
Katie Hopkins



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    LucyconLucycon Posts: 203
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    Really stupid and missing the point big style by launching a Twitter campaign to ban Hopkins from the TV for her mistimed tweet about Scotland.

    FACT: She didn't tweet anything offensive about the helicopter accident..........she made a silly remark about the Scottish people = 2 completely seperate things.

    It is only our terminally hideously shit stirring media that is trying to tie the 2 things up together to make it look like she was DELIBERATELY insulting the Scottish people at an unsuitable time.

    I have no time for the potty mouthed stuck up cow but I have even less for the hypocrits and shit stirrers in parts of the media who play some members of the public for utter idiots by creating a totally false consensus opinion about things then serve it up as mainstream opinion...........the reality is that most people don't care anyway.

    Agree with you.

    She is a horrible shit stirring specimen, and the Tweet had absolutely no connection with the crash, but on the other hand she was still stupid enough to reTweet negative comments, and not apologise for the ill-timing of her own until Monday.
    Hopkins, who has almost 82,000 Twitter followers, appeared to make matters worse by retweeting criticism of her, tweeting the following day: "Am told I am the Biggest Bitch in Britain. Following Independence I will only be the Biggest Bitch in England. Always a positive if you look." She added: "Yikes, I am being reported to Channel 4 and the BBC. In a moment I will forced to read the Labour manifesto and subscribe to the Guardian."

    She later jokingly tweeted: "There appear to be a number of conflicting petitions out there to have me hung and quartered. Please do feel free to sign them all. PC tastic."

    However, on Monday she tweeted, linking to a Scottish NHS document: "My tweet on Scotland was directly related to this article: I apologise to those I offended. It was poor timing."


    No petition will get signed by me. That kind of outrage is exactly what she wants as can be seen from her remarks above, so I wouldn't give her the satisfaction.
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    dorydaryldorydaryl Posts: 15,927
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    She was smirking and pontificating on 'The Wright Suff' last week when Peaches Geldof stupidly tweeted names of women who had knowingly allowed a paedophile access to their children (following their spat on 'This Morning'). Boot's back on the other foot now. Some of these gobby 'strong' characters need to shut it, listen and think once in a while before they flap their lips. Having said that, I do agree that KH was not making her 'ill-timed' remarks in direct response to the Clutha tragedy.

    As for signing a petition to get her banned from TV and media- nah. Much as I dislike her, she'll burn herself out eventually. She's already becoming a self-parody and there are far more serious issues to get worked up about. Don't give her the satisfaction of thinking she's that important.
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    BanditaBandita Posts: 3,735
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    kelly_barnardkelly_barnard Posts: 556
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    I don't usually like her..... But her newspaper article the other day summed up Josie Cunningham to a tee! 😂
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    zx50zx50 Posts: 91,309
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    Bandita wrote: »

    She's just an attention seeking troll who loves the attention she receives from her moronic remarks. Good on ITV for dropping her.
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    livingdeadgirllivingdeadgirl Posts: 624
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    That fleece she's wearing in the first pic... I wonder who's nan she borrowed that off
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    dirty dingusdirty dingus Posts: 2,037
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    A one trick pony, she didn't have the humour to be a shock troll so most people stopped giving her the attention/pity she craved. I think the majority of sensible folk see her as an empty vessel sinking in her self made sea of shite.
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    zx50zx50 Posts: 91,309
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    The trouble with Hopkins is, she didn't seem to know when to keep quiet. She's said some pretty nasty stuff.
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    xxtimboxxtimbo Posts: 8,882
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    not seen her on This Morning for a while
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    zx50zx50 Posts: 91,309
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    xxtimbo wrote: »
    not seen her on This Morning for a while

    The producers have probably seen sense and aren't bothering with her in the future.
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    milliejomilliejo Posts: 2,230
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    She has been making really offensive, bigotted, comments on Ramadan, so I doubt she will be on TV for a while.
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    BlueEyedMrsPBlueEyedMrsP Posts: 12,178
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    Blurting out the first thing that crosses your mind... it's a trait I associate with childhood. Katie seems like she never developed that filter that most adults have, the one between your brain and your mouth.
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    xxtimboxxtimbo Posts: 8,882
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    This Morning is a bit flat without Katie...

    they ve virtually chopped the morning news review they used to have
    around 10 35 too .
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    boksboxboksbox Posts: 4,572
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    xxtimbo wrote: »
    not seen her on This Morning for a while

    She's put on 3 stone so that she can show the fat lazy types as she refers to them how easy it is to lose the weight, perhaps she may come a cropper.
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    xxtimboxxtimbo Posts: 8,882
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    Just heard rumours that Katie is on This Morning next monday .......... sept 1st.... start of new term !

    Rumours too that Amanda Holden is taking over the gig from Holly W ......

    Amanda and Katie.... should be fun !
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    Shady_Pines1Shady_Pines1 Posts: 1,608
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    Much as I hate Hopkins she does get folks a-frothing and therefore generates interest, even if just out of morbid curiosity to see what "kicks off". One thing in her favour is that she is incredibly thick skinned and seems able to take as much as she dishes out, lots of trolls can't do that, she is SuperTroll.
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    xxtimboxxtimbo Posts: 8,882
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    She seems pretty obsessed right now to start on a major
    slimming diet to get herself back to when she was
    svelt and foxy ..........
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    dorydaryldorydaryl Posts: 15,927
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    Much as I hate Hopkins she does get folks a-frothing and therefore generates interest, even if just out of morbid curiosity to see what "kicks off". One thing in her favour is that she is incredibly thick skinned and seems able to take as much as she dishes out, lots of trolls can't do that, she is SuperTroll.

    I'll hand that to her....

    ...With her a*se. :p
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    ShrikeShrike Posts: 16,615
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    boksbox wrote: »
    She's put on 3 stone so that she can show the fat lazy types as she refers to them how easy it is to lose the weight, perhaps she may come a cropper.

    It proves nothing as its easy to change your diet for a few weeks to pile on the pounds and then go back to what you normally eat to shed it again. Its when your normal diet it the calorific one that its hard to shift to a healthier one.
    Actors regularly have to do this after all.
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    xxtimboxxtimbo Posts: 8,882
    Forum Member
    How insane is that... ? deliberately putting on
    3 and 1/2 stone in weight to prove some point or other !

    Now theres a ... Lose weight with Katie ... campagn starting as she now begins to try to lose all that excess weight !!!

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    SoomacdooSoomacdoo Posts: 6,645
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    I saw her on This Morning, this morning and Philip introduced her as putting on 4 stone. She had actually put on 3 stone 4lbs by sitting in the kitchen and stuffing her face, just so she could see what it was like for fat peeps. She said for someone who used to run marathons, carrying all that extra weight was hard work (I think she was putting on the breathlessness and holding her aching back for effect, she did look chubbier but certainly not big).

    Anyway, next week she will be starting a Lose it with Katie campaign just so she can be really smug when she manages to lose it all in 4 weeks. She is still a very irritating person.
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    milliejomilliejo Posts: 2,230
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    She just wants attention and money. Few people put on three stone in a short space of time, it creeps up on people and it isn't because people just stuff themselves. It is stress, long hours sitting at a desk and grazing out of boredom, it is medication that messes up you medication, it is an injury which stops you from working out., it is all sorts of reasons. Losing weight fast goes against most medical advice, this has got her back on This Morning and will pay the school fees for her children.
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    couchpotato2011couchpotato2011 Posts: 1,090
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    I despise this creature. I could smoke 40 **** for a month and then instantly quit. It doesn't mean it's simple for smokers who are addicted to it. Same with overweight people. Many have issues which is why they eat the way they do. It's not just always because they are greedy ****ers like this moron thinks.
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    WutheringWuthering Posts: 1,071
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    I've always found it pretty easy to avoid paying attention to this troll but her latest stunt is absolutely vile. I have struggled with weight since my teens, my most recent disturbance being about five years ago when medication I can't avoid taking caused me to put on over four stone in a couple of years. All Katie Hopkins is doing - very knowingly - is causing even more stigma and shaming toward a collective of people in society who already suffer from recieving unbridled ignorant, hate and prejudice every day in all areas of our lives. She's disgusting, but I think This Morning are even more offensive for fueling her. What are they thinking! Nasty little programme.
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