
Emmerdale: Aaron Livesy and Robert Sugden Appreciation Thread



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    Zen LotusZen Lotus Posts: 264
    Forum Member
    They are totally falling for each others :blush:

    It's what I hope :blush: and judging by tonight episode...
    I really didn't expect that talk and that Robert admitted he listen to Aaron, and it's a kind of wonderful thing because Aaron doesn't sugarcoat what he has to say and he took too some bad decisions in the past and so he really "get" Robert and goes right to the heart of the matter. It's good seeing them against a wall but it's just as good seeing them talking
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    KartemStrictlyKartemStrictly Posts: 220
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    Just finished tonight's episode! Wow, so so good! So many scenes and looks between them, they're definitely falling for one another, and you can tell this means more to Robert than just sex.

    And how good did they both look in their suits? :blush:
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    baisbaisbaisbais Posts: 3,852
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    It was so sweet! I do love that they're talking to each other and getting to understand each other - indeed, falling for each other.
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    Lucie_GirardLucie_Girard Posts: 36,092
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    It was Amazing and you can see that they want each others so much:blush:

    The way they kiss is so hot and full of love.:blush:

    I Have a lot of wonderful feelings right now. I love that Robert Did listen to Aaron it means that He value his opinion and that He cares about what Aaron says. They were flirting and Aaron was not so subtle about wanting to Have some private time with him. Aaron is totally falling in love and Robert also.

    I want more i am totally hooked. :blush::blush::blush:
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    black_amaryllisblack_amaryllis Posts: 154
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    Hello guys! :) I'm still high on food and Robron. Last night was pure awesomeness!!! :D:D
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    BcUhTrTyEeRdCUPBcUhTrTyEeRdCUP Posts: 19,189
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    Does anyone have a link to the Emmerdale ep (outside of uk) please:blush::)
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    FrancyFrancy Posts: 10,897
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    Does anyone have a link to the Emmerdale ep (outside of uk) please:blush::)


    or this one, in alternative (but it's shorter, not sure why)
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    BcUhTrTyEeRdCUPBcUhTrTyEeRdCUP Posts: 19,189
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    Francy wrote: »

    or this one, in alternative (but it's shorter, not sure why)

    Thank you
    Was looking hard out then got a hot flush as its so HOT here had to get up to get some iced water and a fan:o
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    AnotherSarahAnotherSarah Posts: 41,912
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    Awwwwwww :blush::blush::blush::blush::blush:

    It's just lovely.

    I think they've said that Danny worked with Ryan in his auditions haven't they? It clearly paid off, their chemistry is fantastic.
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    KartemStrictlyKartemStrictly Posts: 220
    Forum Member

    They.are.so.cute! I love the way Robert says no. I am loving this storyline, and that kiss annoying Katie interrupted!

    http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/soaps/s12/emmerdale/i745475-8/emmerdale-7064-2014-12-26-aaron-meets-robert-will-they-be-able-to-come-to-a-mutually-beneficial-agreement.html#~oZxOhmhp2ubxL1 They meet tonight as Aaron obviously doesn't like seeing Adam disappointed when he tells him Robert won't invest, do we think Robert might get a little jealous at how far Aaron will go to make Adam happy?

    ETA - In relation to the gifs, did anybody see the article on DS the other day about this pairing? The person writing it said how it was like the shippers were writing this storyline, perfect for the fans down to a tee.
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    AnotherSarahAnotherSarah Posts: 41,912
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    ETA - In relation to the gifs, did anybody see the article on DS the other day about this pairing? The person writing it said how it was like the shippers were writing this storyline, perfect for the fans down to a tee.
    Yes, it was interesting. It's funny, if it's really the case that they're giving us this pairing intentionally gif-ready and fic-friendly, I don't actually mind. It feels a world away from contrived couples* being pushed by a show where they have to TELL us about the chemistry and the love. With these two, we can see it and feel it for ourselves.

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    KartemStrictlyKartemStrictly Posts: 220
    Forum Member
    Yes, it was interesting. It's funny, if it's really the case that they're giving us this pairing intentionally gif-ready and fic-friendly, I don't actually mind. It feels a world away from contrived couples* being pushed by a show where they have to TELL us about the chemistry and the love. With these two, we can see it and feel it for ourselves.


    Exactly this is much more exciting to watch:)

    I'm going to have to watch the episode again, until somebody uploads just their bits!
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    baisbaisbaisbais Posts: 3,852
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    My only issue (sorry to be a downer!) is that Aaron doesn't seem to mind at all about being The Other Man (or, Only Man, but you know what I mean.) From his past, I wouldn't have thought he'd be comfortable with cheating.
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    AnotherSarahAnotherSarah Posts: 41,912
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    baisbais wrote: »
    My only issue (sorry to be a downer!) is that Aaron doesn't seem to mind at all about being The Other Man (or, Only Man, but you know what I mean.) From his past, I wouldn't have thought he'd be comfortable with cheating.

    I'm new to the show so I'm not clued up about the backstories of either of them.:blush:
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    BcUhTrTyEeRdCUPBcUhTrTyEeRdCUP Posts: 19,189
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    Watched it OMG loved it
    It had a bit of everything in it so I am well Happy !
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    Zen LotusZen Lotus Posts: 264
    Forum Member
    Oh guys!!! :D I'm still recovering from yesterday perfection, the thing I loved most (besides the kiss of course :blush:) is that every episodes is clearer that Aaron is the only one who really gets Robert. Without condoning Robert's dick moves he understands where Robert is coming from cause he's been there too in the past.
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    Lucie_GirardLucie_Girard Posts: 36,092
    Forum Member
    Exactly this is much more exciting to watch:)

    I'm going to have to watch the episode again, until somebody uploads just their bits!

    You know It's when you Watch them that you could see How This other couple is a joke.:D
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    Zen LotusZen Lotus Posts: 264
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    baisbais wrote: »
    My only issue (sorry to be a downer!) is that Aaron doesn't seem to mind at all about being The Other Man (or, Only Man, but you know what I mean.) From his past, I wouldn't have thought he'd be comfortable with cheating.

    I know what you mean, imo Aaron's behaviour shows that his feelings for Robert runs deeper and stronger than he's ready to admit even with himself.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 45,402
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    Awesome scenes last night.

    As much as I loved the quick kiss and nearly getting caught, I enjoyed the talking scene much, MUCH more. Robert telling Aaron that he listens to him because he talks a lot of sense warmed my little heart, especially after seeing Robert be so cruel and controlling, it was so nice to see him being open for once.

    And regarding Aaron surprisingly being okay with being the other man, personally I don't think it's that much of a stretch because there was a time where Aaron tried blackmail Holly Barton into sleeping with him which I know is different, but he's not above stuff like this. He also tried to kiss Adam when Adam was seeing Scarlett, different circumstances - perhaps, but even so, still remains similar. :blush:
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    AnotherSarahAnotherSarah Posts: 41,912
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    Love makes the most moral of people do things they wouldn't do if they were in their right minds. History is littered with it.:cool:

    And Tezza, yes, the talking scene was fantastic. Aaron behaved in the exact opposite way to a soap cliche. He didn't fly off the handle, he thought it through with emotional intelligence, and they both listened to each other. It was very surprising and satisfying.
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    KartemStrictlyKartemStrictly Posts: 220
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    I think at the moment they're both just secretly happy that they've found somebody who gets them. I think eventually aaron will get bored of being the other man/dirty little secret, but that will be another bridge to cross as this relationship goes further!

    But you can tell they're both developing feelings, they just don't want it to end yet!
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    baisbaisbaisbais Posts: 3,852
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    Zen Lotus wrote: »
    I know what you mean, imo Aaron's behaviour shows that his feelings for Robert runs deeper and stronger than he's ready to admit even with himself.

    I like this interpretation :D More than happy to go with that!!
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    baisbaisbaisbais Posts: 3,852
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    tezzabobs wrote: »
    Awesome scenes last night.

    As much as I loved the quick kiss and nearly getting caught, I enjoyed the talking scene much, MUCH more. Robert telling Aaron that he listens to him because he talks a lot of sense warmed my little heart, especially after seeing Robert be so cruel and controlling, it was so nice to see him being open for once.

    Perfectly put! We had to wait MONTHS for a similar heart-to-heart between Aaron and Jackson, so this is very exciting.
    And regarding Aaron surprisingly being okay with being the other man, personally I don't think it's that much of a stretch because there was a time where Aaron tried blackmail Holly Barton into sleeping with him which I know is different, but he's not above stuff like this. He also tried to kiss Adam when Adam was seeing Scarlett, different circumstances - perhaps, but even so, still remains similar. :blush:

    True. I guess I was just thinking about how he values loyal relationships (whether romantic or otherwise). But I will assume he's just swept away at the mo!
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