    I asked my dentist about veneers a few years ago and she told me not to bother as there were always problems with them.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 68,508
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    I remember an interview with Katie Price (I can only apologise for raising this fearsome spectre here) in which she said she got horrible shooting pains from her veneers. That would put me off a bit.
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    DimsieDimsie Posts: 2,019
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    Are you happy with the appearance of your teeth as they are? If so,you don't need veneers. If you're not happy with how they look, then ask yourself what's wrong with them. If they're not as white as you'd like, then think about getting them bleached but don't go too white or they'll look unnatural (never have your teeth whiter than the whites of your eyes is the best way to go). Are they misshapen? If so, there may be ways other than veneers that your dentist can suggest, such as braces or bonding. If he can't help except with veneers, then maybe get a second opinion before committing to veneers.

    In the end the decision is yours. Teeth have to be shaved down for veneers, so once you get the veneers you'll always need them, or possibly crowns; you can't go back to all-natural teeth. If you do go ahead, then ask your dentist to make the veneers as natural looking as possible, which can be done by including the small imperfections that make teeth look natural. I have quite a few crowns (out of necessity) and my dentist, the dental lab and I made the decisions together about how they'd look and what colour they'd be; the final decision was mine, but thankfully my dentist and the lab were in total agreement with me that too white and too perfect teeth just look like old-fashioned dentures. I'm really happy with my crowns and bridge, the crowns are all-porcelain and the bridge is zirconium, the colour is a natural white and the overall look is very natural, nothing like those dreadful fake, shining white teeth you see on celebs. (I'm not boasting, please don't think that, I'm just explaining that cosmetic work CAN be done to look natural, it just takes a bit of time and trouble).

    So if you need and/or want veneers, make sure you go for the natural look, like they're your own teeth but an improved version. Don't get them to please anyone else, not even your husband - he can treat you to something else if you don't get the veneers. They're pricey, so you can get something nice instead! :)
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    valkayvalkay Posts: 15,747
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    Tulissa has them and they are so obvious, they look like a set of dentures. do they glow in ultra violet light?:rolleyes:
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    statenislandstatenisland Posts: 635
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    the worst UK ones are actually Prof Green.

    They look like very bad very old goofy dentures.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,489
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    Wherever possible get your own teeth straightened and maybe even bleached a tad if you want to - veneers make you look like a granny or a horse.
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    statenislandstatenisland Posts: 635
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    mtj wrote: »
    Wherever possible get your own teeth straightened and maybe even bleached a tad if you want to - veneers make you look like a granny or a horse.

    my teeth aren;t bad, I always got compliments on them in the UK but in the US they are die hard about teeth.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,489
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    I don't mean everyone should be going that route - rather if they're fully decided that something has to be done, try invisalign first.
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    AddisonianAddisonian Posts: 16,377
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    my teeth aren;t bad, I always got compliments on them in the UK
    Its impossible to advise you properly on whether veneers would offer you an aesthetic improvement or whether your teeth are even suitable for them without seeing pictures of your teeth or checking how your top and bottom teeth bite together.
    But, from what you've written above, I don't think you should opt for veneers.
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    statenislandstatenisland Posts: 635
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    mtj wrote: »
    I don't mean everyone should be going that route - rather if they're fully decided that something has to be done, try invisalign first.

    i reckon its cos he (and most of the US) like the rather fake, bigger than normal, whiter than normal, totally in line teeth that a brace doesn't give you :rolleyes:
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    SherbetLemonSherbetLemon Posts: 4,073
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    Aly1 wrote: »
    My mum has veneers on her front teeth. They were done because medication had caused some damage.
    Same with my sister, who got hers free on the NHS. Her teeth weren't actually all that bad, just a bit worn down. You wouldn't even known she's had them as they blend in naturally with the rest of her teeth.
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    edExedEx Posts: 13,460
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    I've got three at the front top, but only because I got into a fight when younger and my opponent got the better of me. My advice would be to leave any healthy teeth as they are, but go for a veneer on the damaged one. Providing your dentist knows a decent ceramicist the veneer will look completely natural.
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