
OMG! Eggs thrown by Instrument player during performance! How did she get there?



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    Zizu58Zizu58 Posts: 3,658
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    Its not.

    Meet me back here in a year .
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    girlinstaticgirlinstatic Posts: 839
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    The egg throwing during a performance wasn't funny, but the pure sh*t eating grin she had was absolutely hilarious. She just looked so elated... It threw me so much that I genuinely thought she was part of their act for a second. The fact they didn't react, except the bloke on the right briefly staring at her made it all the more odd. Truly bizarre!
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    Zizu58Zizu58 Posts: 3,658
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    notin wrote: »
    Get a grip, get a grip, NO..it is you who should GET A GRIP... In no way should the public or presenters/ panel have their safety jeopardised. This woman needs to be made an example of what WE do not accept as moral behaviour, that's the bottom line. I do not take this show seriously at all, could not give too hoots who wins, who goes on to be a big star, BUT, I do believe that in the context of a any public event people have the right to feel safe and this woman showed that given all of the security, she managed to high jack the moment, for whatever reason... This time eggs ... Next time who knows?

    Prosecute the bint and make her an example of what is NOT acceptable behaviour.

    Thank you .
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    miss buzzybeemiss buzzybee Posts: 16,496
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    Zizu58 wrote: »
    Meet me back here in a year .

    No. :D
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    C14EC14E Posts: 32,165
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    Simon Cowell won't care less, he's off to do X Factor USA auditions next week, he's not going to waste time "ending her career". Ms Holt's problem is that her name will be all over the internet associated with this. So she'll generally struggle for major work in the future. No TV company will go near her, nor will anyone producing any kind of significant event or function. The people who work on BGT don't just work on that, by the end of the year they might be on Strictly or X Factor and so she'll not be hired for them either. She's 30 years old so she can't blame it on youth. She's clearly a person who makes very bad decisions and can't be trusted. The fact that she has a demented smile on stage doesn't help. However, I'm sure she will still be able to find lower level work.
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    Zizu58Zizu58 Posts: 3,658
    Forum Member
    I congratulate the woman. She only done what 90pc of the GBP would of liked to have done!

    ffs people it was only eggs!. Im sure Cowel will hire the SAS for security next year! :D

    Maybe 90% of your friends.
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    Zizu58Zizu58 Posts: 3,658
    Forum Member
    Yes but they weren't a knife, they were eggs.

    Yes but it could have been acid or something .
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    Zizu58Zizu58 Posts: 3,658
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    She wasn't trying to spoil someone's big moment though.
    It clearly wasn't directed at the singers.

    They were still singing , in the biggest two minutes of their lives. She's a thoughtless, selfish madam at best .
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    Zizu58Zizu58 Posts: 3,658
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    sammyvine wrote: »
    people need to get over this!

    simon cowell is loving this. everybody is talking about it and thats what he wants!

    I reckon he's seething as we speak.
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    Zizu58Zizu58 Posts: 3,658
    Forum Member

    Not as bad as Simon who said that he thought that she was throwing sandwiches.

    The two lads work in a sandwich shop.
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    girlinstaticgirlinstatic Posts: 839
    Forum Member
    I genuinely reckon she's mental. I don't know why anyone sane with so much to lose would do what she did, at the moment she chose to do it too. It just makes no sense. Was her axe to grind with Simon worth more than her budding career? :eek:The fact she obviously planned it by bringing and hiding the eggs is even worse, usually the people that make asses of themselves on live tv are opportunistic randoms!
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    Zizu58Zizu58 Posts: 3,658
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    Menk wrote: »
    The musicians would have been an ad hoc group - most of them probably wouldn't even know one another.

    She's in a string quartet , maybe not for long though.
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    longpiggylongpiggy Posts: 2,156
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    Zizu58 wrote: »
    Yes but it could have been acid or something .

    I am not one for abusing people (normally) or hyperbole but piss off, seriously - you actually hear what your saying? Find out how they were treated then do your defence. If you felt humiliated and denigrated... he was lucky it was eggs.
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    Zizu58Zizu58 Posts: 3,658
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    Except she doesnt operate in the showbiz world. Tell me, had you ever heard of her before tonight?

    She composes for TV and Films She's been very short sighted , I feel.
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    longpiggylongpiggy Posts: 2,156
    Forum Member
    Originally Posted by Menk
    The musicians would have been an ad hoc group - most of them probably wouldn't even know one another.

    They (Raven not an ad hoc combo) are really rather good (indeed better than Escala why they were asked on last year by producers) so NO she will be very much part of the quartet as she has been for years before.
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    Zizu58Zizu58 Posts: 3,658
    Forum Member
    You're RIGHT!

    My band was going to book a gig for next Friday. However I have to run it past Simon first. I dont want to make an enemy of him, he might call Auntie Annies pub in Belfast and make them refuse me!!!!!!

    Then again you haven't done anything to annoy SC.
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    miss buzzybeemiss buzzybee Posts: 16,496
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    Zizu58 wrote: »
    Maybe 90% of your friends.

    Did you scroll back specifically to pick up that comment? :D
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    longpiggylongpiggy Posts: 2,156
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    Christ Almighty some of you are bloody sanctimonious like your Dear God Simon. As said elsewhere as classically trained, and IMO, brilliant musicians being screwed over by this programme last year (then they ask you on again as background!!!) You take it on the chin. Dare you, double dare you. Liars.
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    washboardwashboard Posts: 2,079
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    But your hopes are dashed because

    1.Shes a self employed composer

    And this incident won't stop her composing. However, being a 'self-employed composer' - no matter how prolific - can only bring in money if people want to buy the compositions.

    2.She could put an ad for a gig on Gumtree and get hired for a gig in a day

    Or not

    3.Conductors in serious orchestra's dont watch BGT and dont know who Simon Cowell is.

    She plays/played in a quartet. She was part of the 'orchestral' group playing on BGT. Conductors in serious orchestras may actually know who Simon Cowell is, but don't know who she is. Until now. Maybe she hasn't given herself the best reference.

    4.They havnt pressed charges.

    As yet.

    As I see it, this is what happened:

    Egg woman is a musical performer.

    She decided to take advantage of other musical performers' 'big moment' to make her point - whatever that is.

    She describes her actions as 'overshadowing' the other musical performers' big moment.

    Her actions were more likely to have undermined the other performers. Luckily, they were professional enough to carry on.

    Even her apology comes across as being all about her.

    'In hindsight'? Right. Because it's only after the event that you would realise that it's not right to use someone else's'big moment' to follow your own agenda :rolleyes:

    I'm not posting this because I think it will make you post differently. (It won't :eek:)

    Or because I think it will make others see the flaws in your 'argument' (I think they already know :D).

    I'm just posting it because
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    Mike2011Mike2011 Posts: 411
    Forum Member
    If you have talent why would you want to lob eggs?? I hope and pray she gets help for her mental health issues, poor thing.
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    mezmrzmezmrz Posts: 248
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    This was an act that appeared to be spontaneous. The eggs were possibly hidden in a cello case. Simon Cowell was smiling too when the incident occurred. This is possibly an "in-house-tv/celebrity/backstage-staff" form of banter, that has been propelled into a physical act. Simon Cowell will have possibly been discussing it later in private in full knowledge of who she was. If i was one of the guys performing at the time though, I would be googling the term "stitch up"
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    Panda EyesPanda Eyes Posts: 4,972
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    Because this is an internet forum, its a hypothetical situation and im taking the bloody piss. Ive moved on with my life about 5 seconds after it happened. Clearly you guys haven't. Ill be expecting the court case thread on here tomorrow, following the case intently with you guys casting your damnation's on here while the rest of us chuckle and move on with our lives.

    Oh and how can something that doesnt exist be an example of terrible manners? You cant have terrible thought manners. Terrible manners come from actual actions.

    Did you really move on that quickly? I've just read about 16 pages of this thread and you've been here for about 13 of them over several hours telling people to chill out while appearing the most rabid.
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    AlrightmateAlrightmate Posts: 73,120
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    Zizu58 wrote: »
    Yes but it could have been acid or something .

    Yes, but it wasn't.

    I couldn't get angry about what she could have thrown, I can only get angry about what she actually did throw.

    I went to the shop yesterday and bought a loaf of bread.
    But I could have walked out of the house and punched somebody in the face instead.
    But I didn't.
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    AlrightmateAlrightmate Posts: 73,120
    Forum Member
    Zizu58 wrote: »
    They were still singing , in the biggest two minutes of their lives. She's a thoughtless, selfish madam at best .

    I won't argue with that. At least it's a calmer more measured point of view.
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