
Questions Moffat has failed to answer

The KarinaThe Karina Posts: 51
Forum Member
Here are the ones I can think of at the top of my head, but I'm sure there's more.

-The 'future' Screwdriver River has in "Silence in the Library" looking nothing like 11's
-Who's footprints were in Amelia's garden in "Pandorica Opens"?
-Who made the alliance in "Pandorica Opens"?
-Why was the Clara in "Asylum of the Daleks" called Oswin? In fact, why was the Victorian Clara's middle name Oswin when the modern day one had no idea about the name Oswin.
-Why was Clara's wifi password initialled "run you clever boy and remember (RYCBAR123)?
-Whos was the woman in the shop that gave Clara the Doctor's number?
-Why does the Tardis not like Clara?
-How did the Doctor and Clara get out of the Doctor's timeline when clearly in the episode the Doctor says once you go in you can't get out?
-What happened with the Human's and Zygons in "Day of the Doctor"?

Don't get me wrong I like Moffat as a writer. Before he was in charge of the series he wrote some great episodes. But as the showrunner, I think the thing with him is that although his story arcs appear better than RTD's, they either become poorly resolved or not resolved at all. The thing I l found most refreshing about Day of the Doctor was that it showed he is still capable of being a good writer, he just needs to stay with single, good stories and not keep leaving us with questions that will probably not be answered. I mean the whole "Silence will fall" thing was ridiculous, a nearly 4 year story arc which concluded as being just a sentence someone would say in 11's last episode which still doesn't really make sense.


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    Benjamin SiskoBenjamin Sisko Posts: 1,921
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    The Karina wrote: »
    Here are the ones I can think of at the top of my head, but I'm sure there's more.

    -The 'future' Screwdriver River has in "Silence in the Library" looking nothing like 11's
    -Who's footprints were in Amelia's garden in "Pandorica Opens"?
    -Who made the alliance in "Pandorica Opens"?
    -Why was the Clara in "Asylum of the Daleks" called Oswin? In fact, why was the Victorian Clara's middle name Oswin when the modern day one had no idea about the name Oswin.
    -Why was Clara's wifi password initialled "run you clever boy and remember (RYCBAR123)?
    -Whos was the woman in the shop that gave Clara the Doctor's number?
    -Why does the Tardis not like Clara?
    -How did the Doctor and Clara get out of the Doctor's timeline when clearly in the episode the Doctor says once you go in you can't get out?
    -What happened with the Human's and Zygons in "Day of the Doctor"?

    Don't get me wrong I like Moffat as a writer. Before he was in charge of the series he wrote some great episodes. But as the showrunner, I think the thing with him is that although his story arcs appear better than RTD's, they either become poorly resolved or not resolved at all. The thing I l found most refreshing about Day of the Doctor was that it showed he is still capable of being a good writer, he just needs to stay with single, good stories and not keep leaving us with questions that will probably not be answered. I mean the whole "Silence will fall" thing was ridiculous, a nearly 4 year story arc which concluded as being just a sentence someone would say in 11's last episode which still doesn't really make sense.

    Most of those are actually answered though. A recurring theme here is that - just because something isn't sorted out ON-screen, doesn't mean it hasn't happened.

    1) The future screwdriver was Ten's, no doubt modified by River herself - Moffat himself has gone on record as saying Ten and River did meet up a few times (which explains why Eleven is almost casual about meeting her in Series 5)
    2) Can't remember this one, but possibly the Series 7A Doctor upon revisiting?
    3) They clearly came together through their own individual plans and mutual goals. No sole founder. Not quite the Avengers. ^^'
    4) The echos are facets of Clara's memories and personalities. The Oswin was actually a name she came up with herself (albeit the Doctor calling her it first).
    5) ...It was just an acronym. Admittedly a contrived one, but there's no real secret to this. Just a sentence that became ingrained in her memory.
    6) Clara hadn't left yet so there's still time to find the answer to this.
    7) See above.
    8) It's his own timeline and he is a Time Lord, whereas the Great Intelligence and Clara aren't. Also it is his own timeline. That portal most likely re-opened at the Doctor's will, since he was able to send in the leaf.
    9) They are left to resolve a truce. It's most likely something Eleven went back to finish off post-Day. But again, it was clearly stated that they were working out a truce. It's just left ambiguous as to whether the truce works out , but there's another future episode right there!
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    johnnysaucepnjohnnysaucepn Posts: 6,775
    Forum Member
    To elaborate on a few of these:
    1) The future screwdriver was Ten's, no doubt modified by River herself - Moffat himself has gone on record as saying Ten and River did meet up a few times (which explains why Eleven is almost casual about meeting her in Series 5)
    They can't anticipate what the next season's props are going to be, and they're not going limit themselves based on the requirements of one scene. If you want an in-universe explanation, perhaps the Doctor fabricated one of his one-style screwdrivers because that was the design she liked best.
    2) Can't remember this one, but possibly the Series 7A Doctor upon revisiting?
    No, it was the footprints (and ship prints) of the Alliance members that investigated Amy's house in order to build their trap.
    5) ...It was just an acronym. Admittedly a contrived one, but there's no real secret to this. Just a sentence that became ingrained in her memory.
    Yes, that memory echo ended up in Oswin in the future, which is why she said it to the Doctor. It wasn't her that set the password. It also served as a reminder to the audience of the connection to Oswin.
    8) It's his own timeline and he is a Time Lord, whereas the Great Intelligence and Clara aren't. Also it is his own timeline. That portal most likely re-opened at the Doctor's will, since he was able to send in the leaf.
    Yes, the Doctor says that only he is capable of showing her the way out.
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    CD93CD93 Posts: 13,939
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    Moffat is also on record as saying he's not done with Clara and The TARDIS.
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    Sufyaan_KaziSufyaan_Kazi Posts: 3,862
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    Just to be pedantic here - but when you said "Moffat has FAILED to answer", did you mean FAIL i.e. he tried and didn't give an answer and it doesn't work for you, or did you mean DIDN'T answer?

    p.s. Lee Harvey ...... and Clara ......
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    adams66adams66 Posts: 3,945
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    Can't some things remain mysterious? Do we have to have everything explained? And why can't we simply accept that sometimes we actually have plot holes, discontinuity, and things that don't work so they are quietly forgotten.
    It's happened throughout Doctor Who's history. Moffat isn't the first to create plot holes, or leave bits of storylines hanging, and he won't be the last.
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    MinkytheDogMinkytheDog Posts: 5,658
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    -The 'future' Screwdriver River has in "Silence in the Library" looking nothing like 11's

    So what? Why should River chose the same design as anyone else? Maybe she just liked that design - or maybe it was the Tardis's choice as to what she was given.

    Bear in mind that there are bigger questions about the sonic in general. In particular, we know that the Tardis made a new sonic for 11 after his last one was trashed and he indicated that the design was a surprise - but we were later told that he's always had THE SAME SONIC and that sonic had been running a "program" for centuries (to calculate how to save Gallifrey). Those two seem mutually incompatible - unless his sonic is actually a "peripheral" of the Tardis rather than just some stand-alone piece of hardware.

    That ambiguity is important - cos we know that even Amy was able to "make a sonic" using an old mobile phone - but we can reasonably speculate that the Doctor's sonic(s?) is more than that. If so, it raises the question of whether he gave River a sonic device or a SPECIAL sonic device like his own.

    -Who's footprints were in Amelia's garden in "Pandorica Opens"?

    No idea - can't remember "footprints" being important.

    -Who made the alliance in "Pandorica Opens"?

    That was not stated - but the Kavorian off-shoot is the most logical answer.

    -Why was the Clara in "Asylum of the Daleks" called Oswin? In fact, why was the Victorian Clara's middle name Oswin when the modern day one had no idea about the name Oswin.

    In practical terms, she was called "Oswin" to blur her connection to the (then) unseen character of "Clara". Within the DW universe - we have nothing to say that all of the "Clara's" in the Doctor's timeline were called "Clara" so it's possible that she simply was called Oswin. As for "Clara prime" not knowing the name but Clara-Vic using it - you're getting your timelines confused. Clara-prime invented the word "oswin" after she met the Doctor but before being "split" thoughout his timeline - so Clara-prime DID know of "oswin" BEFORE Clara-Vic.

    -Why was Clara's wifi password initialled "run you clever boy and remember (RYCBAR123)?

    It's called a mnemonic - she created that sentence specifically to help her remember an otherwise random collection of letters in the password. Again, you're confusing your timelines - the other uses of the sentence came LATER in her timeline and are just her RE-USING it cos it seemd appropriate to the Doctor.

    -Whos was the woman in the shop that gave Clara the Doctor's number?


    -Why does the Tardis not like Clara?

    Unstated - but we don't KNOW that the Tardis "dislikes" her but we have been told previously that Jack's "impossible" status upset the Tardis so we can speculate that the Tardis is sensitive to temporal anomalies.

    -How did the Doctor and Clara get out of the Doctor's timeline when clearly in the episode the Doctor says once you go in you can't get out?

    Rule 1 - the Doctor lies. More accurately, he regularly gives simplistic and not entirely accurate answers when asked questions by people who wouldn't be able to understand the full facts. Parents do it all the time - and another sci-fi example is Spock claiming that Vulcans are "incapable of lying" - which is easier than explaining that they can do anything they want as long as they can justify it as "logical".

    -What happened with the Human's and Zygons in "Day of the Doctor"?

    Unstated but we can reasonably sepculate that they resolved their differences - as evidenced by the fact that we're not currently at war with the Zygons plus the Doctor walked away - which he would hardly have done otherwise.

    NOTE - everything is subject to revision in a show with timetravel involved.
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    donovan5donovan5 Posts: 1,023
    Forum Member
    9) They are left to resolve a truce. It's most likely something Eleven went back to finish off post-Day. But again, it was clearly stated that they were working out a truce. It's just left ambiguous as to whether the truce works out , but there's another future episode right there!

    I hope not apart from it being nice to see Kate Lethbridge-Stewart I found the whole bit quite boring
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    johnnysaucepnjohnnysaucepn Posts: 6,775
    Forum Member
    Bear in mind that there are bigger questions about the sonic in general. In particular, we know that the Tardis made a new sonic for 11 after his last one was trashed and he indicated that the design was a surprise - but we were later told that he's always had THE SAME SONIC and that sonic had been running a "program" for centuries (to calculate how to save Gallifrey). Those two seem mutually incompatible - unless his sonic is actually a "peripheral" of the Tardis rather than just some stand-alone piece of hardware.
    To be specific, the Doctor says that fundamentally, the screwdrivers are all running the same software, i.e. not necessarily on the same hardware. Which makes sense - even if I upgrade my laptop, I'll still copy all my backed-up software and data onto it. The allegory is, of course, that the Doctor is always the same software (personality) in a different case (body).
    -Who made the alliance in "Pandorica Opens"?

    That was not stated - but the Kavorian off-shoot is the most logical answer.
    There's no evidence that the Alliance knew anything at all about the 'war' against the Doctor. Admittedly, that may be somewhat contradicted by the later involvement of the Daleks and Cybermen, etc. in the conflict on Trenzalore, but then that was in the 'rebooted' universe - originally, they just banded together because they collectively deduced that the Doctor was the cause of the cracks.

    As it turns out, actually they were right.
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    MinkytheDogMinkytheDog Posts: 5,658
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    Hiya johhny....

    Re the sonic - agree with you regarding the "back-up" of the sonic's software (though "data" would be more accurate in that context) - which is why I said that the sonic must be integrated into the Tardis in some way cos we've seen a number sonics trashed and never any suggestion that they've been "recycled" or backed-up after the catastophic damage.

    Re the "alliance" - my bad cos I meant to write "A Kovarian offshoot" rather than "the" - as in a group that had broken away from the main sect.

    My reasoning is that the Alliance knew that the Doctor was going to destroy the universe as a result of using his Tardis. In "normal" circumstances we might surmise that they'd obtained that information from "the future" but the whole point was that there would be no such future - the universe would have ceased to exist and no-one could even notice it happening gradually cos of "history" being erased. Even the Doctor couldn't work it out until literally the last minute - when there was really nothing left BUT the Tardis to have cause the cracks - and that's despite him having a load of clues including bits of smashed-up Tardis.

    In other words, someone must have known about the plot against the Doctor BUT that someone did not do the obvious thing of going for the far easier solution of preventing the plot - e.g. by targeting kovarian and co (one Dalek armed with a slightly over-ripe banana could have duffed-up her useless "army" and there's enough timetravel for most of the baddies to have got to her long before they even needed to have a full-on battle).

    And best of all - if any Silents were involved, the Alliance (presumably) wouldn't even remember who originally told them that the Tardis was about to go bang.
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    plateletplatelet Posts: 26,400
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    -Why does the Tardis not like Clara?

    Unstated - but we don't KNOW that the Tardis "dislikes" her but we have been told previously that Jack's "impossible" status upset the Tardis so we can speculate that the Tardis is sensitive to temporal anomalies.

    Tardis was not keen on going to Trenzalore either due to the paradox, and she would be aware that Clara would be present for that. I'd suspect it was all about avoiding reaching that point
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    MinkytheDogMinkytheDog Posts: 5,658
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    platelet wrote: »
    Tardis was not keen on going to Trenzalore either due to the paradox, and she would be aware that Clara would be present for that. I'd suspect it was all about avoiding reaching that point

    That doesn't quite add-up cos preventing Clara from reaching Trenzalore would have meant the death of the Doctor and his Tardis.

    In fact, it was always vital that Clara be aboard the Tardis and that she made it to Trenzalore - that was established even before the Doctor stole his Tardis.
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    plateletplatelet Posts: 26,400
    Forum Member
    That doesn't quite add-up cos preventing Clara from reaching Trenzalore would have meant the death of the Doctor and his Tardis.

    In fact, it was always vital that Clara be aboard the Tardis and that she made it to Trenzalore - that was established even before the Doctor stole his Tardis.

    Yeah I'm working on the assumption that the Tardis would only have been aware of the alternative(original) timeline where the Doctor and the Tardis died - up until the point that the timeline changed
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    MinkytheDogMinkytheDog Posts: 5,658
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    platelet wrote: »
    Yeah I'm working on the assumption that the Tardis would only have been aware of the alternative(original) timeline where the Doctor and the Tardis died - up until the point that the timeline changed

    I really can imagine Moffat turning round at some point and saying "I didn't say that eleven died at Trenzalore"
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    plateletplatelet Posts: 26,400
    Forum Member
    I really can imagine Moffat turning round at some point and saying "I didn't say that eleven died at Trenzalore"

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    thefairydandythefairydandy Posts: 3,235
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    I thought that the Tardis doesn't like Clara because when Clara was recommending to to the First Doctor her reasoning was not wholly flattering.
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    CorwinCorwin Posts: 16,618
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    I really can imagine Moffat turning round at some point and saying "I didn't say that eleven died at Trenzalore"

    Hasn't he already done this?
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