
Let's guess what happens in 1st 5 minutes in The Day Of The Doctor.

garbage456garbage456 Posts: 8,225
Forum Member
Thought this might be fun.

Hope you agree.


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    garbage456garbage456 Posts: 8,225
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    Personally I am expecting loads of CGI.
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    AlrightmateAlrightmate Posts: 73,120
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    A gravestone with the Doctor's name on it. With the Doctor's voice explaining how he died.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 279
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    I imagine we will see a sort of pre credit sequence with Dr 10 and the Zygons with Billie making her cameo then being dropped off somewhere. Then credits then Dr 11 in Trafalgar square visiting a gallery of the old doctors.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 177
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    Dr 11 whips out his sonic screwdriver and dashes around quite a lot, spinning around in circles once or twice, a bit like Jack Sparrow.
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    CD93CD93 Posts: 13,940
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    The Citadel of the Time Lords, under siege. Flames, explosions, ash, destruction. Dalek saucers. In marches John Hurt - the great man forged in fire. While the audience expects to see The Moment or something related to it, Moffat throws a curveball which links the last day of the Time War to the 'present day.'

    Of course, the fantasy is for the Eighth Doctor to start us off. Providing he doesn't do so next week.
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    Whovian1109Whovian1109 Posts: 1,812
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    John Hurt's Doctor is about to end the Time War, when a TARDIS materialises. Out step two incarnations of his future self, with a brown haired girl in tow. They both shout stop and then it flashes back in time to where 11 is carrying Clara out of his timestream, only to realise that his actions have caused the end of the universe and he must undo them...
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 903
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    Obviously Hurt and Eleventh will talk. Probably about who Hurt is and what he did.

    Direct continuation on TNOTD.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 191
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    I'll go for a 5min recap of past events up to John turning around.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 672
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    The destruction of the universe and everything in it.

    Followed by 70 mins of black screen.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 611
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    I expect there to be a narration of some sort, most likely by Eleven, but we'll end us seeing Hurt.

    Then cut to theme tune (which should be a great remix for the special).

    The post title scene would either be Eleven trying to get out of his time stream with Clara, or Ten hanging out with the Queen, then suddenly ZYGONS!
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    FluxCapacitorFluxCapacitor Posts: 1,285
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    11 narrates as the 8th Doctor is wounded (possibly by a Dalek cameo) and regenerates into Hurt inside the coral TARDIS. Cue titles, then we pick up in the time stream with Clara and 11.
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    spiney2spiney2 Posts: 27,058
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    sunday afternoon. summer. sunny day. tardis lands in lovely cotswold village. the dr goes into pub and has a pint of bitter and cheese sandwich. then watches cricket match on the green. then quite fancies a local lass. she eyes him back. they make love in a haystack. they practise safe sex ........

    .......then the universe ends because he should have been saving it by fighting intergalactic baddies instead of taking the day off .......
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    FluxCapacitorFluxCapacitor Posts: 1,285
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    spiney2 wrote: »
    sunday afternoon. summer. sunny day. tardis lands in lovely cotswold village. the dr goes into pub and has a pint of bitter and cheese sandwich. then watches cricket match on the green. then quite fancies a local lass. she eyes him back. they make love in a haystack. they practise safe sex ........

    .......then the universe ends because he should have been saving it by fighting intergalactic baddies instead of taking the day off .......

    And, using newly discovered footage, William Hartnell storms in brandishing a stone in his right hand and exclaims "What have I become? This madness must be put to an end"
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    garbage456garbage456 Posts: 8,225
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    They could use david Bradley
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 400
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    Maybe a little recap on what happened before and then straight into the Doctor and Clara, still lost in the Doctor's timestream.

    Knowing Moffat, though, he'll do a pre-credit teaser that seems completely out of place and you have to work out what the hell it's all about. Not like it's a bad thing, he just seems to always do it.
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    ArchiexArchiex Posts: 219
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    Maybe a little recap on what happened before and then straight into the Doctor and Clara, still lost in the Doctor's timestream.

    Knowing Moffat, though, he'll do a pre-credit teaser that seems completely out of place and you have to work out what the hell it's all about. Not like it's a bad thing, he just seems to always do it.

    I am kind of expecting this. It will be something like when Amy was inside the pandorica to make you go WTFF?!?!?

    In other words, ten and eleven both in a room surrounded by devastation. The sound of war filling the room. An explosion, the room rocks. Eleven falls over, ten sees his chance and runs toward some eccentric looking device waving his sonic screwdriver. Eleven stops him by blowing up something nearby using his screwdriver.

    An argument, a standoff between the two. It's heated, it's passionate, it's about that machine. Ten says something like "but I have to. We have to." Ten reaches toward the machine and eleven shouts begging him not too echoing over the following shot.

    Cut to shots in space and near galifrey of daleks and loads of fighting. It freezes, camera pans a little to emphasise the fact. Then a fancy effect involves zooming out to reveal a crystal ball on a wooden table. Insides you can make out galifrey. Someone walks past, the camera follows to reveal the coral tardis (would be nice for it to be McGann's but doubt it could happen) and Clara rushes past toward John Hurt as he taps away at the tardis.

    John hurt looks up, confused. Clara shouldn't be there! Clara says he has to listen. He has to fix things, only he can do it. He doesn't believe her, very dismissive. She asks him to look at her, reminding him who it was who suggested he took this tardis in the first place. He smiles, says thank you. Maybe complains about something, drifting off topic. Clara quickly brings him back on track and he agrees to help her do one thing and asks her what it is. She replies "You need to go home". ROLL TITLES

    Enough to get people confused but want to know what is going on. Why are ten and eleven fighting? Why are they trapped in the crystal ball (the moment)? How is hurt gonna save the day?

    Got it planned in my head lol but does Moffat? :D:D:D
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    lordo350lordo350 Posts: 3,641
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    In all honesty I really don't know! Although, for some very strange reason, I did have a dream that the 50th episode is actually a cross over with my other favourite show, Supernatural, last night. I tell you... that would be strange!

    I would have gone with Paul McGann regenerating if it wasn't for his original comments. Or a quick narration by Matt Smith introducing John Hurt's doctor.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 903
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    Maybe a little recap on what happened before and then straight into the Doctor and Clara, still lost in the Doctor's timestream.

    Knowing Moffat, though, he'll do a pre-credit teaser that seems completely out of place and you have to work out what the hell it's all about. Not like it's a bad thing, he just seems to always do it.

    That's why we love Moffat so much.
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    johnnysaucepnjohnnysaucepn Posts: 6,775
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    That's why we love Moffat so much.

    Well, it's why some people love him, and some hate him. Personally, I'm all in favour of subverting audience expectation. I'm loving hearing all the guesses, but I secretly hope it's something no-one could possibly guess.
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    Fairyprincess0Fairyprincess0 Posts: 30,183
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    Eight doctor exterminated by the darleks (fingers crossed;)).....
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    sithlord3ksithlord3k Posts: 548
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    Gallifrey, smoke and flames, with the Timelord bodies and dead daleks littering the area.


    Clara leaving the Doctor's bed, walking into the shower. The 11th Doctor opens his eyes, smiling, and then sees Mel walks out of the shower...
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    johnnysaucepnjohnnysaucepn Posts: 6,775
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    The whole thing will feature the Seventh Doctor and Ace, because as we all know the new series isn't canon to the 1963-1989 series...
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    adams66adams66 Posts: 3,945
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    The whole thing will feature the Seventh Doctor and Ace, because as we all know the new series isn't canon to the 1963-1989 series...

    You are DariaM and I claim my £5. :D

    Meanwhile, on topic.
    Surely the pre-credits bit will have to follow on from the end of TNOTD - with some added explanations for latecomers and those who haven't been keeping up with the current series, but who are watching because they are curious.

    And whatever happens prior to the credits it's surely going to end with Matt and David meeting and lots of "What, what WHAT" nonsense to take us into the opening titles.
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    johnnysaucepnjohnnysaucepn Posts: 6,775
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    adams66 wrote: »
    You are DariaM and I claim my £5. :D
    No, it remains a fact that everything that DariaM posted remains non-canon to my posts. :D
    adams66 wrote: »
    Surely the pre-credits bit will have to follow on from the end of TNOTD - with some added explanations for latecomers and those who haven't been keeping up with the current series, but who are watching because they are curious.
    Hmm, it might actually be for exactly that reason that they don't try and pick up where they left off - probably don't want to open with having a lot of exposition to get people up to speed, better to open with everybody on the same (blank) page and fill in the necessary bits as the plot goes forward.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 191
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    I still think it has to be a massive recap, especially as its being shown all over the world and there are almost certainly going to be people seeing this for the first time.
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