
Best lines/ most memorable lines in the Harry Potter movies?



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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 325
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    DH part 2 - After discovering one of the Horcruxes is at Hogwarts
    Harry - We've got to go there now!
    Hermione - What we can't do that, We've got to plan we've got to figure it out
    Harry - Hermione! When have any of our plans ever actually worked? We plan, we get there all hell breaks loose.

    I really think that should have been in The book! It's superb!
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    zsb37105qtyzzsb37105qtyz Posts: 1,493
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    Dumbledore - Alas Earwax
    Dumbledore - So Naturally... The Whole School Knows
    Neville - Amazing.... Just Amazing
    McGonagall - I've always wanted to use that spell
    Hermione - I read it in Hogwarts A History
    Cho - I am... really.... sorry
    Ginny - Good Luck
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 476
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    "Gilderoy Lockhart
    ": Hello. Who are you?*
    ": Um... Ron Weasley.*
    "Gilderoy Lockhart
    ": Really! And,uh, wh-who am I?*
    ": Lockhart's memory charm backfired! He hasn't got a clue who he is!*
    "Gilderoy Lockhart
    ": It's an odd sort of place, this, isn't it? Do you live here?*
    ": No.*
    "Gilderoy Lockhart
    ": Really?*
    ["knocks Lockhart unconscious with a rock"]*
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    RobertfitzRobertfitz Posts: 2,732
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    'Yerrrr a wizard Harry'

    'TROLLL IN THE DUNGEONNN... Just thought you'd like to knoww'
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    WeeblesWobbleWeeblesWobble Posts: 1,255
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    "It's levi-osa, not levio-SAHH."

    ^Still break that one out randomly.
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    treefr0gtreefr0g Posts: 23,744
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    Horace Slughorn - It was a student who gave me Francis. One Spring afternoon I discovered a bowl on my desk, just a few inches of clear water in it. Floating on the surface was a flower petal. As I watched, it sank. Just when it reached the bottom, it transformed into a wee fish. It was beautiful magic, wondrous to behold. The flower petal had come from a lily, your mother. The day I came downstairs, the day the bowl was empty, was the day your mother.... :cry::cry:

    This is one of my favourites too.

    Jim Broadbent tells it beautifully.

    I am listening to the audio books at the moment and was surprised to find that it is not in the book.
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    treefr0gtreefr0g Posts: 23,744
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    Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.

    ~ Albus Dumbledore ~
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    PaperSkinPaperSkin Posts: 1,327
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    Hermione - "Now whip out your wand and join me on the bed"

    No wait... ye...yeah that's right, my mistake, that was the version of the movie playing inside my head... to which I was the star...
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    bbclassicsbbclassics Posts: 7,806
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    'Everybody knows - no post on Sundays!'
    *eats toast noisily

    -Uncle Vernon
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    PaperSkinPaperSkin Posts: 1,327
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    Hermione - "No Harry not again, we can't, it was a mistake, I love Ron and if he found out..."

    Harry - "Don't worry Hermione, Ron won't find out"

    Then later...

    Ron "What's going on.. I can't believe it!"

    Hermione & Harry "Its not what you think"

    Ron "Avada Kedavra"

    .....Harry Potter and the Fatal Affair comes out next December.
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    annielouannielou Posts: 10,250
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    "He was their FRIEND!" Harry

    "Expecto Patronum!" Harry

    "How Dare you Stand Where he Stood"! Harry to Snape

    and the tear jerker:

    Lily, after all this time? (Dumbledore)

    Always (Snape)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 15
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    "Do nothing? Offer him up as bait?
    Potter is a boy, not a piece of meat"

    "Chinese fireball, ooooooooh!" :D
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    EverlastingEverlasting Posts: 284
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    I love how I read all these in their voices.
    And don't forget the liquid luck scenes :p
    Hermione: so how do you feel
    Harry: excellent truly excellent
    Hermione: (can't really remember this line) some stuff about slughorns daily routine
    Harry: okay I'm going Hagrid's
    Hermione: no harry we've got a plan remember
    Harry: yea but I've just got a really good feeling about Hagrid's it just feels the place to be tonight you know
    Hermione and Ron: no
    Harry: well just trust me I know what I'm doing or Felix does
    Harry: (to some random students on his way out) hi

    Harry: these plants have always freaked me out yea OK sir I must be going now
    Slughorn: (shocked) harry
    Harry: (amused) sir
    Slughorn: how exactly did you get out the castle its nearly nightfall
    Harry: oh through the front door sir I am going to see hagrid you see he is a very dear friend
    Slughorn: harry you know I can't let you roam around the grounds by yourself at night
    Harry: then by all means sir come with me

    Slughorn: (chasing after harry) harry I emplore you to accompany me bact to the castle immediately
    Harry: that would be counterproductive sir
    Slughorn: what makes you say that
    Harry: I've got no idea

    Slughorn: cor blimey is that an actual actultrantula however did you kill it
    Hagrid: kill it he was a old friend he was
    Slughorn: oh I'm so sorry I didn't know
    Hagrid: oh don't be its a common mistake I reckon its the eyes they unnerve some people
    Harry: yea and not to mention the pincers *click* *click* *click*
    Hagrid: (looking bewildered at harry) yes I reckon that too

    (And I can't be bothered to write the rest now and its already such a loooong post)
    OK I'm only doing this off memory so it probably isn't totally correct but I absolutely love these scenes, I do love stoned harry :p
    And really sorry about the long post
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    treefr0gtreefr0g Posts: 23,744
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    Slughorn: (chasing after harry) harry I emplore you to accompany me bact to the castle immediately
    Harry: that would be counterproductive sir
    Slughorn: what makes you say that
    Harry: I've got no idea

    I am not being pedantic but he actually simply said "No idea". I only mention it because this appeared to be a recurring line throughout the films (or maybe my imagination). I think that I even mentioned it earlier in this thread.

    I remember Hermione saying "No idea" and also the most dramatic "No idea" of all was delivered by Snape when being questioned by Umbridge. :)

    I know that it's a common phrase but for some reason it stood out whenever I heard it.
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    laine_claine_c Posts: 16
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    Malfoy: "it's killed me" After being scratched by Buckbeak

    Ron: "Why spiders? Why couldn't it be follow the butterflies?"
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