
Jimmy Saville to be revealed as a paedophile? (Part 6)



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    IzzySIzzyS Posts: 11,045
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    Regarding getting access to customers contact details via your ISP, I have a feeling I heard they were going to introduce new laws that would compel ISPs to give details to companies if they got ahold of your IP address in relation to multiple copyright infringements, uploading movies and so on, as a way of helping to prevent or beat online piracy. The idea was if the person complaining (a movie company or whatever) could prove (multiple?) copyright violations related to a set IP address, the ISPs would legally have to give up the details of the person who owns that IP. I presume it only applies specifically for copyright violations though? although it wouldn't surprise me if their trying to put through more legislation to widen things like this.

    I feel uncomfortable with that sort of thing when you hear of people logging on to other peoples IP addresses and committing illegal acts, downloading child porn or uploading copyright material or whatever it might be - they should have to prove that the person whose name is linked directly to the IP address, was physically at home or on their computer when the violations took place. I imagine it gets more complicated when you talk about twitter, since you can tweet on the move via phones, using mobile networks and don't need an IP address(?).

    Anyway, thats all I know...sorry if its a little off topic. I still feel like I have alot of questions about what happened with JS, I wonder if we'll ever find out answers to some things. I know lately people have been saying that it seems unfortunately, alot of it does come down to at the time, it seemed fine and there wasn't much to tell people he wasn't right to be put in the positions he was but still, you wonder.
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    IzzySIzzyS Posts: 11,045
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    dragon1950 wrote: »
    I have followed this case from the very beginning and like many others on this site i have at times been very excited about the prospect of people in positions of wealth and power being brought to justice, but as time goes by I have become more and more disheartened at the direction that this investigation has taken. Sadly, there is going to be a huge cover up and there are going to be a few sacrificial lambs brought to justice - notjing more.

    I hope not - at least some people are saying its apparently become a watershed moment and allowed some people to talk up about their abuse for the first time, that has to be a good thing surely? I hope so - its too depressing for nothing positive to come from it all (by the way I sent you a private message about the TV show the other day, I hope you got it? I know im not notified when im sent private messages here so wasn't sure).
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    MutterMutter Posts: 3,269
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    MC_Satan wrote: »
    What was his involvement?
    You are already perfectly aware of his theory.

    I composed a detailed reply but awoke to your subterfuge and posted the above instead.

    Beware all. There are those who are trying to lead us into the realms of litigation.

    Easy pickings as has been proved.
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    Black VelvetBlack Velvet Posts: 702
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    Theo_Bear wrote: »
    This is a bit rich given the rumours about Mr Beatle.

    What rumour? Just be careful in replying on here in case. Send me a pm instead.
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    MC_SatanMC_Satan Posts: 26,512
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    Mutter wrote: »
    You are already perfectly aware of his theory.

    I composed a detailed reply but awoke to your subterfuge and posted the above instead.

    Beware all. There are those who are trying to lead us into the realms of litigation.

    Easy pickings as has been proved.

    Honestly I wasn't! I had no idea what he said about the McCann case. So I looked it up.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 87,224
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    NosnikraplNosnikrapl Posts: 2,572
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    Mutter wrote: »
    Disappointed that this thread has slowed down to the few diehards left, even though the remaining posters still make interesting points.

    Is this because they have decamped elsewhere, or are they disheartened that the investigation is down a blind alley?

    All those promises of many arrests within days. Chief of the investigation saying it was a serious crime and had involved a team more used to solving murders. What happened to all of that?

    This is already over IMO, in the minds of the public. Two sectors. One, who have their kids at home, well it will never happen to them.
    Second, those whose kids have been taken have no voice, as they supposedly didn't care in the first place.

    Something occured to me. Make sure all you parents have a Guardian for your child named in your Will. If you don't, your child could be taken into care.

    ETA. When I made my will, the solicitor encouraged me to name a Guardian. You could both die in a car accident for instance, we have to face these things.

    It's not a soap opera or a drama. It's real life. Police investigations take time & need doing thoroughly. Surely everyone can see what happens when 'desire' takes over 'fact' with the BBC debacle. The only way that anyone is going to be arrested/charged is on the evidence of the abused. Any allegation will need to be investigated before you start hauling folks in.
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    MutterMutter Posts: 3,269
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    Nosnikrapl wrote: »
    I'm not surprised. The funny thing is the very folks who are championing him on this issue had him as public enemy no. 1 on the Maddie disappearance. ;)
    Not me, no way. You'll see I said in part 2 I think, that MWT is a legend in his own lunchtime.

    He made a fool of himself on the maddie case.
    He made a fool of himself sitting beneath a dead body, interviewing the suspect.

    A fool indeed.
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    MutterMutter Posts: 3,269
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    Nosnikrapl wrote: »
    It's not a soap opera or a drama. It's real life. Police investigations take time & need doing thoroughly. Surely everyone can see what happens when 'desire' takes over 'fact' with the BBC debacle. The only way that anyone is going to be arrested/charged is on the evidence of the abused. Any allegation will need to be investigated before you start hauling folks in.
    I neither watch soaps or police dramas, but when real life cops appear to tell us how serious this case is, and that arrests will be made in days, I thought to believe them.
    Hoiw wrong I was.
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    Phoenix LazarusPhoenix Lazarus Posts: 17,336
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    Theo_Bear wrote: »
    This is a bit rich given the rumours about Mr Beatle.

    The only rumour I've heard about McCartney is that story he was 'replaced' by a lookalike, after the earlier McCartney died in a car crash, in 1967.
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    IzzySIzzyS Posts: 11,045
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    Its good to hear their investigating it along with the police, thanks for posting. I also spotted this earlier article:- http://www.bucksherald.co.uk/news/local-news/hospital-trust-moves-to-improve-its-investigation-into-savile-sex-abuse-scandal-1-4520141
    given the last sentence, I'm wondering who the representative was (natural curiosity).
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    StrmChaserSteveStrmChaserSteve Posts: 2,728
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    Front page of Mirror tomorrow - not Savile related
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    DE53DE53 Posts: 2,641
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    just been watching Paul o Grady on Alan Carr chatty man talking about his pre Lily Savage days when he worked as a carer with the mentally and phsically disabled and they were visited by JS and told not to leave JS alone with any young women :eek: Said he didn't know about paedo's in those days and it never would have crossed his mind someone could do anything like that to the mentally or physically disabled you could tell he was really disgusted, called him a "dirty sod" spot on
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    IzzySIzzyS Posts: 11,045
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    DE53 wrote: »
    just been watching Paul o Grady on Alan Carr chatty man talking about his pre Lily Savage days when he worked as a carer with the mentally and phsically disabled and they were visited by JS and told not to leave JS alone with any young women :eek: Said he didn't know about paedo's in those days and it never would have crossed his mind someone could do anything like that to the mentally or physically disabled you could tell he was really disgusted, called him a "dirty sod" spot on

    I also heard that hospital patients were advised by staff to look like their sleeping when he was in their wards/rooms, presumably to lessen the chances of him talking to them and trying anything on(?).

    Re BiB, I wasn't around in the 60s/70s so I wouldn't really know but im curious, was paedophilia recognised in MSM back then or was it very much taboo, like talking about cancer was some 40/50 years ago, I believe(?).

    Paul has always seemed a really kind, approachable guy, infact I was just saying that yesterday after watching some bloopers from his channel 4 chat show. I got a bit emotional watching the last episode of his recent for the love of dogs documentary, its clear he really loves the dogs and on his shows he seemed to have a great rapport with everyone, especially all the banter with the celebrity guests - he comes across as very down to earth, unlike JS I suppose who was all about emphasising his authority, I think?. I imagine Paul feels guilty if he thought he could have done anything back in the day when he crossed paths with JS, if he'd have known what was alleged - there must be alot of people struggling with the whole 'in hindsight' talk.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 87,224
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    "The question we must now consider is this: was (Cyril) Smith’s depravity indeed known about at the very highest levels of the Establishment, including the security services — and the plight of his victims ignored on the grounds of ‘political expediency’ at a time when he was key to a weak Labour government’s relationship with the Liberals?"

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2237627/Cyril-Smith-child-abuse-Chilling-claims-Smith-child-abuse-scandal-concealed-avoid-crisis-Westminster.html#ixzz2D5azxpck
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    DE53DE53 Posts: 2,641
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    IzzyS wrote: »
    I also heard that hospital patients were advised by staff to look like their sleeping when he was in their wards/rooms, presumably to lessen the chances of him talking to them and trying anything on(?).

    Re BiB, I wasn't around in the 60s/70s so I wouldn't really know but im curious, was paedophilia recognised in MSM back then or was it very much taboo, like talking about cancer was some 40/50 years ago, I believe(?).

    Paul has always seemed a really kind, approachable guy, infact I was just saying that yesterday after watching some bloopers from his channel 4 chat show. I got a bit emotional watching the last episode of his recent for the love of dogs documentary, its clear he really loves the dogs and on his shows he seemed to have a great rapport with everyone, especially all the banter with the celebrity guests - he comes across as very down to earth, unlike JS I suppose who was all about emphasising his authority, I think?. I imagine Paul feels guilty if he thought he could have done anything back in the day when he crossed paths with JS, if he'd have known what was alleged - there must be alot of people struggling with the whole 'in hindsight' talk.

    Maybe, but he has no reason to ,he clearly didn't have a clue but sounds like whoever was in charge must have had suspicions at the very least. But i suppose unless he/she actually saw something then it's the same old story, no evidence :mad:
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    EurostarEurostar Posts: 78,519
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    DE53 wrote: »
    just been watching Paul o Grady on Alan Carr chatty man talking about his pre Lily Savage days when he worked as a carer with the mentally and phsically disabled and they were visited by JS and told not to leave JS alone with any young women :eek: Said he didn't know about paedo's in those days and it never would have crossed his mind someone could do anything like that to the mentally or physically disabled you could tell he was really disgusted, called him a "dirty sod" spot on

    That would suggest it was common knowledge at the hospital that Savile was a pervert and abuser, which appears to be a recurring theme at all the institutions.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 43
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    Is the whole situation gonna be a question of a state of mind?

    Establishment defenders versus David Icke type free-thinking loonies?

    I do laugh, but silently smile at what has happened over the last few weeks. Maybe it has led to an awareness of what is happening in the higher echelons of our society and how "they" think they can control and abuse the peasants below them.

    A rising of awareness of the evil at work - thank you "Sir" Jimmy
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    BigBmadBigBmad Posts: 18,348
    Forum Member
    Is the whole situation gonna be a question of a state of mind?

    Establishment defenders versus David Icke type free-thinking loonies?

    I do laugh, but silently smile at what has happened over the last few weeks. Maybe it has led to an awareness of what is happening in the higher echelons of our society and how "they" think they can control and abuse the peasants below them.

    A rising of awareness of the evil at work - thank you "Sir" Jimmy

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    Phoenix LazarusPhoenix Lazarus Posts: 17,336
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    BigBmad wrote: »

    I think it's rather ironic and grudging praise of the good Savile's antics-bad in themself-have led to, in making us aware of how bad things can happen. They put the 'Sir' (representing Savile's knighthood) in inverted commas to emphasis they were reluctant to credit him with something like that, which seemed like a mark of dignity.
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    IzzySIzzyS Posts: 11,045
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    DE53 wrote: »
    Maybe, but he has no reason to ,he clearly didn't have a clue but sounds like whoever was in charge must have had suspicions at the very least. But i suppose unless he/she actually saw something then it's the same old story, no evidence :mad:

    Yes, same as some of his earlier victims who maybe didn't speak up at the time and now wonder if they had, whether he might have been stopped from offending others in the future, which must be awful. Looking back on things now must be difficult for some...its those in charge of the institutions who employed him that should really be scrutinised above all else I think though.

    I can only imagine that those in charge who gave such 'advice' and had some inkling of what was going on, really felt they needed the money he gave them or that he could badly damage them (ie blackmail) if they turfed him out, which makes me wonder what else may have been going on, for JS to be aware of in the first place - it sounds like he knew of numerous 'goings ons' (sp?) at Broadmoor, from what Currie has disclosed so far - why she couldn't just sack those who were in the wrong and bring in new employees to replace them or something sensible like that, I've no idea.

    ETA - also thinking about the claimed advice to patients, to act like your sleeping, I wonder if he didn't pick up on that after a while, wondering why it seemed so many kids were sleeping perhaps in the middle of the day? but I suppose with it being a hospital, if asked then staff would claim its due to their medication(?) I imagine he wouldn't be best pleased if he heard about this advice....hmmm...who knows.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 43
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    One more point before I retire for the evening:

    Even though I admire David Icke for being a courageous and interesting individual - who literally blew my mind whilst watching him on "Through the Keyhole" in the late 90s - It is possible that he is employed by "them" to be a disinformation agent.

    Members on the DI forum are aware of this dichotomy and they are not merely sick duckers, if you understand my play on words, at the Church Of Icke.

    It's just a good place to be. It's a place where people are searching for answers. Searching for answers cos if we are so intelligent and clever - why is the world we live in so wrong?

    RH xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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    DE53DE53 Posts: 2,641
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    IzzyS wrote: »
    Yes, same as some of his earlier victims who maybe didn't speak up at the time and now wonder if they had, whether he might have been stopped from offending others in the future, which must be awful. Looking back on things now must be difficult for some...its those in charge of the institutions who employed him that should really be scrutinised above all else I think though.

    I can only imagine that those in charge who gave such 'advice' and had some inkling of what was going on, really felt they needed the money he gave them or that he could badly damage them (ie blackmail) if they turfed him out, which makes me wonder what else may have been going on, for JS to be aware of in the first place - it sounds like he knew of numerous 'goings ons' (sp?) at Broadmoor, from what Currie has disclosed so far - why she couldn't just sack those who were in the wrong and bring in new employees to replace them or something sensible like that, I've no idea.ETA - also thinking about the claimed advice to patients, to act like your sleeping, I wonder if he didn't pick up on that after a while, wondering why it seemed so many kids were sleeping perhaps in the middle of the day? but I suppose with it being a hospital, if asked then staff would claim its due to their medication(?) I imagine he wouldn't be best pleased if he heard about this advice....hmmm...who knows.

    Cos she didn't give a rat's arse? Saw her this week on the follow up documentary claiming she was hoodwinked :mad:
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    sozzled2daysozzled2day Posts: 1,217
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    Eurostar wrote: »
    That would suggest it was common knowledge at the hospital that Savile was a pervert and abuser, which appears to be a recurring theme at all the institutions.
    Common knowledge yes, which is why it's just unbelievable that the people in charge at each of the institutions he abused at are all playing innocent and making out they knew nothing. Zipped lips seem to be the order of the day.
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