
'Neck Nominations' The new Facebook craze



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    GneissGneiss Posts: 14,555
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    One of the most vile things I ever witnessed was someone drinking a pint of milk, but this was no ordinary pint of milk and just typing this it still turns my stomach...

    It was in a telephone exchange in London and someone had left a half full pint bottle of milk sitting on a window ledge. It had been there for ages, completely separated and had started to change strange colours... at which point someone made the throw away comment "I'd still drink that" followed by someone else saying "go on then" and it turning into a bet for money. To my horror he actually did it... it just made me gag and I had to leave the room. :(
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    UffaUffa Posts: 1,910
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    I had a family member on fb doing this last night dressed in his wife's onesie. I told him he was an arse. Everyone else thought it hilarious and were egging him on. This same person has a major drink problem. He sent me a pm saying sorry. I hope this craze dies a death really quickly before someone else dies.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 4,666
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    Some very strange people out there :o

    Luckily no one on my newsfeed has done anything like this that I've seen so far.

    Stupid is what stupid does.
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    irishfeenirishfeen Posts: 10,025
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    Ah I've around 12 hours left to do it, nominated last night - 80% of lads I know have done it at this stage ... I'm undecided if I'll do it yet.
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    mimicolemimicole Posts: 51,068
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    I only heard about this this morning

    It's a mug's game...
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    Tt88Tt88 Posts: 6,827
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    I thought it was stupid and was disgusted when i had the one eating the dead animal and the one who crapped in a cup uploaded onto my news feed.

    I felt the need to write how stupid it was and how all the people doing it must be lacking something if they need to risk their lives to entertain their gormless friends.

    And then people like my sister in law started doing it, and several of my close friends! Just when you think you know someone.
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    irishfeenirishfeen Posts: 10,025
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    mimicole wrote: »
    I only heard about this this morning

    It's a mug's game...
    Once you don't go overboard then it's actually harmless enough...
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    CSJBCSJB Posts: 6,188
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    I've just seen a video of someone downing a pint of larger with shit in it.
    Yes that's right, a great big log floating about in his pint glass :o
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 4,666
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    irishfeen wrote: »
    Ah I've around 12 hours left to do it, nominated last night - 80% of lads I know have done it at this stage ... I'm undecided if I'll do it yet.

    Of course you have to do it because everybody else has done it (damn where's the rolleyes smiley when you need it)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 7,888
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    My third year friends and I were talking about it because it's been flying around our Uni like mad. It' really stupid, how unprofessional is it going to look on Facebook? I know some people have private accounts but if any potential employers google you and find you chugging a pint of vodka on your mates' page, it's going to make you look immature and like you haven't grown up at all at Uni. 99% of the people I've seen do it are in their early twenties which means you really shouldn't be acting like a teenager.

    Pretty sure I heard one of my friends say "they better not nominate me" and i even said "If someone nominates me, I'm just not doing it". Another mate said her housemate done one that had like five types of alcohol and curry paste. I don't see the point, nominated? Nominated for what? You literally just drink a lot, or down a pint and that's it.

    I have nothing against drinking but there's a big difference in having a pint whilst watching the football and a picture appearing of you on Facebook holding a cocktail than chugging god knows what else. Any mug can play a game of ring of fire and drink the dirty pint at the end.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 4,666
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    Tt88 wrote: »
    I thought it was stupid and was disgusted when i had the one eating the dead animal and the one who crapped in a cup uploaded onto my news feed.

    I felt the need to write how stupid it was and how all the people doing it must be lacking something if they need to risk their lives to entertain their gormless friends.

    And then people like my sister in law started doing it, and several of my close friends! Just when you think you know someone.

    It's amazing what people do for a few likes...
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    irishfeenirishfeen Posts: 10,025
    Forum Member
    Of course you have to do it because everybody else has done it (damn where's the rolleyes smiley when you need it)
    Well it's only a few pints of cider I would drink, no spirits or anything besides .... As I said I'm undecided really as of yet.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 101
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    Any mug can play a game of ring of fire and drink the dirty pint at the end.

    I was that mug a couple of years ago. Tried to get myself home afterwards, ended up falling off the station platform and waking up in hospital.
    If anyone nominates me, they're getting told to Foxtrot Oscar. :D
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    stoatiestoatie Posts: 78,106
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    Read that news story last night, kinda reminded me of this.

    I've always been a heavy drinker (and drugtaker in my unwise youth) and I'm really glad we didn't have the internet back when I was younger; this is exactly the kind of shit I'd have gone in for.

    Difference being in an old-fashioned drinking game, if you mess yourself up there are other people in the room who can get help.
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    patsylimerickpatsylimerick Posts: 22,124
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    There's a few young women in Ireland have started a counter-fad - necknominating each other to drink cups of tea. :D

    :blush: I shouldn't be laughing really; it's very sad what happened to those two young lads. As someone said on the radio this morning, it's the fact that all of your friends, all of your friends' friends etc. etc. etc. will see you 'chicken out' that's pushing people to take part.

    Have this younger generation got no sense of individuality, though? It used to be quite cool to stand up against conformity. I even notice it with young female fashion. Kim Kardashian mixed with Miley Cyrus seems to be the way to go. If I saw a young woman dressed as a hippy on a night out I think I'd literally hug her at this stage.
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    patsylimerickpatsylimerick Posts: 22,124
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    irishfeen wrote: »
    Well it's only a few pints of cider I would drink, no spirits or anything besides .... As I said I'm undecided really as of yet.

    Don't do it! You're a smart lad. Post something like:

    "Much as I'm honoured by your nomination, I'd prefer to save my money up and buy a nice bottle of Chateaux Margaux, which I shall savour slowly with a delicious home-cooked meal. Cider my arse :)'.
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    Rich_LRich_L Posts: 6,110
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    What a load of crap.
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    irishfeenirishfeen Posts: 10,025
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    Don't do it! You're a smart lad. Post something like:

    "Much as I'm honoured by your nomination, I'd prefer to save my money up and buy a nice bottle of Chateaux Margaux, which I shall savour slowly with a delicious home-cooked meal. Cider my arse :)'.
    ... If I said that I would never ever hear the end of it - it's not like I can't do .... Often did more then 3 pints... I'll see :)
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    GoatyGoaty Posts: 7,776
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    irishfeen wrote: »
    ... If I said that I would never ever hear the end of it - it's not like I can't do .... Often did more then 3 pints... I'll see :)

    You just a WUM, and idiot.
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    jude007jude007 Posts: 2,227
    Forum Member
    Will the people who nominated the people who died be charged !!

    I know that they won't and if an individual is really that sad and stupid to actually do this then personally they deserve everything they yet. Its just a pity that they will be dead and its the family that they leave behind who will suffer.

    But also to anyone who nominates another person, if one of my family died because of this and had been pressured into it, I would come after you and drag you through the courts.
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    irishfeenirishfeen Posts: 10,025
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    Goaty wrote: »
    You just a WUM, and idiot.
    I tell you it's hard to say no when almost every single one of the lads have done it.... As I said I'm undecided.
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    kate03kate03 Posts: 4,036
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    jude007 wrote: »
    Will the people who nominated the people who died be charged !!

    I know that they won't and if an individual is really that sad and stupid to actually do this then personally they deserve everything they yet. Its just a pity that they will be dead and its the family that they leave behind who will suffer.

    But also to anyone who nominates another person, if one of my family died because of this and had been pressured into it, I would come after you and drag you through the courts.

    It's ultimately the person who did it's own responsibility though. However that said, I see the danger of peer pressure with sites like Facebook where everyone wants to be 'liked' and fall in with any trends that are going. It's quite sad and pathetic really that a lot of young people think sites like FB are the epitome of what makes you popular or not. Get off Facebook and get yourself some individuality, is what I would advise.
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    kate03kate03 Posts: 4,036
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    irishfeen wrote: »
    I tell you it's hard to say no when almost every single one of the lads have done it.... As I said I'm undecided.

    Is it really that hard to stand up for something you feel is essentially wrong, stupid and dangerous and not in the least amusing?
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    Will_BennettsWill_Bennetts Posts: 3,054
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    irishfeen wrote: »
    I tell you it's hard to say no when almost every single one of the lads have done it.... As I said I'm undecided.
    So your willing to sacrifice your life just to avoid a bit of ribbing ? :confused:
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    irishfeenirishfeen Posts: 10,025
    Forum Member
    kate03 wrote: »
    Is it really that hard to stand up for something you feel is essentially wrong, stupid and dangerous and not in the least amusing?
    Ah come here it's only a few pints of cider.... No vodka, whiskey etc so hardly dangerous.
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