
Why do people still buy watches?



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    Entropy_NebulaEntropy_Nebula Posts: 538
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    The Wizard wrote: »
    Show me where I've said that others shouldn't wear a watch or decried other people of doing so or indeed where I've claimed to be bothered by people who do?

    When have I ever said that people shouldn't wear watches if they choose to? I haven't! I said I personally don't get the need to wear one. That us nit the same as telling other they shouldn't which is what you're implying.

    There have been constant posts over the past hours where you state time and time again why you don't want one and why you feel they're irrelevant and are just a fashion statement. You've been very judgmental and it's funny you're now claiming to be some jumped upon poster.

    Bored of it now
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    AddisonianAddisonian Posts: 16,377
    Forum Member
    Honestly. All this palaver over a f***ing time-piece. Only on DS.

    ETA - I love my watch. Plus it was bloody expensive so damn right I'm going to wear it!
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    The WizardThe Wizard Posts: 11,071
    Forum Member
    There have been constant posts over the past hours where you state time and time again why you don't want one and why you feel they're irrelevant and are just a fashion statement. You've been very judgmental and it's funny you're now claiming to be some jumped upon poster.

    Bored of it now

    I said that people wear watches for two reasons. For fashion and to tell the time or both. That isn't being judgemental. That's a fact!

    Just because I.don't want one or think they are irrelevant to me is MY personal opinion. I never said that others shouldn't wear them just because I don't get the need for them. That's MY choice. If you can't accept the fact that not everybody shares your opinion then maybe you're in the wrong place.
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    Entropy_NebulaEntropy_Nebula Posts: 538
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    The Wizard wrote: »
    I can't say I'm ever in such a hurry that a couple of seconds getting my phone out of my.pocket outweighs the cost and inconvenience of carting round a lump of metal strapped to my wrist.

    Negative comment, implying that someone 'carting' a watch round is doing it needlessly.
    The Wizard wrote: »
    I don't get people who buy stupidly expensive watches. I mean do they tell the time different than any other watch? No course they don't. It's just something to show off with.

    Why don't people just admit that expensive watches aren't for telling the time with but a piece of jewelry to show off with.

    Personally I find these massive lumps of metal that men have strapped to their wrists rather quite clunky and ugly.

    Inverse snobbery......I'm sure you won't have only bought the cheapest possible items for everything in your life.
    The Wizard wrote: »
    Why else would you want to spend stupid amounts of money on something that just told the time? But then again I've never ever understood the fascination with jewelry........ The only piece of jewelry I wear is my wedding ring and that's because it has some significance.....

    Perhaps it's because I just don't get it. Even if I had all the money in the world I don't think I'd wear jewelry or an expensive watch because I don't see the point in it unless you're wanting to show off to people or unless you have a passion for big expensive shiny metallic things strapped to your person.

    Nice contradiction.....mixed in with a good dose of snobbery
    The Wizard wrote: »
    But for the sake of saving myself a whole 2 or 3 seconds it takes to take my phone out and look at it (which I have to carry with me regardless) I have to be inconvenienced twice a day by taking a watch on and off my arm morning and bedtime and also when I shower, wash and get changed and not to mention it's an extra expense that needs to be manually adjusted twice a year to take account of daylight saving. Something which I don't have to do with my phone. Also when the battery dies on a watch (something which often happens without prior notice) you have to do without it until you can take it somewhere to get a replacement battery. If the battery goes flat on my phone I simply recharge it (which is something I have to do anyway). Far more convenient.

    All the extra time and inconvenience far outweighs the ease of just taking my phone out and glancing at it but this is just my personal preference.

    Arguing why a watch is pointless and people might as well just use their phone,
    The Wizard wrote: »
    Ah but you would still have to charge your phone whether you had a watch on or not so it's not an extra inconvenience if your having to do it anyway. You would still carry your phone with you whether you had a watch on or not.

    If I've bought a phone and have to charge it and carry it with me anyway then going out and buying a watch to carry around on my arm which does exactly the same thing (and more) seems unnecessary just because it happens to save me an extra couple of extra seconds to get it out of my pocket. I can't say I've ever been in such a hurry that those extra couple of seconds justifies wearing one and spending the extra money on something I already have with me.

    Plus the added extra of having to remove it every time I wash or take a shower so that my wrist doesn't get all sweaty and cheesey and when I go to bed and get up. Plus having to manually adjust it twice a year and when the battery dies whereby I have to go out and get someone to fit a new battery then rely on my phone to get the right time to set it by. What's the point when I already have my phone on me at all times anyway?

    Again implying there's no point in needing/wanting a watch
    The Wizard wrote: »
    When are you ever in such a hurry that the 2 or 3 seconds it takes for you reach into your pocket, take the phone out and click one button on the phone to see the time. Some people must live their lives by the millisecond.

    Have you actually ever been mugged for your phone or walked into something whilst in the several seconds it takes to check your phone for the time or is this just more excuses and exaggerations?

    Sly little dig there.....
    The Wizard wrote: »
    If I was in your situation and did a lot of jogging and I'd already got a smartphone, I'd probably buy myself one if these and strap it to my forearm...


    Far cheaper than forking out on a fancy new watch. Plus you can get free running apps that record your distance,route, speed and heart rate etc.

    Also the Sony Z1 and Z1 mini and soon to be Galaxy s5 are also waterproof to 1.5m for up to 30 minutes so I wouldn't have to worry about getting it wet.

    Again implying there's other choices out there so why bother with a watch...
    The Wizard wrote: »
    I said that people wear watches for two reasons. For fashion and to tell the time or both. That isn't being judgemental. That's a fact!

    Just because I.don't want one or think they are irrelevant to me is MY personal opinion. I never said that others shouldn't wear them just because I don't get the need for them. That's MY choice. If you can't accept the fact that not everybody shares your opinion then maybe you're in the wrong place.

    You playing the classic trick of denigrating the reasons why people use/desire xyz (in this case watches) and then hiding behind statements such as 'its personal choice etc etc'. I've got no issue with people that don't want to wear a watch, I do take issue with those that try and back their justification for that with thinly veiled sneers at those that do want to wear one.

    Maybe you want to consider how you word and present your viewpoints if you want the true meaning conveyed and if you can't accept that people will challenge your views/digs then maybe you're in the wrong place.

    Enjoy Wizard, I'm out now.....
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    bart4858bart4858 Posts: 11,482
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    The Wizard wrote: »

    I asked you would you wear a wrist-phone if one was available. Presumably you'd have to say no otherwise all your arguments would collapse.
    Addisonian wrote: »
    Honestly. All this palaver over a f***ing time-piece. Only on DS.
    It's deeper than that. It's about old vs. new, traditional vs. modern, simplicity vs. complexity, ease-of-use vs. fiddly. And if enough people start to think like The Wizard, we may not be able to buy traditional watches (or anything else) anymore.

    As far as I'm concerned, most modern consumer gadgets are a pain in the arse. You turn them on, and usually nothing happens for long enough to wander if there's anything wrong.

    I dug out an old radio-cassette the other day. Turned it on, and the radio came on immediately! In fact I kept turning it on and off just for the novelty! Technology is moving in the wrong direction it seems.
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    scottlscottl Posts: 1,046
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    It looks a bit stupid as the late train pulls into the station and I let the driver see me looking at my non existent watch.
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    Slarti BartfastSlarti Bartfast Posts: 6,607
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    bart4858 wrote: »
    It is. So are most things when you have a dedicated gadget for them, instead of the crappy, second-rate substitutes you get inside a smartphone.
    It's only crappy if it doesn't do what you want it to. Your example calculation would apply to very few people, I would imagine, and for them calculating their monthly bills or wages is totally sufficient, so there would be no need to own a dedicated calculator when they have a functioning one on their phone. Likewise I don't need a watch as I have a functioning clock on my phone and the examples you gave about it taking a long time to retrieve a phone simply don't apply to someone who keeps it in their pocket (which would seem the simpler solution rather than purchasing a dedicated timepiece).
    Has someone in the street every asked you for the time? Do you then have dig around to show everyone where you keep your valuables (and how flash a phone you have), or do you pretend you don't have a phone?
    I put my hand in my pocket and a second later they know the time. I think a few of you on this thread are trying to inflate the complexity and risk of telling the time via a mobile. Either that or it really is a traumatic and risk filled activity for you. In which case you have my pity.
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    Slarti BartfastSlarti Bartfast Posts: 6,607
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    Yup....but in the context of the thread and some of the comments made I feel the 'I don't see the need for a watch' lot were far more guilty of trying to appear superior than the comment I expanded on.

    Next time I'll post in isolation to avoid confusion....happy now? :)

    So you had a dig at people who tried to to sound superior whilst knowingly agreeing with a post which tried to sound superior? :D
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    Slarti BartfastSlarti Bartfast Posts: 6,607
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    johnF1971 wrote: »
    I was not suggesting you would be "doomed" without a wrist watch. Just that using a wrist watch to tell the time is more convenient than using something that you have to take out of your pocket. If it wasn't, then the wrist watch would never have taken over from the pocket watch would it? Do you and the rest of the anti-watch-brigade agree on that at least?

    I love how not seeing the point of wearing a watch makes a person part of an anti-watch brigade! What with the lengthy, agonising and life threatening process some people claim to go through in order to tell the time via mobile phone I'd say you "pro watch brigade" are quite possibly the most melodramatic folk on DS. :D
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    bart4858bart4858 Posts: 11,482
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    Likewise I don't need a watch as I have a functioning clock on my phone and the examples you gave about it taking a long time to retrieve a phone simply don't apply to someone who keeps it in their pocket

    I don't even keep a wallet in a pocket: things fall out, they get picked, I put on a different pair of trousers the next day and the wallet is in the wrong pair. And I definitely wouldn't keep a phone there, unless there was a secure zip, as they are shiny, slippery and even easier to lose.

    But I would anyway be too embarassed to check the time on a phone: people might think I was like any other dork checking to see if I'd had a call or message.
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    Slarti BartfastSlarti Bartfast Posts: 6,607
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    bart4858 wrote: »
    But I would anyway be too embarassed to check the time on a phone: people might think I was like any other dork checking to see if I'd had a call or message.

    Yeah, using a mobile phone is so embarrassing. Oh wait, no it isn't!

    If you genuinely worry about people judging you for using a mobile (though god only knows what you think is worthy of judgment) then you've got bigger problems than not being able to read the time quick enough.
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    Trsvis_BickleTrsvis_Bickle Posts: 9,202
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    SnrDev wrote: »
    What a fantastic thread, all over a watch. :)

    CBA to read it all, but has anyone suggested that a watch is almost the only form of male jewellery that some us are happy to wear, so there's one function filled.

    It is completely beyond argument that a wristwatch is more convenient for actually telling the time, and the idea that being some kind of 'fashion statement' renders a watch inadmissible is a bit rich. If someone has a few quid burning a hole in his pocket and fancies treating himself to something nice, there a lot worse things he could buy than a nice watch.

    Yes, me. Which, if you could have been arsed to read the whole of this fascinating thread, you would know.:p

    A wristwatch is one of the few pieces of jewellery acceptable to a gentleman, a wedding ring and cufflinks being the others. Anything else makes you look like either a chav, a spiv or a poof.:D
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    yourpointbeing?yourpointbeing? Posts: 3,696
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    I use both a watch and a phone to tell the time and I agree with the one that tells me that I am not late
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    Smithy1204Smithy1204 Posts: 4,352
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    I use both my watch and my phone to check the time, but I feel completely lost without my watch on. Just habit I guess.
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    BunionsBunions Posts: 15,066
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    Joni M wrote: »
    I wear necklace watches so I have loads to suit what I'm wearing. I can't guage time so need a watch.
    How long did it take you to stop looking at your wrist when you first started wearing them? :D
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    GroutyGrouty Posts: 34,157
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    Fashion accessory.
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    DianaFireDianaFire Posts: 12,711
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    Grouty wrote: »
    Fashion accessory.

    Which one?
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    Tal'shiarTal'shiar Posts: 2,290
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    People who wear watches disgust me. I am a real man, and I carry around a 3rd century sun dial. Made out of marble.

    I also use dead reckoning to navigate the roads, you can forget your stupid GPS and maps.
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    somerset foxsomerset fox Posts: 728
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    I have a watch which I use for scuba diving. I tried taking my phone down to 30m but found I couldn't use it for some inexplicable reason. Also, ever seen a runner setting their time on a mobile at the start of a race? Mobiles have their place, but as I'm over 25 years old, I don't feel the need to have it constantly around my person, Gollum-like, preening over his 'precious'. I've even been known to turn it off when I go to sleep! I know, kids, there's an off-switch on the damn thing. Honest!
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    Slarti BartfastSlarti Bartfast Posts: 6,607
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    It's amazing that some of the watch-wearing contingent in this thread have taken it upon themselves to criticise mobile phone users for a so-called judgmental attitude!
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    trphiltrphil Posts: 2,931
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    I didn't realise that phones and watches were mutually exclusive devices, all these years I've been breaking the rules. Is this like the rule that says you're not allowed to have a bike if you've got a car?
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    neo_walesneo_wales Posts: 13,625
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    The Wizard wrote: »
    There's nothing wrong with second hand clothes or some of the stuff from Primark. It's not not how much you pay for stuff that matters it's what you dress like. I've seen some people look like absolute chavs in the most expensive designer gear. It means nothing. Money does not maketh the man. Be careful, you're beginning to sound like a snob over people who choose not to waste their money on designer fashion accessories when they don't feel they need.

    I'm enjoying a very comfortable and early retirement but that does not mean I surround myself with expensive things always; I prefer to purchase quality items which does not always equate to spending lots on them. It also comes down to having taste in some things. You may be happy to look at a microwave et al for your time check, I do sometimes but more often than not look down at the watch on my wrist which most days is a watch I was given at the start of my professional army career forty one years ago; when I dress for an occasion I may wear a Patek Philippe, Rolex Submariner, or my fathers Cartier which still works well or one of several others I own, most bought and some inherited.

    You choose not to like wrist watches but others do so please stop all your negativity and just allow people to wear what they like as I really do dislike banality in posts.
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    RandomSallyRandomSally Posts: 7,077
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    Biggest advantages of a watch?
    No need to pay more than the purchase price, no contract, no PPI calls, no texts from ambulance chasing firms trying to get you to sue someone for an accident that wasn't your fault, etc etc etc
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    Slarti BartfastSlarti Bartfast Posts: 6,607
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    Biggest advantages of a watch?
    No need to pay more than the purchase price, no contract, no PPI calls, no texts from ambulance chasing firms trying to get you to sue someone for an accident that wasn't your fault, etc etc etc

    Only if you use a watch I'm place of a mobile. I can't see how that works though.
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    sandydunesandydune Posts: 10,986
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    A watch is fascinating to look at, the more ornate, the more there is to observe, it's decoration
    and an old watch has had many adventures.:D
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