
The Iron Lady



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    Andy BirkenheadAndy Birkenhead Posts: 13,450
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    I despise this woman and I had no intention of watching it.
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    SpotSpot Posts: 25,148
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    They have taken liberties with some of the detail - when Airey Neave was killed they showed her having heard the explosion and running towards it, but in fact she was nowhere near Westminster. There is footage which I have seen many times of her on a visit somewhere and an aide whispers in her ear that there has been an explosion and she is visibly shocked and asks who was in the car - at that time they didn't know.

    Maybe they did it deliberately to show that her memory was playing tricks on her?
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    BelligerenceBelligerence Posts: 40,613
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    A very sanitised documentary on Thatcher's life.

    Some truths are skewed which is understandable I guess, provided the target public it aims to reach.
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    BastardBeaverBastardBeaver Posts: 11,903
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    Am watching now on +1. I'm quite enjoying it as a sort of tv film. Got to say I don't know all that much about Thatcher but she's quite a mesmerizing woman it seems.
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    Andy BirkenheadAndy Birkenhead Posts: 13,450
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    One of the things I hated about her was her patronising, whining voice.
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    TardisSteveTardisSteve Posts: 8,077
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    i thought it was a great film, Meryl Streep was really fantastic as Margeret Thatcher, i wish there was more shown on the falklands war, liked seeing about her when she was younger, overall a good film if not all over the place at times

    one thing i will say about Margeret Thatcher, love her or loathe her, she was a tough cookie
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 643
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    Watched the film this evening and thought it was brilliant but that's not to say I don't understand the criticism. I feel it should be looked at as a kind of fantasy film but Meryl Streep is such a brilliant actress and I would go as far to say its one of the best acting performances I have ever seen. I couldn't stand Thatcher and remember many of the events of her career and the performance was just so good.
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    BelligerenceBelligerence Posts: 40,613
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    sweetcorn wrote: »
    Watched the film this evening and thought it was brilliant but that's not to say I don't understand the criticism. I feel it should be looked at as a kind of fantasy film but Meryl Streep is such a brilliant actress and I would go as far to say its one of the best acting performances I have ever seen. I couldn't stand Thatcher and remember many of the events of her career and the performance was just so good.
    I don't think anyone is criticising Streep's performance -- she deserved the Oscar, when you consider her note-perfect execution and the other nominees on offer but the film for me was very sainitsed.
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    gomezzgomezz Posts: 44,829
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    As it is effectively a view of her career through her own eyes why is anyone expecting any different?

    On a different slant, the audio mix is all over the place and I think it has blown one of my rear speakers. :(
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 643
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    I don't think anyone is criticising Streep's performance -- she deserved the Oscar, when you consider her note-perfect execution and the other nominees on offer but the film for me was very sainitsed.

    I didn't feel there was any critisim of Streeps performance but I can understand why people have a problems with the film itself. It could have been better but you could also argue why do a documentary? They tried to fit in too much and perhaps could have done a film similar to The Queen which just considered a certain event.
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    Dai13371Dai13371 Posts: 8,071
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    I despise this woman and I had no intention of watching it.

    Would you refuse to watch Der Untergang or do you think Adolf is a bit of a good bloke?
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    Andy BirkenheadAndy Birkenhead Posts: 13,450
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    Dai13371 wrote: »
    Would you refuse to watch Der Untergang or do you think Adolf is a bit of a good bloke?

    Well, obviously Adolf Hitler was not ' a bit of a good bloke' :rolleyes:
    I've never heard of Der Untergang. What is it ?
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    ZeusZeus Posts: 10,459
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    I watched it and thought it was pretty good. I was surprised that politically it did show some balance. E.g. although it showed she stood firm over the Falkland Islands, it also referenced the fact that she had some responsibility for losing them in the first place, with the defence cuts that withdrew the ships. And while it showed she was strong against the unions, it also made very plain that the people that were suffering the most from her policies were the less well off.

    An interesting theme that i thought was strongly hinted at was that Lady Thatcher was not comfortable with other women. Not only does she declare at one point that she prefers the company of men, it also hints that she had a close relationship with her father but was distant from her mother, and that of her children it was Mark, rather than Carol, that she was fondest of.

    Of course a lot of this was pure Hollywood and it wouldn't be wise for anyone to confuse the film with reality. But it wasn't as sycophantic as i'd assumed it would be. And it did tell a good tale, and indeed was very sad at times. You really did feel sorry for Maggie at the end.

    Meryl Streep deserved the Oscar, for sure.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 4,679
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    Watched it the other night like many others and i really didn't think much of it.

    I thought Meryl Streep's performance has been a bit over-rated, she was good, but not amazing.

    The period story was nice and it was nice to relive some historic events but so, so much of it is complete fiction. It's irritating some of the dramatisation in the story, a lot of it is simply made-up and some of the events are glorified in a horribly upbeat manner. People who did not live through her reign need to see what REALLY happened and not some fantastical cobblers that will probably wind-up being adopted as fact in the future.

    The whole thing about depicting her as a senile old woman slowly losing her sanity was difficult to stomach and utterly irrelevant to who she was and what she did.

    Simply put, 2/10 tops for me and the 2 is solely for Meryl Streep.
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    Uk LtdUk Ltd Posts: 1,228
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    Might watch this on Netflix tonight.
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    Sez_babeSez_babe Posts: 133,998
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    I can see this being shown on TV soon.
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    allthatyouwantallthatyouwant Posts: 1,381
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    Sez_babe wrote: »
    I can see this being shown on TV soon.

    it was on Ch4 a couple of months ago but i agree, itll be on again soon.

    PS i think Olivia Colman is amazing in this and Meryl has high praise for her
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,538
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    A movie which was completely all over the place but Meryl deserved that Oscar.
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    LMLM Posts: 63,806
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    downtonfan wrote: »
    A movie which was completely all over the place but Meryl deserved that Oscar.

    Spot on

    That year was full of amazing performances. Meryl, Viola or Michelle could of easily walked away with that oscar
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