
Missing episode discovery rumours



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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 194
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    someone, somewhere, is reading this thread and laughing their tits off.
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    adams66adams66 Posts: 3,945
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    1milescarf wrote: »
    someone, somewhere, is reading this thread and laughing their tits off.

    Well I am, for a start!
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    Dr. LinusDr. Linus Posts: 6,445
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    adams66 wrote: »
    I agree - it would be fascinating to discover the source of all this. But now the rumour is coming from nowhere and everywhere. It has taken on a life all of it's own and is now being perpetuated purely by wishful thinking on the part of fans who desperately want to believe it.

    Personally I deal with facts and reality and proof. I would LOVE this rumour to be true. Even just part of it would be amazing. But I cannot understand why anyone would simply accept such a hugely unlikely story at face value without any proof or evidence whatsoever.

    I could say that Santa Claus is real - would you accept that at face value? I'm certain that I have just as much proof of Santa's reality as you do regarding the existence of multiple returned episodes. But I'd be delighted if you could actually prove me wrong - go on, give me actual proof, please!

    I'll throw this out again, does anyone have any genuine proof, which could really verify these rumours?

    Well, I'm in the skeptical crowd, but even I believe Marco Polo's back, due to some comments made a short while ago by someone (Steve Roberts? Not sure.) that seemed to accidentally confirm Marco Polo's return. Can't remember the exact wording but that's always been the most rumoured episode (and it's a very likely find considering it's the only fully missing story outside of Season 3-5) and the wording of it was incredibly suspect. Something like "I can't confirm it at the moment" or something like that which means there is something happening.

    But beyond that, there's a real lack of evidence. I only believe Myth Makers and Massacre are likely because they're pretty much always lumped in with the Marco rumour which seems to be very plausible. Evil of the Daleks has a lot of buzz around it so I'm willing to entertain that. Where on earth the rest of them are supposed to be coming from, I have no idea - and nothing but blind faith could make you believe the entirety of the Troughton era is back, based on the narrative so far.

    That's my two cents...
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    M@nterikM@nterik Posts: 6,982
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    DiscoP wrote: »
    At the risk of repeating past mistakes and blindly trusting those in authority or not being smart enough to read between the lines this what I don't quite understand. From listening to the podcast with Steve Roberts it seems that Paul V was involved very early on in the stage of recovering Web & Enemy as he needed to verify what had been found before lawyers got involved and drew up contracts and filthy lucre exchanged hands. So I don't see how the parts of the omnirumour that suggest that deals have been done, restoration has begun or even been completed tally with Steve Roberts saying that he (and no one that he knows) has any knowledge of any of these things?

    I was never in the Marco restored camp. SR and PC said it was not restored/not worked on which is true although I strongly believe they were expecting it. Some in the RT have a history of misleading statements on DVD releases so I take their comments with a pinch of salt. Crocker I would trust implicitly.

    Problem with the Omnirumour is that there is so much stuff out there it is hard to sort the wheat from the chaff. What I personally know/believe is that there is a big haul, lots of material, Dr Who is part of it, a significant chunk (inc private collectors) the BFI/BBC/Cardiff/WW are also involved. Marco was supposed to be released last year but was not handed over in time but it may have been by now certainly quite a few think it good to go.

    SR is right. Phil keeps things VERY close to his chest.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 194
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    I believe that there are still loads of episodes out there. I really do think it's more than just a possibility. I also think that in his travels, Mr. Morris may have uncovered some stuff that he hasn't returned yet. There could be many reasons for this.

    While I believe this may be true, I don't go around telling everyone that it's fact, covering it all up with vague "oh, my sources told me, you'll all know soon enough!!!!" so that people think I'm something I'm not.
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    M@nterikM@nterik Posts: 6,982
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    adams66 wrote: »
    Personally I deal with facts and reality and proof. I would LOVE this rumour to be true. Even just part of it would be amazing. But I cannot understand why anyone would simply accept such a hugely unlikely story at face value without any proof or evidence whatsoever.

    I agree and having been around fandom for over 30 years and heard a great many missing episodes stories I am the most cynical of cynics. A clinic full of, to be precise.

    I certainly am not on board with the full omnirumour. The list printed earlier is fun but not my work. The sources of the leaks are interesting. I am confident in what I have been told. Marco definately, other Who definately. Three other stories than Marco. More than that I do not know but the speculation is part of the fun. I do not expect anyone to take it at face value. I just want to share what I have heard, as do others. Eddie from OS claims all are found on twitter. That just sounds absurd to me.

    If you want to deal with facts then, perhaps, a rumours thread is not the place to be :)
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    Rita's KabinRita's Kabin Posts: 36,553
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    M@nterik wrote: »
    I agree and having been around fandom for over 30 years and heard a great many missing episodes stories I am the most cynical of cynics. A clinic full of, to be precise.

    I certainly am not on board with the full omnirumour. The list printed earlier is fun but not my work. The sources of the leaks are interesting. I am confident in what I have been told. Marco definately, other Who definately. Three other stories than Marco. More than that I do not know but the speculation is part of the fun. I do not expect anyone to take it at face value. I just want to share what I have heard, as do others. Eddie from OS claims all are found on twitter. That just sounds absurd to me.

    If you want to deal with facts then, perhaps, a rumours thread is not the place to be :)

    I do hope your sources are accurate M@nterik.

    Some questions then.

    01) Marco Polo ~ complete or incomplete :confused:

    02) Three other stories ~
    i) all complete
    ii) all incomplete
    iii) some complete / some incomplete. :confused:

    03) If Marco Polo and the three other stories you mention are complete does the "other Who" bit include some orphan episodes outside of the Marco Polo + 3. :confused:
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    M@nterikM@nterik Posts: 6,982
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    I do hope your sources are accurate M@nterik.

    Some questions then.

    01) Marco Polo ~ complete or incomplete :confused:

    02) Three other stories ~
    i) all complete
    ii) all incomplete
    iii) some complete / some incomplete. :confused:

    03) If Marco Polo and the three other stories you mention are complete does the "other Who" bit include some orphan episodes outside of the Marco Polo + 3. :confused:

    Marco all seven episodes. Three other stories complete. All four parters. No other eps I know of. The 'other Who' was other than Marco.

    Of course I have heard the rumours and hope they are true. Eddie on Outpost Skaro is claiming all have been found !!!!
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    Rita's KabinRita's Kabin Posts: 36,553
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    M@nterik wrote: »
    Marco all seven episodes. Three other stories complete. All four parters. No other eps I know of. The 'other Who' was other than Marco.

    Of course I have heard the rumours and hope they are true. Eddie on Outpost Skaro is claiming all have been found !!!!

    Thanks for that.

    So, if the information is accurate then Marco Polo plus three of:-

    01) The Crusade
    02) Galaxy Four
    03) The Myth Makers
    04) The Massacre
    05) The Celestial Toymaker
    06) The Savages
    07) The Smugglers
    08) The Tenth Planet
    09) The Highlanders
    10) The Underwater Menace
    11) The Macra Terror

    On a purely selfish note, and assuming the information is accurate, I hope that the other three are currently all stories that we think are completely missing as that will reduce the number of missing episodes by the largest amount.

    I'm a sucker for a historical so I'd be hoping for The Myth Makers, The Massacre, The Smugglers or The Highlanders.

    The two I'd least want would be The Underwater Menace and The Savages.
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    cat666cat666 Posts: 2,063
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    Dr. Linus wrote: »
    I was enjoying your post, and I do still respect your opinion on this, but you lost me completely at the BIB. Why - just why - would either PM or the BBC withhold one episode of the Web of Fear? And why would they wait this long to announce more?

    Phillp Morris has stated categorically many times that the search is still ongoing, and he also stated categorically in DWM after Enemy and Web were found that this was all he found. There may well have been something discovered very soon afterwards (around the time Marco rumours started to hit news headlines), and I think there's certainly been a discovery at some point since then, but the idea that every single episode was found, and an announcement of two randomly chosen stories out of the pile was all that happened for some reason, and that everyone let the 50th anniversary pass without announcing that all the missing episodes were back (!?) - that to me, is getting into the realms of fantasy.

    I think it's easy to get carried away with the omnirumour, and start taking speculation, matching it with strong evidence, and then becoming less cynical and adding everything into the rumour, and then ending up with a rumour that lacks common sense. So, yeah, I don't believe the omnirumour. I believe it's a major find combined with a long wait, which has led to things getting out of hand. And I do think the BIB in your post demonstrates this.

    Of course, if they're all returned, I'll be right here and eager for you to say you told me so. But for now, I just don't see it... :)

    I'm only speculating about what Phil Morris might have done.

    Let's take Doctor Who out of this scenario. Imagine Phil Morris has found a gold mine, but doesn't actually have any gold, just lumps of rock which may or may not contain gold. As soon as word gets out that he has gold, then peoples ears perk up and they want some gold too. Phil would be aware of this, so before announcing anything he would be sure to make claim to the gold himself, so it doesn't fall into anyone else's hands. Now going back to Doctor Who, a read back through this thread shows the stupidity and recklessness of certain fans. Calls to bombard foreign stations with e-mails, seeking legal disclosure of information etc. etc. That sort of behavior will impact any recovery of materials not currently in the hands of Phil, and Phil knows this. People are saying Web/Enemy were found as early as 2005, but it was covered up, I don't believe this for a second, but this strengthens the view that Mr Morris just might have been protecting his future interests, by making sure he'd taken anything of value before announcing details of the find. Even if a die hard fan did make it to Africa, there would be nothing left for him to find.

    As for my views on the omnirumour. I think the vast majority of it is a load of rubbish. From the latest list the Planet of the Giants episode 4 stands out as a serious wtf? For those not in the know Planet of the Giants was a 4 part serial which was felt not to flow correctly. Episodes 3 and 4 were then cut and merged to create a new episode 3, turning the serial into a 3 parter. The original episode 3 and 4 were never broadcast, so for someone to have episode 4 is almost as unlikely as Feast of Steven turning up (I believe no disposal records exist for the unbroadcast 3 and 4). Aside from the omnirumour though, I believe all broadcast episodes will be found one day, again barring Feast of Steven.
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    cat666cat666 Posts: 2,063
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    Thanks for that.

    So, if the information is accurate then Marco Polo plus three of:-

    01) The Crusade
    02) Galaxy Four
    03) The Myth Makers
    04) The Massacre
    05) The Celestial Toymaker
    06) The Savages
    07) The Smugglers
    08) The Tenth Planet
    09) The Highlanders
    10) The Underwater Menace
    11) The Macra Terror

    On a purely selfish note, and assuming the information is accurate, I hope that the other three are currently all stories that we think are completely missing as that will reduce the number of missing episodes by the largest amount.

    I'm a sucker for a historical so I'd be hoping for The Myth Makers, The Massacre, The Smugglers or The Highlanders.

    The two I'd least want would be The Underwater Menace and The Savages.

    The "main" Marco Polo rumour has been, Marco Polo, The Myth Makers, The Masscre and The Macra Terror. All the M's. This started up around the time Web/Enemy were announced, with a few sources claiming the releases were meant to be 3 and 3, with Marco Polo being with Web/Enemy. This lends support to the fact all 4 have been recovered, as the sources were on the money with Web/Enemy, suggesting they also know about Marco Polo and therefore also the other 3.

    From a personal point of view I'd love to see The Highlanders too, if the omnirumor is to be believed then it's found in a bad condition, but no one I trust has said as much.

    As it stands I believe the 4 episodes I mentioned above have been found, 100%. I'd go so far as to put actual money on it. I also believe parts of DMP have been found (with no audio track) although I'm not 100% on this. Other than that, for the time being I'm not convinced the rest of the omnirumor is true.

    EDIT: Forgot to mention, the 3 and 3 release theory consists of 3 Hartnell and 3 Troughton. Marco/Enemy/Web are "big" stories (6-7 episodes) whereas Massacre/Myth/Macra are smaller with 4 a piece. It also splits it so one release has 2 Troughton 1 Hartnell and the other 2 Hartnells and 1 Troughton. A perfect split. If I was planning the releases it's what I'd do. It also "too" perfect, suggesting there could be more. It may just have fallen this way by chance, but that's a lot of good fortune.
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    DiscoPDiscoP Posts: 6,019
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    It's scary how easily and quickly misinformation gets spread around. I listened to the podcast where Steve Roberts says that he believes Marco Polo has been found, but he is very clear to point out that this is only his personal belief and it is not based on any knowledge or facts. A quick scan of twitter shows several people tweeting and then re-tweeting that Steve Roberts has confirmed Marco Polo has been found, when he did no such thing. #idiots
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    bp2bp2 Posts: 1,117
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    DiscoP wrote: »
    It's scary how easily and quickly misinformation gets spread around. I listened to the podcast where Steve Roberts says that he believes Marco Polo has been found, but he is very clear to point out that this is only his personal belief and it is not based on any knowledge or facts. A quick scan of twitter shows several people tweeting and then re-tweeting that Steve Roberts has confirmed Marco Polo has been found, when he did no such thing. #idiots

    You are basing that off Who Harmony and the people who give him incorrect information aren't you?
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    DiscoPDiscoP Posts: 6,019
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    bp2 wrote: »
    You are basing that off Who Harmony and the people who give him incorrect information aren't you?

    It wasn't Who Harmony this time but a whole bunch of other people, but I see that they all seem to be connected to Who Harmony. Right little hornets nest they have going on there.
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    grazey1985grazey1985 Posts: 1,480
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    DiscoP wrote: »
    It wasn't Who Harmony this time but a whole bunch of other people, but I see that they all seem to be connected to Who Harmony. Right little hornets nest they have going on there.

    I know whoharmony has a disability but he really doesn't do himself any favours at times. He gets excited from an supposed midnight announcement from an unofficial website he hypes it up as the biggest announcement ever (despite people telling him repeatedly its crap) and then when it doesn't happen posts videos about how the BBC wasted hours of his time and how annoyed he is that they dashed his dreams/hopes and ruined his hard work on finding missing eps. He also has the habbit of jumping the gun. On saturday a twiiter account was suspended and because 1 of the tweets mentioned power of course that means power is being announced at midnight. His buddy brittish cup of tea makes me laugh. Sammi carter is never wrong. Em don't think so.
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    nextexitnextexit Posts: 1,389
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    cat666 wrote: »
    From the latest list the Planet of the Giants episode 4 stands out as a serious wtf? For those not in the know Planet of the Giants was a 4 part serial which was felt not to flow correctly. Episodes 3 and 4 were then cut and merged to create a new episode 3, turning the serial into a 3 parter. The original episode 3 and 4 were never broadcast, so for someone to have episode 4 is almost as unlikely as Feast of Steven turning up.

    Which is probably why the original poster said that he'd merely heard a rumour but didn't believe it himself which everyone seems to ignore when talking about it. I heard a rumour that Lord Lucan was working in a chip shop in Rotherham but don't believe it myself, hopefully no-one will take me saying that as fact :p
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    cat666cat666 Posts: 2,063
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    nextexit wrote: »
    Which is probably why the original poster said that he'd merely heard a rumour but didn't believe it himself which everyone seems to ignore when talking about it. I heard a rumour that Lord Lucan was working in a chip shop in Rotherham but don't believe it myself, hopefully no-one will take me saying that as fact :p

    The trouble is the omnirumour isn't just one rumour, it's a collection to rumours from varying sources. The more reliable rumours (Marco Polo etc.) are merged with the crazy ones (Planet of the Giants) and the end result is an unreliable rumour as people view the whole.
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    cat666cat666 Posts: 2,063
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    From the missing episodes boards:

    "Damian (Shanahan) had found two redundant suppressed episodes of Keys of Marinus in Australia. He revealed this on Radio Free Skaro #408. They were never announced formally because the serial wasn't missing and the reels of lesser quality than what we already have."

    Searches are continuing then.
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    DiscoPDiscoP Posts: 6,019
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    cat666 wrote: »
    From the missing episodes boards:

    "Damian (Shanahan) had found two redundant suppressed episodes of Keys of Marinus in Australia. He revealed this on Radio Free Skaro #408. They were never announced formally because the serial wasn't missing and the reels of lesser quality than what we already have."

    Searches are continuing then.

    Yeah I heard them talking about redundant suppressed episodes in the podcast but I didn't really understand what they were talking about. Does anyone know what a redundant suppressed episode is in laymen's terms?
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    Kieran SeymourKieran Seymour Posts: 913
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    DiscoP wrote: »
    Yeah I heard them talking about redundant suppressed episodes in the podcast but I didn't really understand what they were talking about. Does anyone know what a redundant suppressed episode is in laymen's terms?

    "Redundant" as in of no use.

    "Suppressed" as in a suppressed field telerecording - one which only has only one of the two video fields recorded to film for each of the twenty-five frames per second.

    The gold standard as far as telerecordings are concerned are stored field recordings which have both video fields recorded to a single frame of film. The end result is a more detailed image - stored field recordings are of lower resolution.

    In the case of The Keys of Marinus, the BBC archives already hold a complete set of negatives, all of which are stored field recordings, so the prints found in Australia are of academic interest only.

    The reason for the suppressed field telerecordings existing is that that was how they were originally done for Doctor Who. BBC Enterprises later made new stored field telerecordings, although some episodes now only exist as the lower resolution suppressed field copies. I think at least one of the episodes of The Daleks falls into that category, as well as part of an episode of Edge of Destruction.
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    Demolished ManDemolished Man Posts: 527
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    The reason for the suppressed field telerecordings existing is that that was how they were originally done for Doctor Who. BBC Enterprises later made new stored field telerecordings, although some episodes now only exist as the lower resolution suppressed field copies. I think at least one of the episodes of The Daleks falls into that category, as well as part of an episode of Edge of Destruction.

    Episodes five and seven of 'The Daleks', the last five minutes of episode two of 'The Edge of Destruction' (although no one seems to know how or why a stored field telerecording has a five minute section spliced in from an inferior suppressed field source!), the prints of 'The Reign of Terror' episode one, two and three recovered from Cyprus and part one of 'The Crusade' are the ones that only exist as suppressed field recordings. The suppressed field system was replaced with the stored field system in 1965 (I think) so there shouldn't be any after that, but stranger things have happened.
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    Kieran SeymourKieran Seymour Posts: 913
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    Episodes five and seven of 'The Daleks', the last five minutes of episode two of 'The Edge of Destruction' (although no one seems to know how or why a stored field telerecording has a five minute section spliced in from an inferior suppressed field source!), the prints of 'The Reign of Terror' episode one, two and three recovered from Cyprus and part one of 'The Crusade' are the ones that only exist as suppressed field recordings. The suppressed field system was replaced with the stored field system in 1965 (I think) so there shouldn't be any after that, but stranger things have happened.

    You've clearly done better at memorising Wiped! than I have :)
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    mr mugglesmr muggles Posts: 4,601
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    St Etiennes 'only love can break your heart' in the background at the cafe #early90'snostalgia !
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    Demolished ManDemolished Man Posts: 527
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    You've clearly done better at memorising Wiped! than I have :)

    It helps that my copy is less than 30cm away when I'm sitting at my computer :)
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    DiscoPDiscoP Posts: 6,019
    Forum Member
    "Redundant" as in of no use.

    "Suppressed" as in a suppressed field telerecording - one which only has only one of the two video fields recorded to film for each of the twenty-five frames per second.

    The gold standard as far as telerecordings are concerned are stored field recordings which have both video fields recorded to a single frame of film. The end result is a more detailed image - stored field recordings are of lower resolution.

    In the case of The Keys of Marinus, the BBC archives already hold a complete set of negatives, all of which are stored field recordings, so the prints found in Australia are of academic interest only.

    The reason for the suppressed field telerecordings existing is that that was how they were originally done for Doctor Who. BBC Enterprises later made new stored field telerecordings, although some episodes now only exist as the lower resolution suppressed field copies. I think at least one of the episodes of The Daleks falls into that category, as well as part of an episode of Edge of Destruction.
    Episodes five and seven of 'The Daleks', the last five minutes of episode two of 'The Edge of Destruction' (although no one seems to know how or why a stored field telerecording has a five minute section spliced in from an inferior suppressed field source!), the prints of 'The Reign of Terror' episode one, two and three recovered from Cyprus and part one of 'The Crusade' are the ones that only exist as suppressed field recordings. The suppressed field system was replaced with the stored field system in 1965 (I think) so there shouldn't be any after that, but stranger things have happened.

    Thanks for the info. I'll have to keep a look out next time I watch 'The Daleks' to see if I can notice a difference in quality, although I expect the restoration team did a fantastic job in patching them up as usual.
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