
American Hustle

LMLM Posts: 63,776
Forum Member
I watched it this morning and it is absolutley brilliant. Amy Adams, Christian Bale, Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence are brilliant. Adams and Lawrence both deserve oscar nominations as they both into their characters so well, you forget it is them playing it. It's a great comedy thriller that I would urge anyone to go and see.

Anyone else seen it or want to go and see it?


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    Peter VenkmanPeter Venkman Posts: 1,769
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    Does Amy Adams smile at any point in the movie, or does she look dreary as per usual?
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    LMLM Posts: 63,776
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    Does Amy Adams smile at any point in the movie, or does she look dreary as per usual?

    I am a huge Amy adams fan and I don't think I re call her being dreary as usual.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,479
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    Just seen this film and it was very good Christian Bale was fantastic. very long film, but excellent and i love the 70s 9/10
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    Sez_babeSez_babe Posts: 133,998
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    That's good to know. How was Bradley in it?
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    Fred E StarFred E Star Posts: 1,693
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    I considered this yesterday.
    It was alright but only really picked up about halfway through when they got in deeper water.
    I certainly wouldn't call it a comedy thriller op as there's no "comedy" in it at all.
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    LMLM Posts: 63,776
    Forum Member
    I considered this yesterday.
    It was alright but only really picked up about halfway through when they got in deeper water.
    I certainly wouldn't call it a comedy thriller op as there's no "comedy" in it at all.

    There is comedy in it. We must have been watching a different film. The film isn't side splittingly funny but it isn't a straight up serious film. It has that mix of comedy and drama that Pulp Fiction and Ocean's Eleven have.

    Some of the things Amy and Christian's characters do are outrageous (which are the point) and one of the recurring gags throughout the film is Christian Bale's character's hair, as well as some of the things that Jennifer Lawrence's character does such as the microwave incident.
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    Fred E StarFred E Star Posts: 1,693
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    It's still not a comedy.
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    necromancer20necromancer20 Posts: 2,548
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    Despite being a massive fan of Christian Bale and Amy Adams, I think I'll wait until this comes out of Blu-ray. I find David O Russell to be a very bland director.
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    LMLM Posts: 63,776
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    It's still not a comedy.

    Oh stop being so awkward and actually come back with a grown up and more original comeback. I never said it was primarily a comedy. I know what I am on about, thank you very much.
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    Callum_BrownCallum_Brown Posts: 745
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    I haven't seen the film although the Golden Globes have it as nominated for best comedy or musical.

    Yet to be honest, GG regularly put films in there that are only faintly comedic just so they don't clog up the Drama category.
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    Fred E StarFred E Star Posts: 1,693
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    it's not meant to be a come back.

    It's just not a comedy.

    His hair is only mentioned at the beginning of the film and when Cooper plays with it early on and the microwave section isn't a "comedy moment".

    Oh stop being so awkward and actually come back with a grown up and more original comeback. I never said it was primarily a comedy. I know what I am on about, thank you very much.
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    finklyfinkly Posts: 669
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    I dunno, I laughed quite a few times throughout the film. I wouldn't call it a comedy but there's a lot of comedy in it and rigidly filing films under one genre or another is pretty restrictive and simplistic in most cases anyway.

    I liked it a lot but it's definitely an actor's film. Everyone in it was great and deserve all the nominations they'll get but as a film it felt a bit Scorsese-lite to me.
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    JasonJason Posts: 76,557
    Forum Member
    Truly, truly awful film. I kept wondering if i'd missed the point of it, but i just hated it. I started to get irritated about 45-50 minutes in but stuck it out. Eventually I had to give up about twenty minutes before the end otherwise i'd have thrown something at the screen.

    It's hard to describe really. We had long scenes of inconsequential dialogue interspersed with brief nods to the actual plot. There was never any sense of what was at stake or how the plot was supposed to work so there was never really anything to actually hold your interest - obviously this is how I personally feel about it.

    Amy Adams' british accent was one of the worst i've ever heard. It veered between slightly british to slightly american to completely american back to not quite as british as it was beforehand. Why couldn't they have got someone like Emily Blunt ?

    Probably a better actress overall but also British !!

    I really don't have a problem with dialogue heavy films - I enjoy them to be honest. But it has to have something to make me want to stick around and watch it and this film failed on all counts.
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    LMLM Posts: 63,776
    Forum Member
    Truly, truly awful film. I kept wondering if i'd missed the point of it, but i just hated it. I started to get irritated about 45-50 minutes in but stuck it out. Eventually I had to give up about twenty minutes before the end otherwise i'd have thrown something at the screen.

    It's hard to describe really. We had long scenes of inconsequential dialogue interspersed with brief nods to the actual plot. There was never any sense of what was at stake or how the plot was supposed to work so there was never really anything to actually hold your interest - obviously this is how I personally feel about it.

    Amy Adams' british accent was one of the worst i've ever heard. It veered between slightly british to slightly american to completely american back to not quite as british as it was beforehand. Why couldn't they have got someone like Emily Blunt ?

    Probably a better actress overall but also British !!

    I really don't have a problem with dialogue heavy films - I enjoy them to be honest. But it has to have something to make me want to stick around and watch it and this film failed on all counts.

    That was the point. Amy's character is a con artist and she is pretending to be a woman from london to secure the deals her and Christian bale's characters do. It seems you missed the point on why the british accent was used, and it is totally irelevant why a british actress should of been used instead, when the character wasn't actually british anyway. I respect your opinion but had to give my two cents on this.
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    JasonJason Posts: 76,557
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    That was the point. Amy's character is a con artist and she is pretending to be a woman from london to secure the deals her and Christian bale's characters do. It seems you missed the point on why the british accent was used, and it is totally irelevant why a british actress should of been used instead, when the character wasn't actually british anyway. I respect your opinion but had to give my two cents on this.

    That's fair enough. It wasn't clear that the character wasn't british so i'll certainly take that part back.
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    LMLM Posts: 63,776
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    That's fair enough. It wasn't clear that the character wasn't british so i'll certainly take that part back.

    Oh did you not. Oh fair enough:)
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    Mystical123Mystical123 Posts: 15,837
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    I considered this yesterday.
    It was alright but only really picked up about halfway through when they got in deeper water.
    I certainly wouldn't call it a comedy thriller op as there's no "comedy" in it at all.

    I've only seen clips and a fair few of them have certainly got comedic elements to them, so I think it's highly unfair of you to jump on another poster for putting 'comedy' in as part of their description of the movie.

    It's obviously not a straight comedy, but no-one on this thread has ever claimed it to be so. It's been shoehorned into that category at the Globes so that it and 12 Years can both win and keep the Oscar race less predictable, and so that Bale and Adams can get nominations they would otherwise have missed out on. That, and the Globes 2-category system is just generally an invite for strange categorisation.

    Amy Adams' british accent was one of the worst i've ever heard. It veered between slightly british to slightly american to completely american back to not quite as british as it was beforehand. Why couldn't they have got someone like Emily Blunt ?

    Probably a better actress overall but also British !!

    You seem to have missed the point of Adams' character entirely - she's an American pretending to be British aristocracy, so the bad accent and slips out of it are entirely deliberate. That's the whole point of the movie from all the interviews I've read/watched - everyone in a way is pretending to be something they're not, and it's a character study on that, within the setting of some bits of the ABSCAM scandal.

    Anyway, do you really think if her accent was supposed to be British throughout and was really that bad that she wouldn't have been dubbed in post-production? It's not often that obviously bad accents get left in for no reason.

    ETA: Sorry, didn't realise another poster had already explained this!
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    JasonJason Posts: 76,557
    Forum Member
    ETA: Sorry, didn't realise another poster had already explained this!

    No worries :)

    I always go back to the film "Thirteen Days" with Kevin Costner that dramatised the Cuban Missile Crisis. That was very heavily dialogue driven but I absolutely loved it and I was hooked from start to finish. It probably helped that I was quite aware of the story going in, which I wasn't in the case of American Hustle.

    But then if the plan had been better laid out to give me even a sense of what was going on, i might well have been better equipped to perserve with it.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 8,263
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    Truly, truly awful film. I kept wondering if i'd missed the point of it, but i just hated it. I started to get irritated about 45-50 minutes in but stuck it out. Eventually I had to give up about twenty minutes before the end otherwise i'd have thrown something at the screen.

    It's hard to describe really. We had long scenes of inconsequential dialogue interspersed with brief nods to the actual plot. There was never any sense of what was at stake or how the plot was supposed to work so there was never really anything to actually hold your interest - obviously this is how I personally feel about it...

    I have to agree with you. It was over two hours of my life wasted and I only stuck it out to the end because I like Amy Adams and Jennifer Lawrence.

    Apparently, the story was improvised throughout and the film was basically character driven.

    I'm afraid I was bored to tears, even though the film seems to be most film critics wet dream.
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    LMLM Posts: 63,776
    Forum Member
    No worries :)

    I always go back to the film "Thirteen Days" with Kevin Costner that dramatised the Cuban Missile Crisis. That was very heavily dialogue driven but I absolutely loved it and I was hooked from start to finish. It probably helped that I was quite aware of the story going in, which I wasn't in the case of American Hustle.

    But then if the plan had been better laid out to give me even a sense of what was going on, i might well have been better equipped to perserve with it.

    What did you think of the acting of Miss Jennifer Lawerence, out of interest? For me she was as incredible as usual. She always plays roles beyond her years. You would never think a 22 year old was playing that type of character.
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    JasonJason Posts: 76,557
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    bystander wrote: »
    Apparently, the story was improvised throughout and the film was basically character driven

    If that's true, that actually does explain how dull the dialogue was and how little we actually got explained. At least with a script, the dialogue is structured towards revealing the plot, establishing the stakes e.t.c..
    What did you think of the acting of Miss Jennifer Lawerence, out of interest? For me she was as incredible as usual. She always plays roles beyond her years. You would never think a 22 year old was playing that type of character.

    Lawrence is always good value. She was good in this, although probably better in Silver Linings Playbook.
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    LMLM Posts: 63,776
    Forum Member
    If that's true, that actually does explain how dull the dialogue was and how little we actually got explained. At least with a script, the dialogue is structured towards revealing the plot, establishing the stakes e.t.c..

    Lawrence is always good value. She was good in this, although probably better in Silver Linings Playbook.

    Very true
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    Peter VenkmanPeter Venkman Posts: 1,769
    Forum Member
    Amy Adams' british accent was one of the worst i've ever heard. It veered between slightly british to slightly american to completely american back to not quite as british as it was beforehand. Why couldn't they have got someone like Emily Blunt ?

    Probably a better actress overall but also British !!

    Because Amy Adams has in her contract:

    And I shall be the primary selection over every other female actress in Hollywood. I shall hog the limelight by starring in every "hot" new film despite my dreary persona and inability to smile.
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    blueisthecolourblueisthecolour Posts: 20,133
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    I friend of mine watch this yesterday and said he found it extremely dull. He said he wanted to turn off after 20 minutes however he did like the ending.

    I was going to give it a try but I don't think i'll bother. It sounds like one of those modern 'academy' films where plot and story telling are replaced with stylistic camera work and 'intellectual' dialogue.
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    LMLM Posts: 63,776
    Forum Member
    Because Amy Adams has in her contract:

    And I shall be the primary selection over every other female actress in Hollywood. I shall hog the limelight by starring in every "hot" new film despite my dreary persona and inability to smile.

    I couldn't disagree more. Amy never hogs the spotlight, because most of her roles are normally supporting and she is never the lead. She also doesn;t star in every hot film. She is very particular about roles she chooses. The majority of her film choices have either been low budget films or indies, but has had the chance to star in big mainstream commericial films like Enchnated, Man of steel and now American Hustle. I personally think in my opinion it is a harsh inaccurate perspective of a really good nice and natural actress who is one of the decent people in her profression and it took her a long time get where she is.
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