
Karen Gillan / Arthur Darvill in Matt's exit ep?



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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 166
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    James J wrote: »
    Do you think they have filmed a secret appearance, or will they not feature?

    I think they should feature; Ten got that treatment, why not Eleven?

    Because Ten's drawn out, long, illogical, snooze-fest was pure indulgance. Give 11 a proper 'death' not some operatic trip down memory lane. Make it real. To quote Rimmer:

    "Look out for that bus. What Bus? Splat!"
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    AbominationAbomination Posts: 6,492
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    I wanted to see them crop up in the 50th Anniversary when I thought that 75 minutes had the room for some endearing companion cameos, but it never went that way.

    I'm not so up for the idea of seeing them in The Time of the Doctor. They essentially had their own extended farewell in Series 7 (they pretty much departed in The God Complex, everything afterwards was done on borrowed time).

    I would be much more interested in seeing River again, just briefly in The Time of the Doctor, perhaps with a wig-less Doctor boasting a new haircut and a new suit. :p
    Ten asks Eleven where he could possibly be in his life that he could have moved on from the acts of destroying Gallifrey to which Eleven responds enderaringly "Spoilers"... I think it's very telling that River is the one who helped him move on and it would be nice to see her help him move on again. :)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 557
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    Something akin to Davison's regen sequence would be great. Just a very brief cameo, as part of some hallucination.

    Nothing more, though. I think it would be a mistake for the actual character to physically make an appearance. Having said that, Rose's End of Time appearance would have been very effective if it weren't for her return in Series 4.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 4,129
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    No they shouldn't return - it would negate the brilliant ending and sacrifice the characters made.
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    Shawn_LunnShawn_Lunn Posts: 9,353
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    I'd like to see them but I do agree the episode doesn't strictly need them though.
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