
1,400 children abused in Rotherham by primarily Pakistani men



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    BoyardBoyard Posts: 5,393
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    simsini wrote: »
    Apologies if this was already mentioned, but did anyone see the reaction of the CEO of Barnardos?

    Absolutely disgraceful!


    And he's a Pakistani muslim apparently. What a surprise. It's like a fox guarding the hen house.
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    crystalladcrystallad Posts: 3,744
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    trunkster wrote: »
    They are fools, this case proves beyond all doubt that Labour have been betraying the white working class for 30 years

    At least since 1998
    Possitive bull sxxx http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk-backs-positive-discrimination-1183055.html
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    dekafdekaf Posts: 8,398
    Forum Member
    Well done to the extremist right, including the idiots on this forum, who have created this culture of fear where those in authority feel that they have to tip toe around cases like this, because they know those on the extreme right will use the opportunity to smear everyone that they so despise from other cultures and creeds, not just the perpetrators.

    You people have created this, not the shadowy 'elites' or 'lefties' or 'guardianistas' or 'liberalistas', YOU. The same people who are to blame for patriotism or the St George's flag being linked with fear, hatred and exclusion. You can blame 'the left' all you want, but it's the RIGHT who are to blame for all of this.

    Oh my God! You have truly excelled yourself today. This has to be the most moronic post ever in DS history. You are so deluded, you are ridiculous.
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    jjwalesjjwales Posts: 48,651
    Forum Member
    Yes, yes it is. Are you doubting the vast majority of these disgusting crimes were commited by Pakistani gangs?

    What about the Pakistani girls who were also targetted? Doesn't it suggest that they would go after any girl who was vulnerable? I really don't think that racism was the main motivation for these crimes.
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    dekafdekaf Posts: 8,398
    Forum Member
    I think it's because the language and culture is so impenetrable.

    :D - To the Welsh?
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    juliancarswelljuliancarswell Posts: 8,896
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    Boyard wrote: »

    Kind of sickening the press are acting so sympathetic and outraged now when they've been sitting on this story for years. Much like many of the other paedo stories that have come out.

    They should be taking their share of the blame but ofcourse they wont.
    Perhaps the next issue of Privaye Eye will say something about it.
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    jjwalesjjwales Posts: 48,651
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    trunkster wrote: »
    Sorry, where on here have you acknowledged there's a particular problem with Asian men of Pakistani origins attitudes to white british girls?
    It's pretty obvious that there is a problem with some of these men, but I'm happy to acknowledge that fact if you have any doubts.
    And who's attitudes and policies are responsible for a climate of fear of rocking the multicultural boat? I would hazard a guess it's not the Tory party or far right.
    Not an excuse in my book.
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    BoyardBoyard Posts: 5,393
    Forum Member
    jjwales wrote: »
    What about the Pakistani girls who were also targetted? Doesn't it suggest that they would go after any girl who was vulnerable? I really don't think that racism was the main motivation for these crimes.

    Tell that to the girl who got called a "white bitch" while being raped.
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    juliancarswelljuliancarswell Posts: 8,896
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    jjwales wrote: »
    What about the Pakistani girls who were also targetted? Doesn't it suggest that they would go after any girl who was vulnerable? I really don't think that racism was the main motivation for these crimes.

    Nice whataboutary jj. You cant help yourself can you?
    It doesnt wash, the numbers were tiny and mean nothing other than one or two in their slathering rape excitement stepped outside the normal target.
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    dekafdekaf Posts: 8,398
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    crystallad wrote: »
    Nice wind up post!

    Sadly, I think they believe every word of it too.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 721
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    Boyard wrote: »
    Tell that to the girl who got called a "white bitch" while being raped.

    Exactly, this is a clear race related hate crime. Anyone not willing to admit that is part of the problem, not part of the solution.
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    MidnightFalconMidnightFalcon Posts: 15,016
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    The people responsible are the men that did it, but many on the left, by their actions have been facilitators of these crimes.
    If 14 yrs ago when that goon Griffin raised these cases, so many people on the left not decried this as all lies and started a campaign of shaming language that successfully closed down the debate, it would have come to a head much sooner.
    How many children would have not faced rape by these gangs, both in Rochdale and the many other towns this has gone on in?

    Thank you for the timely reminder that there are still some on "the left" who have not had their priorities entirely perverted by the racial politics of the last 15 years.

    Well said.
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    Mike_1101Mike_1101 Posts: 8,013
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    simsini wrote: »
    Exactly, this is a clear race related hate crime. Anyone not willing to admit that is part of the problem, not part of the solution.

    The men who comitted these crimes were not born with these attitudes. I would like to know what exactly they were being taught when they attended mosques, madrassas and "islamic schools". Not to mention what their parents and relatives were telling them....
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    BoyardBoyard Posts: 5,393
    Forum Member
    It's sad that Carswell defecting from Tories to UKIP will deflect attention away from this story now. :( Labour must be thrilled.
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    Forum Member
    Boyard wrote: »
    But don't you see it's the left's attitude of labeling people racist and Islamophobic over every little thing that made the council fearful of speaking out as documented in the report? I'm sorry but the culture the left have promoted does play a big part in the cover-up of this.

    Interestingly 1997 was just about when Tony Blair opened the immigration floodgates... coincidence? Funny how he now spends most of his time abroad.

    WHO exactly are "the left"? we see this a lot (and it also applies to "the right") they aren't the Borg some sort of collective mind, "the left" and "the right" are made up of millions of individuals, and they all have their own personalities and opinions, why do some people insist on thinking in terms of some sort 'group' mind?

    I am proud to say I am left wing in my thinking and my politics, and MY opinion on this case and ones like it, is quite clear, every and anyone who either directly took part in or was complicit in covering up these vile crimes, should be found and brought to justice,
    I don't give a flying 'one' what their race, religion or politics are, being afraid of upsetting people should NEVER be used as an excuse to ignore criminal activity even more so when the victims are children, because when they DO and the truth comes out, it plays right into the hands of those who will try their best to score political points from it, be they motivated by the actual racism that those who tried to 'cover it up' were afraid of, or by those who will use it to blame any and everyone who has Left leaning views,

    I saw an interview with a young Muslim guy, he was a spokesman for some group or other, and he basically was saying that he and many in the Muslim community are angry that these people 'covered up' what was going on in order to not offend the Muslim community, because the backlash that we are now seeing (from some) against all Muslims has done a lot of damage to community relations.

    and to finish, in case the usual 'filter' that some seem to have has reverse what I said,

    those responsible for either the actual crime against these children, OR for knowing about it and not acting on it, or for covering it up, regardless of race religion or politics should be made to face the courts and if found guilty they should face the heaviest penalties the law allows.

    As a "leftie" I don't know what more I can say to make my opinions clearer.
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    Forum Member
    Boyard wrote: »
    It's sad that Carswell defecting from Tories to UKIP will deflect attention away from this story now. :( Labour must be thrilled.

    yeah THRILLED I am certain,
    as a 'leftie' I am so thrilled that I am still posting in this thread.
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    StykerStyker Posts: 50,393
    Forum Member
    For a religion that "does not allow alcohol" the Muslim shop keepers sell an awful lot of it... Likewise porn mags.

    Oh and how do you know that the shop keepers are muslim?
    dekaf wrote: »
    You quoted me.

    No I didn't.

    [QUOTE=CSJB;74490483]I think you are being somewhat naive if you believe islam has played no part in this.
    Islam, like all the abrahamic religions, promotes a misogynistic attitude towards women, which gives some men very strange ideas of what is permissible in society.
    Likewise, the same can be said of the culture of Pakistan and the surrounding areas.
    These two things seem to be the main common denominators in these sexual exploitation cases and can't and shouldn't be overlooked.

    Of course the problems go far deeper and it would be wrong to lay this whole problem with Muslims or Pakistanis, the care of vulnerable children in our society is quite appalling.
    Children from care homes have been receiving this sort of abuse since time immemorial, long before islam or Pakistanis reached our shores.
    We can only hope that these new revelations of mass abuse of children can make society and the authorities stand up and say no more.
    We need to do whatever it takes to finally start to protect those which are the most vulnerable in our society, if that means stepping on a few toes and upsetting some people, then so be it.[/QUOTE]

    Don't agree with that all. I think its just right wing people are desperate to do anything to give people of pakistani heritage especially a hard time but need to try and pin things on their religion so they can't be accused of racism.
    Boyard wrote: »
    If it's not related to Islam can you tell me why Hindus and Sikhs never involved in these incidents?

    LOL, what do "pushy parents" have to do with children being taught white women are prostitutes in school? Or inviting people who support terrorists to speak in assemblies? No it's ok, you just bury your head in the sand and ignore the problem, pretend it isn't there, until it's too late and then everybody decent has already left England and left it to degenerate even further as the type of muslim who'll fly across the world to do some beheading increases. That's what's likely to happen if Labour get in especially.

    Hindus and Sikhs not doing anything like this huh? I suppose the mass of gang rape cases ending up in murder too in India where Hindus mainly live has escaped your attention then?

    Regardless, you looking at other ethnicities/religious backgrounds and saying they aren't doing it, therefore it must be down to the islamic religion, I find absoloutely pathetic. The indigenous population commit many more sex crimes, do you blame chrisitianity for that and do you generalise all indigenous people as being the same like you keep on alluding to on pakistani heritage men?

    On you and your claim that school kids were taught that white girls are prostitutes, that wasn't a teacher doing that it was some speaker invited to the school. It could well be the school didn't know that person was going to come out with that comment. In any case its not curriculum teaching is it?

    I've seen plenty of incidents of racism over the years where people just walk by and say nothing/do nothing to help the person on the receiving end, does that mean they all agree with it or just didn't want to get involved?

    I haven't got my head buried in the sand at all. I can smell a mile off when people try and smear all people as the same and why!!! >:( >:( >:(
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    juliancarswelljuliancarswell Posts: 8,896
    Forum Member
    Boyard wrote: »
    It's sad that Carswell defecting from Tories to UKIP will deflect attention away from this story now. :( Labour must be thrilled.

    What are you blathering on about? I have never been a tory..
    Oh wait, belay that,:blush:
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    StykerStyker Posts: 50,393
    Forum Member
    Boyard wrote: »
    It's sad that Carswell defecting from Tories to UKIP will deflect attention away from this story now. :( Labour must be thrilled.

    So that just proves you wanted to keep this story going on and on and oh I wonder why......NOT!
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    jzeejzee Posts: 25,498
    Forum Member
    Boyard wrote: »
    Ouch. The Guardian can't be happy about that "as a guardian reader" quote. The more I think about what's happened the more upset I feel. :( These are kids who've already lost their parents or been taken from them and then they have to go through all this. Utterly depressing. And been happening for decades by various groups. It's like kids in care are just fair game.
    This is a misconception I think, a lot of the girls were not in care.
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    trunkstertrunkster Posts: 14,468
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    jjwales wrote: »
    It's pretty obvious that there is a problem with some of these men, but I'm happy to acknowledge that fact if you have any doubts.

    Not an excuse in my book.

    Too right it's not excuse, so you agree the multicultural boat should be rocked.
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    BoyardBoyard Posts: 5,393
    Forum Member
    Styker wrote: »
    So that just proves you wanted to keep this story going on and on and oh I wonder why......NOT!

    Your comment proves you're part of the problem who want this swept under the carpet so it can continue as it is. Until arrests are made and the people who ignored this gone I do hope the story doesn't die.
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    trunkstertrunkster Posts: 14,468
    Forum Member
    WHO exactly are "the left"? we see this a lot (and it also applies to "the right") they aren't the Borg some sort of collective mind, "the left" and "the right" are made up of millions of individuals, and they all have their own personalities and opinions, why do some people insist on thinking in terms of some sort 'group' mind?

    I am proud to say I am left wing in my thinking and my politics, and MY opinion on this case and ones like it, is quite clear, every and anyone who either directly took part in or was complicit in covering up these vile crimes, should be found and brought to justice,
    I don't give a flying 'one' what their race, religion or politics are, being afraid of upsetting people should NEVER be used as an excuse to ignore criminal activity even more so when the victims are children, because when they DO and the truth comes out, it plays right into the hands of those who will try their best to score political points from it, be they motivated by the actual racism that those who tried to 'cover it up' were afraid of, or by those who will use it to blame any and everyone who has Left leaning views,

    I saw an interview with a young Muslim guy, he was a spokesman for some group or other, and he basically was saying that he and many in the Muslim community are angry that these people 'covered up' what was going on in order to not offend the Muslim community, because the backlash that we are now seeing (from some) against all Muslims has done a lot of damage to community relations.

    and to finish, in case the usual 'filter' that some seem to have has reverse what I said,

    those responsible for either the actual crime against these children, OR for knowing about it and not acting on it, or for covering it up, regardless of race religion or politics should be made to face the courts and if found guilty they should face the heaviest penalties the law allows.

    As a "leftie" I don't know what more I can say to make my opinions clearer.

    How very odd or convenient that they were unaware what was going on within their own communities.
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    StykerStyker Posts: 50,393
    Forum Member
    Boyard wrote: »
    Your comment proves you're part of the problem who want this swept under the carpet so it can continue as it is. Until arrests are made and the people who ignored this gone I do hope the story doesn't die.

    No my problem is with those who use such outrages to try and smear an entire ethnic background as being all the same!

    I want the perpetrators to be prosecuted still, for any future cases to be dealt with straight away and anyone who did not take this seriously and did not do their job in investigating these crimes to be facing disciplinary action and if they really failed to do their job to get the sack!
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    StykerStyker Posts: 50,393
    Forum Member
    trunkster wrote: »
    How very odd or convenient that they were unaware what was going on within their own communities.

    Oh so all these years when the Crimewatch programme has been on, the presenters should not be asking for anyone who knows the suspects to come forward, they should have been having a go at the populations and ethnic background of the offendors saying "why didn't you know this was going in your area"?!
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