
TV series that peaked early and went downhill...



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    metanoiametanoia Posts: 635
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    Battlestar Galactica had the fastest downfall, quality show up until the last episode which was so bad it sullied the whole series for me.
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    Ed SizzersEd Sizzers Posts: 2,671
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    ritchritch Posts: 2,566
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    metanoia wrote: »
    Battlestar Galactica had the fastest downfall, quality show up until the last episode which was so bad it sullied the whole series for me.

    yeah but the seasons previous to that were all great, in this case you just didnt like the end, similar to how people reatced to Lost. its a fair point but thats not a show dropping off badly, a show dropping off badly is it having one good season then literally turning to tripe. Battlestar was arguably one of the best shows ever.
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    RebelScumRebelScum Posts: 16,008
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    ritch wrote: »
    yeah but the seasons previous to that were all great, in this case you just didnt like the end, similar to how people reatced to Lost. its a fair point but thats not a show dropping off badly, a show dropping off badly is it having one good season then literally turning to tripe. Battlestar was arguably one of the best shows ever.

    Nah, with BSG there is good reason to dislike the end, it essentially betrayed what the series was about. RDM himself said the show was always about the characters. In the end it wasn't about the characters at all, it was about some higher intelligence's plan, playing puppet master, and the characters being reduced to puppets. If it had been about the characters they would have had the freedom to decide their own fate and then face the consequences of their choices. As it happened they had no freedom to decide their own fate. Everything that happened, happened because the puppet master wanted it to happen that way. No free will, no consequences.
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    radcliffe95radcliffe95 Posts: 4,086
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    Firefly.......only kidding:p
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    jaffboy151jaffboy151 Posts: 1,933
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    The walking dead is in danger of falling into this category, all depends on how things go in October for me,
    Totally agree about shameless, stopped watching after the 5th series.. Also benidorm for me.. 1st three series were classic but seemed to loose something when they got rid of Johnny Vegas and poor Mel died, never watched the last series..
    Allo allo after series 3.. And from the 1970's Poldark! Series 1 was epic.. Series 2 was forgettable.. And let's not mention the elephant in the room which was the itv remake :eek:

    Oops... Forgot this thread was in the US section...
    To make up for that I'll throw in suburgatory, season 1 was good, season 2... Hmmm.. Bit like new girl, but I haven't finished season 2 yet so can't pass judgment just yet..
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    ritchritch Posts: 2,566
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    RebelScum wrote: »
    Nah, with BSG there is good reason to dislike the end, it essentially betrayed what the series was about. RDM himself said the show was always about the characters. In the end it wasn't about the characters at all, it was about some higher intelligence's plan, playing puppet master, and the characters being reduced to puppets. If it had been about the characters they would have had the freedom to decide their own fate and then face the consequences of their choices. As it happened they had no freedom to decide their own fate. Everything that happened, happened because the puppet master wanted it to happen that way. No free will, no consequences.

    I agree that there is plenty to complain about with the ending but the series didnt really decline as such, it was more about a disappointing ending. I guess thats another thread. When does a series end well? its pretty rare, I'd rather have 4 decent seasons and a bad end than one good season and the rest tripe.
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    ritchritch Posts: 2,566
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    jaffboy151 wrote: »
    The walking dead is in danger of falling into this category

    yeah I agree with you there, the last season was flirting with disaster. this is an example of a show that only has so many ideas, I never imagined it should have went past 2 seasons really. What is there left now, if they drag out the last storyline I think it will get boring quickly, as its been done. Unfortunately this seems a definate judging by the end of last season.
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    jules1000jules1000 Posts: 10,709
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    Loved all seasons of Dexter some more than others except for the final season. Shame.

    Lost lost its way during season 4 IMHO. Just went loopy.

    Underbelly first 3 seasons were the best the next 3 were just a bit silly.

    Six Feet Under just pure brilliance all the way through..
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 522
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    The last season or 2 of house weren't as good I don't think.
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    be more pacificbe more pacific Posts: 19,061
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    ritch wrote: »
    yeah I agree with you there, the last season was flirting with disaster. this is an example of a show that only has so many ideas, I never imagined it should have went past 2 seasons really. What is there left now, if they drag out the last storyline I think it will get boring quickly, as its been done. Unfortunately this seems a definate judging by the end of last season.
    Plus the abundance of shiny new Hyundais (due to a sponsorship deal) seriously spoils the illusion of post-apocalypse America.
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    RebelScumRebelScum Posts: 16,008
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    ritch wrote: »
    I agree that there is plenty to complain about with the ending but the series didnt really decline as such, it was more about a disappointing ending. I guess thats another thread. When does a series end well? its pretty rare, I'd rather have 4 decent seasons and a bad end than one good season and the rest tripe.

    The problem with the BSG ending is that it didn't just just give us a disappointing end after some good seasons. What the ending did was to devalue everything that had gone before; effectively, the entire series. By reducing the status of the characters to puppets it devalued them and all their struggles. Things were never going to happen any other way because they were being controlled by a higher power who had a specific plan and endgame in mind.

    But yeah it is rare for a series to end well. Funnily though one of those rare occasions is a series that RDM was heavily involved in prior to BSG: DS9.
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    CPW4EVERCPW4EVER Posts: 2,308
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    The problem with a lot of the shows mentioned here is that they were a hit straight out of the gates and could never really top their instant super success after a season or two. Desperate Housewives, Ugly Betty, The O.C, Glee are all examples of first season ratings giants that started at the top in terms of ratings and reviews so the only way to go was down.

    Prison Break and Heroes are always held up as examples of how great shows quickly fell to pieces and I have to agree. I loved the first two seasons of PB, struggled through the third and stopped watching the fourth after the first episode. Heroes fall from grace was probably more epic than any other as it was the most buzzed new series of it's premiere season but the tide seemed to turn as soon as the second season began. As someone mentioned, Revenge could join these two soon but I really hope not. They had a craptastic second season but I'm hoping season three can revive it rather than sink it further as it was such a good show in season one.
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    cezzycezzy Posts: 4,840
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    jaffboy151 wrote: »
    The walking dead is in danger of falling into this category, all depends on how things go in October for me,

    Another agreeing with you on this. Series 3 has dragged on & on without achieving much & I'm only really watching it because I'm in love with the evil guv'ner::D

    I bailed out early on Lost & Ugly Betty. Dynasty became even more laughable as time went on as did Knots Landing.

    Thank goodness for shows like Breaking Bad!
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    LightningIguanaLightningIguana Posts: 21,867
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    Heroes, epically.

    To some extend also Vampire Diaries. Season one and two were great, but it's been a bit of a mess since then and I say this as someone who still loves the show.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 429
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    Heroes is the biggest one for me. Season 1 was brilliant then the writers strike made it so that the 2nd season was only like 10 episodes long and a lot of people lost interest. The 3rd season started really well then just went downhill.

    24 was another one that just got boring. The first 5 seasons were fab, especially the 5th which was my favourite. Season 6 was ok then I just got constantly sick of the same old storylines, surprise surprise there's yet another mole in CTU. They don't have the best security do they

    Ugly Betty declined after its first 2 seasons.

    One Tree Hill declined after its 6th season when Lucas and Peyton left, I had no interest in the new characters whatsoever.
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    decobelledecobelle Posts: 4,717
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    My Name is Earl had a great first 2 seasons, interesting premise and likeable characters. Then season 3 pretty much killed it, as it strayed too far from the original idea of a man trying to put right all the wrong things he'd done in life. By the time they got back on track in season 4 it was too late, and it was cancelled - on a big cliffhanger too - boo.
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    PsychoTherapistPsychoTherapist Posts: 2,691
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    Dexter. Seasons 1 & 2 good, 3 average, 4 excellent, 5 - urgh...couldn't finish it and from the reviews for 6-8, don't want to either.

    Veronica Mars. Great 1st season, 2nd season suffered by being too convoluted, terrible 3rd season.

    Heroes. Good 1st season, the rest was garbage. Never did finish the 3rd season, it was an insult.

    Lost in Space. Good 1st season, horrid cheap cheesy 2nd season, average 3rd (but some eps worse than Season 2 - ie. "The Great Vegetable Rebellion")

    Kyle XY. Ok 1st season, then it just got dumber and dumber, until it started making fun of itself as a matter of course.

    Malcolm in the Middle. First 2 seasons were ok, then it became a chore to watch.

    Millennium. Excellent first season, average 2nd season with crap finale, dire 3rd season.

    Prison Break. Excellent first season. Pity the rest exist, I couldn't finish Season 4 - diabolical.

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (80s). Season 1 excellent, Season 2 good. Started declining heavily in Season 3 due to the excessive kiddifying introduced. Seasons 4+ were extremely poor and though Seasons 7-9 were an improvement, it never quite lived up to the early seasons and Season 10 was a terrible final season.

    The Real Ghostbusters. Started declining after J. Michael Straczynski left and didn't improve much after his brief return.
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    CronkerCronker Posts: 93
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    CPW4EVER wrote: »
    The problem with a lot of the shows mentioned here is that they were a hit straight out of the gates and could never really top their instant super success after a season or two. Desperate Housewives, Ugly Betty, The O.C, Glee are all examples of first season ratings giants that started at the top in terms of ratings and reviews so the only way to go was down..

    This is very true, especially more so if you look at shows that went the other way. Examples:

    Melrose Place started out as a serious drama about twentysomethings in an apartment block. Very earnest and po-faced and really dull.
    The producers realised it was going to die a quick death and brought in Heather Lockyear and turned it into one of the most outrageously unhinged soaps, with really bizarre story lines and bitchy characters etc. pure excellence!

    The exact same thing happened with an Aussie soap called E Street. Very serious and dull to begin with, then it just went mental. The producers probably just thought, what the hell, let's make this as stupid and camp as possible!
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    CronkerCronker Posts: 93
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    I think Ab Fab after series ~3 was starting to look tired. 4 was ok, 5 had some humorous moments, but the 20th anniversary specials recently were quite joyless and sad.

    Same for Keeping Up Appearances. Unfortunately, due to the fact there was only about four or five jokes (memes), every episode rehashed these endlessly and it became tiresome quickly.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,187
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    Alias was brilliant early on, then it all went pear shaped when Jennifer Garner got pregnant and I still don't understand exactly what happened at the end. :o

    Personally I loved Lost from start to finish, including the finale, but have to agree with Prison Break, Heroes and Dexter.
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    daisyduck1976daisyduck1976 Posts: 1,166
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    Glee definitely. I'm not its target audience but I thought the first season was a lot of fun and had great musical numbers. Second half of season 2 onwards has just been embarrassing really, with some seriously misjudged episodes to add insult to injury.
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    CPW4EVERCPW4EVER Posts: 2,308
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    Cronker wrote: »
    This is very true, especially more so if you look at shows that went the other way. Examples:

    Melrose Place started out as a serious drama about twentysomethings in an apartment block. Very earnest and po-faced and really dull.
    The producers realised it was going to die a quick death and brought in Heather Lockyear and turned it into one of the most outrageously unhinged soaps, with really bizarre story lines and bitchy characters etc. pure excellence!

    Melrose Place was great once Heather arrived but it did nosedive pretty quickly from season 4 onwards. After the apartment complex bombing, the show just OD'd on camp as it tried to outdo the previous seasons shenanigans. Revenge is kind of teetering on the brink like this at the minute. The new season will be the real tester of whether the show will "jump the shark" or not.
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    007Fusion007Fusion Posts: 3,657
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    Supernatural - The show has been on repeat since season 4: Brothers fight - go their sepearate ways - then reunite. One of them goes to hell or another dimension. Or has an illness, that can't be cured until the finale. In addition to the stupid moral decisions they make, for each other at the expense of the world.

    Eureka - Was great when it began, as the Sheriff consistently proved his worth in a town full of eccentric geniuses. In addition to the background conspiracy and artifact storyline making the show intense and progressive but became very episodic in later seasons. Which for this to happen, meant the sheriff sacrificing what little intelligence he had to became idiotic, in his attempts to save the town. It got really silly.
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    be more pacificbe more pacific Posts: 19,061
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    Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman. The first season had the perfect mix of action, fantasy, romance and quirky comedy. From Season 2 onwards, it became an increasingly irritating and unfunny romantic comedy with shoddy little bits of action and fantasy thrown in as an afterthought.

    The "New Krypton" storyline with human slaves sweeping up leaves was a low point and the wedding episodes (both the red herring and the genuine one) were awful.
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