
What would turn you off Doctor Who?



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    BatmannequinBatmannequin Posts: 489
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    I want to say too much 80s style fanwank, with the show disappearing up its own arse and making stupid references to the past, with stories taking place because a minor baddie from an 80s serial has travelled back to interfere with the events from The Faceless Ones in order to stop the current Doctor from retrieving Avery's Gold off of The Smugglers, or something equally dumb.

    I *WANT* to say that, but I'm still here after the mid-80s era, and I lapped up the Virgin and BBC book ranges in the 90s, so I think I'm giving myself too much credit, unfortunately.

    Look, let's be honest - Who reinvents itself every few years. Everyone will have eras they favour the most (for me it's early Hartnell, The Hinchcliffe Years and the Moffat era that stand out the most) and everyone has eras that they don't like (again, speaking personally, it's JNT [sans late McCoy and the occasional Davison/Baker story] and RTD), but one person's turd is another person's treasure, and I think we've all gone too far now to turn back - we'll carry on watching [and moaning on here] during an era we don't like, because a few years down the line we know that the show will be reinvented again, and we may well love what comes next.

    So even if a female Doctor comes along, or Nick Jonas is cast as The Doctor with a perky high school cheerleader as a companion that he bangs relelntlessly throughout the seasons, or Eleven degenerates back into Tennant, or whatever... we're all going to go along for the ride, no matter how much we grumble.

    We're in too deep, now.
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    nebogipfelnebogipfel Posts: 8,375
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    You forgot the bit about how, when the baby was kidnapped, it's parents apparently forgot about it completely for several weeks.

    But I don't think such rubbish could ever be written.;):D

    Yes. I did forget. I pressed my "Forget" button. Glad it works - thought I'd been scammed when I bought it. I could never remember whether I'd actually forgotten anything.
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    Pull2OpenPull2Open Posts: 15,138
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    I threw in the towel back in the 80s! I winced through Time and the Rani and persevered enduring the immature and banal Paradise Towers with Delta and the Bannermen and Dragonfire being passable!

    But having watched the disappointing return of the Daleks, I finally gave up with the truly truly awful Happiness Patrol specifically switching over when the Kandy Man made his entrance! As a result, I missed the classics Curse of Fenric and Survival which I have since caught up with on video!

    In terms of NuWho...I think if the Doctor was a woman and as a previous post said, if the programme was taken over by the US and relocated to the States with a whole new American cast, these would cause 'game over' for me!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 529
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    HBO Style nudity for the sake of nudity
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    johnnysaucepnjohnnysaucepn Posts: 6,775
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    I'm with the people that say that even if they do something that completely switches me off, I'll be back in a few years when they have the opportunity to switch it around again. At the very least, I'll still watch the first episode of each series to see if it's changed in a way I like.
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    chuffnobblerchuffnobbler Posts: 10,774
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    I am totally unfussed about the current stuff. I have been disinterested, or even bored, with new DW for the last two or three years. I love Matt Smith's Doctor, but I generally haven't got the faintest idea what he is doing or why he is doing it.

    Smart-arse dialogue all the time: nobody has a conversation anymore, they just fling quips and witticisms at each other with a raised eyebrow. "Snog box". :mad:

    Fiddly stories with mystery upon mystery, some of which are crucial to the story and some of which are meaningless. Time travel stuff where the story ends before it begins.

    I don't remember the last time I watched an episode of DW "live". I watch it on the Skyplus a few days after broadcast and immediately delete it after one viewing. From mid Tennant onwards, I've only seen 90% of episodes once. I haven't got any of the DVDs from that point onwards (apart from a couple I won in DWM competitions). I couldn't recall most of the episode titles of recent years, even if pushed.

    The FX are whizzy and it looks amazing, but it's empty. The Ice Warrior story was going perfectly well til they took it out of its costume and it just became a bogstandard CGI thing. Quite a few episodes only have about three characters in them, and it looks like a cost-saving exercise. As above, the whipsmart dialogue turns me off.

    I haven't voted in the DWM Season Survey for the last two or three years, as I am totally unmoved by anything I am seeing. I've read all of the "old DW" bits in this month's DWM, but haven't read the previews/interviews/etc about the current stuff. (Except for the Rings of Akhaten review, amnd I am delighetd that the reviewer slated it as much as Mrs Chuff and I did).

    Matt Smith's Doctor is eminently likeable and enjoyable, but the thought of the return of that snivelling Mockney git Tennant for the 50th anniversary chills me to the bone. I'll probably always watch DW, but I would imagine it won't be long before I am not fussed about watching it in the week of transmission.

    Tonight, Mrs Chuff and I will be watching Frontios. Old DW such as that is distinctive, and I just don't feel that C21st DW is distinctive.
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    Pull2OpenPull2Open Posts: 15,138
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    Tonight, Mrs Chuff and I will be watching Frontios. Old DW such as that is distinctive, and I just don't feel that C21st DW is distinctive.

    There is nothing, and I mean nothing, more endearing than watching Turlough foaming at the mouth in hysterical anguish! :D
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 370
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    If anyone who currently frequents Doctor Who forums actually took a turn at writing it. Not that there'd be much choice for very long....cancellation in days.
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    Irma BuntIrma Bunt Posts: 1,847
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    The season arcs of S5 and 6 nearly put me off. Not because I couldn't follow them but because there was a lot of investment for so little pay-off. And Amy Pond and River Song damned well nearly killed the show for me, too. Fortunately, 7b has been far better, thus far.

    Of course, what finally put me off Classic Who was the lamentable McCoy. Having watched since Troughton's days, I endured The Happiness Patrol - the nadir of the original series - and knew it was time the BBC put the show out of our misery.
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    andy1231andy1231 Posts: 5,100
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    mboon wrote: »
    If anyone who currently frequents Doctor Who forums actually took a turn at writing it. Not that there'd be much choice for very long....cancellation in days.

    I think the point some people are trying to make is that the standard of scripts seems to be lacking something (don't ask me what) and that is worrying
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    HappyTruckerHappyTrucker Posts: 534
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    tysonstorm wrote: »
    I'm struggling to even watch it now. I do so out of devotion to the franchise rather than because the episodes are enjoyable. It's become a chore rather than a pleasure.

    See how Saturday night's episode goes as well as the 50th (Urgh Tennant :() and I think if those stink the way the rest of Series 7 has, I think I will call it quits.

    This, almost exactly.

    Also, add in if The Doctor (a man who managed to defeat The Daleks multiple times and, apparently, single handedly ended The Last Great Time War) seems to become so ineffectual that he needs someone else to be the saviour all the flaming time.

    Oh, wait.......
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    Granny McSmithGranny McSmith Posts: 19,622
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    Tonight, Mrs Chuff and I will be watching Frontios. Old DW such as that is distinctive, and I just don't feel that C21st DW is distinctive.

    I am sorry you're not enjoying current DW, chuff. I sympathise with a lot of what you say.

    I must say, though, I have really missed your posts on here about your and Mrs Chuff's reactions. Nice to read about them again! :)
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    Banks246Banks246 Posts: 521
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    Dogmatix wrote: »

    Painting the Tardis yellow.


    If a Doctor who episode ever falls on April fools day they should start an episode with a yellow TARDIS to mess with people. :D
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    johnnysaucepnjohnnysaucepn Posts: 6,775
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    While I, and I'm sure, everyone else, appreciate the people taking the opportunity to yet again explain in great detail what they don't currently like - may I point out that there a thousand threads already doing that, and that the original question was to find out what changes in the future would be beyond the pale?
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    ThrombinThrombin Posts: 9,416
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    Probably if the show was taken over by an American TV company and became 22 episodes a year, an American Doctor and a bimbo sidekick in a low cut top and short skirt.

    Wow, you just described my perfect ideal for Doctor Who :D
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    Thunder LipsThunder Lips Posts: 1,660
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    While I, and I'm sure, everyone else, appreciate the people taking the opportunity to yet again explain in great detail what they don't currently like - may I point out that there a thousand threads already doing that, and that the original question was to find out what changes in the future would be beyond the pale?
    That was one question, there was also this:
    Pull2Open wrote: »
    Is there anything that has happened since its return or even in the Classic series that has almost made you quit it?
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    November_RainNovember_Rain Posts: 9,145
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    Something on par with turds like The End of Time, week after week. I can handle the occasional duff episode, but if the overall quality of the series dropped that low it would be goodnight Vienna for me. At least until the next era.

    I could live with a female Doctor, providing the actress was capable and she was given quality material to work with. I don't think it would be good for the series on a wider level though.
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    TheSilentFezTheSilentFez Posts: 11,107
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    It would take a lot to turn me off Doctor Who. I'm generally happy with most things.
    I would find it difficult to keep going if the show became Americanised with an American companion and an American Doctor.

    One thing which would definitely put me off is if they rebooted the series completely.
    At just about 50 years old, one cannot simply reboot the franchise and wipe clean 50 years of history.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 370
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    andy1231 wrote: »
    I think the point some people are trying to make is that the standard of scripts seems to be lacking something (don't ask me what) and that is worrying
    My point is that's ALWAYS been the case at times with Doctor Who. Varying quality of scripts is the norm, not a current exception. Only if people here wrote them would they be all bilge....although I'm convinced many here did write them during RTD's era (under pseudonym I presume), including his own 'classics' like Love & Monsters and Partners in Crime. Even then it wasn't worth worrying about though.
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    Chester666666Chester666666 Posts: 9,020
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    Rtd did it for me, I kind watch due to it being DW but I don't care if i miss episodes and I am happy that they are speeding through doctors soon as it'll end for good :):D
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 129
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    mboon wrote: »
    If anyone who currently frequents Doctor Who forums actually took a turn at writing it. Not that there'd be much choice for very long....cancellation in days.

    It's funny you should say that because once a long long time ago now, some guy called Steven Moffat used to write his opinions on Doctor Who forums... Who knows what happened to him...
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 370
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    It's funny you should say that because once a long long time ago now, some guy called Steven Moffat used to write his opinions on Doctor Who forums... Who knows what happened to him...
    That's why I said 'currently'...who knows, some people may have enough talent to do so in the future, like him. At the moment they can only manage snide criticism (like me! ;)), which is nowhere near as difficult.
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    Dr. LinusDr. Linus Posts: 6,445
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    Rtd did it for me, I kind watch due to it being DW but I don't care if i miss episodes and I am happy that they are speeding through doctors soon as it'll end for good :):D

    1) What are you doing on the forum if you want the programme to die?
    2) How are they speeding through Doctors? Tennant and Smith have so far done eight years between them, which is more than any pair of Doctors since Baker/Davison.
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    Pull2OpenPull2Open Posts: 15,138
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    Dr. Linus wrote: »
    1) What are you doing on the forum if you want the programme to die?
    2) How are they speeding through Doctors? Tennant and Smith have so far done eight years between them, which is more than any pair of Doctors since Baker/Davison.

    Yeah, I thought that was a bit odd too! With he exception of McGann and Eccleston, they seem to be adhering to standard tenures of 4/5 years! Although, Troughton, Davison and Baker only did 2/3!
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    Michael_EveMichael_Eve Posts: 14,502
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    I want to say too much 80s style fanwank, with the show disappearing up its own arse and making stupid references to the past, with stories taking place because a minor baddie from an 80s serial has travelled back to interfere with the events from The Faceless Ones in order to stop the current Doctor from retrieving Avery's Gold off of The Smugglers, or something equally dumb.

    I *WANT* to say that, but I'm still here after the mid-80s era, and I lapped up the Virgin and BBC book ranges in the 90s, so I think I'm giving myself too much credit, unfortunately.

    Look, let's be honest - Who reinvents itself every few years. Everyone will have eras they favour the most (for me it's early Hartnell, The Hinchcliffe Years and the Moffat era that stand out the most) and everyone has eras that they don't like (again, speaking personally, it's JNT [sans late McCoy and the occasional Davison/Baker story] and RTD), but one person's turd is another person's treasure, and I think we've all gone too far now to turn back - we'll carry on watching [and moaning on here] during an era we don't like, because a few years down the line we know that the show will be reinvented again, and we may well love what comes next.

    So even if a female Doctor comes along, or Nick Jonas is cast as The Doctor with a perky high school cheerleader as a companion that he bangs relelntlessly throughout the seasons, or Eleven degenerates back into Tennant, or whatever... we're all going to go along for the ride, no matter how much we grumble.

    We're in too deep, now.

    Brilliant post, although I draw the line at the Nick Jonas bit! (Whoever he is.)

    Call me stupid ("You're stupid. AND you have no critical faculties.") but we're nearly 50 years in and I don't honestly think there's been such a thing as an 'irredeemable' era of Doctor Who. Personally, IMHO I don't acually think there's been a *totally* irredeemable story either. :o (Even , say, 'The Dominators' has still got Pat, Fraser and Wendy to ease the pain. But that might be the subject for another thread...)
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