
Worst delivered lines in Doctor Who



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    TEDRTEDR Posts: 3,413
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    excelents wrote: »
    Where is "Change my dear, and it seems not a moment too soon" :)

    It's on the list of excellently delivered lines that don't deserve to be mentioned anywhere near this conversation.
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    Simon_FostonSimon_Foston Posts: 398
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    Cattlefield has some SHOUTY corkers:




    Plus special mention should go to the truly awful scene in which Ace is turned a bit racist by Morgaine's magic.

    There's also "I'm playing poker... and I've got an ACE up my sleeve!"

    I wish I hadn't found this thread now, I have that ghastly, ghastly line repeating itself over and over in my head.
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    johnnysaucepnjohnnysaucepn Posts: 6,775
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    TEDR wrote: »
    It's on the list of excellently delivered lines that don't deserve to be mentioned anywhere near this conversation.

    Well, what's it doing over there? Get it back here where it belongs, pronto!
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    FaggyFaggy Posts: 3,500
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    Not really a line but Zilda's crying in Robots of Death has to be the worst ever filmed.

    Astonishingly bad.
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    TheSilentFezTheSilentFez Posts: 11,107
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    excelents wrote: »
    Where is "Change my dear, and it seems not a moment too soon" :)

    Of all the Classic regenerations Peter Davison's one is the only time we've had a brief performance from the new guy after the regeneration (Colin Baker's and McCoy's don't count since they were at the start of an episode) much like we've had in both New Who regenerations- David Tennant's "New Teeth" line and Matt Smith's "Still not ginger, I've got legs and fingers, geronimo" performance.
    Personally I like to have a brief taste of the New Doctor just after the previous one regenerates so to me, the line you've mentioned is a pretty good one- it summarises that The Sixth Doctor is going to be louder and more arrogant than Five ever was and in my opinion, this short performance at the end of The Caves of Androzani is better than anything in The Twin Dilemma.
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    XuriXuri Posts: 465
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    Delivery ?


    Anything she says in Who or Torchwood makes me cringe. No conviction, weight or confidence. She's meant to be a doctor. If she were mine I'd ask for a second opinion on everything she said. I know she's a marmite character but for me I was really happy when she left.

    I'd also put "Prison Zero is here, Prison Zero IS here!" when Smiths doctor is on the green with Rory and Amy.

    "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" doesn't carry any impact after the 100th time. Even Tennant seems to stop caring about how he delivers that line. :)
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    CoalHillJanitorCoalHillJanitor Posts: 15,634
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    Is there something about people playing mathematical geniuses in Doctor Who which makes them completely incapable of acting?

    Didn't affect Wendy Padbury.
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    bbll22bbll22 Posts: 527
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    Has no-one yet mentioned the awful Van Balen brothers from Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS?

    It wasn't just one bad actor out of the three of them, it was all three of them! No line they said was delivered greatly or with any real conviction. They were just terrible!

    It was certainly some of the worst casting I've seen in a good while for sure....
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    Pull2OpenPull2Open Posts: 15,138
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    Similarly, Amy's "...and you are late for my wedding-AH!" (followed by awkward silence).

    I often imagine what would have happened if the Doctor didn't turn up and was really just her imaginary friend! :D
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    Pull2OpenPull2Open Posts: 15,138
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    WhoFan55 wrote: »
    Anytime Ace says "Ace!" in Dragonfire.

    Or Professor! :mad:
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    ListentomeListentome Posts: 9,804
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    Adric's "Nyssssa!" in Logopolis. Makes me cringe every time.
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    K2kK2k Posts: 200
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    Delivered lines......... anything said by any non-main or guest character in the new series (and quite a lot of the old series). The BBC seem to recruit actors straight out of drama college who deliver each line with the same terrible London accent.

    There is a really terrible line at the start of a Peter Davidson or Colin Baker episode. I wish I could remember the line or episode. It's something like:

    Futuristic office. Man is sitting down at a console.

    A shadowy figure walks in and points a gun at the man.

    The man says "Laser..........beam?" or something similar and then is shot.

    Any ideas?
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 479
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    It's towards the beginning of Arc of Infinity, when Talor gets shot by an impulse laser.
    He says 'Good evening'.
    The gun then appears and he says 'Impulse laser?' and then is shot.
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    Sara_PeplowSara_Peplow Posts: 1,579
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    I think the low point was "Rule 1 the doctor lies".
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    K2kK2k Posts: 200
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    deppiedoo wrote: »
    It's towards the beginning of Arc of Infinity, when Talor gets shot by an impulse laser.
    He says 'Good evening'.
    The gun then appears and he says 'Impulse laser?' and then is shot.


    Found the clip here
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 414
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    Pull2Open wrote: »
    Or Professor! :mad:

    Yes, that too. :) I found it annoying to have Ace call the Doctor "Professor" instead of Doctor. Someone should have told her that the show is called "Doctor Who" and not "Professor Who". For that matter, did the show ever explain why she did that? To me, it's kind of like a person introducing himself as "Sam" but the other person decides to call him "Bob" instead because they want to. :D
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    YosheeYoshee Posts: 408
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    What about the "It's a star! It's the Christmas Star!" guy from Turn Left? That was pretty bad.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 400
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    Speaking of just recently, it has to be River's line in The Name of the Doctor:

    "How did you do that?"

    I fully cringed and rolled my eyes.

    I love Vastra, and it was probably a bad line and not badly delivered, but when she says "there are two drinks on Earth the colour of red wine... And this is not red wine." What was the point of saying that? It just seemed really random and not needed. Also, hasn't she ever had Shloer Red Grape?! Fanta Exotic?

    In Hide: "The music room is the *heart* of the house." Oh god...
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    lordOfTimelordOfTime Posts: 22,549
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    Good call on that one from Utopia. Its always grated me.

    I hate Wilfs breakdown into tears in TEOT when he says something like 'You are a wonderful man and I don't want you to die' or similar. He was usually brilliant but that line and the delivery tipped over into mawkish melodrama.

    I am amazed there has been no mention for Marthas 'I'm bringing you BACK to earth'. Awful line. Even worse delivery.

    'Hello Sweetie' it gets more irritating every time its said. I like River but this is attempted sassyness rather than natural sass. And it fails everytime.

    Anytime Donna said something like 'watch it spaceman/spaceboy' etc

    I was hoping i'd be the first. :D
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 58
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    "The name YOU choose, it's like a promise you make."

    Wrong emphasis, makes it sound like Clara chose her name, should be

    "The name you CHOOSE, it's like a promise you make"
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 8,836
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    "Everybody lives" as delivered by CE.

    (I know I'm the only person in the entire universe who thinks this).

    Not the only one.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 8,836
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    "Point the dog against the rock!!"
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    Michael_EveMichael_Eve Posts: 14,499
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    Well, I'll mention it;

    "Nuzing in ze world can stop me now!!!!" (completely fails to keep a straight face)

    Joseph Hurst as Zaroff in The Underwater Menace. (It's pretty funny though) :D

    "What is this terrible place?" Sarah Sutton in 'Terminus'. Not a good line, but made worse by the delivery. (And I like Nyssa.)

    Reading the above posts, poor Bonnie had some dreadful lines, didn't she.

    And sorry I'm paraphrasing, but there's some female controller type in 'The Twin Dilemma who said something like "And may my bones rot for following them." (orders I think?) which was a perfect combination of terrible line, bad delivery.

    Actually, any line delivered by the twins in said story must be up there!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 497
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    The Impossible Planet
    ZACH: (Seriously) We flew in. You see, this planet's generating a gravity field. We don't know how. We've no idea. But it's kept in constant balance against the black hole. And the field extends out there as a funnel. A distinct gravity funnel, reaching out into clear space. That was our way in.
    ROSE: (Gormlessly) You flew down that thing? Like a rollercoaster. (Grins Gormlessly)

    She completely misjudges the mood.

    The Lazarus Experiment
    DOCTOR: Listen to me! You people are in serious danger! You need to get out of here right now!
    WOMAN: Don't be ridiculous. The biggest danger here is choking on an olive.

    Seems an odd thing to say, and badly delivered.
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    daveyboy7472daveyboy7472 Posts: 16,507
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    haven't read through this thread so apologies if both of these have been mentioned already.

    1) Neska, from Planet Of The Spiders as she appeals to her son before he goes of to battle. Can't recall what she said but the way the lines were delivered were cringey to say the least!

    2) Tegan in part Four Of Logopolis. The Doctor calmly announces they are going back to Earth and Tegan just opens her mouth and gives a cringe worthy...'Earhttttthhhh!!!!'

    (Plus her 'You are in for a big surprise in Part Two of Black Orchid makes me cringe as well!)

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