
Room 101

BanglaRoadBanglaRoad Posts: 57,765
Forum Member
What three things would you place in Room 101?

! Katie Price
This woman has a master plan to take over the world Behind those dead fish eyes lies the mind of an evil genius In an underground bunker in deepest Essex she is controlling the production of orange people who are taught to be self obsessed, dispose of any sign of measurable intelligence and they are taught to butcher the beautiful English language into five or six use anytime phrases
Katie Price has to go in for the good of humanity

2 People who don't clean up after their Dog
Simple really If you have a dog and he does a poo then pick it up Not difficult for anyone

3 Adults who watch Doctor Who by choice
Grow up! Oh and don't try and tell me about it cos a smack in the chops can cause offence!


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    Flat MattFlat Matt Posts: 7,023
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    1, Religion

    2, People who think saying something is "offensive" constitutes an argument or valid point.

    3, Keith Lemon
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    VulpesVulpes Posts: 1,504
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    1. Humans

    That's all.
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    LyricalisLyricalis Posts: 57,958
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    1. Judgemental people.

    Umm, how do I get out of this room? :blush:
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,334
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    1) tangled wires and bent cables

    They seem to tangle up by themselves and for no reason. Also those bent cables, they're usually the ones that have to worm their way through small gaps but only seem to want to go in one way but the one you want.

    2) changing beds

    Honestly housekeepers are magicians, how the hell do they change the bed cover so quick? What's the trick? Takes me nearly an hour. :(

    3) private numbers

    What is the point of a recruitment company calling from a private number? If I miss the call, leave a number so I can get back.
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    yourpointbeing?yourpointbeing? Posts: 3,696
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    1. People who throw their rubbish out of car windows
    2. Wasps
    3. Selfish people
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    CLL DodgeCLL Dodge Posts: 116,413
    Forum Member
    1. The Tory party
    2. All royal families
    3. Boybands.
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    BanglaRoadBanglaRoad Posts: 57,765
    Forum Member
    Two answers already that I wish I had thought of
    Keith Lemon is dreadful and changing beds especially putting a duvet cover on is just about impossible for me
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    QT 3.14QT 3.14 Posts: 1,771
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    Do you mean which three people I would like to torture with their worst nightmares?
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    daniellehdanielleh Posts: 7,852
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    1. People writing "should of" or "could of" instead of "should have".

    2. Anyone on public transport who feels it is appropriate to take off their shoes. It's not.

    3. Chewing gum, more specifically, people who spit it out onto the pavement or stick it on the underside of tables/chairs etc.
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    BanglaRoadBanglaRoad Posts: 57,765
    Forum Member
    QT 3.14 wrote: »
    Do you mean which three people I would like to torture with their worst nightmares?

    Think anyone or anything that if you never had them in your life again is fair game to put in Room 101
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    sadmuppetsadmuppet Posts: 8,222
    Forum Member
    1) People who drop litter.

    2) People who have no respect for others or other people's property

    3) People who moan about or get 'outraged' by little things that don't really matter in the wider scheme of things.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 8,510
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    1 Selfish people
    2 People with a high vis and an air of authority (mainly NCP attendants)
    3 People with a Mickey Mouse degree and an air of self importance

    So yeah, mainly people
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    albertdalbertd Posts: 14,381
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    1. Rats
    2. Rats
    3. Rats

    Hate them and there too many around here.
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    misfittmisfitt Posts: 333
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    Tony Blair



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    NorthernNinnyNorthernNinny Posts: 18,412
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    Ok magazine and all the z listers that have ever sailed in her.:cool:

    Anyone who lets their dog crap outside and doesn't clean it up afterwards

    Intolerant people

    Snobs including the inverted type.

    New Years eve celebrations. The most depressing day of the year followed by the stark truth that the new year and new you really isn't going to happen.

    January to March. Apart from Pancake Tuesday and Easter would anyone really miss this part of the year ? The weather is meh,Christmas is over and summer is a long way off. It's just a nothing part of the calendar.

    Barbecue kits. Just why? What' so appetising about almost cremated food? This is England,not Australia.But then I am a vegetarian so they don't float my boat anyway.
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    123keithy123123keithy123 Posts: 351
    Forum Member
    Love this thread already.

    Completely agree with you on number 2 OP

    Going to try and keep mine topical, light hearted and inoffensive.

    1) plimsolls.
    Why oh why as a child did my school force us to wear these ?
    Also how and why on earth are they actually in fashion these days ?

    2) Werther's originals.
    I love them but they are death traps.
    Surly in 2014 they can slow down the slipperiness of them.

    3) Pen Thieves,
    It seems to be the only form of acceptable theft known to man.
    From Argos and Banks to that person we all know who has never got a pen... It seems sociably acceptable to borrow a pen once then just walk off into the sunset with it.
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    PrincessTTPrincessTT Posts: 4,300
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    1) People who don't clean up after their dogs
    2) Kenya Moore
    3) Mayonnaise
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 12,003
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    1 People who say 'faux outrage'.
    By which they mean the attitude of people who point out things they do that are terminally stupid. It has no consideration that anybody but them has a valid opinion, and shows no understanding that opinions are graded, and it is possible to be annoyed about something or disagree without being extremist in their views.

    2 People who haven't a clue what a 'straw man' argument is. It's used as a supposed Exocet in an argument to denigrate an opponents view, but shows the accuser up to be someone who doesn't know what they're talking about, is parroting a concept they haven't a clue about, and is looking desperately to destroy a strong argument in the only way their feeble mind can construct.

    3 Slugs. As long as I had something else to destroy that had no use but gives me great pleasure in doing so.
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    AllyourKittyAllyourKitty Posts: 897
    Forum Member
    1. Compensation Lawyers.

    2. Feminists.

    3 People who don't like cats.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,889
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    Vulpes wrote: »
    1. Humans

    That's all.

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    Fibromite59Fibromite59 Posts: 22,518
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    1. All dogs except for working dogs.

    2. Cliff Richard.

    3. People who get drunk and then waste the time of paramedics, nurses and doctors through their own fault, when other genuinly ill people are having to wait to be seen.
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    evil cevil c Posts: 7,833
    Forum Member
    1. Cyclists on the pavement.
    2. Car drivers who don't indicate.
    3. Pavement parking if there's no need for it and the driver is just being selfish and especially if that results in oil stains on the pavement.
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    CravenHavenCravenHaven Posts: 13,953
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    People who take themselves seriously.
    People who take me seriously.
    People who don't take my Dangerous Dog seriously.
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    SULLASULLA Posts: 149,789
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    People who swear as a matter of course
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    RadiomaniacRadiomaniac Posts: 43,510
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    All religion.


    That Hopkins troll thing.
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