
How does each individual Doctor deal with a fight?

ThamwetThamwet Posts: 2,036
Forum Member
The way I see it:

1st Doctor: Hits the bad dudes with his walking stick, knocking them out with a tap on their back.

2nd Doctor: Runs away and finds another way of dealing with the enemy, or occasionally springs a trap.

3rd Doctor: Karate. 'Nuff said,

4th Doctor: Grins at the bad guys , frightens them with the rapist stare, or else offers them a jelly baby to try and calm the mood. Occasionally, he'll casually engage in a sword fight.

5th Doctor: The power of celery.

6th Doctor: Rigs an acid trap, orders his companion to kill them, or else, simply distracts them with his coat. (I love 6, but he did some some pretty nasty stuff, including ordering Peri to shoot a captured policeman lol)

7th Doctor: Tricks them into destroying themselves.

8th Doctor: I'm not familiar with the Big Finish Audio's. From what I've seen though, he seems like the kind of guy who would luck and charm his way out of a bad situation.

War Doctor: Single-handedley takes on all of them, committing mass genocide, perhaps blowing up the whole planet for good measure and graffiting "no more" on the nearest wall once it's complete.

9th Doctor: Finds an alien cannon, or rigs a high-tech way of killing them.

10th Doctor: Smiles and charms/intimidates his way out of the situation.

11th Doctor: Calls upon a handful of his old friends to help him out, casually blowing up a cyber-fleet in the process.


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    saladfingers81saladfingers81 Posts: 11,301
    Forum Member
    Erm...I almost am not sure where to start but how about 'rapist stare'? Pardon?

    Also,this isn't really an attempt to inspire debate about each incarnations attitude towards conflict resolution so much as a list of things that each Doctor has done at some point. Which would pose the question 'What is the point exactly?'.

    and a I don't meant that in a rude way. Just baffled.
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    Pull2OpenPull2Open Posts: 15,138
    Forum Member
    Erm...I almost am not sure where to start but how about 'rapist stare'? Pardon?

    Also,this isn't really an attempt to inspire debate about each incarnations attitude towards conflict resolution so much as a list of things that each Doctor has done at some point. Which would pose the question 'What is the point exactly?'.

    and a I don't meant that in a rude way. Just baffled.

    Oh go on, have a bit of fun once in a while! :D

    My two penn'orth

    3 - Ahem, Aikido!!
    4 - When provoked will resort to violent thuggish outburst
    5 - Will have a go but with complete certainty will get hurt and end up horizontal, pretty much almost immediately!
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    Fairyprincess0Fairyprincess0 Posts: 30,183
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    The eighth had a bit of a scrap with the master at the end of the tv movie......
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    ThamwetThamwet Posts: 2,036
    Forum Member
    Erm...I almost am not sure where to start but how about 'rapist stare'? Pardon?

    Also,this isn't really an attempt to inspire debate about each incarnations attitude towards conflict resolution so much as a list of things that each Doctor has done at some point. Which would pose the question 'What is the point exactly?'.

    and a I don't meant that in a rude way. Just baffled.

    What's the point? I don't know. Fun.

    In answer to your rapist stare query, see the picture below for an explanation as to what I was referring to.

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    johnnysaucepnjohnnysaucepn Posts: 6,775
    Forum Member
    Thamwet wrote: »
    In answer to your rapist stare query, see the picture below for an explanation as to what I was referring to.

    It's a distinctive stare, alright, but an odd, unpleasant and insulting way to describe it.
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    Pull2OpenPull2Open Posts: 15,138
    Forum Member
    It's a distinctive stare, alright, but an odd, unpleasant and insulting way to describe it.

    I agree! 'psychotic stare' would be more apt!
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    sandydunesandydune Posts: 10,986
    Forum Member
    I would say it's more recognition,

    Clara- "You're doing that look, stop it"
    The Doctor- " Clara, your eyes light up when I see you"
    Clara-" I can't help it, it's what you do to me when you look at me"
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