
Merlin Discussion Thread (Part 3)



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    MikeAP001MikeAP001 Posts: 1,916
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    myselfandi wrote: »
    No way. Look at the hi-res photos. She's in her earlier thirties.
    Link to those photos please...

    But, based on the ones I saw, her features are just that. Bradders has an egg shaped head... almost blocky (square) around the jowls; pencil in KM's eyes and brows, and JM's nose and mouth and you'd have a pretty good likeness of the girl in the photos. :D
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    Keren-HappuchKeren-Happuch Posts: 2,171
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    ivyteainn wrote: »
    I don't know anyone that would cook for him.

    I would. ;) I won't let the fact that I can't cook stop me...where there's a will, there's a way.
    MikeAP001 wrote: »
    Bradders has an egg shaped head... almost blocky (square) around the jowls;

    Egg shaped?! <cackles with laughter> He hardly resembles Humpty Dumpty. And us ladies would prefer to describe Bradley's jowls as incredibly masculine, sexy, hot etc. His "blocky" jawline makes me go weak at the knees. I wouldn't expect you to understand though Mike. ;)
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    CadivaCadiva Posts: 18,417
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    I don't think Bradders' head is at all egg shaped, he has an incredibly square jaw with very little roundness to his facial features.
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    MikeAP001MikeAP001 Posts: 1,916
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    Egg shaped?! <cackles with laughter> He hardly resembles Humpty Dumpty. And us ladies would prefer to describe Bradley's jowls as incredibly masculine, sexy, hot etc. His "blocky" jawline makes me go weak at the knees. I wouldn't expect you to understand though Mike. ;)
    It's all a matter of perspective. With his bowl cut, he's got an egg head with angular, blocky jawlines... very early John Lennon like though blocky. :D
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,860
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    Just saw a short video taken by a group of American tourists at a (presumably American) theme park. They realised that Bradley was sitting at the next table with a group of friends (but not Georgia) and they filmed the short exchange they had with him.
    One of the two girls asked him if it was true they were doing a film (of Merlin). This was his reply: 'Completely untrue, completely untrue. We've done our run. I've been wearing chain mail for too long.'
    I know none of that is news but it was SO depressing to hear him say 'for TOO long' - like he'd really had enough! :(
    He was very nice to the girls, though, considering how squealy they were!
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    star89star89 Posts: 24,494
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    Just saw a short video taken by a group of American tourists at a (presumably American) theme park. They realised that Bradley was sitting at the next table with a group of friends (but not Georgia) and they filmed the short exchange they had with him.
    One of the two girls asked him if it was true they were doing a film (of Merlin). This was his reply: 'Completely untrue, completely untrue. We've done our run. I've been wearing chain mail for too long.'
    I know none of that is news but it was SO depressing to hear him say 'for TOO long' - like he'd really had enough! :(
    He was very nice to the girls, though, considering how squealy they were!

    Well TBF on him it looks awfully uncomfortable :p

    As you said its nothing new, most of us knew this anyway. Maybe the people insisting they can bring them round on the idea of a sequel will take note.. although I doubt it.
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    CadivaCadiva Posts: 18,417
    Forum Member
    Just saw a short video taken by a group of American tourists at a (presumably American) theme park. They realised that Bradley was sitting at the next table with a group of friends (but not Georgia) and they filmed the short exchange they had with him.
    One of the two girls asked him if it was true they were doing a film (of Merlin). This was his reply: 'Completely untrue, completely untrue. We've done our run. I've been wearing chain mail for too long.'
    I know none of that is news but it was SO depressing to hear him say 'for TOO long' - like he'd really had enough! :(
    He was very nice to the girls, though, considering how squealy they were!

    Can't say I blame him, having felt the full weight of reproduction quality chainmail which a friend has for LARP-ing, Bradley and the knights would have been absolutely knackered. Even the lightweight stuff like that created for Lord of the Rings still weighs in at a lot of pounds.

    And I think five years in a genre show like Merlin is a long time for an actor, specially when they started so young as relative unknowns. It can be harder to escape from a sci-fi/fantasy type show and get into mainstream TV. Most big name actors do it the other way round - Patrick Stewart with Star Trek being a great example. His career was firmly established before he tipped his toes into the waters of cult television.
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    Shawn_LunnShawn_Lunn Posts: 9,353
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    Five series is a good run for a lot of shows as well.
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    MikeAP001MikeAP001 Posts: 1,916
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    star89 wrote: »
    Well TBF on him it looks awfully uncomfortable :p

    As you said its nothing new, most of us knew this anyway. Maybe the people insisting they can bring them round on the idea of a sequel will take note.. although I doubt it.
    I for one doubt that there will be sequels or spin offs of MERLIN with Bradders. Any that arise will have to be without him. But, I do believe that spin offs and sequels can and will be done or at least the ideas will be bandied about for spin offs and sequels.

    So, either things will go like ARROW as an idea that was to be a spin off or a variation of MERLIN with different lead characters or a reboot of MERLIN... :D
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    myselfandimyselfandi Posts: 212
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    MikeAP001 wrote: »
    Link to those photos please...

    http://www.farfarawaysite.com/merlin/actors/colin/events/gallery2/gallery.htm Scroll to the bottom and you'll see the pics from the Cloud Atlas screening. Click to see the individual pic. Zoom if you want. Look at her neck. imo, she's a very pretty woman.
    MikeAP001 wrote: »
    Bradders has an egg shaped head... almost blocky (square) around the jowls;

    No. Just no.
    MikeAP001 wrote: »
    I for one doubt that there will be sequels or spin offs of MERLIN with Bradders. Any that arise will have to be without him. But, I do believe that spin offs and sequels can and will be done or at least the ideas will be bandied about for spin offs and sequels.

    I doubt there will be anything done with Colin Morgan either. He appears to have been the first one to jump ship as there was discussion of a spin-off with Bradley James.
    Just saw a short video taken by a group of American tourists at a (presumably American) theme park. They realised that Bradley was sitting at the next table with a group of friends (but not Georgia) and they filmed the short exchange they had with him.
    One of the two girls asked him if it was true they were doing a film (of Merlin). This was his reply: 'Completely untrue, completely untrue. We've done our run. I've been wearing chain mail for too long.'
    I know none of that is news but it was SO depressing to hear him say 'for TOO long' - like he'd really had enough! :(
    He was very nice to the girls, though, considering how squealy they were!

    Yeah, it was a bit depressing. Everytime I see a gif or vid based the final moments of A&M, I wanna scream, "fix it! fix it NAO!" Tbf to James, based on reports of sightings, he gets asked about the possibility of a movie a lot. I understand why everyone wants one, but it must get a little tiring to say politely, "nope. not going to happen.

    From the other thread,
    MikeAP001 wrote: »
    Arthur died! He was bested in battle and Mordred would have lived if he hadn't let his guard down.

    As for Mordred's heritage? Beyond being a Druid, almost all of it remains unknown .. he might have been allied with the Saxons at one point as was Kara. And, without Merlin, the Saxon win the war. It's simple really. :rolleyes: Does Merlin go back to help Gwen or wait for Arthur?

    Arthur killed Mordred. Camelot won the battle, defeating Morgana and the Saxons. Without Morgana and Mordred combined, those icky little Saxons didn't stand a chance. It's simple really. :rolleyes:
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 590
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    Shawn_Lunn wrote: »
    Five series is a good run for a lot of shows as well.

    I know.

    I only got into Merlin in October last year, when a uni friends said that I should watch it. I then spent 2 or 3 month watching all the episodes, nearly OD'd on it.

    I'm just glad I've been able to watch and appreciate this series (with my own take on the cannon). I'm grateful for every minute of entertainment it has given me.

    Sad there aren't going to be any more episode, but what a series it was.
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    MikeAP001MikeAP001 Posts: 1,916
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    myselfandi wrote: »
    http://www.farfarawaysite.com/merlin/actors/colin/events/gallery2/gallery.htm Scroll to the bottom and you'll see the pics from the Cloud Atlas screening. Click to see the individual pic. Zoom if you want. Look at her neck. imo, she's a very pretty woman.
    Yeah. She'd be about 32. Her eye wrinkles put her in her early thirties, the ring on her index finger doesn't distract from the veining of her hands pushing her closer to 35. So unless she's had a hard life she's likely in her early to mid thirties.

    BTW, she is pretty but her proportions are off.
    No. Just no.
    Yes. Just yes! ;) He's got a very, very egg-headedness with the bowl cut especially at the central points for drawing.
    I doubt there will be anything done with Colin Morgan either. He appears to have been the first one to jump ship as there was discussion of a spin-off with Bradley James.
    I can't say. He's the only one who said never say never and spoke of looking out to do work...
    Arthur killed Mordred. Camelot won the battle, defeating Morgana and the Saxons. Without Morgana and Mordred combined, those icky little Saxons didn't stand a chance. It's simple really. :rolleyes:
    Camelot won the battle? Are you certain? :D

    If anything, it seems to have been a draw... Merlin turned the tide of that Battle but I fear that Camelot lost the war. The reason for this: JM and JC's insistence on showing the Battle of Camlaan as an inevitable part of Arthur's failure.

    Winning a war even during a defeat of a battle would still make MERLIN a success. JM noted that Arthur was a failure in their telling and that being the case the result would be inevitable: Arthur lost his War, Camelot was lost, and the kingdom over run because Arthur was a failure. :( And, this point was driven home by the final scene of a slumping Merlin realizing after all these years(?) that he had indeed failed (and had given up) because the Great Dragon had lied to ease the pain of Arthur's death; thus fulfilling the goal of TPTB of MERLIN's total failure which is the central theme of this version of the Arthurian Legend. That's quite a twist and the first time I must admit that version had been told that I'm aware! :(
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    CadivaCadiva Posts: 18,417
    Forum Member
    I'm grateful for every minute of entertainment it has given me.

    Sad there aren't going to be any more episode, but what a series it was.

    Couldn't agree more with this sentiment.
    MikeAP001 wrote: »
    Camelot won the battle? Are you certain? :D

    And, at the risk of sounding like a broken record, the show canon made it very clear that Arthur won the battle, that Gwen took over ruling in Camelot and that "all that had been foretold would come to pass" and the "kingdoms would be united". It can't really get much plainer than that.
    MikeAP001 wrote: »
    JM noted that Arthur was a failure in their telling and that being the case the result would be inevitable(

    No he didn't, he said the legends have remained enthralling over the years because they're essentially about the failure of a perfect world, not because Arthur failed personally.
    MikeAP001 wrote: »
    And, this point was driven home by the final scene of a slumping Merlin

    Which is an image that only you seem to have "noticed". No-one else has mentioned him slumping or looking depressed or realising anything about anything.
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    MikeAP001MikeAP001 Posts: 1,916
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    Cadiva wrote: »
    No he didn't, he said the legends have remained enthralling over the years because they're essentially about the failure of a perfect world, not because Arthur failed personally.
    Tell that to JM and JC. According to them, the legends were enthralling because Arthur failed...

    And the Great Dragon lied when he told Merlin that all that he set out to accomplish came to pass.


    Note: from :22 until :27, Merlin asks if he failed. The dragon smiles (?) and tells Merlin no but makes it clear--- as in the show's canon that all Merlin dreamt of doing has come to pass. It's not "will" pass as in the events will happen sometime in the future under another ruler (which is why Gwen's rule won't see the "golden age") but all that Merlin set out to do HAS come to pass as in the past tense so the "golden age" and Merlin's destiny and fate have happened!

    All part of the show's canon!
    Which is an image that only you seem to have "noticed". No-one else has mentioned him slumping or looking depressed or realising anything about anything.
    That is indeed odd! It's all in Merlin's body language and the symbolism of the ruins in the background. It's quite noticeable at 2:12 to 2:15 on here:


    Just as old Merlin passes the ruins in the background... symbolic of his own ruin... he slumps. He pauses. Then at 2:16 he raises his head because the realization has hit about his abject failure. Which is what JC and JM said the show was all about and thus the show's canon.

    So, that means others can now notice it too! :D
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    CadivaCadiva Posts: 18,417
    Forum Member
    I'm not going through it all again, we'll agree to disagree.
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    MikeAP001MikeAP001 Posts: 1,916
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    Cadiva wrote: »
    I'm not going through it all again, we'll agree to disagree.
    Fine with me! :D:D:D
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    MikeAP001MikeAP001 Posts: 1,916
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    Wow! No one's posted anything on this thread for over 24 hours. Anyway, it seems that Eoin Macken had a birthday and some fans posted a vid congratulating him on his birthday:


    Too bad, he hasn't seen it. She's got other vids her channel:


    It shows talent.
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    Shawn_LunnShawn_Lunn Posts: 9,353
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    Happy belated birthday to Eoin.

    Gwaine was my favourite knight.
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    myselfandimyselfandi Posts: 212
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    MikeAP001 wrote: »
    Camelot won the battle? Are you certain? :D

    Very. Morgana even hissed at Arthur that he may have won the battle but she was going to win the war [by killing him]. Merlin then killed her, Arthur exhaled, "Peace at last" and Camelot won the war.

    What happened after that, imo, is deliberately ambiguous. Magic accepted? Aithusa is going to what now?Is Gwen able to navigate Camelot through some tricky neighbors? Does Albion stays united? Those Saxons are going to do what after Morgana? The druids are going to do what?

    Looks like Shine insisted to the producers that the ending be left open so Shine could do spin-offs or movies etc.

    Kilgarrah is right to the extent that any control that the old religion has over the land has been broken. Kilgarrah is also right in that the standard for the ages has been set.
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    MikeAP001MikeAP001 Posts: 1,916
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    myselfandi wrote: »
    Very. Morgana even hissed at Arthur that he may have won the battle but she was going to win the war [by killing him]. Merlin then killed her, Arthur exhaled, "Peace at last" and Camelot won the war.
    Yes! I re-watched that. I was wondering when someone would bring that up. Unfortunately, I interpretted it differently. Here's what she said

    MORGANA: What a joy it is to see you, Arthur. Look at you, not so tall and mighty now. You may have won the battle, but you've lost the war. You're going to die by Mordred's hand. But don't worry, my dear brother, I won't let you die alone. I will stay and watch over you, [Merlin is behind Morgana. He draws Excalibur quietly.] until the wolves gorge on your carcass and bath in your blood.


    So, that means: the Saxons won the war. Now, Arthur will die by Mordred's hand and Arthur's life and kingdom are lost.
    What happened after that, imo, is deliberately ambiguous. Magic accepted? Aithusa is going to what now?Is Gwen able to navigate Camelot through some tricky neighbors? Does Albion stays united? Those Saxons are going to do what after Morgana? The druids are going to do what?
    Now, it's not so ambiguous to me based on the Show's canon.

    As established by the Sarrum episode, Gwen realizes that a kingdom without a king will not stand for too long and as she tried to do with the Sarrum, she will begin a policy of appeasement by giving the Saxons and others the lands of Camelot as protection for peace making her play the metaphorical role of the ****, bartering herself and her kingdom for protection, peace, and the continuation of her rule.

    Also, by the show's canon, Morgana, the Saxons, and her other allies have no problem turning on each other given the chance. The Saxons now have access to a magic neutralizing face hugging slug and once they've mastered this through the aid of those Druids and other magic users who are looking out for themselves and willing to turn on their own, the Saxons will systematically exterminate the "peaceful" Druids. And, in time eliminate their Druid allies and all magic users instigating a witch hunt that will last for centuries. So, in the long term magic will not be accepted.

    As for Aithusa who flew away. I'd like to think the Dragon went to live in Loch Ness but then I saw the Great Dragon as he looked in the Kindness of Strangers--- weak and ill, a dying beast whose time has come--- then I saw how healthy he looked at the last episode--- as if he'd been rejuvenated. The question is how?

    My guess: Khilgharrah consumed the life force of Aithusa allowing the Great Dragon to live more millenia! And, unknown to Merlin, the GD is the one who lives in Loch Ness...

    As for a united kingdom, it wasn't really so united. Camelot did most if not all of the fighting leaving it weak and broken and at the mercy of its "allies" and the Saxon conquerors.
    Looks like Shine insisted to the producers that the ending be left open so Shine could do spin-offs or movies etc.
    I believe the exact opposite. SHINE's execs did what JC and JM wanted: to make the ending in such a state of such complete failure that spin offs and the like would not happen because the actors would lose interest, the writers would have a difficult time with ideas, and the cost to do such things to work it out would be prohibitive.
    Kilgarrah is right to the extent that any control that the old religion has over the land has been broken. Kilgarrah is also right in that the standard for the ages has been set.
    I agree with you here. Nessie the Great Dragon was right but not in the way you might think. The old religion was driven underground and for all intents and purposes died under the rule of the Saxons.

    But, I'd also add that the Great Dragon was also correct in that if Merlin did not kill Mordred then Merlin's destiny would be a failure because it was.
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    HorizonHorizon Posts: 1,572
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    MikeAP001 wrote: »
    Tell that to JM and JC. According to them, the legends were enthralling because Arthur failed...

    And the Great Dragon lied when he told Merlin that all that he set out to accomplish came to pass.


    Note: from :22 until :27, Merlin asks if he failed. The dragon smiles (?) and tells Merlin no but makes it clear--- as in the show's canon that all Merlin dreamt of doing has come to pass. It's not "will" pass as in the events will happen sometime in the future under another ruler (which is why Gwen's rule won't see the "golden age") but all that Merlin set out to do HAS come to pass as in the past tense so the "golden age" and Merlin's destiny and fate have happened!

    All part of the show's canon!

    That is indeed odd! It's all in Merlin's body language and the symbolism of the ruins in the background. It's quite noticeable at 2:12 to 2:15 on here:


    Just as old Merlin passes the ruins in the background... symbolic of his own ruin... he slumps. He pauses. Then at 2:16 he raises his head because the realization has hit about his abject failure. Which is what JC and JM said the show was all about and thus the show's canon.

    So, that means others can now notice it too! :D
    JM and JC said in a article recently (the LA Times, I think) that the ending was meant to be optimistic, in that Merlin is waiting for Arthur to rise again. So, as they saw it they were putting a positive spin on things.

    Interesting as what they see as optimistic, most of us saw as depressing...
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    MikeAP001MikeAP001 Posts: 1,916
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    Horizon wrote: »
    JM and JC said in a article recently (the LA Times, I think) that the ending was meant to be optimistic, in that Merlin is waiting for Arthur to rise again. So, as they saw it they were putting a positive spin on things.

    Interesting as what they see as optimistic, most of us saw as depressing...
    Which could be their genius? :D

    But, I doubt that was there intent. If they wanted to put a positive spin on things, it would have been easy. Instead of ending it as they did with Merlin looking angry and dejected, he could have looked straight ahead, as the camera zooms in on Merlin's face, he pauses, and smiles as a voice sayins off camera, "Hello, old friend."

    Instead, JM and JC chose the saddest, most hopeless ending for MERLIN in my opinion. It was as if, they sought out the worst way the hero story could end because that was the destiny of the four main characters and the hero archetype need not be invoked but the worse ways that a myth or fairy tale or hero story could end and that's what happened to Merlin, Arthur, Morgana, and Gwen and to an extent Gwaine BUT I don't believe he is dead contrary to the wishes of the actor who played him.
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    HorizonHorizon Posts: 1,572
    Forum Member
    I really hope that in the run up to Atlantis, JM and JC are grilled by some UK journalists on the ending of Merlin and the way it ended. But I guess by then, it'll be all water under the bridge.
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    CadivaCadiva Posts: 18,417
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    MikeAP001 wrote: »
    . . . with Merlin looking angry and dejected.

    Except no-one else but you seems to think Merlin looked angry and dejected.
    Horizon wrote: »
    I really hope that in the run up to Atlantis, JM and JC are grilled by some UK journalists on the ending of Merlin and the way it ended. But I guess by then, it'll be all water under the bridge.

    Why would they? It's a totally different show and the critics were almost overwhelmingly in favour of the final episodes of Merlin and gave it almost universal praise.
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    Shawn_LunnShawn_Lunn Posts: 9,353
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    Horizon wrote: »
    I really hope that in the run up to Atlantis, JM and JC are grilled by some UK journalists on the ending of Merlin and the way it ended. But I guess by then, it'll be all water under the bridge.

    More than likely it will be, though maybe SFX might ask them about it.
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