
X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)



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    JamieHTJamieHT Posts: 12,212
    Forum Member
    I think Firs Class and Last Stand are OK but not blown away by them, the same as this one. I would put First Class above this one.

    The problem with this film the forthcoming Avengers 2, Batman vs Superman and likely many more of these comic book movies IMO is trying to do too much.

    Main problem 1 (IMO)

    They have to try and do something big or bigger each time trying to top the last one. The result is they often fall short, continuity errors, plot holes and so forth.

    X3: TLS they thought lets really go for it have big mutant battles and so forth it will be amazing, the result was lots of people said it's crap or not very good.

    They do a reboot. Fine, it's an OK (IMO) film, Let's do another. Fine. I know lets get the casts from both franchises all in one film... Too much, trying to go too big.

    Main Problem 2 (IMO)

    Trying to please and play to the comics fans by using too many characters. Spiderman 1 (Spidey vs. Green Goblin) Spiderman 2 (Spidey vs. Dock Ock)
    Then Spiderman 3 they went wrong. It started off as Spderman vs Sandman. That was working and could be built on and then they throw in Venom for no logical reason in the story. Suddenly Sandman is forgotten until the final battle. Which they then decide to throw in Harry Osbourne into the mix as well. Spiderman 3 was supposed to be, bigger, better but the film wasn't well received.

    Xmen 3: The Last Stand - Juggernaught is a major villain in the X-Men universe. They put him in it and he is wasted. His character brought nothing to the fim that an originally created mutant fror the purposes of the film would have done.

    CA2: TWS - It's the new Captain America film.. No it's a new Cap and Black Widow film, oh and for no real reason lets throw in The Falcon. The he film is called The Winter Soldier and he wasn't hardly in the film. It was more, who killed NF and who is the rogue in SHIELD.

    TASM (one villain The Lizard, it workd. Not a great film but it worked) TASM 2 (Electro (start strong then dropped midway until the end.... and then throw in a Power Rangers looking Rhino. He didn't need to be in that film. Once again put something on so when it hits the internet before the film is released the fans get excited.

    Batman vs Superman. That is enough so obviously we need toad Wonder Woman too. Why? Yes I know they want to do a JLA film. That's fine, but why not give her, her own film and build her properly? She is taking screen time from the other two, you know the two main characters, the people in the film title, the two people want to see going at it.

    This film had some characters that were added or brought back that were wasted and as far as I could tell were there purely for the fans of the comics to say wow that's xxxxx so cool. They didn't get enough screen time to bring anything to the film storywise.

    The next Avengers film They have all the Avengers returning. Fine. They have added Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. Ok they are Avengers, that's fair enough. One if a good character, fine. But for them to be in it, who from the first film is going to get bumped and have less screen time? Likely as in the first film Hawkeye again.

    For the next X-Men film they need to start getting brave and not using lots of new characters for the sake of getting them on the screen and more importantly be brave enough to ditch some of the existing one. The first that has to go is Magneto. His story is done or at least needs a rest. The relationship/battle of Charles and Eric has been done. Time to drop or rest it. If Charles is in it, one or two scenes at the start, one or two at the end. Just like he often used to get in the comics when they first started. They need to drop Mystique for a while. And even more so time to drop Wolverine who really has hit overkill and his character is getting watered down.
    If you want to bring new people in, some people have to go. Keep the cast smaller and tighter. Have characters there for a reason.

    This is why I say IMO they should stop doing X-Men films and Avengers after the next one. They seem to be trying to throw too many characters in for the sake of having them on screen for the comic book fans. Non-readers will have no idea who they are. It's not for their benefit.
    And also because they keep trying to do bigger and bigger stories but are keeping the running time the same. I know that there is a lot of love for this film but lets face it, the story is too big for the 135 minutes. In the same way they split a Harry Potter, Twilight and The Hunger Games films into two parts. In reality this film needed to be a two-parter. Doing it as a three like the way they have with The Hobbit and the other book knocked together into a trilogy of films would be two much. This needed to be a two-part film to get right. But they screwed it up by throwing as much as possible into a little over 2 hours.

    Whilst I can see where you're coming from. I don't agree. In this film, the characters of Blink, Warpath, Sunspot, Bishop and Storm were just included to add to the battle scenes. They didn't need any backstory, you just accept their powers. I know people love these characters (I love Storm) and wanted them all to have a storyline/lots of lines, but if they had, then the film would have been very muddled. The way it is with the characters has the bance just right, with fantastic fight scenes.
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    EtherealEthereal Posts: 36,118
    Forum Member
    I absolutely loved it! The X-Men films are some of my favourites growing up so it was amazing to have all of the old cast back. I wasn't a big fan of First Class despite the excellent cast but they worked so well in this film.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
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    Watched in 2D at local cinema last night. Both me and Mrs El thoroughly enjoyed it. A massive blast from start to finish. :)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 175
    Forum Member
    does it have the now obligatory for a marvel film,scene after the end credits?
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    ArtyAttackArtyAttack Posts: 67,513
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    Whole family absolutely loved it. Best Superhero film of the year. Quicksilver stole the whole film though. Really wished he had been in the film a lot more.
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    Mystical123Mystical123 Posts: 15,837
    Forum Member
    does it have the now obligatory for a marvel film,scene after the end credits?

    Yes, but I'm sure it'll end up on Youtube soon enough, it's only about 10 seconds long...
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 175
    Forum Member
    Did you end up being just about the only person left at the end? I'm supposed at the amount of people who don't seem to know about these scenes.when I saw the captain america sequel,at the end 99% walked out.there was just me and one other stayed to watch the after credits scene.
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    JamieHTJamieHT Posts: 12,212
    Forum Member
    Did you end up being just about the only person left at the end? I'm supposed at the amount of people who don't seem to know about these scenes.when I saw the captain america sequel,at the end 99% walked out.there was just me and one other stayed to watch the after credits scene.

    Quite a few people stayed at the end when I saw it. They were probably fans as it was an afternoon showing on the day it came out.
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    Mystical123Mystical123 Posts: 15,837
    Forum Member
    I saw it this afternoon and about a dozen people stayed at the end, most people left.
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    Mystical123Mystical123 Posts: 15,837
    Forum Member
    Saw it this afternoon, and maybe I read too much hype before seeing it, as I came out liking it but feeling a bit disappointed. I thought the storyline was well-paced and it kept my attention throughout, but it did feel lacking in parts, perhaps because Jackman, Fassbender and Lawrence's performances felt a little flat (much as I love them all - maybe my expectations of them were just too high). I thought Ellen Page and James McAvoy shone though. Enjoyable overall, and I really did like seeing both the old and new casts in the one movie, but I can certainly see why it's had a lot of middling reviews.
    I think Firs Class and Last Stand are OK but not blown away by them, the same as this one. I would put First Class above this one.

    I agree, I think First Class is better than Days of Future Past, though I thought First Class was great, rather than just ok. I think the First Class cast give stronger performances in that movie than they do here - Fassbender and Lawrence especially. McAvoy's great in both.

    For the next X-Men film they need to start getting brave and not using lots of new characters for the sake of getting them on the screen and more importantly be brave enough to ditch some of the existing one. The first that has to go is Magneto. His story is done or at least needs a rest. The relationship/battle of Charles and Eric has been done. Time to drop or rest it. If Charles is in it, one or two scenes at the start, one or two at the end. Just like he often used to get in the comics when they first started. They need to drop Mystique for a while. And even more so time to drop Wolverine who really has hit overkill and his character is getting watered down.
    If you want to bring new people in, some people have to go. Keep the cast smaller and tighter. Have characters there for a reason.

    Well that's probably not going to happen - McAvoy, Fassbender, Lawrence and Hoult are all contracted for another movie (whether they actually want to do it or not is another thing entirely), and I highly doubt they'll have an X-Men movie without Wolverine...
    And also because they keep trying to do bigger and bigger stories but are keeping the running time the same. I know that there is a lot of love for this film but lets face it, the story is too big for the 135 minutes. In the same way they split a Harry Potter, Twilight and The Hunger Games films into two parts. In reality this film needed to be a two-parter.

    I disagree, in fact I thought it was generally well-paced, and certainly not too big for 135 minutes - I don't see how it could have been any longer without adding irrelevant stuff - the initial sequence and the bit in Saigon were verging on too long as it is...
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    JaiJaiJaiJai Posts: 541
    Forum Member
    Thoroughly enjoyed it from start to end. The scene after the credits was incredible and has me already looking forward to the next movie.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 11,482
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    X-Men: Days Of Hugh's Ass
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    JamieHTJamieHT Posts: 12,212
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    Hugh's Pert Arse!!! ;-)
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    Johnny ClayJohnny Clay Posts: 5,339
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    dmuk wrote: »
    X-Men: Days Of Hugh's Ass
    You'll give Singer ideas with that ;-)

    And it's a hit, btw. $300m already bagged.
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    shoestring25shoestring25 Posts: 4,715
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    it apparently cost 200million to make :o
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    Johnny ClayJohnny Clay Posts: 5,339
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    ^ $200m is hardly surprising. That's the ballpark these days.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 11,482
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    You'll give Singer ideas with that ;-)

    And it's a hit, btw. $300m already bagged.

    Joking aside, this is a superhero 12A movie, there will be kids in the audience.

    If I flashed a child with my bare backside, I'd be locked up, and rightly so, but it's ok for Singer/Hollywood to do it?
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    JamieHTJamieHT Posts: 12,212
    Forum Member
    They've shown bums on Blue Peter before so I don't think there's anything to worry about.
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    Johnny ClayJohnny Clay Posts: 5,339
    Forum Member
    dmuk wrote: »
    Joking aside, this is a superhero 12A movie, there will be kids in the audience.

    If I flashed a child with my bare backside, I'd be locked up, and rightly so, but it's ok for Singer/Hollywood to do it?
    So the question is why?

    I understand it's the tone (i.e. non-sexual) that's the issue with any nudity in PG/12A.
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    StansfieldStansfield Posts: 6,097
    Forum Member
    Did you end up being just about the only person left at the end? I'm supposed at the amount of people who don't seem to know about these scenes.when I saw the captain america sequel,at the end 99% walked out.there was just me and one other stayed to watch the after credits scene.
    I was surprised at how many stayed, where I saw it, for a near packed cinema, during the film - maybe a 1/5 watched to the very end - didn't have a clue what it was about - pyramids being built - had to google it.:cool:


    Can't say a enjoyed this one - after the breathtaking starI]8/10[/It, it all got bogged down for me; action, just OK - story, boring - acting, forgettable....4/10
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    JamieHTJamieHT Posts: 12,212
    Forum Member
    So the question is why?

    I understand it's the tone (i.e. non-sexual) that's the issue with any nudity in PG/12A.

    I'd be more concerned about the f-word than a bit of skin.
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    AbominationAbomination Posts: 6,494
    Forum Member
    Saw DoFP today, and despite being a fan of all the X-Men films I have to say I was quite disappointed by this. I didn't find it convoluted - far from it actually, I found the plot and premise to be a bit stretched thin. It took a long while for things to actually go anywhere, and when they did it headed for a big rewrite of the series.

    I'm not sure what I wanted from this film, but for some reason it doesn't feel like it fits in with the rest of the X-Men film universe.
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    sinbad8982sinbad8982 Posts: 1,627
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    Just watched it, first two acts were enjoyable enough even if the time travel setup was a bit hokey and a bit of a terminator/matrix rehash. Performance were fun but the final act was the usual bang crash wallop weve seen so many times before. Its Xmen 7 and its wearing a bit thin, still gets a 7 though, X2 and First class are still the high watermark.
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    Biffo the BearBiffo the Bear Posts: 25,861
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    I fell asleep about 2/3rds into the film. I'm a massive X-Men fan but it was ... dare I say... boring?
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    JamieHTJamieHT Posts: 12,212
    Forum Member
    I must have been watching a different film. I loved every minute.
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