
Why is gaming getting blamed?



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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 844
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    The thing they said he had no gun training at all. (These reports may have changed). Yet he seemed well capable of using them. That is when I worry about video game comparison.

    I've had no gun training yet I'm pretty sure I could pick a gun up and use it. I might not be very accurate but with an assault rifle in my hands I could probably do some damage.

    I don't care what anyone says, normal people shouldn't have guns. There's always a chance that a situation will arise after an argument or when you're drunk and it can easily get out of control. If you don't have a gun then temptation cannot be acted upon.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,538
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    OK guys, an honest opinion please! I have a 10 year old Grandson, and his parents have bought him the full X Box including all the gear for Xmas, along with 3 games, and in those games is COD. I feel that is so wrong on all counts, but was told that all the lads mates are playing it anyway so it didn't matter.

    Who is right?
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 844
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    0rch1deam wrote: »
    OK guys, an honest opinion please! I have a 10 year old Grandson, and his parents have bought him the full X Box including all the gear for Xmas, along with 3 games, and in those games is COD. I feel that is so wrong on all counts, but was told that all the lads mates are playing it anyway so it didn't matter.

    Who is right?

    If his parents have bought it and are happy for him to play it then so be it. My son plays it at 13 and has done for a few years. I'm sure there are people who will disagree but I don't see any problem with it.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,813
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    0rch1deam wrote: »
    OK guys, an honest opinion please! I have a 10 year old Grandson, and his parents have bought him the full X Box including all the gear for Xmas, along with 3 games, and in those games is COD. I feel that is so wrong on all counts, but was told that all the lads mates are playing it anyway so it didn't matter.

    Who is right?

    I've been playing GTA games since i was about ten, the only thing they did was show me how amazing stories can be in games

    I'd argue that playing video games is no worse than watching the news, the child probably already knows about horrors of real wars, so what is a little fictional fun really going to do
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,538
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    Thanks for the replies guys, it's set my mind at rest a bit. I know COD is an 18, and that was worrying me as the lad does get nightmares as it is. I know I can't intrude on what his parents think and do, nor do I, but I still worry about him. :)
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    PyramidbreadPyramidbread Posts: 10,457
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    0rch1deam wrote: »
    Thanks for the replies guys, it's set my mind at rest a bit. I know COD is an 18, and that was worrying me as the lad does get nightmares as it is. I know I can't intrude on what his parents think and do, nor do I, but I still worry about him. :)

    CoD is no worse than what you'd see in movies, there's no real gore in the game. If you are worried, just have a sit down with him, and make sure that he knows that there is a difference between what you see in a game and what you see in real life.
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    Regis MagnaeRegis Magnae Posts: 6,810
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    0rch1deam wrote: »
    Thanks for the replies guys, it's set my mind at rest a bit. I know COD is an 18, and that was worrying me as the lad does get nightmares as it is. I know I can't intrude on what his parents think and do, nor do I, but I still worry about him. :)

    Like all things in life balance and context is key. Make sure COD doesn't become an obsession and that compared to real warfare COD is nothing more than a glorified game of tag.

    I've seen a few documentaries about real warfare that were more horrific than COD, and those were from the 60s and 70s.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 29
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    If anything, blame the news, they're the one who glorify these killers with hours upon hours of screentime. Ensuring that the killer is remembered.

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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 4,129
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    thomas2400 wrote: »
    By now most of us would of heard of the recent massacre in america and the truly horrific events that happened

    but once again people have gone into full on ****ing moron mode and started to blame bioware just because the killer was a fan of mass effect, mean i quick look at the page shows you hundreds of comments calling for the page to be pulled from facebook, for the game to be banned, hateful comments about bioware it just goes on and on

    Because it is easy and lazy and the only thing they have to vent their 'anger' at.

    A better reason for him doing it or being motivated is that his mother was a bit nutbar too and was a 'prepper' (Someone who trained and lived for some armageddon type thing) she trained him to use guns and had guns at home.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 4,129
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    Conroy wrote: »
    The NRA are silent. One of their mouthpieces usually advocates the increased need for guns after a massacre, although I don't think that would go down too well with 20 children amongst the dead.

    That comment has been made - not sure if it was by the NRA but a comment about guns being banned from school premises was cited as a cause for the size of the killings...if the teachers had guns presumably they would have killed the guy before he shot too many of them...
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 123
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    I'm 17. I have played GTA, COD, and all those games that get blamed for everything, since I was 9. I love to watch horror films - I watched Psycho when I was five (my parents were upstairs so they didn't realise). I'm pretty average with an alright social life and the darkest thing I have is my love of dark humour.
    Whenever I get a bad report I will blame everything around me (my teachers, the "unfair" questions...etc.) and ignore the actual cause - me being lazy and not studying enough.

    The obvious cause in this case is guns. There are no other factors. They have to quit ignoring the obvious and trying to find a way around it. Face it and stop being cowards. A gun has one purpose, to kill. Quit acting like animals and try acting civilised for once. Isn't America supposed to be the great example that the world follows? Well they've completely messed that up....
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    MD1500MD1500 Posts: 14,234
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    The strangest thing is that the Daily Express claimed he was addicted to Dynasty Warriors - a game, which doesn't involved any guns at all. Swords, yes. Guns, no.
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    2dshmuplover2dshmuplover Posts: 8,271
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    Just another in a long line of false flag events taken place to usher in the UN-fronted gun grab and de-arming of American citizens. FPS games are being blamed which supports their sick minded cause.

    A shame videogames are taking flak but perhaps they are too violent for their own good?
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    2dshmuplover2dshmuplover Posts: 8,271
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    The obvious cause in this case is guns. There are no other factors. They have to quit ignoring the obvious and trying to find a way around it. Face it and stop being cowards. A gun has one purpose, to kill. Quit acting like animals and try acting civilised for once. Isn't America supposed to be the great example that the world follows? Well they've completely messed that up....

    I appreciate you're young but please! Guns do not kill people. People kill people. Do you blame spoons for making people obese too?

    Banning guns will only shift them onto the black market and into criminal hands, similar events can and will continue to take place regardless, you only need look at the Dunblane massacre for proof.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 4,012
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    Because (SOME) Republicans are so ****ed up they would rather blame games and movies rather than the fact that , oh I dunno guns are so freely avaliable in the Usa?.
    Had to laugh my parents get the Express and one report said the attack bore resembalances to "We need to talk about Kevin" where the killer uses a crossbow in his attack:rolleyes:.
    Yes there were reasons for his wicked crime but leave games and films alone.
    The acsessibility to good treatment for people with mental health issues and also conditions like Aspergers in America should be looked at as well.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,016
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    To add balance perhaps this may show the positive effects of gaming on the brain, more specifically action games like COD.
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    SpeedloaferSpeedloafer Posts: 2,407
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    Just another in a long line of false flag events taken place to usher in the UN-fronted gun grab and de-arming of American citizens. FPS games are being blamed which supports their sick minded cause.

    A shame videogames are taking flak but perhaps they are too violent for their own good?

    I take it you are joking, to suggest that these kids were killed by some sort of Government/UN conspiracy is pretty ****ing stupid.
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    2dshmuplover2dshmuplover Posts: 8,271
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    I take it you are joking, to suggest that these kids were killed by some sort of Government/UN conspiracy is pretty ****ing stupid.

    You have the right to believe what you wish, as do I. I'm not forcing it down anyone's throat.
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    CallousCallous Posts: 11,957
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    0rch1deam wrote: »
    OK guys, an honest opinion please! I have a 10 year old Grandson, and his parents have bought him the full X Box including all the gear for Xmas, along with 3 games, and in those games is COD. I feel that is so wrong on all counts, but was told that all the lads mates are playing it anyway so it didn't matter.

    Who is right?

    If he's playing offline I wouldn't be overly concerned. If he's playing online I would be.

    I have far more issues with children playing against people they don't know in an environment that's filled to the brim with racism, homophobia,xenophobia, bullying and 24/7 swearing....than the content of the actual game itself.

    Kids shouldn't be playing on Xbox Live IMO...I'd sooner let them watch pretty much any violent horror movie over that.
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    AtlanticAtlantic Posts: 936
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    Mass Effect is getting blamed? I think ME has a strong moral core in it's storyline where actions have consequences and the death of characters is dealt with emotionally. But what do I know? I've only played the games, that's all.

    Also would it be presumptuous of me to assume the mother of the killer was a staunch Republican?
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    AtlanticAtlantic Posts: 936
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    ballybally wrote: »
    If his parents have bought it and are happy for him to play it then so be it. My son plays it at 13 and has done for a few years. I'm sure there are people who will disagree but I don't see any problem with it.

    Does your son play online COD multiplayer? If so have you sat with him during a gaming session and listened in on the conversations during multiplayer? You will definitely learn how many different varieties of the term "muthafecker" and "feckin retard" can be incorporated into a sentence.

    Or you can just go on YouTube and search for "COD angry kid" where gamers mock children and make them cry. It's hilarious when the parent joins in and they get picked on too.
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    cooltvcooltv Posts: 3,517
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    Have any of you seen the front page of The Sun today? It has a story about CoD and how that gun man in America was obsessed with it
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 844
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    cooltv wrote: »
    Have any of you seen the front page of The Sun today? It has a story about CoD and how that gun man in America was obsessed with it

    Along with 8 million or so other people who haven't killed anyone :rolleyes:
    Atlantic wrote: »
    Does your son play online COD multiplayer? If so have you sat with him during a gaming session and listened in on the conversations during multiplayer? You will definitely learn how many different varieties of the term "muthafecker" and "feckin retard" can be incorporated into a sentence.

    Or you can just go on YouTube and search for "COD angry kid" where gamers mock children and make them cry. It's hilarious when the parent joins in and they get picked on too.

    Yes and so do I so I'm fully aware of what goes on. I'm also fully aware of what goes on in school and believe me there isn't too much difference.

    He is aware though that he will be banned from all online gaming if he ever behaves like that or uses any kind of inappropriate language.
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    AtlanticAtlantic Posts: 936
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    ballybally wrote: »
    Yes and so do I so I'm fully aware of what goes on. I'm also fully aware of what goes on in school and believe me there isn't too much difference.

    I guess the difference is in school the ribbing is amongst peers whereas online multiplayer could mean 40 year old red neck KKK NRA member who actually DOES own a semiautomatic rifle.

    Don't get me wrong. I love online multiplayer games and I get pwned by youngsters the same age as your son on a regular basis (current gamer score = 105640, currently need gamers willing to boost online cheevos for CoJ: The Cartel).
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 123
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    Link to the article on The Sun - http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/4702951/dark-world-of-school-massacre-adam-lanza.html

    I particularly like the section by the "child psycologist" and the one about Anders Breivik and Mohammed Merah. Truly laughable.
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