
Benefits Street: C4 6th Jan 9pm



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    oathyoathy Posts: 32,708
    Forum Member
    There must be some unemployed people who don't smoke. I know I'm one of them.

    My only vice is coca cola.

    I would love to know who produced this show and the background of this person/persons. They know how people react when they see people smoking all the time it was even mentioned in this thread earlier.
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    koantemplationkoantemplation Posts: 101,293
    Forum Member
    Talbert wrote: »
    Where are these numbers from?

    Official unemployment figure


    Number of vacancies in the Uk for 2008

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    koantemplationkoantemplation Posts: 101,293
    Forum Member
    oathy wrote: »
    I would love to know who produced this show and the background of this person/persons. They know how people react when they see people smoking all the time it was even mentioned in this thread earlier.

    It they are anything like the people on the film making course I did, they are probably just out of Uni, with little or no experience of life, and from a middle class family.
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    TardisSteveTardisSteve Posts: 8,077
    Forum Member

    thanks koantemplation, found the link about the unemployment numbers but not the one about the vacancies
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    TalbertTalbert Posts: 1,242
    Forum Member
    Some of these ****ers feel £6.31 is utterly beneath them

    They bred and feed like no tomorrow

    Because 'they won't take the child benefit away will they'

    This phrase was constantly used throughout the programme as the fact that having children secured their life of doing **** all.

    Why should we support people who continue to shit out children every five seconds.

    It's all though they're playing monopoly and every time they have a child they pass go and collect more GUARANTEED ****/booze/drug/phone/TV money. Oh yes because the money doesn't go on the children does it!

    Only have children if you can support them
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    Dare_AllanDare_Allan Posts: 2,328
    Forum Member
    so you you think 0% unemployment is possible

    0% unemployment is impossible. Transitory unemployment, functional unemployment at around 3% is the historical norm.

    But this isn't actually relevant to the debate. What is relevant is empirical studies. In the United Kingdom there is a consensus that spending money on poor children on free meals, on money to parents on other benefits will lift children of poor families from poverty.

    Every single study of poverty says this is bullshit (outside of the Scandinavian model of taking children into care).

    You either remove all these ridiculous benefits or you do waht they do in Norway and Sweden and take 250,000 children into care every year so their parents don'r ruin their lives.
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    tghe-retfordtghe-retford Posts: 26,449
    Forum Member
    oathy wrote: »
    I would love to know who produced this show and the background of this person/persons. They know how people react when they see people smoking all the time it was even mentioned in this thread earlier.
    The people on the show have been sent death threats on Twitter. Really vile stuff normally reserved for the worst of criminals.

    All fuel for Osborne to pursue his agenda for the abolition or privatisation of welfare.
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    TardisSteveTardisSteve Posts: 8,077
    Forum Member
    Dare_Allan wrote: »
    Utter nonsense or we wouldn't have Eastern Europeans in to pick Potatoes or whatever. There is a choice of job people are prepared to do and sadly the benefits systems seems to allow it to be a choice and not a necessity.

    Theres plenty of work in the UK, even in the early 80s when there was proper unemployment there was work to be had.

    proper unemployment, what are you on about, have never seen any potato picking vacancies
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    tghe-retfordtghe-retford Posts: 26,449
    Forum Member
    Talbert wrote: »
    Because 'they won't take the child benefit away will they'
    Osborne will.
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    TalbertTalbert Posts: 1,242
    Forum Member

    Only 1.27 are claiming have I read that right?
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    TalbertTalbert Posts: 1,242
    Forum Member
    Osborne will.

    Kids in care or more Baby P's?
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    TardisSteveTardisSteve Posts: 8,077
    Forum Member
    The people on the show have been sent death threats on Twitter.

    it is disgusting, those people making the threats shout be found and prosecuted
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    TalbertTalbert Posts: 1,242
    Forum Member
    proper unemployment, what are you on about, have never seen any potato picking vacancies


    Bramble Picker

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    koantemplationkoantemplation Posts: 101,293
    Forum Member
    Talbert wrote: »
    Only 1.27 are claiming have I read that right?

    That's the number claiming JSA.
    The number of people out of work fell by 99,000 to 2.39 million in the three months to October,

    is the number out of work including those claiming JSA.
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    TalbertTalbert Posts: 1,242
    Forum Member
    it is disgusting, those people making the threats shout be found and prosecuted

    And if they are employed they should loose their job
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    Dare_AllanDare_Allan Posts: 2,328
    Forum Member
    oathy wrote: »
    so you don't think it was a producers choice to show every single one of them smoking when we all know even people working cant afford to smoke anymore? that's the point I've been trying to make

    And your completely wrong.

    In my personal experience, living in am area that is C2/D/E in all demographic surveys, spending time in shops next to my local Jobcentreplus, KNOWING people who claim benefits, THEY ALL SMOKE, DRINK, DO DRUGS.

    This is not a fiction, it is a reality of the benefits lifestyle.

    At the most basic form of benefit you get £142 every two weeks. £40 is more than enough to get your food delivered, a single person on benefits will have no more than £50 a fortnight on fuel. They dont pay TV license (£16 in the pocket) or the water rate, its a nonsense when you see their Income and Expenditure (and I've seen lots).

    The reality is this country promotes this nonsense, and it will not stop till there is no money left.
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    Rogana JoshRogana Josh Posts: 41,348
    Forum Member
    oathy wrote: »
    what about the people on JSA?
    you know the ones where if they don't try and find work they lose money and get sanctions. that's the point trying to be made with this programme as Tardis steve posted they wanted the very worse examples but allowed these people to make some outrageous statements without any challenge from the interviewer. there was no balance they wanted to portray this is what its like if you claim benefits.

    I know a kid who walked the streets day in day out for six months after being paid off handing out CV's to every business imaginable.
    No matter what he done at the Jobcentre people were obnoxious and he hated going there, even though he was always on time or early.
    He was finally lucky enough to be taken on by a firm just a few weeks ago, but he never gave up trying, all he wanted was a job, but all these kids are being offered are temporary contracts.
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    TalbertTalbert Posts: 1,242
    Forum Member
    That's the number claiming JSA.

    is the number out of work including those claiming JSA.

    Ok so if 1.27 are claiming JSA so are actively looking for work/fobbing the Job centre off

    Then what are 1.12 doing?
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    koantemplationkoantemplation Posts: 101,293
    Forum Member
    Talbert wrote: »
    Ok so if 1.27 are claiming JSA so are actively looking for work/fobbing the Job centre off

    Then what are 1.12 doing?

    Claiming other benefits such as ESA.
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    TardisSteveTardisSteve Posts: 8,077
    Forum Member
    Dare_Allan wrote: »
    And your completely wrong.

    In my personal experience, living in am area that is C2/D/E in all demographic surveys, spending time in shops next to my local Jobcentreplus, KNOWING people who claim benefits, THEY ALL SMOKE, DRINK, DO DRUGS.

    This is not a fiction, it is a reality of the benefits lifestyle.

    At the most basic form of benefit you get £142 every two weeks. £40 is more than enough to get your food delivered, a single person on benefits will have no more than £50 a fortnight on fuel. They dont pay TV license (£16 in the pocket) or the water rate, its a nonsense when you see their Income and Expenditure (and I've seen lots).

    The reality is this country promotes this nonsense, and it will not stop till there is no money left.

    im surprised you have anything to do with people on benefits, i personally do not smoke, drink, never done drugs in my life
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    TalbertTalbert Posts: 1,242
    Forum Member
    If the government created industry and created millions of new jobs in this country, and if these jobs only paid £6.31 an hour would the people in this programme take them?
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    Dare_AllanDare_Allan Posts: 2,328
    Forum Member
    Talbert wrote: »
    Some of these ****ers feel £6.31 is utterly beneath them

    They bred and feed like no tomorrow

    Because 'they won't take the child benefit away will they'

    This phrase was constantly used throughout the programme as the fact that having children secured their life of doing **** all.

    Why should we support people who continue to shit out children every five seconds.

    It's all though they're playing monopoly and every time they have a child they pass go and collect more GUARANTEED ****/booze/drug/phone/TV money. Oh yes because the money doesn't go on the children does it!

    Only have children if you can support them

    This is the society socialists created.

    Deliberately. Once 50% of people are on benefits then there will ALWAYS be a labour government.

    Till the money runs out.
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    tghe-retfordtghe-retford Posts: 26,449
    Forum Member
    Talbert wrote: »
    Kids in care or more Baby P's?
    Both probably, to a greater cost to the taxpayer. Shortsighted populist electioneering by Osborne where even Iain Duncan Smith is criticising him!
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    Dare_AllanDare_Allan Posts: 2,328
    Forum Member
    The people on the show have been sent death threats on Twitter. Really vile stuff normally reserved for the worst of criminals.

    How the hell are they not criminals? They get given MY money they didn't earn it and I didn't choose to give them it. That is theft.

    If they want to stop being criminals they need to stop stealing my money and go out and work.
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    TardisSteveTardisSteve Posts: 8,077
    Forum Member
    Dare_Allan wrote: »
    I'm not saying your faking having any kind of physical or mental disability. But as you are perfectly competent to understand and post on an online forum you can work. If you wanted to.

    i suffer from a mental illness and anxiety, i also help my father care for my mother who has bipolar (have been helping for a number of years) now last year i tried to get work, i got refereed to a job agency who help people with disabilities get back into work, i went for job screenings, had a job interview in which i tried my best but i totally fell to pieces in (didn't get it unfortunately, i was gutted believe me) after a while they stopped bothering to help me, i am still trying find a small job, thing is i want to work, (i don't give a rodents rectum if you bleieve me or not) i envy people who work, i don't want to be on benefits for the rest of my life i have recently started to do a bit of voluntary work to help get something on my CV
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