
Being targeted by feral children

spaniel-loverspaniel-lover Posts: 4,188
Forum Member
On Friday when walking my dog near my home, I got in to an argument with some feral children after I witnessed them littering, I was stupid as I let myself in to my front door, a mere one minute walk away - and they saw me so now know where I live; they proceeded to throw stuff at my door, I phoned the police on 101 & reported it & was given a CAD number. Today they were back, my fiance chased them off but he's not usually here in the day-time; I live alone. I know that the landlord does have CCTV watching this property, I think I shall go & see him & ask him not to record over these incidents. I have written down what time they came back today, but I have not phoned the police again. Any suggestions for what I should do?


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    TelevisionUserTelevisionUser Posts: 41,453
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    Yes, keep a diary of events, photograph the perpetrators if you can and get in contact with your council's antisocial behaviour unit. If the police and antisocial behaviour unit fail to deliver sufficient help and support then I suggest getting your MP involved to pressure these two public services to get their act together.

    Finally, I'd suggest a general policy of non-intervention unless someone is actually being hurt/abused.
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    Joey BoswellJoey Boswell Posts: 25,141
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    Yes please keep a diary and log any incident that occurs, defo speak to your landlord about the CCTV and keep the police informed if anything should happen.

    Little toe-rags need a good spanking.
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    DinkyDooDinkyDoo Posts: 3,588
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    We had some trouble with feral teens, one threatened to kick my front door in if I closed it (they had knocked on it) also had them throwing lumps of wood at the front door. I called the police who came out within the hour, the yobs disappeared as the police arrived. The police advised to ignore them and not to respond to the yobs at all. It worked ignoring them they got bored and we 've not seen them in weeks.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 6,924
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    How old are these kids? If you have a car (and they don't know it belongs to you) then park it away from your own front door. It might stop them vandalizing your car. Oh and by the by you might find that the parents of these delightful children have little angels who never do anything wrong.
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    DinkyDooDinkyDoo Posts: 3,588
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    Stupid phone. ..

    Keep a diary but try to ignore them, I stopped my husband going out to them when they were chucking stones as the more he told them to get lost the more they seemed to do it.
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    Loyd GrossmanLoyd Grossman Posts: 20
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    On Friday when walking my dog near my home, I got in to an argument with some feral children after I witnessed them littering, I was stupid as I let myself in to my front door, a mere one minute walk away - and they saw me so now know where I live; they proceeded to throw stuff at my door, I phoned the police on 101 & reported it & was given a CAD number. Today they were back, my fiance chased them off but he's not usually here in the day-time; I live alone. I know that the landlord does have CCTV watching this property, I think I shall go & see him & ask him not to record over these incidents. I have written down what time they came back today, but I have not phoned the police again. Any suggestions for what I should do?
    I do apologize sincerely if I seem like I am approaching this in an impolite kind of way, but did you feel like it was your god given duty to deal with the kids littering? I know that littering is a terrible thing, (although I confess to being guilty of it myself in the past), but some things are better left alone, no matter how bad they might seem to you. ;)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 135
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    avasgranny wrote: »
    How old are these kids? If you have a car (and they don't know it belongs to you) then park it away from your own front door. It might stop them vandalizing your car. Oh and by the by you might find that the parents of these delightful children have little angels who never do anything wrong.

    Indeed! It's about time parents took responsibility for what these little cretins do. More needs to be done to stop them ruining people's lives. Lowlife scum.
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    tinshedtinshed Posts: 483
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    avasgranny wrote: »
    How old are these kids? If you have a car (and they don't know it belongs to you) then park it away from your own front door. It might stop them vandalizing your car. Oh and by the by you might find that the parents of these delightful children have little angels who never do anything wrong.

    Or don't give a shit what they get up to more likely.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 135
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    I do apologize sincerely if I seem like I am approaching this in an impolite kind of way, but did you feel like it was your god given duty to deal with the kids littering? I know that littering is a terrible thing, (although I confess to being guilty of it myself in the past), but some things are better left alone, no matter how bad they might seem to you. ;)

    Whatever your view on whether she should have intervened or not, the fact remains that she should not have to endure this type of retaliatory behaviour, it's disgraceful. It's ashame there aren't more people willing to tackle these little morons and perhaps it would make them think twice. But I suppose it's easier to sit behind a computer using smug eye winking icons.
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    DinkyDooDinkyDoo Posts: 3,588
    Forum Member
    Indeed! It's about time parents took responsibility for what these little cretins do. More needs to be done to stop them ruining people's lives. Lowlife scum.

    Experience tells me the parents are sometimes as feral as the kids and couldnt care less who the thugs are upsetting. Then you get the parents who would be mortified if they were told their child was a yob.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 135
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    DinkyDoo wrote: »
    Experience tells me the parents are sometimes as feral as the kids and couldnt care less who the thugs are upsetting. Then you get the parents who would be mortified if they were told their child was a yob.

    Oh I know that, but the issue still needs to be tackled.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 6,924
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    tinshed wrote: »
    Or don't give a shit what they get up to more likely.

    This too sadly.
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    molliepopsmolliepops Posts: 26,829
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    I do apologize sincerely if I seem like I am approaching this in an impolite kind of way, but did you feel like it was your god given duty to deal with the kids littering? I know that littering is a terrible thing, (although I confess to being guilty of it myself in the past), but some things are better left alone, no matter how bad they might seem to you. ;)

    I'm glad not everyone thinks like that, and very sorry the OP has to put up with this. Hope it stops soon OP you did your best but these days sometimes that causes the decent neighbour the problems like this.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,583
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    Obviously they aren't getting taught right at home. Doing nothing just means the blighters continue to think nothing of it.

    I know often its easier to ignore what's happened but I believe we have gone too soft with kids and there is way too much apathy.

    I admire your strength to make a difference.

    P.S. What on earth is a Feral Child. I did a quick google and getting wild kids that haven't seen civilization for years.
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    Vast_GirthVast_Girth Posts: 9,793
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    How old are these children and what was thrown?

    A lot of people love to throw the term "feral thugs" ,etc around these days, but a lot of the time its just kids being kids and they got up to exactly the same sort of thing when they were younger.

    I'm not saying that's the case here btw, hence asking for clarification on exactly what they did...
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    paralaxparalax Posts: 12,127
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    You have my sympathy OP, some of these kids should be taken off the parents and placed with trained foster carers to rehabilitate them. I would use the CCTV to get them.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,064
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    on a slightly different point. I saw a miracle yesterday.

    A young woman bent down and picked up a piece of litter off of the path and put it in a bin!

    I was so impressed.
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    abarthmanabarthman Posts: 8,501
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    Any suggestions for what I should do?
    Ignore them. They'll get bored and move on.

    If they get a reaction, they'll keep coming back.

    And try to refrain from chastising strange children in public, no matter how much their antics irritate you. Let the police, litter-wardens or someone bigger and stronger deal with them. And take solace in the thought that they'll probably end up getting buggered in jail in a few years time.
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    SJ_MentalSJ_Mental Posts: 16,138
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    Some children/teenagers like a chase and will keep coming back, If they are caught what then? Just keep a diary and keep the local constabulary informed.
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    mackaramackara Posts: 4,063
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    Install one of these.. http://www.movingsoundtech.com/
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    spaniel-loverspaniel-lover Posts: 4,188
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    avasgranny wrote: »
    How old are these kids? If you have a car (and they don't know it belongs to you) then park it away from your own front door. It might stop them vandalizing your car. Oh and by the by you might find that the parents of these delightful children have little angels who never do anything wrong.

    About 12/13 I reckon. I do not have a car, my fiance's car is parked outside later on in the evening when they should be inside, during the day my landlord's & neighbours' cars are parked outside.
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    finbaarfinbaar Posts: 4,818
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    One solution I have heard work is to completely effing flip, chase after the little gifts, catch one of them and drag him off for s serious "talking" to.
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    cpikey316_cpikey316_ Posts: 1,239
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    mackara wrote: »
    Install one of these.. http://www.movingsoundtech.com/

    Check that you or your neighbours cant hear those frequencies first.

    I am 32 and still can....
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    Pandora 9Pandora 9 Posts: 2,350
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    On Friday when walking my dog near my home, I got in to an argument with some feral children after I witnessed them littering, I was stupid as I let myself in to my front door, a mere one minute walk away - and they saw me so now know where I live; they proceeded to throw stuff at my door, I phoned the police on 101 & reported it & was given a CAD number. Today they were back, my fiance chased them off but he's not usually here in the day-time; I live alone. I know that the landlord does have CCTV watching this property, I think I shall go & see him & ask him not to record over these incidents. I have written down what time they came back today, but I have not phoned the police again. Any suggestions for what I should do?

    What is your dog like? I would get a great big Alsatian because they look vicious but can infact be good pets. My Uncle had dog that was half Alsatian and half Labrador, she was a friendly dog but looked nasty. I used to walk her on a choker chain to keep her in control. I decided to take her lead off in a local park which was big mistake because she spotted a couple of male teenagers. She raced over to give them a friendly greeting which looked more like she was going to attack them. They were terrified, I caught up with her after she had knocked one of them over to lick his face and tried to reassure them that she was very friendly ... but they weren't convinced. My Uncle decided to let her have pups which made her a much calmer dog. A big dog can usually stop people from approaching you or your house especially if you put a "Beware Of The Dog" sign on your front door.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,301
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    I fully disagree with saying nothing in future to people who are behaving badly. We all should relish the community of our living areas and call out those who are destructive within it.

    Did you ever think of going out and calmly talking to them instead of all these techniques to fight a battle when you are really not sure what they are up to? Win them over and have them want to respect you and the public property instead of going out ready for a fight? You will shock them more by this than calling police and moving your car and hiding away from them. Show them you stand by what you said!

    I have some teens in my neighborhood that I don't have high expectations for, but they see me with groceries, etc, they run over to help, they always say hello, they are respectful to me, because I made them want to be that way . . .
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