
Question Time: Most cringeworthy celebrity guests?



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    JohnbeeJohnbee Posts: 4,019
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    That man who sits in the middle who is only there because he had a famous father and interrupts people far too much.
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    BluejuBlueju Posts: 773
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    Johnbee wrote: »
    That man who sits in the middle who is only there because he had a famous father and interrupts people far too much.

    Its come a long way since the days of Robin Day in the chair hasn't it. I said in ours when we were watching it recently that Robin Day had a better, direct control of the ego maniacs on the panel. But I guess the relaxed approach of Dimbleby fits in with the moment now...definitely of the BBC and the laissez-faire viewpoint. Im getting older too..and by necessity narkier !!!
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    Hound of LoveHound of Love Posts: 80,494
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    Rafer wrote: »
    Steve Coogan by a mile. Came across as self righteous. Good to see Kirsty Allsopp pull the rug out from under him. He spouted some naive rubbish about how all privately educated children go on to work in the city and become members of the conservative party. While the rest of society slave away in shops and factories and vote labour. Kirsty called him out. Coogan insisted he was right. She turned to the privately educated deputy leader of the labour party, Harriet Harman, and asked her where she went to school. Coogan went very quiet.

    Honorable mentions to Davina McCall. Who had no opinion on anything. And the leader of Plaid Cymru (name escapes me) who was asked repeatedly. If you had had a vote on the Iraq war would you be for or against? He kept deflecting and never answered.

    Coming from the privately educated daughter of a Tory peer, too.
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    mikwmikw Posts: 48,715
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    Worst - Jarvis Cocker

    Best - Charlotte Church.

    She wasn't a surprise to me though, she was always good value on HIGNFY.
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    LostFoolLostFool Posts: 90,708
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    Steve Coogan by a mile. Typical champagne leftie celebrity.

    I also remember Esther Rantzen being out of her depth and just rolling off crowd pleasing clichés.

    Although I have little time for Richard Littejohn, I did love his slapdown of the Guardian's Polly Toynbee: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSLUtfubOis
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