
Serena Williams calls rape victim 'lucky'



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    InspirationInspiration Posts: 62,772
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    It was an off the cuff view point and I'm thinking she probably wishes she had thought about it a bit more before opening her mouth. I agree with some of her points about placing yourself in harms way by your actions, ie, allowing yourself to get so drunk you pass out at a party. But I don't agree with her view that the guys were just "stupid". She clearly seems to be placing the majority of the blame on the girl which is wrong imho. What the guys did can never be justified. But she is entitled to her view.
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    End-Em-AllEnd-Em-All Posts: 23,629
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    It was an off the cuff view point and I'm thinking she probably wishes she had thought about it a bit more before opening her mouth. I agree with some of her points about placing yourself in harms way by your actions, ie, allowing yourself to get so drunk you pass out at a party. But I don't agree with her view that the guys were just "stupid". She clearly seems to be placing the majority of the blame on the girl which is wrong imho. What the guys did was can never be justified. But she is entitled to her view.

    I echo your sentiments.
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    Betty BritainBetty Britain Posts: 13,721
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    End-Em-All wrote: »
    The truth is the girl put herself in a vulnerable position by being so drunk that these criminals took advantage of her. Of course, they may have done the same had she not been drunk but Serena's comments should be viewed in context. Having said all that, I'm not quite sure why being a virgin had anything to do with anything.

    The most important thing to remember is that this was a young girl..who may not of had alcohol before .. She is still the victim here no matter what she did
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    End-Em-AllEnd-Em-All Posts: 23,629
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    The most important thing to remember is that this was a young girl..who may not of had alcohol before .. She is still the victim here no matter what she did

    Of course, she is a victim but that doesn't mean the surrounding issues shouldn't be commented upon. Life doesn't work like that.
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    Harry RedknappHarry Redknapp Posts: 4,422
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    I don't think she was excusing rape or blaming the victim, but she has a point.

    You do need to take care of yourself, as a woman or a young girl because there are predators waiting to take advantage; that means watch your drink, try not to walk home alone too late at night alone etc.

    Obviously noone can really control the rapists actions, and rapists could be anyone etc.
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    End-Em-AllEnd-Em-All Posts: 23,629
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    I don't think she was excusing rape or blaming the victim, but she has a point.

    You do need to take care of yourself, as a woman or a young girl because there are predators waiting to take advantage; that means watch your drink, try not to walk home alone too late at night alone etc.

    Obviously noone can really control the rapists actions, and rapists could be anyone etc.

    It's not just girls/women. The same applies to boys and men as well who have found themselves in similar situations and been raped.
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    AbrielAbriel Posts: 8,525
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    Sorry if this is a silly question but why was Serena asked for her opinion at all?
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    SloopySloopy Posts: 65,209
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    lexi22 wrote: »
    The worst bit is the 'virgin' query, the implication being that were she not a virgin, then it wouldn't have been so bad and/or were she not a virgin at 16, then she must have a 'loose' character... as in, well, these things happen to women with 'loose' characters. Judgement written all over it.

    Seriously, this woman should be ashamed of herself for even thinking like this, let alone think it's a reasonable opinion to make public.

    Yep, it's pretty clear what she's implying from the virgin comments. I'm not sure why she was even asked. Bad PR, that's for sure.

    I don't think anybody would say it's a good idea for a 16-year old to go out and get blind drunk, but so many times the blame ends up being diverted on to the victim for wearing the 'wrong clothes' or drinking too much. It's almost suggesting there is justification for an attack taking place. This is sending out the wrong signal, especially to younger people, both men and women.
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    The DaneThe Dane Posts: 244
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    Rape is unacceptable in any context. There is no excuse for assault. Not even stupidity or youth.

    The people who apparently viewed the disgusting act as some kind of entertainment were hopefully punished as well.
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    JasonJason Posts: 76,557
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    lexi22 wrote: »
    The worst bit is the 'virgin' query, the implication being that were she not a virgin, then it wouldn't have been so bad and/or were she not a virgin at 16, then she must have a 'loose' character... as in, well, these things happen to women with 'loose' characters. Judgement written all over it.

    Seriously, this woman should be ashamed of herself for even thinking like this, let alone think it's a reasonable opinion to make public.

    Couldn't agree more. I do accept that when people are talking off the cuff, they can often say one thing and mean the other - I do it all the bloody time - but then I also do think that if a person is talking of the cuff then their true feelings can also be revealed, often because they don't have a publicist or manager nearby who guides things along.

    And to dismiss the rape as "something stupid" is also very wrong as well.
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    shelleyj89shelleyj89 Posts: 16,292
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    Abriel wrote: »
    Sorry if this is a silly question but why was Serena asked for her opinion at all?

    I believe the interviewer was following her for a period of time, and they were watching TV, it came on, and she commented. I don't think she was specifically asked for her opinion on it.
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    The PrumeisterThe Prumeister Posts: 22,398
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    I don't think she was excusing rape or blaming the victim, but she has a point.

    You do need to take care of yourself, as a woman or a young girl because there are predators waiting to take advantage; that means watch your drink, try not to walk home alone too late at night alone etc.

    Obviously noone can really control the rapists actions, and rapists could be anyone etc.

    Perhaps we could extend the same advice to any rapists or would be rapists out there: Raping is wrong. Women have the RIGHT to get drunk and wear what they like (even if it is not always sensible) so please do not rape them.

    Also, boys and young men - can you also take care of yourselves to prevent attack or crime?

    Finally, if you ARE raped and you WERE drunk, you were NOT asking for it and it is NOT your fault.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 673
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    She's only saying what many were probably thinking; some blame must be attributed to the girl.

    I'm surprised the attention isn't on the two boys though..they only got a 1 year sentence!
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    The PrumeisterThe Prumeister Posts: 22,398
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    Nemokins wrote: »
    She's only saying what many were probably thinking; some blame must be attributed to the girl.I'm surprised the attention isn't on the two boys though..they only got a 1 year sentence!

    For being the victim of an unprovoked rape???:confused:
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    GrecomaniaGrecomania Posts: 19,637
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    Just repellent views, victim-blaming is disgusting.

    She's gone down massively in my estimation, I'm glad Sharapova earns more money now.

    What must the girl think of this? Why comment, just "no comment" would do, no business of hers whatsoever.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 673
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    For being the victim of an unprovoked rape???:confused:

    Sorry but she shouldn't have been drinking to the extent that she probably was. She should have been more careful; if you're going to drink then do it in moderation. I'm a firm supporter of the slutwalk campaign and I'm not going to be sexist about this story; if it were a male victim my comment would be the same.
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    louise1966louise1966 Posts: 4,012
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    I think Serena was merely implying that, in such an extremely intoxicated state, she was fortunate that she wasn't fatally injured. Obviously - and Serena says this - if she was drunk through no fault of her own, that's different. Whatever the circumstances, what those guys did was breaking the law and they needed, consequently, to be punished. But one year? People in the public eye have to consider the impact of what they are going to say, before they say it. Serena definitely was't saying that intoxication validates rape.
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    The PrumeisterThe Prumeister Posts: 22,398
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    Nemokins wrote: »
    Sorry but she shouldn't have been drinking to the extent that she probably was. She should have been more careful; if you're going to drink then do it in moderation. I'm a firm supporter of the slutwalk campaign and I'm not going to be sexist about this story; if it were a male victim my comment would be the same.

    Just wow.

    Those blokes obviously couldn't control themselves and can drink as much as they like but they attacked and raped her and it's HER fault.

    I'm speechless:mad:
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 673
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    Just wow.

    Those blokes obviously couldn't control themselves and can drink as much as they like but they attacked and raped her and it's HER fault.

    I'm speechless:mad:

    I said *some* blame. I'm not blaming their actions on her but if she hadn't have been in the state she was then maybe this wouldn't have happened...ergo there will be 'some' blame.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 673
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    louise1966 wrote: »
    I think Serena was merely implying that, in such an extremely intoxicated state, she was fortunate that she wasn't fatally injured. Obviously - and Serena says this - if she was drunk through no fault of her own, that's different. Whatever the circumstances, what those guys did was breaking the law and they needed, consequently, to be punished. But one year? People in the public eye have to consider the impact of what they are going to say, before they say it. Serena definitely was't saying that intoxication validates rape.

    I'm so glad you can articulate this point better than me :p
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    shelleyj89shelleyj89 Posts: 16,292
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    Nemokins wrote: »
    I said *some* blame. I'm not blaming their actions on her but if she hadn't have been in the state she was then maybe this wouldn't have happened...ergo there will be 'some' blame.

    Any decent human being would take the poor girl home, not over the course of six hours, rape her, take pictures and videos of it, post them online, joke about the situation and mock the poor girl then plead with her not to press charges. I'm sorry, regardless of how drunk she was, no blame should be laid at her feet in my opinion. Drunk or sober, they shouldn't have done what they did. The blame lies with them.
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    The PrumeisterThe Prumeister Posts: 22,398
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    Nemokins wrote: »
    I said *some* blame. I'm not blaming their actions on her but if she hadn't have been in the state she was then maybe this wouldn't have happened...ergo there will be 'some' blame.[/QUOTE]

    Drinking too much is very very foolish and detrimental to the health. If she had say gotten in a car and run someone over I would have no sympathy and you could say that an accident of that ilk was a foregone conclusion.

    However, her drinking too much IMHO has NO bearing on their repulsive actions and does not make her in any way culpable for being raped.

    And actually, you're perhaps making them more culpable in saying that if she hadn't been so drunk it might not have happened... If she'd been lucid, they might not have had the chance or ability?

    You say you're an advocate of slutwalks?

    Victim blaming is disgustingly shameful.
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    lexi22lexi22 Posts: 16,394
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    louise1966 wrote: »
    I think Serena was merely implying that, in such an extremely intoxicated state, she was fortunate that she wasn't fatally injured. Obviously - and Serena says this - if she was drunk through no fault of her own, that's different. Whatever the circumstances, what those guys did was breaking the law and they needed, consequently, to be punished. But one year? People in the public eye have to consider the impact of what they are going to say, before they say it. Serena definitely was't saying that intoxication validates rape.

    ? How is it different exactly? Does it mean if she got drunk 'voluntarily' then she deserves what happened to her? How else do you interpret what she meant by that? She is judging her, plain and simple, when the only people that warrant judgment here are those who raped an unconscious 16 yr old girl.
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    Betty BritainBetty Britain Posts: 13,721
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    Nemokins wrote: »
    She's only saying what many were probably thinking; some blame must be attributed to the girl.

    I'm surprised the attention isn't on the two boys though..they only got a 1 year sentence!

    Tell me what blame you think the victim of a rape should have??? I am totally disgusted with that comment... I don't care how drunk she was..that is NO EXCUSE TO RAPE HER
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    silly sausagesilly sausage Posts: 1,469
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    Nemokins wrote: »
    I said *some* blame. I'm not blaming their actions on her but if she hadn't have been in the state she was then maybe this wouldn't have happened...ergo there will be 'some' blame.

    I wasn't going to comment but honestly .... a woman should be able to walk down a street stark naked and drink however much she wishes to, it isn't sensible, but it does not mean a man is allowed to rape her. Even the slightest justification is wrong.
    There is no blame attached to her. The culprits are well and truly the rapists.
    Yes by all means we must try to educate young girls to wise up and try to ensure they don't put themselves in situations where they can be harmed. But we must also not start apportioning blame to the woman who finds herself raped, what message is that sending out to young men? it's OK to rape someone if she's had a bit too much to drink because then you can just use the 'she was to blame' defence?
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