
I think it's time to let Torchwood go...

Colonel_JasperColonel_Jasper Posts: 1,016
Forum Member
After being in extended hiatus for 3 years, I can't see this show ever coming back. I think it's best to move on but not forget the good memories and moments of the show. I personally thought Series 3 was when the show was at it's best. It was dramatic, intense, concise and gripping as a whole. The build up was strong and inquisitive. The ending was heartbreakingly great.

I don't have much memory with Series 1 and 2 but at the time, I enjoyed it for what it was. I loved Jack, Gwen, Ianto, Tosh and Owen together. I just wish they hadn't killed off 3 of the main characters and protaganists. I remember being heartbroken when Ianto died, it was also unexpected, you wouldn't have seen it coming at the start of the episode.

Series 4 is where the series went downhill. To americanised, overly long and incredibly tedious. No proper build up and just when things start to pick up, they went two steps back and later felt uninteresting. While it's a shame that it has halted at this stage and definitely needs closure, I just can't see that happening anytime soon.

Russell T Davies is now focusing on other projects such as Wizards Vs Aliens which is complete dross and utter shit but an efficient and obvious replacement for The Sarah Jane Adventures. With other programmes, I just can't see another series happening time. Is it truly time to let it go? I think so. We can all imagine a What If scenario of Sarah Jane and Torchwood still running from now but in reality, the dream has faded and it's probably best to accept that Torchwood isn't coming back but like John Barrowman said....who knows?



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    doctor blue boxdoctor blue box Posts: 7,476
    Forum Member
    This thread pretty much cleared this subject up:


    That thread runs for pages and pretty much everything that could be said on the subject was. You might want to add your thoughts to that thread.

    Barrowman absolutely loves playing captain Jack and would be the last person to admit torchwood wasn't coming back unless he was pretty sure it was true. Still, there's always hope for the character popping back up in doctor who.
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    Colonel_JasperColonel_Jasper Posts: 1,016
    Forum Member
    This thread pretty much cleared this subject up:


    That thread runs for pages and pretty much everything that could be said on the subject was. You might want to add your thoughts to that thread.

    Barrowman absolutely loves playing captain Jack and would be the last person to admit torchwood wasn't coming back unless he was pretty sure it was true. Still, there's always hope for the character popping back up in doctor who.

    I wasn't aware of this. Thank you for informing me. :)
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    TheSilentFezTheSilentFez Posts: 11,107
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    I think we already have. This forum used to be called "Doctor Who and Torchwood", but it has been just "Doctor Who" for quite a while now and I haven't seen a Torchwood thread since that "Torchwood is officially dead" which was referenced above.
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    LightMeUpLightMeUp Posts: 1,915
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    Probably best really. Let's be honest, it only had one good series (mini-series?)
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    TalmaTalma Posts: 10,520
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    LightMeUp wrote: »
    Probably best really. Let's be honest, it only had one good series (mini-series?)

    A lot of people think so but a lot also think series 1 and/or 2 were just as good or better, being in a completely different format and having more and better characters. But that's all been discussed in other threads for years.
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    AdelaideGirlAdelaideGirl Posts: 3,498
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    Having just finished reading Exodus Code I'd rather not, but it's ok if it moves into books and audio adventures rather than a TV show.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,618
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    Series 1-3 of Torchwood will always be fun to watch as far as I'm concerned
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    LMLM Posts: 63,805
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    Series 1-3 of Torchwood will always be fun to watch as far as I'm concerned

    I agree

    In my mind, it ended at series 3.
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    TheophileTheophile Posts: 2,964
    Forum Member
    I agree

    In my mind, it ended at series 3.

    Just like the Star Wars movies. There were three movies and then three horrible fan-made atrocities which don't count. :)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,618
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    If there was a way of retconning it from the end of series 3 then am all for it...if not, leave it be
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    rioniarionia Posts: 1,657
    Forum Member
    another Barrowman interview today,

    He talks about BBC not wanting to bring back TW or Capt Jack

    Note: it contains spoilers for S1 and S2 of Arrow

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    thorrthorr Posts: 2,153
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    rionia wrote: »
    another Barrowman interview today,

    He talks about BBC not wanting to bring back TW or Capt Jack

    Note: it contains spoilers for S1 and S2 of Arrow


    BARROWMAN!!!! (S F)
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    doctor blue boxdoctor blue box Posts: 7,476
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    Theophile wrote: »
    Just like the Star Wars movies. There were three movies and then three horrible fan-made atrocities which don't count. :)

    Not everyone would agree. I fact some like myself would strongly disagree and say that the prequels are as good if not better. But this is a doctor who forum so that argument's not for here.

    Would definitely agree that for me, torchwood ends with children of earth. Also series 1 and 2 are great also. People who annoyingly say 'it only had one good series' in reference to C of E don't seem to realise that if the rest of us hadn't enjoyed series 1 and 2 so much it would never have got a third series in the first place. The fact that it did just proves the popularity of the first 2 series.
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    tiggerpoohtiggerpooh Posts: 4,182
    Forum Member
    Having just finished reading Exodus Code I'd rather not, but it's ok if it moves into books and audio adventures rather than a TV show.

    I've just been watching this on DVD:


    I really liked Burn Gorman's portrayal of Mister Guppy.

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    tiggerpoohtiggerpooh Posts: 4,182
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    performingmonkperformingmonk Posts: 20,086
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    I don't want to let it go!! Torchwood is a show that could easily return because there is no set format. I would love it if RTD got the band back together again!

    They should go to Amazon or Netflix for a co-production! How exciting would that be? RTD and Julie Gardner should be given plenty of credit for going for it in the US with Miracle Day, even if it didn't turn out as good as it could have (personally I think there are 3 or 4 brilliant episodes in there).

    A 6 hour story would be very welcome indeed!
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    doctor blue boxdoctor blue box Posts: 7,476
    Forum Member
    I don't want to let it go!! Torchwood is a show that could easily return because there is no set format. I would love it if RTD got the band back together again!

    They should go to Amazon or Netflix for a co-production! How exciting would that be? RTD and Julie Gardner should be given plenty of credit for going for it in the US with Miracle Day, even if it didn't turn out as good as it could have (personally I think there are 3 or 4 brilliant episodes in there).

    A 6 hour story would be very welcome indeed!

    Pretty sure it will never return, but I would be up for it if it was UK produced only and had gwen and Jack back in wales in a temporary hub searching for new potential team members. I know they can't completely pretend miracle day never happened but they could brush it off with a sentence or two about how/why they came back to wales and dumped that rex guy long the way, so acknowledging it but barely, just enough to keep the continuity.
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    Si_CreweSi_Crewe Posts: 40,202
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    Funny thing with Torchwood; it kinda reminds me of what happened with Star Trek TNG, whereby it probably could have kept plodding along for a while but the actors, themselves, admitted that it was starting to get a bit silly to expect them to portray characters who'd be significantly younger than the actors themselves.

    Similar thing with Torchwood, where the main character is supposed to be "eternal" and yet he's being played by an actor who, with the best will in the world, isn't the same guy he was 20 years ago.

    Can't actually recall where we last saw Cap'n Jack but I wouldn't be averse to a story set in the far future (thus explaining why he's looking a bit older) involving him and, perhaps, hinting at whether or not he really does end up as the Face of Boe.

    Doctor: "Jack Harkness! Nice to see you again. You're starting to show your age!"
    Cap'n Jack: "Have you looked in a mirror recently?"
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    bennythedipbennythedip Posts: 2,350
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    I always thought the face of boe thing being jack was a joke played by jack on the doctor.
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    TalmaTalma Posts: 10,520
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    I always thought the face of boe thing being jack was a joke played by jack on the doctor.

    It wa deliberately left ambiguous
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    AdelaideGirlAdelaideGirl Posts: 3,498
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    RTD's commentary from the episode was that he wanted it to be that Jack was the Face of Boe but was nervous about writing himself into a corner I case circumstances changed his mind.

    Personally I think it makes sense - Jack is immortal but can and has aged, once you get into 4 and 5 didgets it's going to effect the body changing its form. Also explains how he knew about Yana.
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    TalmaTalma Posts: 10,520
    Forum Member
    RTD's commentary from the episode was that he wanted it to be that Jack was the Face of Boe but was nervous about writing himself into a corner I case circumstances changed his mind.

    Personally I think it makes sense - Jack is immortal but can and has aged, once you get into 4 and 5 didgets it's going to effect the body changing its form. Also explains how he knew about Yana.

    Though seeing the Doctor again after millions of years, I think Jack might be a bit more direct about it, ie actually warning him instead of being so cryptic.
    I still like the short fanfic somebody wrote that Jack made the Face of Boe comment to wind the doctor up and pay him back for all he put him through. The look on his face when Jack said it was priceless:)
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    Sara_PeplowSara_Peplow Posts: 1,579
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    Would still like it if JB showed up in an episode or special. You never know there could be a great story for him ,12 and whoever else is around at the time.
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    JAS84JAS84 Posts: 7,430
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    Si_Crewe wrote: »
    Funny thing with Torchwood; it kinda reminds me of what happened with Star Trek TNG, whereby it probably could have kept plodding along for a while but the actors, themselves, admitted that it was starting to get a bit silly to expect them to portray characters who'd be significantly younger than the actors themselves.

    Similar thing with Torchwood, where the main character is supposed to be "eternal" and yet he's being played by an actor who, with the best will in the world, isn't the same guy he was 20 years ago.

    Can't actually recall where we last saw Cap'n Jack but I wouldn't be averse to a story set in the far future (thus explaining why he's looking a bit older) involving him and, perhaps, hinting at whether or not he really does end up as the Face of Boe.

    Doctor: "Jack Harkness! Nice to see you again. You're starting to show your age!"
    Cap'n Jack: "Have you looked in a mirror recently?"
    Miracle Day was Jack's most recent appearance. His last appearance in Doctor Who was in The End of Time part 2 when 10 visited all of his previous companions before regenerating.
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    TEDRTEDR Posts: 3,413
    Forum Member
    I agree

    In my mind, it ended at series 3.

    In my mind it ran only for series 3. Five good episodes out of 41 produced. The rest are tacky, gimmicky and dull — though there's not a single creative talent involved that I haven't found to be good elsewhere.

    Barrowman was best with Eccleston.
    Personally I think it makes sense - Jack is immortal but can and has aged, once you get into 4 and 5 didgets it's going to effect the body changing its form. Also explains how he knew about Yana.

    Per Cumaean Sybil, he should have been the size of a spec of dust, trapped within a basket.
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