
Time for the government to end the licence fee freeze

jazzfunksterjazzfunkster Posts: 267
Forum Member
The BBC in order to maintain its current range of TV services should be allowed a licence fee increase in April. Regardless if you support the licence fee model or not the BBC should not be used as a political puppet, if the economy is now in recovery the BBC should no longer be faced with a freeze in its funding.

I would recommend an increase this April of £2.50 in the licence fee from £145.50 to £148.00, with a further increase of £2.00 in 2015 to £150.00. This will help counteract the loss of 16% in real terms to the BBC finances.

In return for the increase all the current services should be maintained, with more money made available to develop and improve programming on BBC Two, and reversing the cuts made to local radio in England.

Talks should start immediately regarding the BBC's future, discussing the possibility of a two tier BBC. The would mean BBC One, BBC Two, BBC News, CBBC, CBeebies and Radio 3 to 6 and local radio continuing to be funded by the licence fee, while BBC Three, BBC Four and Radio 1 and Radio 2 becoming commercially funded.

Whether the licence fee should be scrapped or continued in its present. The current situation cannot be allowed to continue and the British public deserve a say on this matter.


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    Aaron_ScotlandAaron_Scotland Posts: 8,487
    Forum Member
    Bitter pill to swallow, a price increase and a loss of a channel.
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    edExedEx Posts: 13,460
    Forum Member
    Won't happen until the Tories are booted out of office I'm afraid. Despite everything that's come out in the open over the past few years they're still very much in love with the Murdochs, almost as much as that charlatan tosser Bliar is.
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    jazzfunksterjazzfunkster Posts: 267
    Forum Member
    Bitter pill to swallow, a price increase and a loss of a channel.
    The licence fee increase would guarantee the future of BBC Three and BBC Four.
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    TelevisionUserTelevisionUser Posts: 41,461
    Forum Member
    Bitter pill to swallow, a price increase and a loss of a channel.

    I agree. I certainly wouldn't give Hall any licence fee increase unless he agrees to reinstate BBC3 as a full, linear channel across all platforms. Indeed, I can actually see a scenario where some licence fee payers will be calling for the licence fee to be cut further now that a significantly worse service is being delivered by the BBC.
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    TassiumTassium Posts: 31,639
    Forum Member
    It's Austerity Forever™ don't forget!

    By order of Dave the Fat Controller.

    Foodbanks and Austerity, it's the main plank of their 2015 election campaign...
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    derek500derek500 Posts: 24,897
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    edEx wrote: »
    Won't happen until the Tories are booted out of office I'm afraid. Despite everything that's come out in the open over the past few years they're still very much in love with the Murdochs, almost as much as that charlatan tosser Bliar is.

    Can we thank the Murdoch for the Council Tax freeze as well?

    I suppose if anything is un-frozen, that should be a priority over TV and radio.
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    Bandspread199Bandspread199 Posts: 4,940
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    edEx wrote: »
    Won't happen until the Tories are booted out of office I'm afraid. Despite everything that's come out in the open over the past few years they're still very much in love with the Murdochs, almost as much as that charlatan tosser Bliar is.
    It was LABOUR who froze it!
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    edExedEx Posts: 13,460
    Forum Member
    It was LABOUR who froze it!
    Under Tony Blair. Already mentioned.
    derek500 wrote: »
    Can we thank the Murdoch for the Council Tax freeze as well?

    I suppose if anything is un-frozen, that should be a priority over TV and radio.
    No, that comes from the longstanding Tory belief that government needs to be rolled back as much as possible. Eric Pickles wanted that frozen even before the 2008 crisis hit.
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    jazzfunksterjazzfunkster Posts: 267
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    http://www.change.org/en-GB/petitions/maria-miller-to-end-the-current-tv-licence-freezeThis petition is asking Maria Miller, the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport to reconsider removing the current TV licence freeze, as it is harming programming and jeopardising services.
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    TelevisionUserTelevisionUser Posts: 41,461
    Forum Member
    http://www.change.org/en-GB/petitions/maria-miller-to-end-the-current-tv-licence-freezeThis petition is asking Maria Miller, the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport to reconsider removing the current TV licence freeze, as it is harming programming and jeopardising services.

    I'm not even going to consider signing that one while Hall foolishly remains hell bent on killing off BBC3. In contrast, I have signed this petition in respect of BBC3: http://www.change.org/petitions/to-the-bbc-trust-savebbc3?recruiter=23059735&utm_campaign=signature_receipt&utm_medium=email&utm_source=share_petition
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    hyperstarspongehyperstarsponge Posts: 16,838
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    David Cameron should stop the freeze to improve broadcasting.
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    edExedEx Posts: 13,460
    Forum Member
    David Cameron should stop the freeze to improve broadcasting.
    Indeed. He should put his serious face back on and pick up the phone to make it happen.
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    M60M60 Posts: 5,635
    Forum Member
    I can see this becoming a political weapon thrown across the Commons between Labour and the Cons, Labour arguing for a licence fee increase to help the BBC.

    I personally would have no problem in paying up to £10/yr more if it guarantees quality BBC services and channels. After all, the BBC weren't part of the whole Economic mess so why should they suffer as a consequence?

    I'd love to think the Con-Dem coalition might have a change of heart but it would probably take social unrest for them to do so!

    £3/yr per licence fee payer increase this coming April would bring in about £81m additional funding, based on 27m homes, mitigating these cuts.
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    jazzfunksterjazzfunkster Posts: 267
    Forum Member
    Please sign the petition to end the current licence freeze, this settlement imposed by the government is forcing the BBC to cut services to balance the books.
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    popeye13popeye13 Posts: 8,573
    Forum Member
    Two things the Tories do not like.
    BBC & NHS

    And look at the state of both of them..
    (But as this is broadcasting, i will an NHS rant for a different forum)

    BBC have had the weight of S4C, BBC World Service aswell as funding (In part) broadband rollout on top of its existing services, with no increase.

    And then people wonder why the BBC has to make HUGE savings and cut services.
    Time and again the BBC are used a political puppet, a way to childishly score points or make a point.
    In an ideal world, the BBC wouldn't be in the position it is in, i hope with all might might that the BBC Trust rejects the closure of BBC Three and i also hope the Tories are out at the next election, maybe then we will get a BBC that gets the LF raise it needs and not have to see services closed.
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    finluxfinlux Posts: 3,276
    Forum Member
    popeye13 wrote: »
    Two things the Tories do not like.
    BBC & NHS

    And look at the state of both of them..
    (But as this is broadcasting, i will an NHS rant for a different forum)

    BBC have had the weight of S4C, BBC World Service aswell as funding (In part) broadband rollout on top of its existing services, with no increase.

    And then people wonder why the BBC has to make HUGE savings and cut services.
    Time and again the BBC are used a political puppet, a way to childishly score points or make a point.
    In an ideal world, the BBC wouldn't be in the position it is in, i hope with all might might that the BBC Trust rejects the closure of BBC Three and i also hope the Tories are out at the next election, maybe then we will get a BBC that gets the LF raise it needs and not have to see services closed.

    Absolutely spot on!
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    dearmrmandearmrman Posts: 21,626
    Forum Member
    Simple solution just make the BBC pay tv (it already is anyway), scramble the channel and let them charge what they want for it, those that want it pay for it & those that don't it's money saved. Everybody will be happy then because those that moan about the LF will not have anything to moan about, and those that stick up for the BBC and enjoy it, are free to continue watching.
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    TassiumTassium Posts: 31,639
    Forum Member
    dearmrman wrote: »
    Simple solution just make the BBC pay tv (it already is anyway), scramble the channel and let them charge what they want for it, those that want it pay for it & those that don't it's money saved. Everybody will be happy then because those that moan about the LF will not have anything to moan about, and those that stick up for the BBC and enjoy it, are free to continue watching.

    Public services are not subscription...
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    dearmrmandearmrman Posts: 21,626
    Forum Member
    Tassium wrote: »
    Public services are not subscription...

    Dress it up anyway you want...the vast majority of the LF goes to the BBC, therefore it is paid TV.
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    neo_walesneo_wales Posts: 13,625
    Forum Member
    £150 a year is still fantastic value for money, no problem here that.
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    TassiumTassium Posts: 31,639
    Forum Member
    dearmrman wrote: »
    Dress it up anyway you want...the vast majority of the LF goes to the BBC, therefore it is paid TV.

    If people did not have to pay for public services then the vast majority wouldn't, it's human nature.

    I don't think the BBC is much of a public service nowadays, but with a voluntary payment to get it it would then become a commercial service 100%

    And what's the point of that? We already have commercial TV/radio services, no need for another one.
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    gamersxchangegamersxchange Posts: 279
    Forum Member
    The BBC in order to maintain its current range of TV services should be allowed a licence fee increase in April. Regardless if you support the licence fee model or not the BBC should not be used as a political puppet, if the economy is now in recovery the BBC should no longer be faced with a freeze in its funding.

    I would recommend an increase this April of £2.50 in the licence fee from £145.50 to £148.00, with a further increase of £2.00 in 2015 to £150.00. This will help counteract the loss of 16% in real terms to the BBC finances.

    In return for the increase all the current services should be maintained, with more money made available to develop and improve programming on BBC Two, and reversing the cuts made to local radio in England.

    Talks should start immediately regarding the BBC's future, discussing the possibility of a two tier BBC. The would mean BBC One, BBC Two, BBC News, CBBC, CBeebies and Radio 3 to 6 and local radio continuing to be funded by the licence fee, while BBC Three, BBC Four and Radio 1 and Radio 2 becoming commercially funded.

    Whether the licence fee should be scrapped or continued in its present. The current situation cannot be allowed to continue and the British public deserve a say on this matter.

    Whether the cost be £145.50 or more , a lot of people cannot justify this expenditure. If you were to ask me how much i would give based on an average years viewing of bbc channels then they'd get max £12-15...
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    gamersxchangegamersxchange Posts: 279
    Forum Member
    M60 wrote: »
    I can see this becoming a political weapon thrown across the Commons between Labour and the Cons, Labour arguing for a licence fee increase to help the BBC.

    I personally would have no problem in paying up to £10/yr more if it guarantees quality BBC services and channels. After all, the BBC weren't part of the whole Economic mess so why should they suffer as a consequence?

    I'd love to think the Con-Dem coalition might have a change of heart but it would probably take social unrest for them to do so!

    £3/yr per licence fee payer increase this coming April would bring in about £81m additional funding, based on 27m homes, mitigating these cuts.

    The BBC lost all credibility when they moved up north to Salford and let us foot the bill:blush:
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    mossy2103mossy2103 Posts: 84,315
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    derek500 wrote: »
    Can we thank the Murdoch for the Council Tax freeze as well?

    I suppose if anything is un-frozen, that should be a priority over TV and radio.

    The Council Tax "freeze" (which was a voluntary one and held in place by Central Government giving grants from taxpayer funds to those authorities which joined the scheme and had a 0% increase, as well as the requirement to hold a referendum for rises of 2% and above as I recall) has already ended for some areas - mine will be rising by 1.9% (now that's convenient isn't it). I think that some councils increased their council tax last year as well.
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    MeepersMeepers Posts: 5,502
    Forum Member
    I agree with the need to unfreeze it. They should start a year on year cut programme to drive down the BBC tax, and force the BBC to take the world seriously. The waste is appalling and they are laughing the faces of their viewers whilst indulging in wasteful excess.
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