
Jeremy Kyle New Series



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    fizzle90fizzle90 Posts: 6,467
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    cathrin wrote: »
    Yes, he has absolutely no comebacks and no ability to ad lib. When a guest gets the better of him, all he can do is smirk, say "Brilliant", and look at his security guys with a "Can-you-BELIEVE-this-person-actually-dared-to-answer-me-back?" expression on his face.

    It's good to see the guests starting to challenge some of the ridiculous things he says. This morning two guests--a woman and her nephew--were standing up to him and pointing out that they'd been misquoted in the quotes he was reading out. As usual, Jeremy went into his swaggering "Gonna take me, on are you?....It's-been-written-down-so-you-MUST-have-said-it" mode and smugly called for the written notes from the production team, as if this is cast-iron proof. The woman firmly denied making the statement she was supposed to have made, (which as usual was in fluent Jeremy-speak anyway!) Her nephew made the point that they hadn't been present when the production team wrote down what they'd supposedly said. Jeremy simply didn't have a reply for that, and just changed the subject, as he always does when he's got nothing to come back with!

    On a separate note, why does he say "Don't look so scared, you'll be fine" over and over again to the members of the audience when he does his shaking-hands thing at the beginning of the show? If you listen carefully you can hear him keep repeating it like a robot, even though the audience members never look remotely scared (why would they?) :confused:

    The worst one is, "Don't worry about them, they should be at work!" :yawn:
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    cathrincathrin Posts: 4,968
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    Anyway, another thing that Mr Vile does that's really starting to grate is when somebody tries to say something, to defend their position or whatever and he shouts at them to 'SHUTUP!' When if a guest spoke to him like that he would be outraged.

    You speak to people how you'd wish to be spoken to yourself. Fair enough if the guest is screaming their head off or being disrespectful but when it's simply just to respond to or defend what they were saying, screaming at them to shutup isn't warranted.

    He bangs on about respect and roars at guests if they have none for him or another guest but he can talk to people in the most horrible and disrespectful way and it's fine. !

    Appalling, isn't it. He can yell rude, ill-mannered things like "Button it" and "Shut your face" (horrible) and he gets away with it (even getting a round of applause sometimes). But if a guest echoes his own phrases back at him, he acts absolutely outraged and calls the security guards. He can stand right over someone, shouting right in their face, with his hands on the sides of their chair, and no-one bats an eyelid. But if a guest so much as raises their voice or leans forward in their chair, he acts like they've tried to assault him. Even when they're just asking him to stop shouting or spitting at them, he reacts as if they've been the aggressor, not him.

    Did anyone see how he deliberately engineered a confrontation with a guest today, telling him to stand up, and then sneering "Don't threaten me, if you come within a foot of me the security guard will flatten you." But HE had ASKED the guy to stand up! It was obvious he just wanted to show him how much power he had over him. (...And anyway, would a security guard really be allowed to "flatten" someone for that reason? Wouldn't that be an assault?)
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    ElliotSaundersElliotSaunders Posts: 403
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    Is it just me who cringes everytime he says "ignore them they should be at work" It was funny-ish the first time but now he says it more and more I can't help but cringe as I've heard it so many times :D
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    cathrincathrin Posts: 4,968
    Forum Member
    Is it just me who cringes everytime he says "ignore them they should be at work" It was funny-ish the first time but now he says it more and more I can't help but cringe as I've heard it so many times :D

    :) And what does he mean, anyway? It's a very ambiguous thing to say, especially for someone who is so scathing about the unemployed. Does he mean "They should all get off their backsides and get a job instead of sitting around watching television shows" or "They're all hard-working tax-paying ladies and gentlemen who have taken a well-earned day off from their hectic work schedules to come to the show?"
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    Souffle GirlSouffle Girl Posts: 200
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    Is it just me who cringes everytime he says "ignore them they should be at work" It was funny-ish the first time but now he says it more and more I can't help but cringe as I've heard it so many times :D

    It's his most irritating saying, since he must know the out of work are his core audience? Even if it's just a joke, it's a terrible one.
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    zx50zx50 Posts: 91,310
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    It's his most irritating saying, since he must know the out of work are his core audience? Even if it's just a joke, it's a terrible one.

    He's alienating the people who help bring in the advertisers. He's a complete idiot!
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    Souffle GirlSouffle Girl Posts: 200
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    I remember this episode.

    I have a feeling that the daughter is...not lying, but something doesn't seem right about her statements.
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    horwichallstarshorwichallstars Posts: 16,514
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    I think that the daughter has some sort of mental health problem, and I'm not sure how much of what she is saying is the truth.
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    MiresiaVertetaMiresiaVerteta Posts: 1,242
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    What has happened to the new ones? Has the money been cut to make a series? Usually we get a month and half of new episodes.
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    Souffle GirlSouffle Girl Posts: 200
    Forum Member
    I think that the daughter has some sort of mental health problem, and I'm not sure how much of what she is saying is the truth.


    As for the mummy's boy, he is far too pleased with himself.

    As is usually the case with this show, it's hard to tell which person on stage is the worst.
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    horwichallstarshorwichallstars Posts: 16,514
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    As for the mummy's boy, he is far too pleased with himself.

    As is usually the case with this show, it's hard to tell which person on stage is the worst.

    She's got wild eyes ....
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    Mrs Cee JayMrs Cee Jay Posts: 979
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    Filming been halted, as JKs battling testicular cancer
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    fizzle90fizzle90 Posts: 6,467
    Forum Member
    Is it just me who cringes everytime he says "ignore them they should be at work" It was funny-ish the first time but now he says it more and more I can't help but cringe as I've heard it so many times :D

    No it's not just you....I posted this two posts above yours :)
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    Souffle GirlSouffle Girl Posts: 200
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    Much as I hate to praise JK in any way he was bang on the money just now by describing the favourite son as being smug and too good to be true. He has a face you really want to smack.
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    Souffle GirlSouffle Girl Posts: 200
    Forum Member
    Filming been halted, as JKs battling testicular cancer

    That's a shock. I assumed the lower amount of new episodes was because he was devoting more time to the US version of his show.

    I have also wondered if working so much and flying back and fourth long distance all the time was a good idea. He's not getting any younger...
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    fizzle90fizzle90 Posts: 6,467
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    MiresiaVertetaMiresiaVerteta Posts: 1,242
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    I had no idea. Hope he gets well soon.
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    ScoundreldaysScoundreldays Posts: 1,373
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    Filming been halted, as JKs battling testicular cancer

    I was shocked to read this, only just found out he's been battling Cancer ironically from the place he dislikes mostly, Facebook.
    As much as I find him annoying at times I really hope he beats this, my Mum recently lost her life due to Cancer & I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
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    Walter NeffWalter Neff Posts: 9,318
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    It's his most irritating saying, since he must know the out of work are his core audience? Even if it's just a joke, it's a terrible one.

    Even worse, "Take some advice from an old man"

    He's 47 for Christ sake! :rolleyes:
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    Walter NeffWalter Neff Posts: 9,318
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    I had no idea. Hope he gets well soon.

    It has just been reported on This Morning that he has had the all clear.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 10,163
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    Makes me cringe whenever he calls that Graham guy "the genius."

    All he ever does is come on stage, sit down in a non-threatening manner, & then blandly state the bleedin' obvious.

    Genius my eye.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 12,075
    Forum Member
    I think that the daughter has some sort of mental health problem, and I'm not sure how much of what she is saying is the truth.

    I tend to agree... she obviously has some problems.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 387
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    I know someone who went to a taping of the show and that was filmed in the evening which is why some audiences laugh at the innane 'this lot should be at work'.

    Not all recording happens at the same time as airing.
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    NorthcroftNorthcroft Posts: 450
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    Anyone else put on tilt by "G" sitting there with one foot up- as in heel on the floor and rest of the foot at a 45 degree angle?
    Also the G man looks like he's swallowed a toad going by the size of his left dulap/jowl. Methinks he has thyroid problems
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,152
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    Interesting that 99% of the people commenting about Jeremy Kyle's cancer on Facebook is female...
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