
Mirtazapine - what's it like?

SirMickTravisSirMickTravis Posts: 2,607
Forum Member
I've been given this by the GP, but looking online I'm not sure it's right for me at all. It's supposed to be good for anxiety although that's not really my problem. Apparently it makes you really sleepy. Since I'd told the GP I had sleep issues with citalopram maybe it makes sense to give me one where there won't likely be sleep problems. But I'm sleeping fine at the moment, I've been off citalopram for a year. To be honest I've felt rather better the last couple of days having started taking vitamin D again. Maybe I should wait a few days before trying mirtazapine?


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    scotchscotch Posts: 10,694
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    I take 4 x 100mg pills a night They can make me sleepy depending on how de3presed, anxious and wound up I am.

    I'm usually anxious and have trouble sleeping and normally they don't affect me too much. If I'm not so depressed on night then they help me sleep n- but don't make me groggy in the morning.

    They definitely help my depression/ anxiety.
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    Joel's dadJoel's dad Posts: 4,886
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    I've been on them for a while now. Helps with sleep very sedating for the first week taking them at night helps this.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,954
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    They only help with sleep on the low 15mg dose.

    With all antidepressants they'll work for some and not for other's, they can make you feel worse before you start feeling better which can take 4 weeks.
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    REDBUSREDBUS Posts: 2,326
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    Andrew-W wrote: »
    They only help with sleep on the low 15mg dose.

    With all antidepressants they'll work for some and not for other's, they can make you feel worse before you start feeling better which can take 4 weeks.

    they help with sleep no matter what dosage as been on all dosages and they have all helped with sleep (massively)
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    TelevisionUserTelevisionUser Posts: 41,459
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    Mirtazapine - what's it like?

    Clinical tests have shown it to be an effective drug at treating depression: Mirtazapine is effective and well tolerated for the treatment of patients with moderate to severe major depression.
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    SirMickTravisSirMickTravis Posts: 2,607
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    As things stand sleep isn't really the thing for me. If that's the main benefit I wonder if it will help. I'll see.
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    fizzycatfizzycat Posts: 6,120
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    My GP put me on it for stress/anxiety/insomnia a few days after my dad died at the end of September. I took one. I slept okay but had nightmares so bad that I woke the neighbours with my screaming. The next day I was zombified and could barely function. I also found I was chewing the inside of my lips so much that they bled. I actually felt more anxious and stressed but I couldn't get the words out to say so.

    Perhaps I had particularly bad effects, but nothing would induce me to take the stuff again.
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    steveh31steveh31 Posts: 13,516
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    I've been given this by the GP, but looking online I'm not sure it's right for me at all. It's supposed to be good for anxiety although that's not really my problem. Apparently it makes you really sleepy. Since I'd told the GP I had sleep issues with citalopram maybe it makes sense to give me one where there won't likely be sleep problems. But I'm sleeping fine at the moment, I've been off citalopram for a year. To be honest I've felt rather better the last couple of days having started taking vitamin D again. Maybe I should wait a few days before trying mirtazapine?
    Mirtzapine has barely any side effects compared to SSRI's, I had head zaps but they disappeared after a few days, Mirtzapine is a weird drug the lower the dose the more it makes you sleep they higher the dose the more it is for anxiety.

    I took it for sleep but have anxiety I had 15mg which made me sleep but the higher I got the more it made my anxiety worse so I didn't progress past 30mg.

    If you want a tablet that has few side effects it is the one but you have to be prepared to get it in your system.

    Make sure you start low and progress slowly.
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    Keren-HappuchKeren-Happuch Posts: 2,171
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    15mgs did absolutely nothing for me for sleep. I was very drowsy the first few days but that quickly wore off. It took me hours to get to sleep, plus I had bad dreams virtually every night but I was withdrawing off another AD at the same time so I'm sure it was a combination of the two together.

    I've been on mirtazapine 8 weeks now, 2 weeks at 45mgs which as far as I'm aware is the highest dose a GP can give you. My sleep is much better although I've noticed I'm starting to struggle to get to sleep again a bit. My mood is still a bit up and down but I seem to be functioning normally and I'm not crying all the time like I was on 15mgs, so I think they're working. I've read reviews online where people have said it's the best AD they've ever taken and others have said it did nothing for them so it's really individual. It's worth giving it a go but expect to feel worse before you get better (although that's happened to me with every AD I've been on so I don't think that's unique to mirtazapine).

    There's one thing you need to be careful of though - it is very common for it to act as an appetite stimulant, particularly for carbs and sugar so if you have a sweet tooth you'll need to watch your diet. There are lots of horror stories out there of people putting on 3 stone in 2 weeks but don't let that put you off. I've put on half a stone in 8 weeks which I don't think is too bad, and I'd lost a lot of weight before I started so really I've just put a bit back on. You may feel very hungry to start with, I did, but as long as you're sensible it shouldn't be a problem. And if it is, well you can always come off it..
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    Compton_scatterCompton_scatter Posts: 2,711
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    I was on the max 45 mg a day for about 8 months and I found them hopeless for depression, but they do help with sleep and can also increase your appetite. Also unlike SSRIs, they do not affect libido.
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    SirMickTravisSirMickTravis Posts: 2,607
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    I'm 5'7 and under 9 stone so a bit of weight gain wouldn't be a problem. Recently I've lacked the motivation to eat dinner sometimes. Hunger pangs won't necessarily get me eating lots. We shall see. I saw someone say that it wasn't good for melancholic depression. I don't know exactly what that is.
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    Stewie_CStewie_C Posts: 1,739
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    I found the induced sleep a bit of a pain TBH. I had to take it 9pm as I'd sleep solidly for 8 hours then take another 4 hours for the effects to fully wear off and being zombified at work wasn't good. I'm now on Sertraline and that doesn't have any effects, and works well for me. I can't say if it helped my depression or not as I was too out of it to tell.
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    scotchscotch Posts: 10,694
    Forum Member
    Max of 45mg a day?

    I'm on 400mg at night.

    I've been on them for years - I lost my hearing, though Drs thougt they could get it back. I'm still having treatment for hearing just now.

    I lost job, 2 houses, everything..

    I was, and still am in an awful depression.

    My psychiatrist said when I first got them they woiuld make me gain weight if I didn't try and control appetite- they made me crave food and I put on 4 stone.

    However they no longer make me crave food though I'm still overweight.
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    kiviraatkiviraat Posts: 4,634
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    scotch wrote: »
    Max of 45mg a day?

    I'm on 400mg at night.

    I've been on them for years - I lost my hearing, though Drs thougt they could get it back. I'm still having treatment for hearing just now.

    I lost job, 2 houses, everything..

    I was, and still am in an awful depression.

    My psychiatrist said when I first got them they woiuld make me gain weight if I didn't try and control appetite- they made me crave food and I put on 4 stone.

    However they no longer make me crave food though I'm still overweight.

    That's almost ten times the maximum recommended dose. I've never heard of someone on such a dose.

    I was on it years back but it didn't really have any effect so switched to something else. Mr Kivi had a better appetite when he was on it.
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    scotchscotch Posts: 10,694
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    kiviraat wrote: »
    That's almost ten times the maximum recommended dose. I've never heard of someone on such a dose.

    I was on it years back but it didn't really have any effect so switched to something else. Mr Kivi had a better appetite when he was on it.

    Just checked, incase I was wrong lol, but no it's 400mg.

    Ive just tak them along with 200mg quietiapine though I take another 300 throughout the day.

    Just taken 10mg valium - all prescribed.

    I didn't start as high as this but went up in stages.

    I was, and sil am v depressed. These help me while I still have oerations on my ears to try and get hearing back.

    The quietiqapine, although an anti psychcotic, in the doesage I'm on it's for sever depression.
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    Bex_123Bex_123 Posts: 10,783
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    I was given 15mg tablets a couple of weeks back as my anxiety was very bad. I already take Escitalopram. Unfortunately they made me so groggy I had to take two days off and as I am on a University placement that really isn't ideal right now (any absence needs to be made up in the future and it would just pile up). I would certainly recommend giving them a try though, I know people who say they have helped massively and you do get used to them fairly quickly.
    scotch wrote: »
    Max of 45mg a day?

    I'm on 400mg at night.

    That is an incredibly high dose...! Are you sure?!

    Having a quick read it says that 45mg is the maximum although some doses as high as 120mg have been trialled. 400mg really is huge. Are you sure you aren't on something that sounds very similar?
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    scotchscotch Posts: 10,694
    Forum Member
    kiviraat wrote: »
    That's almost ten times the maximum recommended dose. I've never heard of someone on such a dose.

    I was on it years back but it didn't really have any effect so switched to something else. Mr Kivi had a better appetite when he was on it.

    Oh Jeeze, very sorry.

    Please ignore all my thoughts about mirtazapine - It's trazadone I take...

    I used to take mirtazapine, apologise.
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    Bex_123Bex_123 Posts: 10,783
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    scotch wrote: »
    Oh Jeeze, very sorry.

    Please ignore all my thoughts about mirtazapine - It's trazadone I take...

    I used to take mirtazapine, apologise.

    Phew! :D
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 32,379
    Forum Member
    15mgs did absolutely nothing for me for sleep. I was very drowsy the first few days but that quickly wore off. It took me hours to get to sleep, plus I had bad dreams virtually every night but I was withdrawing off another AD at the same time so I'm sure it was a combination of the two together.

    I've been on mirtazapine 8 weeks now, 2 weeks at 45mgs which as far as I'm aware is the highest dose a GP can give you. My sleep is much better although I've noticed I'm starting to struggle to get to sleep again a bit. My mood is still a bit up and down but I seem to be functioning normally and I'm not crying all the time like I was on 15mgs, so I think they're working. I've read reviews online where people have said it's the best AD they've ever taken and others have said it did nothing for them so it's really individual. It's worth giving it a go but expect to feel worse before you get better (although that's happened to me with every AD I've been on so I don't think that's unique to mirtazapine).

    There's one thing you need to be careful of though - it is very common for it to act as an appetite stimulant, particularly for carbs and sugar so if you have a sweet tooth you'll need to watch your diet. There are lots of horror stories out there of people putting on 3 stone in 2 weeks but don't let that put you off. I've put on half a stone in 8 weeks which I don't think is too bad, and I'd lost a lot of weight before I started so really I've just put a bit back on. You may feel very hungry to start with, I did, but as long as you're sensible it shouldn't be a problem. And if it is, well you can always come off it..

    That's why I take it. To help me sleep and eat. I eat like a mouse and have lost more than a stone in the last 12 months.

    The drug has improved my appetite.
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    Bex_123Bex_123 Posts: 10,783
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    woodbush wrote: »
    That's why I take it. To help me sleep and eat. I eat like a mouse and have lost more than a stone in the last 12 months.

    The drug has improved my appetite.

    Glad to hear it's helped you Woodbush :)

    I have the opposite problem, I can already get quite sleepy and I've put on 3 stone with other medication. I was considering trying the Mirtazapine over the Christmas break when I don't have to work but I really don't fancy these side effects :(
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    kiviraatkiviraat Posts: 4,634
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    scotch wrote: »
    Oh Jeeze, very sorry.

    Please ignore all my thoughts about mirtazapine - It's trazadone I take...

    I used to take mirtazapine, apologise.

    Oh thank god! I thought there was a dodgy doctor out there :D I'm on quetiapine as well (ranging from 50-800mg).
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    Bex_123Bex_123 Posts: 10,783
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    kiviraat wrote: »
    Oh thank god! I thought there was a dodgy doctor out there :D

    lol I thought this too. I was about to say maybe speak to a pharmacist before taking 400mg again, but then thought well there is obviously a pharmacist there who thinks it's ok :o:D
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    Keren-HappuchKeren-Happuch Posts: 2,171
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    scotch wrote: »
    Oh Jeeze, very sorry.

    Please ignore all my thoughts about mirtazapine - It's trazadone I take...

    I used to take mirtazapine, apologise.

    Haha thank god for that! I was worried that you were overdosing every night and was wondering how on earth you're still alive. :D
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    duffsdadduffsdad Posts: 11,143
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    I put on a stone in a month with it and didn't think ate any different from before. Swapped to sertraline but it makes me feel pretty wired.
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    SirMickTravisSirMickTravis Posts: 2,607
    Forum Member
    I've just taken it. See how long it takes to knock me out.
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