
Need For Speed Most Wanted - thread



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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 187
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    @claymore @gillyallan You both seem to be in the same place as I am with this game. I'm about 80% through, only have 3 races to win for that trophy, a couple more jackspots to find, and so on. Definitely aiming for the platinum on this now - I've gone too far to turn back!!

    I'd like some help online to get the multiplayer trophies. If you fancy hooking up online, let me know Gillyallan, I'll add you tonight if that's ok (claymore, I already have you added, bud).
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    gillyallangillyallan Posts: 31,728
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    Yeah go for it. Ive not played it online so not sure what it involves
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    gothergother Posts: 14,762
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    Looks like i'm going to have to get back on this and settle some scores :p although i tend to end up crashing more than anything else lol.
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    gillyallangillyallan Posts: 31,728
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    Lol gother. Nothing worse than managing 3 laps of a circuit, be within sight of finish line and lose it ploughing into something
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    claymore74claymore74 Posts: 1,153
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    gillyallan - I know what you mean about it being addictive. I was the same with HP - it didn't matter than I'd got all the golds, I still had to go back to see if I could beat the person above me. As for the last few most wanted cars, I found them a bit easy tbh - I beat the Bugatti with 2 tyres blown, which was just a bit daft. It seems that it's easier to beat them in the race than it is to actually shut them down.

    mrobbo - yeah I'll be up for some online. I've been on at the same time as you, but just not been planning to stay on for a while to bother with mp yet. I think the issue with platinum is going to be finding the last few gates, billboards etc. I've still got 2 cameras to trigger, and I'll be damned if I can find them.
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    gothergother Posts: 14,762
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    gillyallan wrote: »
    Lol gother. Nothing worse than managing 3 laps of a circuit, be within sight of finish line and lose it ploughing into something

    Happens many a time with me which normally results in me cursing out loudly lol.
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    gillyallangillyallan Posts: 31,728
    Forum Member
    Yeah frustrating but its a game for that one more go feeling.
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    CeeBeeUKCeeBeeUK Posts: 446
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    I just need the online trophies for my plat too
    claymore74 wrote: »
    I think the issue with platinum is going to be finding the last few gates, billboards etc. I've still got 2 cameras to trigger, and I'll be damned if I can find them.

    My final gate was really annoying... There was a ramp with a billboard at the top. I owned the billboard, but had not broken down the gate leading to it?!

    It turned out that street debris that you push through gates don't count as you breaking it! :rolleyes:
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    gillyallangillyallan Posts: 31,728
    Forum Member
    I havent a clue what gates I have and havent. I remember Criterion created a web page eventually to show you the ones you needed on Burnout Paradise. Probably slightly cheating.
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    CeeBeeUKCeeBeeUK Posts: 446
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    Nothing like that yet! Just hours of quartering the city driving through every gate I saw, just in case!
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    claymore74claymore74 Posts: 1,153
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    gillyallan wrote: »
    I havent a clue what gates I have and havent. I remember Criterion created a web page eventually to show you the ones you needed on Burnout Paradise. Probably slightly cheating.

    As far as I can tell, if you take all the gates out from an opening, they get replaced with a different style of gate, so if you see an opening with a security gate fully covering it, you've not smashed it.

    It's the same with billboards too, if it says EA, DICE, or Viseral you've not smashed it.

    And while I'm taking about billboards, I got the trophy for a 200yd jump last night - 316yds, and man did that bring a smile to my face ! (sad, I know, but still...)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 187
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    claymore74 wrote: »
    As far as I can tell, if you take all the gates out from an opening, they get replaced with a different style of gate, so if you see an opening with a security gate fully covering it, you've not smashed it.

    It's the same with billboards too, if it says EA, DICE, or Viseral you've not smashed it.

    And while I'm taking about billboards, I got the trophy for a 200yd jump last night - 316yds, and man did that bring a smile to my face ! (sad, I know, but still...)


    I've still not earned the 200 yard billboard trophy but it's high on my priority list. I'm following the guide at ps3trophies by the way (can't link as I'm in work).

    I found all jackspots last night, so that's a good one to tick off the list. I've 3 more cars yet to drive, 6 races yet to win, and plenty of other bits and pieces. Will keep me busy for a few weeks yet, I think (30 hours played time and counting).

    Was never a 'trophy ****' but after getting a platinum on Rayman Origins (AMAZING game by the way), I'm getting into collecting the trophies now.
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    gillyallangillyallan Posts: 31,728
    Forum Member
    Couple of crazy most wanted cars shut down there. One of them was beating me hands down, but at the end you jump down and through a sign. He crashed into the sign allowing me to win. Was surprised when it said I won.

    Next was I think the 4th most wanted car. Again it was beating me a little but a police car took him out just before the finish and I won by a bumper.
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    gillyallangillyallan Posts: 31,728
    Forum Member
    Oooo frustrating. Claymore has pipped me on harbourrun, knocking me to 2nd place. Will need to work on that one
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    claymore74claymore74 Posts: 1,153
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    yeah, I'm down to just the billboards, gates and 'heat is off' trophies now (plus mp ones), so I took a look at the autolog recommendations - I don't mind seeing the 'challenge ...' ones, but I just couldn't bring myself to leave the 'gillyallan beat you' ones sitting there :D
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    claymore74claymore74 Posts: 1,153
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    just browsing autolog online...holy cr@p mrobbo, 80 attempts on Needle Point !!! Now that's dedication.

    I think the controller would have been through the window long before my 80th attempt!

    Kudos on the speed btw, I don't think I'm going to bother trying to knock you off the top spot, as I remember how worked up I got when I did it, eventually managing it on my 24th attempt apparently.

    It was very annoying, the number of times I had a head on crash right at the start ... grr.. gets me annoyed just thinking about it, though on reflection I probably should've modded the car a bit more ...oooh maybe just one more go .. d@mn this game is so addictive...:)
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    gillyallangillyallan Posts: 31,728
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    Yeah its the ones that say so and so beat you that get me too.i couldn't come back at you with the car setups I had.
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    gillyallangillyallan Posts: 31,728
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    It seems really odd the race where the intro is flying cars. Is it straight to the point its called. Its not the first time the race has started with me in an instant crash also.
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    darkthunder35darkthunder35 Posts: 5,016
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    Finished the last Most Wanted race last night - took a few attempts because my car wasn't quick enough, so I gave up and used the Bugatti.

    I'm 13 seconds clear at the top of the Autolog;):p
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    gillyallangillyallan Posts: 31,728
    Forum Member
    I think you need more friends on your ps3 DT to knock your position back. Yeah I know im there and slow but one day. ...one day
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    darkthunder35darkthunder35 Posts: 5,016
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    gillyallan wrote: »
    I think you need more friends on your ps3 mike to knock your position back. Yeah I know im there and slow but one day. ...one day

    I have a load of the guys from AVF on there and some of them are seriously quick.

    The game is so addictive though.
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    gillyallangillyallan Posts: 31,728
    Forum Member
    Its interesting as firstly you need to learn the routes but then need to win for upgrades, then you're having to fine tune the corners to beat your friends. Love the game
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    claymore74claymore74 Posts: 1,153
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    So I'm nearly finished all the single player stuff (just 4 gates to go), so decided to have a shot on the multiplayer and joined a public game.

    wth was all that about ???

    We did a race, then I tried to 'customise car' to see what needs done to get the mods & pro mods, only to be crashed into and 'taken down'. Ok, I thought fair enough someone just crashed into me by accident. Back into the menu, customise car, tyres...taken down. wtf?

    I was parked, not annoying anyone while waiting for the next event and some pr!ck continually crashes into me.

    Then I realise you actually get points for taking other players down, so when you're waiting for the next event the only real thing to do is hit other players. Is it just me, or does this strike anyone else as a stupid idea?

    Eventually I started my own mp game, with only me in it, just so that I could see how the upgrades were achieved.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 187
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    claymore74 wrote: »
    So I'm nearly finished all the single player stuff (just 4 gates to go), so decided to have a shot on the multiplayer and joined a public game.

    wth was all that about ???

    We did a race, then I tried to 'customise car' to see what needs done to get the mods & pro mods, only to be crashed into and 'taken down'. Ok, I thought fair enough someone just crashed into me by accident. Back into the menu, customise car, tyres...taken down. wtf?

    I was parked, not annoying anyone while waiting for the next event and some pr!ck continually crashes into me.

    Then I realise you actually get points for taking other players down, so when you're waiting for the next event the only real thing to do is hit other players. Is it just me, or does this strike anyone else as a stupid idea?

    Eventually I started my own mp game, with only me in it, just so that I could see how the upgrades were achieved.

    Haha, yes 80 times on Needlepoint. I was determined that night, that I was NOT going to turn that PS3 until I earned gold. Then I started to tire, it was getting late... Eventually got gold at around 2am. Nice feeling though :)

    Life has gotten in the way of Need For Speed but hoping to get back into it this weekend. Claymore you are right - multiplayer is a little stupid, but I'm going I'll get my head round it once I complete single player and move online.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 12
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    claymore74 wrote: »
    Then I realise you actually get points for taking other players down, so when you're waiting for the next event the only real thing to do is hit other players. Is it just me, or does this strike anyone else as a stupid idea?
    Even better, they can take you down a second before the next race begins and you're then waiting to respawn while everyone else has driven off. Or better still when it's a challenge rather than a race, the game will spawn you two miles away from where you were, and by the time you get back to the original spot the challenge is over.

    I find if you park off the street and turn off your engine while waiting for other players you don't usually get taken down as much. Best thing to do is just select one of the heavy trucks and just ram into everyone when they're doing a challenge, immediately eliminating them. Nothing like sweet revenge lol.
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