
Doctor Who S07 Episode 11 - Journey To The Centre Of The TARDIS 27/04/13 BBC1 6:30pm



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    DiscoPDiscoP Posts: 6,021
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    Samster wrote: »
    I assumed a shower but you could well be right. Then again if Amy was able to remember the Doctor back into existence then ....

    and Clara did say she didn't want to forget everything.

    Initially I thought she'd had a shower too but then I thought why would they bother to show Clara having just had a shower, that's a bit random...

    Also Rory was somehow able to remember 2,000 odd years being a plastic centurion!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 4,129
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    Eraserhead wrote: »
    Does anyone still hanker after the old format of four to six episodes to a story? Gives so much more time to explore a story and not rush everything to cram it all into one episode.

    Yes, a fair few of us do...many don't though...mostly the ones with short attention spans who 'don't want to wait another week.

    It would also work much better these days than in the olden days before the time of video recorders and catch-up when if you missed an episode...you never had the chance to see it again...really...no repeat.

    Although, for this episode the complaint would be too much stretching out for more than a two episoder...it would have worked as two 25minute episodes as the 'monsters' were set-up to give a 'someone being attacked' cliff-hanger.

    The problem is that even some 50minute two parters in Nu Who have felt rushed and these would be smaller 4-parters...hence do shorter episodes mean more in depth stories or simpler stories that are stretched out and made slower and more filler?

    Still trying to work it out...however, I have been watching some Baker and McCoy stories on DVD and are really do enjoy the multi-episode set-up and they just feel better and more balanced (thereby answering my own question above...)
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    sandydunesandydune Posts: 10,986
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    The salvage brothers were interesting. I can imagin a whole backstory for them and a future for them.
    Did you notice that when one of them was in the corridor and had been hurt, just before the Doctor and Clara started running towards them, one of them was crying out and he sounded like a Dalek:eek:
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    DiscoPDiscoP Posts: 6,021
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    Eraserhead wrote: »
    Does anyone still hanker after the old format of four to six episodes to a story? Gives so much more time to explore a story and not rush everything to cram it all into one episode.

    Four parters yes, but not the six parters. On the whole they used to bore me rigid.

    It's also worth noting that while my own preference would be for multipart stories, apart from the season finales the two part stories usually get the lowest ratings, which I guess is why they are wary of doing them.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 872
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    Really enjoyed this episode, the references and teasers were just great for me.

    I would have done the story without the future zombie-monsters though. A possible way to still have a monster threat would be to have something the doctor has captured get free. For example in 'The Shakespeare Code' the Doctor kept the Carrionites in the Tardis having defeated them - a Weevil-esque creature would have done the job. You could still have time echoes and a timey whimey plot but without the holey inconsistent future monsters.

    However, as I said, I did like this very much, for me fighting with AOTD as my favourite of series 7.
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    CorwinCorwin Posts: 16,720
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    Really enjoyed this episode, the references and teasers were just great for me.

    I would have done the story without the future zombie-monsters though. A possible way to still have a monster threat would be to have something the doctor has captured get free. For example in 'The Shakespeare Code' the Doctor kept the Carrionites in the Tardis having defeated them - a Weevil-esque creature would have done the job. You could still have time echoes and a timey whimey plot but without the holey inconsistent future monsters.

    However, as I said, I did like this very much, for me fighting with AOTD as my favourite of series 7.

    When I first heard about the concept of this story that's what I thought might end up happening.

    Not just the Carrionites though but multiple different creatures (there's even a Classic era Cyberman wandering about in there somewhere :D)
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    Muttley76Muttley76 Posts: 97,888
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    snopaelic wrote: »
    Regards to the poll was average on before? Average and ok are the same so it's not really had any effect on the poll

    The poll last night had three positive options - excellent very good and good. No average. No okay

    Some of those that voted good in the initial poll will have done so because it most closely matched their views, however now their vote is counted among the average vote which does not really reflect that they were positive about the episode overall and good is now the second option in this poll, in line with what it usually is.
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    DiscoPDiscoP Posts: 6,021
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    CD93 wrote: »

    This is a great article. Worthy of a thread of it's own in my opinion.
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    TheSilentFezTheSilentFez Posts: 11,107
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    DiscoP wrote: »
    Four parters yes, but not the six parters. On the whole they used to bore me rigid.

    It's also worth noting that while my own preference would be for multipart stories, apart from the season finales the two part stories usually get the lowest ratings, which I guess is why they are wary of doing them.

    I would personally hate a return to stories consisting of four short parts. You can easily tell a brilliant story in 45 minutes.
    I think doing so would alienate the modern day audience. Not a lot of people have long attention spans these days. Also, if they story is a bad one, then most of the time you have to wait three more weeks for it to end.
    CD93 wrote: »

    I agree with this. Okay, some of you may be disappointed with Doctor Who at the moment and that's fair enough, but I also think it's fair to say that Doctor Who is better than a lot of the rubbish on television at the moment. I'd rather watch The Rings of Akhaten on loop than endure such rubbish as The Voice, The XFactor, The Only Way is Bloody Essex...or anything on ITV for that matter.
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    Lady of TrakenLady of Traken Posts: 1,326
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    alfster wrote: »
    Of course we are teased by the Dr's name...we always have been - I'd have been disappointed if that wasn't shut down...it's like a carrot on a stick...you can see it but can never quite get to it...it's fun. I doubt we'll find out his name really...I'll love it for two reasons (1) the tease continues (2) it will make lots of people moan like buggery and complain that they have been strung along again when they have been expecting/assuming more than they were going to get...ah, wonderful.

    I do understand why it was done too. I don't really expect either that they will reveal the Doctor's name.
    Even if the Doctor is asked he wont say " My name is ...... ( big pause) Rassilon Junior" but it'll be some waffle long speech 'my name is .... the name that brings destruction on the hordes that bring death to the universe...etc etc :D

    The whole Who are you ? Doctor Who ? is a total red herring since the end of last season. Its frustrating really to see it teased in different episodes when you know it wont really ever be answered because that would kill the mystery of the series.

    I will be very cheesed off however if we don't find out who Clara is by the end of this series
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    NorfolkBoy1NorfolkBoy1 Posts: 4,109
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    I enjoyed it, but I 4/5 enjoyed it, so found the DS 5* review (which read like a 4* review) equally as baffling as those who say it was appalling.

    SM has had a habit of directly addressing fans ever since he started writing for RTD (SPOILERS!), so I found the "Reset Button" a delightful wink at the semi-educated types who like to shout "Deus Ex Machina" very loudly every time a plot is resolved in a way they don't like.
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    DiscoPDiscoP Posts: 6,021
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    I would personally hate a return to stories consisting of four short parts. You can easily tell a brilliant story in 45 minutes.
    I think doing so would alienate the modern day audience. Not a lot of people have long attention spans these days. Also, if they story is a bad one, then most of the time you have to wait three more weeks for it to end.

    I quite agree there have been many great stories told in 45 minutes but I just miss the cliffhangers :) Some one part stories would have benefitted from a second part in my opinion but equally some two parters would have benefitted from only being one part.

    I think there is still an appetite amongst the TV audience for multipart series, look at the success of Lost, Game of Thrones, Broadchurch as examples but I can also see that Doctor Who isn't targeted at the same audience and so you would probably alienate a lot of the casual Saturday night audience.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 509
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    io9 didn't like it much (http://io9.com/were-mighty-sick-of-doctor-who-stories-where-time-trav-483806176) but then again, I didn't like io9's review very much (and no, not just because it put forward a different opinion to mine. ;) )
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    TheSilentFezTheSilentFez Posts: 11,107
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    DiscoP wrote: »
    I quite agree there have been many great stories told in 45 minutes but I just miss the cliffhangers :) Some one part stories would have benefitted from a second part in my opinion but equally some two parters would have benefitted from only being one part.

    I think there is still an appetite amongst the TV audience for multipart series, look at the success of Lost, Game of Thrones, Broadchurch as examples but I can also see that Doctor Who isn't targeted at the same audience and so you would probably alienate a lot of the casual Saturday night audience.

    I miss cliffhangers too and that's why I think two-parters should be brought back, but I don't like the idea of four-part stories; especially when you have to wait a week for one measly 25 minute episode in which very little happens.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 631
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    I didn't understand certain bits of the episode or like it but I wasn't posting through the episode either
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    Delboy219Delboy219 Posts: 3,193
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    I was very excited for this episode, but it left me feeling very cold, as did the TARDIS.

    Yet again, i'm thinking, "next week will be better" but even that looks run of the mill. I think, for me, Moff's eps, and Gaiman's are going to be the only standouts. :(
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 4,129
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    Fire Host wrote: »
    io9 didn't like it much (http://io9.com/were-mighty-sick-of-doctor-who-stories-where-time-trav-483806176) but then again, I didn't like io9's review very much (and no, not just because it put forward a different opinion to mine. ;) )

    I think this part of that 'review' sums up the authors position and lack of clarity about the episode and the show.

    "Okay, so the creature chasing Clara turns out to be Future Zombie Burn Victim Clara. Or something. This reveal was unclear to me, even after I rewound it a few times. And there's more than one of them, because timey blimey."

    "or something"
    "unclear to me"
    "there's more than one of them"
    "because timey blimey"

    All of this shows she is purposefully being off-hand and disengenously setting up it to be rubbish...and then she does the classic thing when someone says 'it was crap' by ADMITTING she didn't understand what they were all about and then even after rewinding and watching again STILL got it wrong.

    Very poor...she should stick to posting on forums like this rather than think she knows what she's talking about.

    And then there is this in the comments:

    "Apocalyptus posted:

    I usually really like all your recaps, but I think you might have missed one or two things going on in this episode. There is more than one burn victim zombie because the 'siamese twin' one is the two brothers having been burnt in such a way that they fused together. That's why the Doctor is trying to stop them touching, because if they don't touch then it can't happen. He's worried about the possible future where three characters have been burnt horribly 'asserting itself' and actually happening. "

    "Charlie Jane Anders reply:

    Yeah, that totally did not come across to me — even after I rewound that sequence and watched it a couple more times. My bad, or maybe a mixture of my bad and the episode's bad."

    How can it be the episode's bad? It was pretty darn clear what was going on if you were watching...they even dropped in the juxtapositions of the siamese monster with the two brothers next to each other...
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    RFSRFS Posts: 7,628
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    I would personally hate a return to stories consisting of four short parts. You can easily tell a brilliant story in 45 minutes.
    I think doing so would alienate the modern day audience. Not a lot of people have long attention spans these days. Also, if they story is a bad one, then most of the time you have to wait three more weeks for it to end.

    I agree with this. Okay, some of you may be disappointed with Doctor Who at the moment and that's fair enough, but I also think it's fair to say that Doctor Who is better than a lot of the rubbish on television at the moment. I'd rather watch The Rings of Akhaten on loop than endure such rubbish as The Voice, The XFactor, The Only Way is Bloody Essex...or anything on ITV for that matter.

    I do remember the (good old?) days of the four-parters (and it took long enough for my dad to coax me from behind the sofa to actually... you know... WATCH the darn things)...

    I think the new format is fine, but these episodes in particular have seemed rushed, BUT they are improving as they go on.
    Which left me thinking, was it always this way when bedding in a new companion? (ohhh that sounded way better in my head than typed out!).

    This had some great moments... as soon as the salvager bloke started scanning the zombie, you KNEW it was going to recognise Clara, but it was all about the Doctor and her in that moment.

    With the exception of Broadchurch (and the old days of Prime Suspect) I am very much inclined to agree with you on the "anything from ITV" at the moment!
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    andy1231andy1231 Posts: 5,100
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    Another episode that was IMO spoiled by the magic "reset" button. Started off well but yet again the Tardis was too easily captured. If it was in flight surely it would have been in the time vortex or is it assumed that when it is seen spinning through space it just in normal flight ? Loved the bits in the consul room when you heard echos of the past and for once the interior of the Tardis looked as if it was real. So Clara has found a book that refers to the Doctors real name. I*'m past caring now about what he is realy called I don't think the truth will ever be revealed to us the viewers and frankly I don't want to know. This all seems so much hype to lead up to the final episode and then into the 50th special. Having said all that I did enjoy this episode, I still don't think there has been an excellent epiosde this season but this was one of the better ones.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 631
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    She has valid reasons why she didn't like which were well explained. The zombie thing and what happened at the end wasn't that clearly explained in the episode which can impair your enjoyment of the episode
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 4,129
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    snopaelic wrote: »
    The zombie thing and what happened at the end wasn't that clearly explained in the episode which can impair your enjoyment of the episode

    It was intimated clearly enough by having the tricorder female voice saying exactly what it said when it scanned real Clara...I much prefer it when there isn't any A-B-C for the idiots exposition.
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    WelshNigeWelshNige Posts: 4,811
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    alfster wrote: »
    It was intimated clearly enough by having the tricorder female voice saying exactly what it said when it scanned real Clara...I much prefer it when there isn't any A-B-C for the idiots exposition.

    So all those who didn't understand it were "idiots".

    Thanks for clearing that up.......

    Oh how I wish I was as super intelligent as some on here seem to think they are....
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 553
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    alfster wrote: »
    It was intimated clearly enough by having the tricorder female voice saying exactly what it said when it scanned real Clara...I much prefer it when there isn't any A-B-C for the idiots exposition.
    Except when quite a few people don't quite understand what happened, it seems more likely to be a case of bad writing than an 'idiot' audience, in my opinion.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 631
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    I'm not an idiot and I take offense at that rematk
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    DiscoPDiscoP Posts: 6,021
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    I'm confused. I'm not going to call other people idiots but it seemed quite clear to me how they came to realise that the zombie was Clara and the two join up zombies were the brothers?
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