
Doctor Who's worst year?



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    November_RainNovember_Rain Posts: 9,145
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    Mulett wrote: »
    For New Who it would be 2010 - season 5 just didn't work for me at all. It left me completely cold, especially after the heady excitement of season 4.

    I used to sit down with great excitement every Saturday evening to watch the latest episode of Who. But a few episodes into season 5 I just set the tivo to do a 'series record' and watched each episode as and when, with no great excitement. It got better with 6 and 7 although for me its still not great, but 5 for me was the low point.

    If we're talking years Doctor Who has been on air then I would say 2010 too, at least when it comes to the modern era. I can remember being so excited about Moffat, the guy who'd given us the brilliant library two-parter and Blink and the commendable The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances, taking over from RTD, and being left disappointed with the end result.

    I didn't even care if I missed an episode of that series, it was just something I would catch if I could rather than compulsory viewing. The whole thing felt so cold and clinical to me, and when it tried to have heart and soul it was just cringeworthy.

    On repeat viewings series 5 doesn't seem so bad, I enjoyed it more the last time I sat through my box set than I did as it was being broadcast. But it's still my least favourite series since the relaunch.

    2012 isn't far behind but that's more to do with the lack of episodes rather than the quality of the show at the time. 2009 was different because that was always meant to be a "gap year".
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    AbominationAbomination Posts: 6,494
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    I can't speak for pre-2005 as I didn't know of the show particularly well at all.

    But since the revival I would have to say that 2012 was the weakest year of Doctor Who. This is largely down to quantity rather than quality (a lack thereof), though both are contributing factors to it being such a poor year.

    We got just six episodes in 2012, which is just two more than we got across 2009 - the supposed gap year. Both year's suffered from a selection of poor episodes, but what bites about 2012 was the fact that it wasn't specifically intended to be a gap year, or anything of that nature.
    I found the two Chris Chibnall episodes to be exceptionally poor, and the Christmas special The Snowmen was also very overrated - not bad, but severely lacking in my opinion. This left just three episodes that I actually really liked, and Mercy and Manhattan could still have been a lot better.

    Ultimately I preferred the gap year, not only because it was stated to be as such but also because we had the saving grace of two spin-off shows to pass the time with (and Children of Earth was especially good). In 2012, there wasn't only a lack of Doctor Who episodes, but a wider lack of enthusiasm for the series. We were left with the stale aftermath of the very poor The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe for over eight months - and that was poor form.
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    AlbacomAlbacom Posts: 34,578
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    I'm going for 1986. Robert Holmes died and then Colin Baker got fired. Everything was downhill from there.

    Why did Colin get fired?
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    ryanr554ryanr554 Posts: 4,013
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    I loved Doctor Who up until Moffat took over running it. I don't hate Moffat or anything, I think he is a fantastic writer and he has penned some of the best episodes ever but ever since he took over the show, it hasn't quite been the same.

    The second half of the seventh series was an all time low in my opinion. I don't really see how people enjoyed it but that is their opinion I suppose. The only episode I kind of enjoyed was The Crimson Horror and it went downhill after the halfway point.

    I am hoping it gets better soon as I am debating on just not watching it anymore as there's no point watching something I am not enjoying.
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    AbominationAbomination Posts: 6,494
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    wizzywick wrote: »
    Why did Colin get fired?

    Essentially he was made a scapegoat to explain away the decline of the show. He was replaced in an attempt to 'refresh Doctor Who', which would supposedly up the viewing figures once more.
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    joe_000joe_000 Posts: 525
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    If we're talking years Doctor Who has been on air then I would say 2010 too, at least when it comes to the modern era. I can remember being so excited about Moffat, the guy who'd given us the brilliant library two-parter and Blink and the commendable The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances, taking over from RTD, and being left disappointed with the end result.

    I didn't even care if I missed an episode of that series, it was just something I would catch if I could rather than compulsory viewing. The whole thing felt so cold and clinical to me, and when it tried to have heart and soul it was just cringeworthy.

    On repeat viewings series 5 doesn't seem so bad, I enjoyed it more the last time I sat through my box set than I did as it was being broadcast. But it's still my least favourite series since the relaunch.

    2012 isn't far behind but that's more to do with the lack of episodes rather than the quality of the show at the time. 2009 was different because that was always meant to be a "gap year".

    Totally agree. I have been a fan since Jon Pertwee and these past few years have been the first time that I've usually recorded it and watched later. Not really enjoyed Moffatts version of the show apart from Matt Smith himself who I think is a great Doctor. The splits, and spin we've been fed over the last few years had not helped.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 82,262
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    Easily 1987 and season 24 when the classic series hit rock bottom it was a year when the series had been turned into a pantomime . Sylvestor's performances were embarrassing and Bonnie Langford only ever opened her mouth to scream.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,753
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    How about 1996 for a bad year?

    The show returns after being ditched for being unpopular and out of touch in the BBC opinion.

    It gets viewing figures of 9 million people in the UK and it still isn't considered enough people to warrant a stand-alone UK series.

    This is why lots of people are worried about what the BBC are doing with the schedules etc now. The show is as popular as ever, but they have the long gaps in between series, and then long gaps in the middle of a series too. I makes me think there are just certain people within the BBC who just want the show cancelled at all cost, no matter how much revenue it brings in, or how popular it is. It is sad that I'm so cynical about it, and I don't want to be, but what's been happening with the scheduling and number of episodes over the last couple of years just makes me worried. If they can muck around like this with a popular show that makes them money, they might be just crazy enough to cancel it altogether :(

    and I hope they don't cancel it ( obviously). I have really enjoyed it since it came back in 2005. A little niggle here and there (which seems to be different for each individual, obviously), but even a "bad" Who episode is still one of the best things on TV.

    I can't speak for pre-2005 as I didn't know of the show particularly well at all.

    But since the revival I would have to say that 2012 was the weakest year of Doctor Who. This is largely down to quantity rather than quality (a lack thereof), though both are contributing factors to it being such a poor year.

    We got just six episodes in 2012, which is just two more than we got across 2009 - the supposed gap year. Both year's suffered from a selection of poor episodes, but what bites about 2012 was the fact that it wasn't specifically intended to be a gap year, or anything of that nature.
    I found the two Chris Chibnall episodes to be exceptionally poor, and the Christmas special The Snowmen was also very overrated - not bad, but severely lacking in my opinion. This left just three episodes that I actually really liked, and Mercy and Manhattan could still have been a lot better.

    Ultimately I preferred the gap year, not only because it was stated to be as such but also because we had the saving grace of two spin-off shows to pass the time with (and Children of Earth was especially good). In 2012, there wasn't only a lack of Doctor Who episodes, but a wider lack of enthusiasm for the series. We were left with the stale aftermath of the very poor The Doctor, The Widow and the Wardrobe for over eight months - and that was poor form.

    You make a good case for 2012. I did like the quality of the episodes, (maybe let down by Power of 3, in my view) but the quantity just left me feeling that it really wasn't enough by any means. It was a hugely long wait before we got series 7, and then another long wait for the "second half". I think most of us only call it 7A and 7B because the BBC insists that's what it was, instead of 7 and 8. I do wish they'd stop trying to hype and spin things, and just say plainly what is happening, or at least what they expect/want to happen with regards to scheduling of series' and gaps etc. Someone over there needs to pull their finger out and/or kick a few butts and give the production team what they need to just get on with making more episodes for us to watch. So- because of all that stuff, pretty much outside of the show itself, 2012 is definitely a contender.
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    Forum Member
    New Who series 6, without a question of doubt for me. I dont even have to weigh up the pro and cons or the ins and outs.

    A series so shockingly vacuous, so slapdash in its characters and plotting it makes the Mcoy era seem like Proust.

    Sad really, I never though the dying arse end of Who during the 80's could have ever been surpassed but take a bow series 6.

    Hey everyone it's Mels...you know..Mels....Hi Mels.

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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,670
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    Series 6 and Series 7 have both been a bit of a disappointment for me. As others have said, many people were excited about Moffat taking over. I know I was! But something about the show really grates me now. I can't look at anything good as being good. I just view it as "Meh." What's wrong with me!? I breath this show! Why do I hate the current series? Series 5 was interesting. I liked the way it felt different each week. More so than the format of Series 7a. Each episode was like a different show and by the end it felt like Amy had been around for a long time (a bit too long. Ho ho ho. :) ) I do love various aspects of the two other Series. Some concepts inspired and really changed my view on Doctor Who and how it works (the Doctor disappearing for 200 years for example) but how it's accomplished never seems to work. The gaps and lies are my biggest bugs. If it's going to be gone for so long at least say so! Don't weasel around it and say "Oh, it's good! It means it's in the autumn!" Which for some, I guess, is neat because they are used to it in the Autumn for the Classic series. But I'm much more of a Summer fan (seeing as I've only been around for when the New-Series is on the air). (Trying not to turn this into a rant about the Moffat era. :) ). Another bug (yes, lots, I know) is no answered questions. We need an episode or bonus feature where they just sit around and the companions ask the Doctor what the heck is going on and he tells them. Without lying, or diverting the question in the cliche Moffat way. (Doctor, was that the Silence? Did you really die? Yes. *They look in horror*. It was the Silence. Grr!).

    So these two series have kind of bugged me because of these changes and unanswered questions. I'm a very structured person. I need answers and order. :D
    So unfortunately, my years are two years. No, three years! Series do not correspond to years any more. :( Oh the sadness. :D

    I do like the costumes though. The green coat and the purple suit are pretty neat. I like them. :)
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    QueenAmyQueenAmy Posts: 3,094
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    Out of the ones which I've watched both Series 6 and Series 7 were really disappointing... Although I did like the Silence Episodes and Clara was a fabulous addition to Series 7, but other than that.... Both Series sucked!
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    TEDRTEDR Posts: 3,413
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    QueenAmy wrote: »
    Out of the ones which I've watched both Series 6 and Series 7 were really disappointing... Although I did like the Silence Episodes and Clara was a fabulous addition to Series 7, but other than that.... Both Series sucked!

    We almost completely agree, except that I don't have any particular feelings about Clara. Series 5 was the best since Series 1 but any of 2–4 is better than 6 or 7. I'll give worst New Who series to 7, because at least 6 had The Doctor's Wife in it, and the first two episodes were amazing at broadcast and only made a little rubbish by the rest of the year.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 36
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    Series 6 and Series 7 have both been a bit of a disappointment for me. As others have said, many people were excited about Moffat taking over. I know I was! But something about the show really grates me now. I can't look at anything good as being good. I just view it as "Meh." What's wrong with me!? I breath this show! Why do I hate the current series? Series 5 was interesting. I liked the way it felt different each week. More so than the format of Series 7a. Each episode was like a different show and by the end it felt like Amy had been around for a long time (a bit too long. Ho ho ho. :) ) I do love various aspects of the two other Series. Some concepts inspired and really changed my view on Doctor Who and how it works (the Doctor disappearing for 200 years for example) but how it's accomplished never seems to work. The gaps and lies are my biggest bugs. If it's going to be gone for so long at least say so! Don't weasel around it and say "Oh, it's good! It means it's in the autumn!" Which for some, I guess, is neat because they are used to it in the Autumn for the Classic series. But I'm much more of a Summer fan (seeing as I've only been around for when the New-Series is on the air). (Trying not to turn this into a rant about the Moffat era. :) ). Another bug (yes, lots, I know) is no answered questions. We need an episode or bonus feature where they just sit around and the companions ask the Doctor what the heck is going on and he tells them. Without lying, or diverting the question in the cliche Moffat way. (Doctor, was that the Silence? Did you really die? Yes. *They look in horror*. It was the Silence. Grr!).

    So these two series have kind of bugged me because of these changes and unanswered questions. I'm a very structured person. I need answers and order. :D
    So unfortunately, my years are two years. No, three years! Series do not correspond to years any more. :( Oh the sadness. :D

    Yeah, I have to agree with that. I just feel like it's turned into the Moffat show. There were definitely good episodes throughout 5 and 6 but I found myself no longer looking forward to the following week's episode in the way that I used to.
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    16caerhos16caerhos Posts: 2,533
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    I think it was 2009. The specials were just awful except for The Waters of Mars. I would have preferred one last full series for Ten with David bowing out in the last 2 or 3 episodes.
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    Benjamin SiskoBenjamin Sisko Posts: 1,921
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    So I've calculated a small tally from the posts here that mention numbers/series and/or agree with quotes of numbers/series.

    1979 - 1
    1985 - 1
    1986 - 2
    1987 - 7
    1989 - 5
    1990 - 3
    1996 - 1
    1997 - 1

    2006 - 3
    2007 - 1
    2009 - 2

    2010 - 4
    2011 - 9
    2012 - 4
    2013 - 2

    Apparently Series 6 is worse than cancellation. :D
    I'm also becoming a little more sure that is thread is becoming more and more of a zone of catharsis as time goes by...
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    Irma BuntIrma Bunt Posts: 1,847
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    ryanr554 wrote: »
    I loved Doctor Who up until Moffat took over running it. I don't hate Moffat or anything, I think he is a fantastic writer and he has penned some of the best episodes ever but ever since he took over the show, it hasn't quite been the same.

    That's because he's a great writer who needs a strong story editor. It was agony getting those scripts out of him under RTD, but the end result was worth it. As show runner, it's a different, ahem, story. And it shows. He needs a strong script editor. Someone with the balls to say no to him.
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    Irma BuntIrma Bunt Posts: 1,847
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    QueenAmy wrote: »
    Out of the ones which I've watched both Series 6 and Series 7 were really disappointing... Although I did like the Silence Episodes and Clara was a fabulous addition to Series 7, but other than that.... Both Series sucked!

    Funny how we're all different. I thought Season 5 was practically a disaster. Season 6 was a little better for me, despite the tiresome arc that led us all up the garden path then disappointed at the end. But Season 7, especially after the ghastly Ponds thankfully buggered off, has finally redeemed the last three years. For me, anyway.
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    MulettMulett Posts: 9,079
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    Irma Bunt wrote: »
    That's because he's a great writer who needs a strong story editor. It was agony getting those scripts out of him under RTD, but the end result was worth it. As show runner, it's a different, ahem, story. And it shows. He needs a strong script editor. Someone with the balls to say no to him.

    I think you've hit the nail on the head.
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    solarpenguinsolarpenguin Posts: 488
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    Doctor Who's worst year is always the current year, no matter which year that just happens to be.

    Older years (and eras) have the benefit of nostalgia to add a cosy, rose-tinted glow to them. The current year (or era) never does. It stands there, exposed in the unforgiving light of modernity, making us feel uncomfortable with its strangeness and unfamiliarity.

    For example, I hated RTD's era when he was in charge. Since he's been gone, I've found myself warming to it, and am actually thinking about watching some of his episodes for a second time! And even though it's hard to imagine, I'll probably even start feeling the same way about Moffet once he's gone. After all, better the devil you know...
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 4,129
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    Yes how bizarre that the show in 2011 and onwards was all about the doctor and his companions and timey wimey stuff and bizarre goings on! What a change this was from the show we once all loved.

    Indeed, we nede to get back to soap opera stuff on London council estates and flats in the same time period...none of this travelling through time and relative dimensions in space...that's what got it cancelled the first time...:p
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 4,129
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    ryanr554 wrote: »
    I loved Doctor Who up until Moffat took over running it. I don't hate Moffat or anything, I think he is a fantastic writer and he has penned some of the best episodes ever but ever since he took over the show, it hasn't quite been the same.

    Total opposite for me, RTDs running just didn't gab me enough and what he was doing didn't feel right.

    Moffat's running has always been spot on for me - enjoyed every season and the last episodes early this year were getting close to older style Who which has been sorely missed.
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    JohnnyForgetJohnnyForget Posts: 24,061
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    Apparently Series 6 is worse than cancellation. :D

    Series 6 was magnificent.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 803
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    2011 (Series 6) was the worst for me. Series 6 was just awful in my honest opinion.
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    Residents FanResidents Fan Posts: 9,204
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    1997. The TV movie had bombed. No hope whatsoever of a future. No BBC repeats and only 5 vhs releases.

    And Virgin lost their DW licence to the BBC as well- to
    the dismay of some fans.
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    Simon_FostonSimon_Foston Posts: 398
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    I'm sticking with 1986, with 1985, 1987, 1988 and 1989 as close runners-up.
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