
What is the creepiest thing to have ever happened to you?



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    AddisonianAddisonian Posts: 16,377
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    Sh'boobie wrote: »
    I've questioned whether to post these stories here, as they were quite traumatising for members of my family. These feel more like 'their' stories than my own, though I did personally have a couple of things happen to me.

    If you've read what happened to me at the Museum in London, you'll probably have wondered how I could remain there with so many bizarre goings-on. But as I said in those posts - I never got a sense of malevolence in any of those encounters. Which starkly sets those apart from these experiences.

    I grew up overseas, and the first house I ever lived in was an old Beach Bungalow that had been build out over a slope, overlooking the Harbour.

    When it was built, the area was quite rural - but over the years it had increased in popularity, the city had expanded around it and it had become a quite 'desirable' place to live. The people who owned the property before us had decided to capitalise on this, adding a more impressive gabled roof - and had also built rooms beneath the existing bungalow, in the space where the ground sloped down into the back yard.

    But despite the area's burgeoning popularity, my parents were delighted, rather than mystified by the fact they got the house at a rock-bottom price.

    My Mother relayed the story of the day she moved in when she met our adorable next door neighbour, and elderly woman called Mrs. Anderson (who I can recall was really kind to me when I was little.) My mother really didn't give it a moments thought when Mrs Anderson (a devout Jehovah's Witness) offered to have a Priest come in to bless the house. (ie: A *Catholic* priest. Not a Deacon from her own Church.) Mum, at just put this down to her being a little bit 'batty' for an old dear - but it was ultimately an act of friendliness, so she didn’t really think anything more of it. At first…

    To the side of the house, was the original garage - still insitu, with a wooden floor that rattled & could be heard through the entire house whenever you drove into it. My Father worked locally and would often come home for lunch, pulling into the garage and coming in through the front door. My Mother, who was in Kitchen preparing lunch, thought nothing of it when she heard the car pull into the garage a little early.

    The floor boards rattled, the car door closed - but then, instead of steps coming up the front steps, across the wooden veranda & though the front door - they set off down the side path towards the back of the house. The footsteps then moved up the back steps which passed by the kitchen window. As the sun would shine directly onto a stainless-steel countertop, a blind had been pulled down - but the shadow of a man passed by the window coming to a stop at the top of the stairs - right outside the back door.

    But the door didn't open. So my Mother went to the door & opened it - finding nobody there. Noone had time to go back down the steps - and she could see nobody in the back yard. Perhaps it was my Father playing a tick on her? So she ran back through the house, to the front door - flung it open - to see my Father driving down the street and about to pull into the driveway. She was then even more surprised to watch him glide into the garage, which was presumably full of the car she'd heard & actually FELT pull in, moments before.

    She walked towards the garage to ask my father if he's driven in a minute or two beforehand - or to accuse him of trying to play a trick on her, all of which he denied. So they walked back up the front steps, and on this completely windless, calm day - watched as the Glass Paned front door violently smashed closed in front of them - sending glass out all over the veranda towards them.

    This terrified my Mother, who took a lot of convincing to return indoors. Both she & my Father tried unsuccessfully to explain or rationalise it, but couldn’t. Over time, they tried to put it behind them. But the house took on a strange & unwelcoming air. Even though the house was spacious, bright & airy - there was always an oppressive feeling, the moment you entered.

    Another day, my Mother was in the bathroom bathing my sister who was a toddler at the time. Again, a car pulled into the garage (unmistakable from the bathroom, which was right next to it) - and again, unusually for my Father (who my Mother assumed it was) the car's occupant got out and set off down the side of the house. They then scaled the back steps and entered the house. My Mother called out to my father. No response. However she then heard the footsteps, very loudly and very quickly pound through the kitchen & Lounge, making their way down the hallway towards the bathroom. My Mother absolutely shit herself thinking there was a an intruder. The bathroom door handle went down, and the door swung open - revealing … nobody. My Mother grabbed my sister out of the bath, wrapped her in a towel and legged it next door to Mrs Anderson's - absolutely terrified.

    As she ran through the front garden, she looked into the garage - to see it empty. No car.

    Mrs Anderson, didn’t seem surprised to find my Mother in such a distressed state - but instead, simply asked her in - offered to make her a cup of tea & let her use the phone to call my Father at work. When my Mother returned to Mrs Anderson's living room where her tea was getting stone cold, Mrs Anderson took her hand and said -
    'I didn't mean to overhear your phone call, dear - but would you like for me to phone for a Priest now?'

    Her kind (batty) offer, from when my parents first moved in suddenly had a context, which my Mother only in this instant realised. 'What is wrong with my house?' - my Mother demanded.

    Mrs Anderson refused to give any details, other than the fact the previous owners (who had done the renovations) - had had 'some trouble' with the house. She wouldn't get into any detail of what they experienced, saying she didn’t want to upset my Mother any further, but thought that getting a Catholic Priest in might be useful, after the last time.
    'The last time?' my Mother asked.

    Mrs Anderson went on to explain that although she is a Jehovah's Witness, she is firm a believer in spirits - which is completely at odd with the rest of their teachings. Therefore, when the previous owners had 'some trouble', she knew she couldn’t call upon her own church to perform a blessing on the house - so she had reached out (on the owners behalf) to a Priest in The Catholic Church, who she'd heard had some experience with demonic possessions & exorcisms etc.

    He'd come to the house & gone through it, performing a casting out 'ceremony'. (I don't know the exact term - but essentially, that was the point of it.) The house had apparently shaken to it's foundations during the ritual, which everyone present had assumed was an Earthquake (until afterwards when they discovered noone outside the house had felt a tremor).

    At the end of the ceremony, as the Priest was leaving left, he'd said to Mrs Anderson…
    'I don't think whatever is in that house wants to leave. I think it's still there, but hopefully it will be quieter now.'
    'But I think he was wrong, dear.' Mrs Anderson explained 'It seems much angrier now.'

    My Mother then refused to return to the house for weeks afterwards. She stayed around the corner at an Aunt's, only returning (accompanied) to get nappies & essentials for the kids - eventually spending longer periods there with my Father (who was reassuring her the entire time - but who'd also refused to leave or sell the house) . Finally she'd spend a little time there alone, she'd dash in - and then longer periods, then finally returning full time, and staying over night - once Mrs Anderson had again had the house blessed - and once time had dimmed the terror she'd felt at the time.

    Unfortunately, from that point on - things got progressively worse.

    (But those stories will have to wait till my next post.)
    Hurry up and post more!!! Fascinating stuff.
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    PoppysocksPoppysocks Posts: 123
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    More, more, more, how do ya like it!!
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    AneechikAneechik Posts: 20,208
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    An awful lot of the non-supernatural stories in this thread seem to involve adults trying to abduct (or whatever) children.
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    kitty86kitty86 Posts: 7,034
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    cly wrote: »
    There have been many superb snippets in this thread. Obviously also some totally made up ones too lol.

    As i mentioned in my earlier posting it's nice to have nurses etc contributing.

    I do find it sad that nobody from the medical profession has taken the opportunity to come clean over one of the most successfully hidden secrets from the general public.

    Forget the nowadays meaningless Oaths taken by police officers, soldiers, judges and elected leaders etc they are rarely adhered to. However, there is one solemn Oath that is remarkably kept and never even divulged to family members as it guards the revelation of a fearful secret. It's a bit like if the government knew the world was going to end in a week's time because of an alien invasion or whatever they, in our best interests, would not tell us.

    It is also protected by inserting false information in one's education in subjects touching upon aspects of neurolgy/biology etc. OK brace yourselves.......

    There is no such thing as a simple 'itch'........let's be quite clear, you have been taught wrong. The teaching and theory behind how itching is tied up with nerves etc is a lie.

    Every time in your life when you have felt the need to rub or touch away an itch is because you have been scratched by the dead! They are totally all around you, you are enveloped by them. It is also a very unfriendly act.

    Someone earlier said that if ghosts do exist they have never harmed anyone. At the very least that should have been worded they have never been 'seen' to harm people. The main reason that, on the whole, we are not harmed is because there is a considerable gap in their ability to transfer force.

    However, be aware and feel greatly disturbed whenever you feel an itch. Be it your scalp, ear, nose, arm, leg or wherever, as you itch you are at that very moment being subjected to contact by a very angry and vile entity.

    For your information i am writing and imparting this knowledge to you in the early hours of Sunday morning :)

    I suddenly developed many itches after reading this post, the undead were having a poking party with me it seems.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,064
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    bob.cryer wrote: »
    Have you ever had something happened that gave you the creeps and you cant explain or perhaps read something that gave you a shiver?

    Getting asked this question on DS

    Would you eat shit for a million pounds ?

    Well ?
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    sandydunesandydune Posts: 10,986
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    cly wrote: »
    Every time in your life when you have felt the need to rub or touch away an itch
    so that's what the guy in the supermarket was doing this morning :confused:
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    HeartacheHeartache Posts: 4,299
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    My dad told me a story about the time he was conscripted into the army and they were sent up north. I think it was Northumberland, there was a ruin of an Abbey there, with a newly discovered tunnel leading from it. The tunnel was rumoured to be haunted, so they were all daring each other to go into the tunnel. Two of the men entered the tunnel one night, after a few hours when they did not return a few of them plucked up the courage to try and find them. One was found dead, believed from a heart attack, and the other was a gibbering wreck whose hair had turned white.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 8,510
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    This is my favourite thread :D
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 8,510
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    Getting asked this question on DS

    Would you eat shit for a million pounds ?

    Well ?

    God yeah!!!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 914
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    Heartache wrote: »
    My dad told me a story about the time he was conscripted into the army and they were sent up north. I think it was Northumberland, there was a ruin of an Abbey there, with a newly discovered tunnel leading from it. The tunnel was rumoured to be haunted, so they were all daring each other to go into the tunnel. Two of the men entered the tunnel one night, after a few hours when they did not return a few of them plucked up the courage to try and find them. One was found dead, believed from a heart attack, and the other was a gibbering wreck whose hair had turned white.

    Clearly this is an urban myth. Ghosts do exist, hair instantly turning white with fear however does not exist.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 8,510
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    HungerCult wrote: »
    Clearly this is an urban myth. Ghosts do exist, hair instantly turning white with fear however does not exist.

    That is true, hair turning white in shock I mean
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 396
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    I have a dutch aunt who would come to visit us in Scotland every summer for 6-7 weeks. She is a very spiritual person and always seemed to be 'connected' to the spirit world. She is a highly intelligent woman too. This one summer, in the early nineties, she was complaining of not sleeping very well, her nights interrupted by the same disturbing nightmare that had been occurring for about 3 weeks, even at home in Holland.

    The dreams always featured the same thing; A 'bad' man with a beard and glasses, and 11-12 year old boys crying in a school corridor, and the feeling these boys were being abused in some way by the bearded man. She was distressed by these dreams and would describe them to us in detail, and she claimed she felt she was 'tuning in' to something bad that was happening. Then the dreams stopped.

    About 2 weeks later the news broke that there was a child abuse situation at a local boarding school for boys with troubled pasts who had the tendency to be aggressive/disruptive etc. And the teacher involved was male, with a beard and glasses. When his face came on the news she went crazy, shouting "That's him, the evil man - that's him!!"

    Freaked us all out quite a bit.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 396
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    Another weird thing concerning this Aunt of mine;

    One night, quite out of character, my mother and I went for a walk down the beach in the dark, early evening but winter. We stopped and sat on the benches looking out over the firth. I said to my mother, quite randomly "I wonder what the monks would have thought of this place when they arrived by boat, and it was pitch black at night" (the village I live in was settled by monks approximately 800 years ago)

    Anyway, we left and went our separate ways home. I was hardly in the door when my mother phoned and asked me if I had seen what was on facebook....

    It transpired that while we were at the beach, my aunt had updated her status in her funny whimsical-sounding English to "I have just returned from walking the dog. I am tired, as tonight I went further, to the coast (north west Holland) where I thought about the monks who settled this area. And I wondered what they must have thought as they approached this dark place"

    She's tuned in, I tell you!
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    AddisonianAddisonian Posts: 16,377
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    Getting asked this question on DS

    Would you eat shit for a million pounds ?

    Well ?
    £1million? Damn right I would.
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    AddisonianAddisonian Posts: 16,377
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    That is true, hair turning white in shock I mean
    It doesn't happen 'instantly'.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,066
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    After the occasion where my Mother fled from the house for weeks; when she eventually returned as I mentioned, things got very much worse.
    My Mother came to steel herself against the phantom car arriving, interior doors slamming and foot-steps thundering through the house to wherever she was. It happened over & over again. She told herself 'It's not hurting me - or anyone else. I'll just ignore it.'
    But whatever it was, disliked being ignored. So it would wake my parents with (what my Mother described as) 'un-earthly' evil breathing. She once re-enacted what they'd heard & it was like a very guttural,* rasping wheeze. Insistent and intently intimidating. And it was loud. Wake you from a sound sleep loud.
    At first it would be in the corner of their pitch-black bedroom. The instant they'd flick on a bedside lamps, it would stop.
    They'd turn the lights off and moments later the menacing breathing would start again. This would go on night after night. One night, my Mother thought to leave the curtains open a crack, to illuminate the corner of the room slightly. They could see it really clearly. Later, they were woken by the same evil breathing, and they clearly saw the shape of someone, a large man hunched over, & squatting like a gargoyle. They could clearly see the figures back rising & falling in pace with the breathing. My Father slammed the light on & grabbed bat he'd stored beside the bed… only there was nobody there.
    After seeing the figure, they both decided they preferred NOT seeing anything, so wouldn't ever leave the curtain open again. Instead, whenever the breathing woke them, they'd leave a birthday candle burning on a* saucer in the corner. For a time, the 'trick' seemed to work. The room was light enough that the breathing stopped, but was dim enough so that they could both sleep. The candles lasted for several hours - so they thought they'd finally silenced whatever it was.
    However, then they would be awoken by the breathing right next to the bed in a completely blackened bedroom. The candle had been extinguished. My Mother said she could actually FEEL the breathing on her face and be too petrified to reach out for the light switch.
    The physical manifestations got even more menacing thereafter. I was a toddler at this stage & one of my first ever childhood memories was getting in trouble for ripping the wallpaper off the wall above my cot. I remember it, because I recall protesting really strongly & crying that I hadn't done it and the feeling of unfairness that no one believed me.*
    This aspect of the haunting only became apparent to me years & years later when we were discussing 'first childhood memories' with some hilarity, when my Mother came out with 'I always knew that wasn't you.'
    'So why did you tell me off about it then?' I asked, somewhat shocked.
    ''Because it made me feel better about what was going on, telling myself that you'd done it - and not the thing, in that house.'
    It transpired that, almost every morning my mother would come into mine & my sisters bedroom and find me in my cot, absolutely covered in shredded wallpaper. There were claw marks up the walls to ceiling height, which no toddler could ever have done. I could barely reach over the top of the cot doweling, let alone 5 feet above it at ceiling height.* They repapered the room. It continued.

    But my Mother was so fiercely trying to shut down & go into denial -* that telling herself it was me - was the only way she could cope.
    Other times she would hear my sister in the bedroom closet, screaming & hysterical that someone had pushed her in & was holding the door shut. (The Wardrobe had no handle, latches or catches & wasn't sticking or swollen.) My Mother would tell her that it was our big brother playing a trick on her. (Even when she knew he was out playing with his mates.)
    The next bit is perhaps the most disturbing - though whether it is linked to the spirit in that house is debatable.
    One night, my Mother awoke. Not by the breathing - just a sense of dread that something wasn't right. The bedroom was usually pitch black - however, this night,. a shard of light had fallen across a suit jacket that my father had hung up on the back of the wardrobe door. A single beam of clear white light cutting right across the front of the jacket - where his heart would be, if he'd had the jacket on.
    It disturbed my Mother enough, that she got up out of bed and tried to find the source of the light. Making sure there were no cracks in the curtains, even placing her arm across the front of the jacket & trying to trace the source of the light by pulling her arm back in all directions. But she couldn't find the source. It was almost as if the light was coming from the jacket. Eventually, she took the jacket off the back of the door and put it back in the wardrobe.
    Exactly two weeks later, my Father came home from work early as he was feeling unwell. Perhaps it was a coincidence he was wearing that suit. However, he lay down on the bed - and died of a massive, violent heart attack.
    His death ripped my family apart & is primarily the reason I'd felt reluctant about sharing the experiences that occurred in that house. After all the terrifying things that had happened, there's no way of knowing for sure if the light on his jacket - or even his death was related to the haunting. But it has always felt related. Perhaps it was meant an omen or a warning. Perhaps it wasn't supernatural at all. However it *felt* related, to everyone who knew that house.
    More happened there after that - but again, that's for another time.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,715
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    kitty86 wrote: »
    I suddenly developed many itches after reading this post, the undead were having a poking party with me it seems.

    I suffer from eczema goodness knows how many times someone with eczema or psoriasis would have been scratched!! Creepy thought.
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    HogzillaHogzilla Posts: 24,116
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    Sh'boobie wrote: »
    After the occasion where my Mother fled from the house for weeks; when she eventually returned as I mentioned, things got very much worse.
    More happened there after that - but again, that's for another time.[/QUOTE
    Do you ever wonder if the people who lived in there after you, also had experiences?

    I grew up in a house which was considered 'haunted' even be people who'd only heard the stories and never stepped foot in it - and so many of us saw or heard things there, over years and years. I live about ten miles away from it and often long to go back and ask the people who live there now(but never would in case they thought I was nuts;)) But I'd love to know whether it carried on, and what other people since have experienced - simply because it was so overwhelming and there were so many people who saw or heard things, together or separately, or simultaneously but on different floors of the house...

    Our's was also malevolent but not as bad as that (just verbals). ;) I'd love to know 'what happened next'. :D Are you ever curious about that, too?
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 260
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    Sh'boobie wrote: »
    More happened there after that - but again, that's for another time.

    Your poor mother! How awful for all of you.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,066
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    Hogzilla wrote: »
    Do you ever wonder if the people who lived in there after you, also had experiences?

    I grew up in a house which was considered 'haunted' even be people who'd only heard the stories and never stepped foot in it - and so many of us saw or heard things there, over years and years. I live about ten miles away from it and often long to go back and ask the people who live there now(but never would in case they thought I was nuts;)) But I'd love to know whether it carried on, and what other people since have experienced - simply because it was so overwhelming and there were so many people who saw or heard things, together or separately, or simultaneously but on different floors of the house...

    Our's was also malevolent but not as bad as that (just verbals). ;) I'd love to know 'what happened next'. :D Are you ever curious about that, too?
    This thread actually prompted me to Google the property and more broadly, the neighbourhood with a few choice keywords - to see if anything cropped up. But nothing did.

    I live the other side of the world now, so dropping in isn't exactly an option. But to be honest, I wouldn't ever return to the house, even if I had the chance.

    I believe that spirits can become attached to people - and that's not one I'd tempt to latch on to my coat-tails. No way, no how.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,066
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    Dozyrosie wrote: »
    Your poor mother! How awful for all of you.
    Yup. Bad times, alight...
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    JulesFJulesF Posts: 6,461
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    Flat Matt wrote: »
    Around twenty years ago, I moved into a tiny one bed flat with my wife and our young son. The flat was basically the first floor of a small terrace house that had been very badly converted into two separate flats. <snip>

    Awesome post, Matt! One of the best in this thread. I'm not sure I 100% believe in ghosts (thought I am a fervent believer in the power of suggestion and the amazing capabilities of our imaginations), but your story is so spooky and believable.
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    Phoenix LazarusPhoenix Lazarus Posts: 17,336
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    Flat MattFlat Matt Posts: 7,023
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    JulesF wrote: »
    Awesome post, Matt! One of the best in this thread. I'm not sure I 100% believe in ghosts (thought I am a fervent believer in the power of suggestion and the amazing capabilities of our imaginations), but your story is so spooky and believable.

    Why, thank you.

    The tale is 100% true. I would find it very hard to believe in ghosts if I hadn't lived in that place.

    I've often wondered whether the current occupiers have had any odd experiences there.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 70
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    My Young Visitor?
    This occurred in March 1992. I vividly remember the occasion as if it had happened yesterday.

    It was a Sunday afternoon in early March; typically for the time of year; cold, windy and rather gloomy. I had had lunch; there was a nice log fire in the sitting room, the TV was on, and I settled in my arm chair to watch the afternoon film. There was one slight drawback to my comfy little world - I would have to return to work about 4 pm. I was employed as a stockman and there were cattle to be fed.

    My cottage was situated in a hamlet in the county of Dorset in southern England. The few houses in the hamlet were spread over a wide area. I had one close neighbour but the other houses were some distance away.

    The cottage was said to date from the seventeenth century, and in a former life, the lean-to shed which was then my garage, had been the village Blacksmith's workplace where all the working horses in the area would come for re-shoe-ing. The garage still bears signs of a soot blackened wall presumably from the forge.

    Up to this time I had lived in the cottage for eight years, almost without any untoward incidences. I say almost, because every once in a while I would swear I heard a child coughing. There was also the time when late one night I heard what sounded like grown-up's heavy footsteps slowly climbing the stairs. The seventh stair always creaked, and it creaked on this night. The hair on the back of my neck stood-up and I waited for the bedroom door to open. But it didn't.

    One afternoon, I was having a casual chat with one of my neighbours who was quite excited about some of the results she had uncovered when delving into the history of the hamlet. "And did you know that two children had died from consumption in your house?" She exclaimed. Consumption is the ancient name for tuberculoses or TB. No, I didn't know, but in an unlikely way, it may be an explanation why I would imagine I occasionally hear a child coughing. Let me make it quite clear, I was neither a believer nor non-believer in anything to do with the paranormal.

    As a precaution, I locked the cottage door as the stairs went up just inside the front door. A Sunday afternoon intruder could help himself from upstairs and I would be none the wiser. Also, I had friends who sometimes arrived unannounced on a Sunday. Their young boy aged four would race in and climb all over me if I was having a doze. If they arrive I would unlock the door and let them in.

    I had been having a nap. When I awoke, I immediately became aware that I was not alone. The TV was still on and the fire had burned low. My first reaction was how my friends had got in since I distinctly remembered locking the door. Then I realised that the little person standing close-by wasn't my friend's young boy...

    Imagine you are sitting in a chair facing the TV. To your right, and angled a little forward, is a small person. I didn't have to turn my head, just moving my eyes a little to the right gave me a good view. Standing not more than three feet away appearing to be watching the TV screen, was a small child. It was standing so close to the arm of my chair I could not see anything below its waist. I estimated the height to be in the three feet region, 90 cm.

    The child was dressed in a smock with, and what I still remember most vividly, a deep - about five inches wide - beautiful lace collar. The front of the smock was gathered into what I can only describe as narrow pleats in a line across the chest and just below the level of the collar points. The hair appeared to be well brushed, covering the ears and must have been longer than shoulder length because I could not see the lower line. I had a clear side-view of the child's pretty face.

    All the while the child was staring intently at the TV screen. Not once did it move. I have no idea what sex it was. It could easily have been a young boy with long hair and wearing a smock. The most striking thing was the colour. Everything I could see was a pale lemon colour, the hair, skin and the smock-all a lemon yellow colour.

    I don't know how long I had observed this child - but it was probably no more than two minutes. I had decided to attempt to make some sort of contact. I decided to turn my head and look straight at it. That was a mistake. As my eyes faced it head on it very slowly disappeared. My feelings at the time were a mixture of joy and sadness, and definitely not scary. I never saw it again.

    I moved from the cottage a few years later and have never met the new owners. If I did, I doubt if I would tell them of the little lost child. But who knows - perhaps they sometimes hear a child with a nasty cough.
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