
Twitter advice please

daza1978daza1978 Posts: 493
Forum Member

I'm a new user to Twitter and now I'm wondering how I can confirm my email address with Twitter as I seem to be having issues doing so.

There's a few things I've tried now.

Clicking the button on the yellow banner at the top of the Twitter page. The website tells me its sent an email but it never arrives. I've checked the spam folder. Nothing there.

I've also changed my email address on Twitter. This still does not send an email so I can confirm my email address with Twitter.

Support emails come through with no issues, I just can't confirm my email address.

I've only had the Twitter account a couple of days. Do I have to use the account for awhile before I'm able to confirm it? Or am I doing something wrong?



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    MaxatoriaMaxatoria Posts: 17,980
    Forum Member
    if your isp has a webmail system then try that as the server may be moving the message into a spam folder on the server side
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    daza1978daza1978 Posts: 493
    Forum Member
    Maxatoria wrote: »
    if your isp has a webmail system then try that as the server may be moving the message into a spam folder on the server side

    Yeah, they do and I've tried that. No email arrives. Nothing. Also tried Hotmail etc.
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    babinabababinaba Posts: 5,583
    Forum Member
    I had this with a work twitter account I set up for someone, its stumped me....
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    MaxatoriaMaxatoria Posts: 17,980
    Forum Member
    Its probably being seen as a phising email and the servers junking it before you can see it, check your isp's support forums to see if other people are suffering the same and if theres any solutions
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    daza1978daza1978 Posts: 493
    Forum Member
    Thanks all,

    I'll have a look around.
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