
How many FB friends do you have? & losing Twitter followers

IzzySIzzyS Posts: 11,045
Forum Member
Purely out of curiosity, do you have 100s of friends in your friends list on Facebook, or much less? I used to have something close to 180 last year but things have changed since then, I decided to have a few culls and unfriend people that I either couldn't remember where I knew them from, or people I hadn't heard from for a long time.

Now my friends list is at 63. I think I once heard that the average person on FB has 100 friends but then that doesnt mean much, since an 'average person' doesn't really exist in a sense. I'd rather have fewer, closer friends than a ton of people I can barely remember who they are :o especially if im posting statuses where I open up about things...

I use Facebook more than Twitter now. I've also (on a slightly related, social network wise, note) noticed that my follower count went down by 10 in the last week. I can only presume thats because im barely tweeting, which seems ironic as I'd have thought tweeting too much would be more likely to lead to people unfollowing, than being quiet on Twitter? its a quaint old world. It doesnt bother me, its just an observation I made when I logged in the other day.


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    Billy_ValueBilly_Value Posts: 22,926
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    i don't use the facebook or twitter
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 5,735
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    Who cares?
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    IzzySIzzyS Posts: 11,045
    Forum Member
    Who cares?

    Yeah, there is that. What can I say? im bored lol some of my friends in my FB friends list have 100s of friends and others much less. I think I prefer having fewer but when your younger, more usually seems cooler or whatever :rolleyes:
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    HollyCHollyC Posts: 5,850
    Forum Member
    I have 25 friends on FB, and they 23 of them are friends and family, who I speak to and socialise with. One of the other two is the cattery I use and the other is an author I like. I have my privacy settings really tight, but still get the odd random friend request from people I don't know. I never accept them. I would also never send a friend request to anyone that I don't know.

    I'm totally anonymous on Twitter - I'm on there just to follow people, and not to tweet about my life! What's bizarre is that I have over 30 followers, and I have no clue who they are, or why they decided to follow me. :confused:
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 716
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    I don't have twitter but I have near to 500 friends on Facebook.
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    Billy_ValueBilly_Value Posts: 22,926
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    HandsClean wrote: »
    I don't have twitter but I have near to 500 friends on Facebook.

    they are not friends.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 8,916
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    I wish I was as popular as the OP. 63 people is pretty much the amount of people residing in my cul-de-sac.
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    JasonJason Posts: 76,557
    Forum Member
    I've got 17, although 3 of those are fake accounts I created just so i could progress on Candy Crush :)

    I've interacted with all of them in one form or another as well, and i also do have one or two on mute as well. Although 'mute' does seem to be an alien concept to many FB users who seem to prefer to complain about their timeline being clogged up with 'crap' ;)
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    Miss XYZMiss XYZ Posts: 14,023
    Forum Member
    i don't use the facebook or twitter

    You sound like Bryn from Gavin & Stacey, Billy... :D

    I've got approx 340 "friends" on Facebook - a mixture of people I know, local companies etc, and a few people I only know from the internet.

    No idea how many followers I have on Twitter, I know I have a few but I only really joined to follow others and the only people who know what my account is are my immediate family.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 4,095
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    I have about 40 friends on FB, I can't be doing with randoms.
    On twitter I couldn't tell you, I follow and read rather than interact to be followed
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    stoatiestoatie Posts: 78,106
    Forum Member
    i don't use the facebook or twitter

    Thanks for letting us know.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 716
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    they are not friends.

    I wouldn't all of them friends but I know who they all are. :P
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    IzzySIzzyS Posts: 11,045
    Forum Member
    I wish I was as popular as the OP. 63 people is pretty much the amount of people residing in my cul-de-sac.

    I'm not that popular really - I dont really talk to too many people, infact as far as socialising is concerned, I'm more social on here than on FB most likely. The people still on my FB friends list consist of a few very close friends (who I send Christmas/birthday cards and gifts to and confide in about things), close relatives and those who have supported me in the past, whom I'd feel bad about unfriending (if thats a word), plus the local town paper and an old ex school friend.

    Most of them I only hear from when they comment on photos I post or statuses I publish - either that or for the closer friends, when they send me messages or obviously contact me elsewhere. Most of the friends are other fans of my favourite music group, who I 'met' via chatting about them on other forums and so on but ive been distancing myself from the fanbase since last year... one of my FB friends is a girl I chatted to through DS though, she isn't linked to the fanbase.
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    Sarah.1987Sarah.1987 Posts: 1,332
    Forum Member
    I have 340 Facebook "friends", and 147 Twitter followers.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 4,095
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    oh! I have 32 followers on twitter. I think I know 2 of them irl.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,396
    Forum Member
    Who cares?

    Why bother opening the thread and replying then?

    Me - I have about 300 FB friends, I've met them all.
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    IzzySIzzyS Posts: 11,045
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    geniusgirl wrote: »
    I have about 40 friends on FB, I can't be doing with randoms.
    On twitter I couldn't tell you, I follow and read rather than interact to be followed

    I'm reading my feed and logging off alot of the time - ill check my mentions and reply if someones sent me a question or something, like a friend was asking after me but otherwise I tend to log off nowadays. I cant be bothered tweeting... I was all about getting my favourite celebrities to follow me but now I can't be bothered with it all. I managed to get a few celeb follows though, so im happy with that.

    Also if you have followers that you dont know in person, some may be spam accounts. I've noticed I get spam accounts following me, ie people who seem to promote their own products in their profile info. I get emailed when someone new follows me, so thats how I know, rather than logging in and specifically checking all the time - I couldnt be bothered to do that.
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    pixel_pixelpixel_pixel Posts: 6,695
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    I take my Facebook friends more serioulsy than ones on Twitter. Probably because they can see more information about me.

    I recently tidied my Friends on Facebook and removed a few. It was based on whether I have spoken to them in the last year, did they have an annoying habit of updating their every move, am I likely to socialise with them in the near future - or ever again in some cases! Or just I got bored with them. A variety of reasons. But Facebook is really not the same as it was. The constant adverts they put in annoys me. Some of the music groups I have liked post too much, turning me off them sadly.

    There is not one on my Facebook I don't know. Some friends have close to 1000. I can't believe they know them all.
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    Billy_ValueBilly_Value Posts: 22,926
    Forum Member
    Why bother opening the thread and replying then?

    Me - I have about 300 FB friends, I've met them all.

    i hardly believe that
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    garyessexgaryessex Posts: 9,083
    Forum Member
    i don't use the facebook or twitter

    Why would you even bother to reply? I think some people just come here to act big for no reason....

    On-topic i have 253 and i've met every single one. Some i see daily others perhaps every few months
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    Billy_ValueBilly_Value Posts: 22,926
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    garyessex wrote: »
    Why would you even bother to reply? I think some people just come here to act big for no reason....

    On-topic i have 253 and i've met every single one. Some i see daily others perhaps every few months

    act big?
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    bluebladeblueblade Posts: 88,859
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    I've currently got 91 friends on facebook, down from a peak of 103. Most of them I know personally. Although some are coin dealers and cyber coin collecting friends from all over the country.

    I only regularly communicate with the same 12 individuals on facebook, however.

    I'm facebook friends with my girlfriend as well, but we never communicate on facebook !!!

    Whilst I always wish all my facebook friends a happy birthday, only about 25% ever wish me a happy birthday.
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    swehsweh Posts: 13,665
    Forum Member
    I have a few hundred friends each of whom I personally know on Facebook and like, two real life friends on Twitter.

    Instagram is my main social network these days.
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    Bex_123Bex_123 Posts: 10,783
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    i hardly believe that

    You don't believe someone could have met 300 people?
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    gulliverfoylegulliverfoyle Posts: 6,318
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    who cares facebooks bollox
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