
Your favourite Eccleston/Tennant/Smith acting moments

[Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,003
Forum Member
I was wondering which moments do you personally consider to be the best moments ascting wise from each of the three NuWho actors who played the Doctor? I don't mean your favorite Doctor moments, but moments where in your opinion you thought the actor was at their best. (though obviously a lot of them can overlap).

Mine would be:

Everybody Lives from the Doctor Dances and pretty much all of Dalek, but especially the moment where the Dalek tells him "we are the same" and then later "you woud make a good Dalek"

When he marvels at the werewolf in Tooth and Claw (and also other similar scenes, like the one in The Girl in the Fireplace with the robot clock), when the Master is dying/dies in his arms, pretty much all of Human Nature/Family of Blood, but especially the moment where he's playing the Doctor pretending to be John Smith at the end and Midnight when he's potraying how terrified the Doctor is

The speech in Rings of Akhaten, Big Bang- when he's telling the story to little Amelia by her bedside at the end, the end of the Doctor's Wife when he's talking with the TARDIS and "I'm not a hero! from the God Complex.

So what's yours?


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    Banks246Banks246 Posts: 521
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    For Eccleston it really is hard to look past the everybody lives scene.

    It still gives me goosebumps.

    I also loved the moment in his finale when he tells the Daleks no, I said NO!! That little speech has the hairs standing on end still.

    Also the end of Dalek when he is about to shoot the Dalek and he realises what he was about to do, very emotional. :(

    David Tennant has so many it's hard to pick one, but his final goodbye scene broke my heart...:(

    As for Matt Smith my all time fav scene is still the one when he saves Amy from the Silence!!! Loved it.

    Matt Smith is the best epic speech Doctor in my opinion.
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    Whovian1109Whovian1109 Posts: 1,812
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    For Eccleston it's the end of Bad Wolf and his whole: No. scene, culminating in the fabulous: "I'M GONNA WIPE EVERY LAST STINKING DALEK, OUT OF THE SKY!"

    For Tennant, there's a lot of moments, but the scene at the end of The Family of Blood stands out. He goes from a terrified, snivelling wimp, to a super genius full on Doctor mode, to a cold-hearted furious avenging God in the space of just over a minute.

    For Smith, it's probably the speech at the end of Rings, but the scene near the end of Day of the Moon where he stares down the Silence is also a personal favourite.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,772
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    Eccleston - "Everybody Lives" - The Doctor Dances
    Tennant - Talking to Wilf about the Time Lords in The End Of Time part 2
    Smith - Telling his story to little Amelia in The Big Bang
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    Michael_EveMichael_Eve Posts: 14,463
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    Eccleston - Probably the dinner table chat with Margaret Slitheen in 'Boomtown' .

    Tennant - As I think my favourite Ten performance was in 'Gridlock' I'll go with his opening up to Martha about the timelords at the end of the episode; and his crazy descent through all of the car lanes earlier. Then again, I could name plenty of Doctor and Donna scenes!

    Smith- So many. I'll go for a little moment; when he pops up at completely the wrong time behind the sofa in 'The Lodger'. It's just the look on his face; cracks me up every time.
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    Banks246Banks246 Posts: 521
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    For Tennant, there's a lot of moments, but the scene at the end of The Family of Blood stands out. He goes from a terrified, snivelling wimp...


    Hmmm, I think that's a bit harsh.

    The character just had his whole life turned upside down, and at the end gave up his life to save everyone.

    I'd say that was pretty brave.
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    MulettMulett Posts: 9,057
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    For Eccleston, it’s the scene in the End of the World where Jabe admits that she knows who is and says how sorry she is for him. It’s the first time we’d ever seen the Doctor cry and was very moving.

    For me, Tennant is easy – it’s the scene in School Reunion, in the staff room, where he's unexpectedly introduced to Sarah Jane. The little scene afterwards where he's in the corridor, smiling like a schoolboy with a crush, is great too. A lovely piece of acting.

    For Smith, it’s the scene in The Lodger where he 'air kisses' for the first time, and is all proud of himself. The bit where he offers loads of money in a paper bag for the room is great too. In this episode, Matt made me laugh out loud. It’s a shame he doesn’t get to do more comedy. He’s great at it.
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    Whovian1109Whovian1109 Posts: 1,812
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    Banks246 wrote: »
    Hmmm, I think that's a bit harsh.

    The character just had his whole life turned upside down, and at the end gave up his life to save everyone.

    I'd say that was pretty brave.

    I don't mean the character, I mean the bit in the spaceship where he's pretending to still be John Smith and at the same time flipping all those switches and stumbling and begging for mercy.
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    Banks246Banks246 Posts: 521
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    I don't mean the character, I mean the bit in the spaceship where he's pretending to still be John Smith and at the same time flipping all those switches and stumbling and begging for mercy.

    Oooo yes totally agree then! :)

    Sorry for the misunderstanding!
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    Whovian1109Whovian1109 Posts: 1,812
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    Banks246 wrote: »
    Oooo yes totally agree then! :)

    Sorry for the misunderstanding!

    No worries, I can see where the confusion would come from :D
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    November_RainNovember_Rain Posts: 9,145
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    Ecclestone - The last scene in The Parting of the Ways, when he is confronting the Daleks from Satellite 5. The "...and doesn't that just scare you to death?" line gives me goosebumps.

    Tennant - The "Time Lord Victorious" scene in The Waters of Mars. Very chilling.

    Smith - The speech at the end of The Rings of Akhaten. I wasn't a big fan of this episode overall but I loved this particular moment.
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    TheSilentFezTheSilentFez Posts: 11,103
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    Eccleston- As many others have said, the "Everybody lives!" scene.
    The scene in Father's Day where he angrily shouts "I had to go and pick another stupid ape!" also sends shivers down my spine.
    Finally, I really like Eccleston's regeneration scene. It was short, but effective and ended on a high ("And you know what? So was I!" *massive grin*) unlike Tennant's which was drawn out and maybe a little melodramatic.

    Tennant- This is a difficult one. Despite Tennant being an excellent Doctor, I can't really think of many standout moments in particular.
    His confrontation with the Beast in The Satan Pit was pretty good.
    His overall performance in Human Nature/Family of Blood is also a high point.
    And I suppose, despite the melodrama, his final words "I don't want to go" reflect well his personality. After being haunted by the events of the Time War in his Ninth Incarnation, his Tenth brought the fun and excitement back into his life so I suppose it fitted his more emotional and less alien personality better than it would any other Doctor.

    Smith- In contrast to Tennant, Smith has so many standout moments. I especially love his big speeches- "Didn't anyone ever tell you, there's one thing you never put in a trap..." and "Hello Stonehenge!", but his speech in the Rings of Akhaten has to be my favourite yet ("I've walked in universes where the laws of physics were devised by the mind of a mad man!")
    The defeat of the Silence in Day of the Moon is also one of my favourite ever scenes ("And one whacking great kick up the backside for the Silence! You just raised an army against yourself and now for a thousand generations you're going to be ordering them to destroy you every day..."
    Oh and let's not forget that scene in The Eleventh Hour in which he truly became the Doctor- "Hello. I'm the Doctor. Basically...run.")

    Thinking about this has just made me realise how much I enjoy Matt Smith as the Doctor.

    While we're discussing the Doctor's best moments, I thought I just needed to mention Davison's performance in the Cliffhanger of the third part of The Caves of Androzani- "So you see; I'm not going to let you stop me now!"
    Just brilliant. One of my favourite ever Doctor Who moments.
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    mostimitatedmostimitated Posts: 20
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    oh my there is a lot! I'll try to be brief:


    Rose: The turn of the Earth speech

    Bad Wolf: Saying no to the Daleks 'Rose, I'm coming to get you!'

    Parting Of The Ways: the whole sequence from when he says 'Coward, anyday', takes the vortex from Rose and then breathes it back into the TARDIS, right up until his regeneration.


    The Christmas Invasion: 'Did you miss me?', speech at the end to Rose, Mickey and Jackie 'and it is gonna be...fantastic'

    The Girl In The Fireplace: Reading Madame de Pompadour's letter, and after saying 'I'm always alright' to Rose

    School Reunion: 'Hello Sarah Jane', saying goodbye to Sarah Jane at the end

    The Impossible Planet / The Satan Pit: talking about his beliefs

    Doomsday: wall scene and Bad Wolf beach

    The Runaway Bride: looking down over the Racnoss as he commits genocide

    The Lazarus Experiment: Speech to Lazarus in the church 'Its not the time that matters, its the person'

    42: trying to tell Martha about regeneration when he is burning from the parasite

    Human Nature / Familiy of Blood: all of it

    Utopia: last twenty minutes of the entire ep

    Sound of Drums: telling Martha and Jack about Gallifrey and the Untempered Schism

    Last of the Timelords: crying over the Master plus burning his body

    Fires of Pompeii: In the TARDIS with Donna, 'I can never go back, I just can't' and then 'Come with me'

    The Doctor's Daughter: His speech about the Time War / Time Lords 'Only it's gone now. Gone forever'
    and his acting after Jenny's death 'I never would'

    Midnight: most of it

    The Stolen Earth: seeing Davros again, reunion with Rose

    Journey's End: Donna mindwipe and being alone in the TARDIS right at the end

    The Next Doctor: showing Jackson Lake the info stamp images of the Doctor all the way to the Tenth, and 'They break my heart'

    The Waters of Mars: whole sequence when he is listening to them dying and then goes back to the base to save everyone. 'The laws of time are mine and they will obey me!', The Time Lord Victorious and end of the episode

    The End of Time: Cafe scene, scene in the junkyard with the Master where he hears the drumming, talk with Wilf on the spaceship about why he can't kill the Master, facing Rassilon and the Master, thinking he is alive then hearing the four knocks, his rage 'It's not fair' then still saving Wilf, his wounds healing 'It's started.' All of his goodbyes, particularly to Sarah Jane, Verity and Rose. The regeneration

    Matt Smith:

    Eleventh Hour: all of it especially calling the Atraxi back then rooftop speech and then first revealing the TARDIS to Amy

    Beast Below: 'Notice everything' sequence, His scorn to Amy 'You took it upon yourself to save me from that, and that was wrong', Nobody human has anything to say to me today!' , his reaction when Amy is telling him he is like the Star Whale at the end of the ep 'can't stand to watch children cry'

    Time of Angels / Flesh and Stone: Octavian death scene, shouting at River when trying to save Amy

    Vampires of Venice: 'You didn't know Isabella's name!' scene with Calvierri, 'Tell me the whole plan!' scene with the vamp girls in the crypt (?), shouting at Amy 'back to the TARDIS' just after Isabella's father dies,

    Amy's Choice: 'Nobody in the universe hates me as much as you' when he tells the Dream Lord that he knows who he is, scene in the van when the Dream Lord is goading him 'the old man prefers the company of the young', his reaction to Amy's scorn 'then what is the point of you?'

    The Hungry Earth / Cold Blood: 'Nobody dies today' speech to all the Welsh people and Rory, taking Amy into the TARDIS after Rory dies acting like he isn't going to do anything and then trying to help her remember, speech to the mother about her son 'Raise him to be what you couldn't be'

    Vincent and the Doctor: trying to comfort Vincent when he is having one of his episodes, taking Vincent to the gallery, ending scene in the gallery comforting Amy

    The Lodger: when he is being drawn to the control panel on the ship, explaining to Craig why the ship doesn't want him 'You're Mr Sofa Man'

    The Pandorica Opens: 'Do the smart thing, let somebody else try first' speech

    The Big Bang: speech when he is in the Pandorica barely alive telling Amy to remember her parents and they will be there, then the speech when his timeline is unravelling and he tells her that she will remember the days that never came, scene with River at the end and final scene in the TARDIS where they go off to the Orient Express

    A Christmas Carol: 'I've never met someone who wasn't important'

    Impossible Astronaut, Day Of the Moon: 'Don't play games with me, don't ever think you're capable of that' that entire scene, speech to the Silence at the end, awkwardly not knowing how to react when River kisses him

    The Doctor's Wife: shouting at Aunty and Uncle when he sees the Time Lord distress signal collection, his reaction when House takes the TARDIS and he screams 'open this door!', when the TARDIS spirit is released into the console room 'Finish him off girl.' , saying goodbye to the TARDIS 'I don't want you to go', final scene where he is asking 'are you there?' and the lever goes down by itself

    A Good Man Goes To War: Colonel Runaway speech, scene with Lorna Bucket as she is dying,

    Night Terrors: 'These are old eyes'

    The God Complex: 'I'm not a hero' speech to Amy and saying goodbye to her

    Asylum of the Daleks: opening scene on Skaro 'not many people can do that, send me messages', his fear when trapped in intensive care, realising Oswin is a Dalek

    The Power of Three: telling Brian about the companions he has lost 'never them Brian, never them', scene on the rooftop with Amy 'I'm running to you and Rory before you fade from me'

    Angels take Manhattan: his rage when reading the chapter titles, giving River regeneration energy to heal her hand, goodbye scene to Amy, his dejection in the TARDIS, reading Amy's afterword

    The Snowmen: majority of it, particularly the scene in which he shows Clara the TARDIS and gives her a key before she is grabbed by the Ice Lady

    The Rings of Akhaten: speech to Grandfather

    Hide: 'I am the Doctor and I am afraid'

    Journey To The Centre of The TARDIS: 'What are you? A trick? A trap?' scene and in the heart of the TARDIS 'she's always been there for me and now I don't know what to do'

    Wow well I think that's a comprehensive list :o

    bits in bold are probably my most favourite moments but that is subject to change :cool:
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    inspector drakeinspector drake Posts: 910
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    Eccleston: His 'Coward, any day' speech at the end of POTW.

    Tennant: Pretty much all of the last 10 minutes of 'Journey's End'.

    Smith:His big speech at the end of 'Rings'.
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    mrprossermrprosser Posts: 2,283
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    Eccleston's first line (almost) "Run for your life"
    Tennant "Am I ginger?"
    Smith "......Gobby Australian"
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 983
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    Eccleston's first line (almost) "Run for your life"

    Just to comment on this, I still remember that moment.

    For those of us who knew Eccleston before Who and some of the parts he played, it was suddenly realising how against type he had gone. Probably why he wanted the part, as well as working with Russel T again.
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    November_RainNovember_Rain Posts: 9,145
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    Ecclestone - The last scene in The Parting of the Ways, when he is confronting the Daleks from Satellite 5. The "...and doesn't that just scare you to death?" line gives me goosebumps.

    I've just realised my error, I meant Bad Wolf, not The Parting of the Ways.
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    Banks246Banks246 Posts: 521
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    I've just realised my error, I meant Bad Wolf, not The Parting of the Ways.

    Don't worry I worked it out......eventually. :D

    Had me thinking for a second though, did he say it more than once?! :p

    I doubted myself, thanks! :cry:
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    November_RainNovember_Rain Posts: 9,145
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    Banks246 wrote: »
    Don't worry I worked it out......eventually. :D

    Had me thinking for a second though, did he say it more than once?! :p

    I doubted myself, thanks! :cry:

    I wish they would just stick to one title for the multi-episode stories, it would be so much easier to remember them. :D
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    Scorpio2Scorpio2 Posts: 5,632
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    I don't want to go wins hands down.
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    garbage456garbage456 Posts: 8,225
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    Can't think of them all but DT stands out for family of blood.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 228
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    What a lovely thread!
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    Granny McSmithGranny McSmith Posts: 19,622
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    oh my there is a lot! I'll try to be brief:

    Wow well I think that's a comprehensive list :o


    (Snipped for space)

    I loved your list - a real nostalgia trip. It made me want to watch every single one of those episodes over again. :)
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    Muttley76Muttley76 Posts: 97,888
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    Eccleston - "Everybody Lives, Rose! Just This Once, Everybody Lives!" [The Doctor Dances]

    It's a moment of pure redemption for the 9th Doctor, brings lump to the throat every damn time.

    Tennant - "The second sun would rise in the south, and the mountains would shine. The leaves on the trees were silver, when they caught the light, every morning it looked like a forest on fire. When the autumn came, a brilliant glow though the branches..." [Gridlock]

    This emotionally dramatic stuff was (and is) I think Tennant's biggest strength as an actor and in playing The Doctor particularly.

    Smith - "Oh, that box... Amy, you'll dream about that box. It'll never leave you, big and little at the same time, brand new and ancient and the bluest blue ever. And the times we had, eh? Would've had... Never had. In your dreams, they'll still be there. The Doctor and Amy Pond, and the days that never came..." [The Big Bang]

    For me theres never been a better of example of The Doctor being an ancient creature in the body of a young man than this beautiful scene.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,003
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    Muttley76 wrote: »
    Eccleston - "Everybody Lives, Rose! Just This Once, Everybody Lives!" [The Doctor Dances]

    It's a moment of pure redemption for the 9th Doctor, brings lump to the throat every damn time.

    Tennant - "The second sun would rise in the south, and the mountains would shine. The leaves on the trees were silver, when they caught the light, every morning it looked like a forest on fire. When the autumn came, a brilliant glow though the branches..." [Gridlock]

    This emotionally dramatic stuff was (and is) I think Tennant's biggest strength as an actor and in playing The Doctor particularly.

    Smith - "Oh, that box... Amy, you'll dream about that box. It'll never leave you, big and little at the same time, brand new and ancient and the bluest blue ever. And the times we had, eh? Would've had... Never had. In your dreams, they'll still be there. The Doctor and Amy Pond, and the days that never came..." [The Big Bang]

    For me theres never been a better of example of The Doctor being an ancient creature in the body of a young man than this beautiful scene.

    This might be a bit off topic,but as for Tennant and playing emotionallydramatic stuff, there was this scene in the second to last episode of Broadchurch where his character is talking about his personal life to journalists (don't really want to describe the whole scene) and he's just so amazing in it. Actually for me that scene was maybe even better than those kinds of scenes while he was playing the Doctor.

    And also agree on thelast sentence, that was the one point in DW were I genuinely 100% believed I was watching a 900 year old man.
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    mostimitatedmostimitated Posts: 20
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    (Snipped for space)

    I loved your list - a real nostalgia trip. It made me want to watch every single one of those episodes over again. :)

    Thanks, those are definitely the moments that made me fall in love with the show :)

    This is a great thread
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