

carascaras Posts: 1,311
Forum Member
Totally fed up with head lice!

I have used all remedies including conditioning and combing, boil washing bedding etc

Hadn't had any for a few years, but this year it's been terrible. We've even treated the whole family, just in case.

I wish we could have a world wide head shaving day to irradiate the little buggers >:(

Does anyone have any tips I haven't heard of? I nearly considered using frontline as a vet I use to work for used it on her kids, but can't bring myself to do that :o


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    phepiaphepia Posts: 1,482
    Forum Member
    When my kids was little I used to buy really cheap conditioner and every hair wash their hair was plastered and went through with a decent comb.
    I found that way I kept on top of things, even if there was no lice it put my mind at ease.

    Nowadays they sort their own hair out but I still do my hair myself the same way each time I wash it, its a habit and a good one in my eyes :)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 464
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    I have read putting tea tree oil in your shampoo and conditioner helps.
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    DinkyDooDinkyDoo Posts: 3,588
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    Get a nitty gritty comb and a bottle of half decent conditioner. It was the only way I managed to get shot of them.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,170
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    I read some where that if you use one of those tiny teeth nit combs, it breaks the legs of the head lice and they can't reproduce.
    Probably and old wives tale, but when Nitty Nora came to our school back in the day, that's what they advised and Nitty Nora was never wrong.
    We couldn't afford expensive shampoo.
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    lozengerlozenger Posts: 4,881
    Forum Member
    As DinkyDoo said - Nitty Gritty comb http://www.nittygritty.co.uk/products/52/the_nitty_gritty_comb/ and vamoose http://www.vamousse.co.uk/?gclid=CPyKm4LatMACFVGWtAodVDsAFA will get rid of the little varmits
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    RellyRelly Posts: 3,469
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    caras wrote: »
    Totally fed up with head lice!

    I have used all remedies including conditioning and combing, boil washing bedding etc

    Hadn't had any for a few years, but this year it's been terrible. We've even treated the whole family, just in case.

    I wish we could have a world wide head shaving day to irradiate the little buggers >:(

    Does anyone have any tips I haven't heard of? I nearly considered using frontline as a vet I use to work for used it on her kids, but can't bring myself to do that :o

    I can't add more than what's already been said, apart from the BIB. Any time one of the family gets head lice, then the whole family should be treated, or they'll just transfer from one person to the other, and you're back at square one. Also boil-wash everyone's bedding etc every time. If you find them again after that whole-family treatment, do it all again.

    Oh - regarding products, speak to a pharmacist to see if there are any rumours of head lice becoming resistant to popular products, and try a different one.
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    BlueEyedMrsPBlueEyedMrsP Posts: 12,178
    Forum Member
    They are persistent little buggers, aren't they? My daughter's had them a couple of times and I've found the conditioner trick to be the best. If you can leave the conditioner in for a few hours, cover with a shower cap, then comb through, and comb and comb and comb until you can't find anymore. Then use a shampoo with tea tree oil or Vosene has a lice prevention shampoo that I've found works well. I would be skeptical of ANY advice or treatment that says you don't need to comb the nits out. It is a massive pain in the arse for those with long hair, but it's necessary if you want to get rid of them. I've heard olive oil can also be used for the conditioning soak part of the treatment, but not everyone has that. Also, after you THINK you've gotten rid of them, it's a good idea to do a weekly check along the usual places.. behind the ears, the crown, and along the hairline at the back.

    I think the public advice over the past decade has been great in downplaying the stereotype that head lice are a sign of poor hygiene. My own mom still believes that, unfortunately, it was something that was encouraged when she was a kid, that the 'dirty' kids were the ones who brought the head lice to school.

    And my head is itching just talking about this. Lol, I'm sure I'm not the only one.:D
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    queenshaksqueenshaks Posts: 10,281
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    phepia wrote: »
    When my kids was little I used to buy really cheap conditioner and every hair wash their hair was plastered and went through with a decent comb.
    I found that way I kept on top of things, even if there was no lice it put my mind at ease.

    Nowadays they sort their own hair out but I still do my hair myself the same way each time I wash it, its a habit and a good one in my eyes :)

    I work in a primary school and have had the little critters twice.

    I went to Asda and bought a £1 conditioner and invested in nit combs - again, they're quite cheap from Asda.

    I washed my hair everyday for a week then applied the conditioner after. I would then thoroughly use the nit comb in every direction I could possibly go.

    The worse areas are; the nape of your neck, behind the ears and the crown.

    The cheap way really does work if done well.
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    PuckyPucky Posts: 4,577
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    And my head is itching just talking about this. Lol, I'm sure I'm not the only one.:D

    Nope you're not!
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    DrFlowDemandDrFlowDemand Posts: 2,121
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    Microwave your pillow cases and drown your hair in cooking oil for 12 hours.
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    ArmiArmi Posts: 3,317
    Forum Member
    I second the tea tree oil suggestion.

    Wash always with tea tree oil shampoo.

    Condition with tea tree oil conditioner. Use that conditioner as described by others to rid yourself of the lice. Then continue to use it after you wash your hair (only you don't need to leave it on for so long).
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    WolfsheadishWolfsheadish Posts: 10,400
    Forum Member
    Coconut oil is also supposed to be very good for getting rid of them, but I might be a bit biased because I use it for all sorts of things! :)

    Anyway, here's a link about it - hope it helps.

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    RhumbatuggerRhumbatugger Posts: 85,715
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    Try and relax a bit. Nits are endemic in primary schools.

    When my daughter was young I just conditioned and combed through every time she had a shower, and the same for myself.

    There are always some kids that don't get properly treated, it's not worth getting stressed over. It's not constant but it's worth just doing it all the time.

    She got big enough to 'do her nits' for herself, and once in secondary the nits stopped.
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    annette kurtenannette kurten Posts: 39,543
    Forum Member
    another big fat vote for the nitty gritty comb, it works better than any lotions or potions i`ve used and they aren`t going to get immune to it.
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    zelanazelana Posts: 4,618
    Forum Member
    Vinegar can also be used as a deterrent if you haven't got any tea tree oil.
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    carascaras Posts: 1,311
    Forum Member
    Just checked back after after a couple of days. Used full marks last week and combed for over 45 minutes. Just combed through tonight and no sign of any. I'll keep checking on a weekly bases. School next week though
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    TagletTaglet Posts: 20,286
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    Dont forget to thoroughly clean hairbrushes.
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    QFourQFour Posts: 555
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    I'm itching and scratching just reading this .. :D
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    Mumof3Mumof3 Posts: 4,529
    Forum Member
    Hedrin Mousse is the only one that's worked for mine. It's not too greasy (as otherwise teens object), and goes in overnight, washes out next day. It's also on offer at the moment.
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